#what could carmy bring to PowerPoint night…. im pondering that now
carmyboobear · 3 months
you know what im thinking about rn what made Carmy stop drawing in the first place like yeah he did it for the menu but only coz his little perfectionist ass needs that visual aid to show stuff (he def deals with dyslexia and dyscalculia)
I just looked up what dyscalculia is and I burst out laughing. I’m thinking of the scene in s2 ep1 where he’s budgeting for The Bear on the cardboard pizza (?) box and just does an awful job. You are so right
Interesting thinking about him with dyslexia though… he has so many books in his house that I never considered that, but obvs ppl with dyslexia can still love reading! Would love to hear more thoughts on that. It would make sense since he struggled so much in public schooling actually…….. maybe he didn’t realize he was dyslexic until much later in life?
But YEAH I think he’s way more of a visual and hands on learner. Once he does something once or watches someone do it, it just clicks. I bet that rly showed in his art.
I LOVE carmy’s art, and as an artist when his drawings dropped in s2…. Oh I was absolutely giddy. His talent! He’s an artist through and through!! I can totally see him doodling on the edges of his school work.
But ANYWAY like you were saying abt him drawing for the menu—he has a hard time with words, so of course he can most efficiently express his thoughts through art (and food). It helps him if he has pictures to explain it with.
…So what I’m hearing is that carmy needs to get into making PowerPoints? Yeah? Anyone?
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