#what did izzy say to piss Arya off? iunno probably something about faolin or another dead person
modern-inheritance · 7 months
Modern Inheritance: Spit-take (supershort)
Arya felt her eyebrow twitch involuntarily as her mother reached for her mug of tea, for all intents and purposes looking oblivious to the slight she had dealt. They both knew, though, that the comment was the gentlest the queen could have given, out of line though it was, and completely and utterly intentional.
The younger elf suppressed a sigh. Islanzadí was…trying. She’d give her that much.
…That didn’t mean she had to pull her own punches, though.
“Speaking of family….” Arya picked up her own mug as Islanzadí began to drink, a quiet hum of acknowledgement the only sign that the woman was listening. “It’s a bit late, but Uncle Ki-Ki told me to tell you he said hi.”
Arya didn’t even blink as the queen of the elves, monarch to her entire race, promptly spewed tea a good six feet in what was honestly one of the most impressive spit takes the young elf had seen in her century on this earth.
“He also said some other things, but I don’t think I should repeat them in polite company.” Arya muttered into the rim of her mug. Beside her Islanzadí sputtered and coughed, eyes so wide her daughter half wondered if they would fall out of her damn head. “Did you really believe Brom killed him, alone, in single combat? Please.” 
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