#what did you expect from the sadistic serialkiller
chuuyanaurkahara · 2 years
what if murderkitten sees the god fuckin damnit au?
"Y-you're not gonna uhm-... do this too, a-are you?"
"I would never." (he would. he even considered it occasionally)
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psychosistr · 5 years
Interesting- Jotakak SerialKiller!AU Chapter 4
Summary: Kakyoin shows Jotaro a side of himself that few people ever expect. In return, he sees a side of his boyfriend that he never would have expected...
Warning: There is some mild violence against a background character in this chapter. Also, mild warning for language and some referenced lemon-action that isn’t posted in this version.
Edit: Here’s the uncensored version on AO3
Everything finally came to a head one day at school. Kakyoin had been sent out to retrieve some worksheets the teacher forgot in his office that he would need for his next class. Jotaro had volunteered to go with him, but the teacher told him to sit down and stop trying to get out of class since Kakyoin could certainly handle a stack of papers on his own. Kakyoin wouldn’t have minded the company, though- having Jotaro around was still fun and far more interesting than being alone or dealing with any of his classmates, even with his change in behavior.
Kakyoin retrieved the worksheets easily enough and began making his way back to class. A few problems arose, however, in the form of six male students skipping class and smoking in the stair well. They had the style of typical Japanese high school delinquents with scars and badly cut and/or dyed hair, but Kakyoin wasn’t impressed or intimidated by boys like them.
Kakyoin attempted to slip through an opening between them to get up the stairs. “Pardon me.” One of the boys who had been leaning with his back against the wall decided to stick his leg out and block Kakyoin’s path by planting it firmly against the railing in front of him. Kakyoin looked at him, feeling bored and irritated by such a childish attempt at intimidation. “Did you need something?”
The boy in question smirked and lowered his leg, moving to stand directly in Kakyoin’s path and block his way up the stairs with his full body. “Yeah.” He leaned into Kakyoin’s personal space, far too close for Kakyoin’s comfort. “Those sunglasses. They seem pretty cool. Hand ‘em over.”
Kakyoin sighed, feeling even more irritated and leaning back slightly to avoid smelling the cheap tobacco of whatever brand of cigarette the boy had been smoking. “Sorry, but they’re prescription. Even if I did give them to you, it would just make you dizzy and cause you to stumble around like even more of a fool than you already are. Now, kindly get out of my way- my teacher is waiting for me to return with these papers.”
The boy’s eyebrow twitched as his face turned into an angry snarl. “The hell’d you just say to me?”
Kakyoin rolled his eyes under his sunglasses, scowling at the idiot blocking his path. “I said you would look more foolish with these sunglasses and to ‘kindly get out of my way’. Or, in terms you would understand- ‘get the hell out of my way before I make you cry like a bitch in front of your friends’. Are we clear?”
The boy looked positively furious as he grabbed the front of Kakyoin’s shirt tightly in his fist. “Oho, you think you’re a tough guy, huh?!”
One of the boy’s friends glanced around. “Dude, you should be careful- that’s the guy that’s always hangin’ around Kujo from class 2B!”
He looked over Kakyoin’s shoulder at his friend. “Why the fuck should I be worried about that prick?! You think I’m afraid of him?! I could kick his fuckin’ gaijin ass and slap this bitch in front of hi-!” He never got a chance to finish his sentence, as Kakyoin’s unoccupied hand had curled into a fist and slammed into his nose, effectively silencing him and forcing him to stumble back to fall on the stairs and release Kakyoin’s shirt. “?!!”
The other guys got up from their various relaxed positions and looked at their friend’s bloody face. “Asahi-kun?!”
Kakyoin ignored them and set the papers down on a higher up step so that they were out of the way. After the stack of worksheets was out of harm’s way, he cracked his knuckles and glared down at the punk lying beneath him. He was positively livid.
“You could have just let me walk by. That would have been the end of it.” He grabbed the boy by the front of his shirt, parodying what had been done to him earlier. “But, I’m afraid you’ve made three poor choices just now. Shall we go over them?” He placed his free hand over the boy’s already damaged nose and gripped it firmly. “Mistake number one: You grabbed me without my permission.” He used his grip on the boy’s nose to further snap it out of shape, utilizing the break in the cartilage he’d made earlier.
The boy let out a loud yelp of pain. “GYAAAAHH!”
Kakyoin shifted his weight onto one foot while raising the other over the boy’s foot, which was positioned over a gap in the stairs. “Mistake number two: You called me a bitch, and I am NO ONE’S bitch.” He stomped down with a chilling crunch, breaking the boy’s ankle and making his foot twist around to face the wrong way.
The boy screamed that time, the sound echoing off of the walls. “AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!”
“Asahi-kun!” One of his friends yelled and made a move to grab Kakyoin. “Get the fuck off of him, you bast-!” He stopped and froze when Kakyoin’s free hand produced a green-handled butterfly flick blade and easily snapped it open. Without a word, Kakyoin stabbed the closest boy in the leg as a warning to the others to stay away, the boys scrambling to catch their injured friend before he fell down the stairs and broke anything. “!!!”
Kakyoin smirked and looked back down at his main target, looming over the bleeding and crying boy beneath him. “Your third mistake, however, was the worst one of all..if not for that one, I may have let you off with a warning..” He brought the knife down to press against the boy’s cheek, the blade perfectly sharp and already causing a bead of blood to slip out of a shallow cut. “Do you know what that mistake was?” He could hear the sound of footsteps in the distance, probably onlookers drawn by the scream earlier.
The boy tried to shake his head, but he whimpered when the action made the knife cut him again. “P-Please, just-just let me go!”
Kakyoin ignored him and positioned the knife where he wanted it to start cutting properly. “Mistake number three…” He started pressing the knife in through the pliant flesh of the punk’s cheek, his voice low and dangerous. “You insulted my BOYFRIEND. That was a very STUPID thing to do. I think the responsible thing to do here would be to let everyone know what an idiot you are, don’t you agree?”
The screaming and begging from the boy was music to Kakyoin’s ears as he began carving into his face. He released the boy’s shirt to instead grip his head, holding it firmly in place so the lines would come out straight. By the time he was finished, the boy’s tears were mixing beautifully with the blood and making him scream louder from the fresh pain of the salty tears getting into his open wounds.
Kakyoin eventually released him to look over his handiwork, pleased with how it turned out. The message was simple and straightforward, the characters for “baka” (meaning idiot/fool) were outlined with a crooked heart that cut partially into his lower eyelid and the corner of his mouth. All that was left was to sign it-
“Nori..?” He heard the deep voice of his boyfriend above him and looked up. He spotted Jotaro half a flight up the stairs, looking down at him with the widest eyes Kakyoin had ever seen on his face. He looked shocked, but not horrified at all.
Kakyoin smiled up at him sweetly, waving with the hand holding the bloody knife casually. “Ah, hey, Jojo. I’ll be with you in just a moment- I’m almost done.” He leaned down to the boy with a terrifying, sadistic smirk. “Looks like you got lucky- I’d rather go spend time with my boyfriend than finish dealing with you. Just one more thing before I go, though.” He pressed the blade to the boy’s throat, feeling the quivering of his adam’s apple under the blade as it drew a thin line across his throat in warning. “If you or your little friends ever start anything with me again, say anything negative about my boyfriend, or if anyone else finds out about what happened today..my face will be the last thing that ANY of you will get to see in this world. Are we clear?” When the boy only whimpered in response, Kakyoin pressed the knife in a bit deeper. “ARE WE CLEAR?” He asked more firmly.
“Yes! Yes, we are! Yes!” The boy answered frantically, sobbing out loud.
“Good.” Kakyoin smiled and stood up straight. He grabbed the boy’s sleeve and used it to wipe the blood off of his knife before pocketing it again and going to retrieve the stack of papers from earlier. He walked up the stairs to where Jotaro was waiting for him and gave him that same sweet smile from earlier. “I think I’ll leave these outside of the classroom so we can go talk. Sound good?”
“…Mh…” Was the grunted answer he received as the two made their way up to the classroom.
After leaving the papers outside of the door and knocking to let the teacher know they were there, Kakyoin followed Jotaro to an empty classroom on the far side of the building. Once they were both inside, Jotaro shut and locked the door before finally turning to look at Kakyoin.
“What was that about?” Jotaro asked as he watched Kakyoin sit casually on top of the teacher’s desk.
“Oh, nothing to worry about. We simply had a disagreement and I resolved it.” Kakyoin said while leaning his weight back onto his hands.
“Uh huh.” Jotaro walked up to him, looking down at Kakyoin with an unreadably neutral expression. “And did this ‘disagreement’ involve me?”
Kakyoin tilted his head to the side, bringing a finger to his chin in a mock-thoughtful gesture. “Weeeell..not originally, no..but your name did come up in an unflattering way. It’s fine, though. Like I said- I resolved it.”
“With a knife?” Jotaro questioned.
“It was effective.” Kakyoin said while shrugging, looking up at his boyfriend. “Does that bother you?”
“Yeah…but not like that…” He replied.
Kakyoin was confused about what Jotaro meant by that until he suddenly found himself being pressed back into the desk with 195 centimeters of height and 82 kilograms of pure muscle on top of him while familiar lips firmly pressed against his own.
Kakyoin was a bit surprised, to say the least. Even with Jotaro’s shift in behavior lately, the most they’d ever done at school were light kisses when no one was around and walking with Jotaro’s arm around him. Now, though, they were full on making-out on a teacher’s desk with Jotaro’s tongue already finding its way into his mouth. It was a welcome change of pace, though, and Kakyoin soon found himself enjoying the deep, passionate kiss that Jotaro was giving him.
Jotaro’s hands began to slide around Kakyoin’s body, one stroking along his side and the other squeezing his thigh. “Mhh..Nori..” Jotaro panted against Kakyoin’s lips when they finally broke for air, but he quickly dove back down to bite and kiss at Kakyoin’s neck. “Fuck..you’re hot..”
Kakyoin sighed and tilted his head, giving his boyfriend more room. “Hmhh..good to know you won’t get turned off by those little displays..” He unbuttoned the top of his uniform shirt enough that Jotaro could pull it aside and bite further down his neck, wringing a low moan out of Kakyoin from the eager attention.
Jotaro sucked a deep bruise in a spot that would be hidden by Kakyoin’s shirts later before speaking again. “Does that happen a lot?”
Kakyoin shrugged with his opposite shoulder to avoid bumping Jotaro in the face. “Sometimes. There are a few things I don’t tolerate: People calling me anything effeminate. People touching me without my permission. And..” He laced his fingers through Jotaro’s hair in a soothing, affectionate gesture. “People insulting or threatening someone I care about.”
“……” Jotaro was quiet and still for a moment. Kakyoin was fine with that, he just continued running his fingers through Jotaro’s dark locks. Finally, he moved his head back up to look Kakyoin in the eyes. “Do I have permission to touch you?” The I really want to touch you was left unsaid, but Kakyoin picked up on it nonetheless.
“Jojo…” With a quiet chuckle, Kakyoin carefully removed Jotaro’s signature hat from his head. He enjoyed the way the larger boy’s ears turned a little red and he averted his eyes- he hated feeling defenseless and open, but he clearly trusted Kakyoin enough that he didn’t even try to get his hat back. Kakyoin set the hat aside and brought his hands up to cup the sides of Jotaro’s face while looking him in the eyes. “How do you want to touch me? Depending on your answer, I may say yes.”
There was no hesitation when Jotaro replied. “I want to worship you.”
A shiver ran down Kakyoin’s spine at the conviction with which Jotaro spoke. The serious look in his eyes, despite the dusting of red along his ears, was almost intoxicating. “Jotaro…” Kakyoin’s smile turned into a teasing smirk as he laid himself out appealingly on the desk. “That was the right answer. You have my permission.”
“That..That was..incredible, Jojo..” He smiled down at his boyfriend with a little less sadism this time, more joking rather than serious now that he was caught in his post-orgasmic afterglow. “I never thought you’d be that good..have you actually done this before? Do I need to be jealous?”
“No.” Jotaro replied, his voice a bit raspy from the serious fucking that his throat just endured. “You’re the only one.”
“Good.” Kakyoin petted his boyfriend’s head, stroking the mess he’d made of his hair into a slightly better shape. “Would you like me to return the favor?”
Jotaro closed his eyes and leaned into Kakyoin’s touch. “Hm..don’t need to..”
Kakyoin was about to say that he really didn’t mind (even if he may not be as good as Jotaro at it), when he sat up a bit more and looked down. He saw that, at some point, Jotaro had slipped his cock out of his pants and it was now softening just like Kakyoin’s own. He also noticed a splash of white on the teacher’s desk in front of Jotaro’s lap…
“Did..Did you..” Kakyoin blinked, looking both surprised and confused. Jotaro’s hands had been on him nearly the entire time, there was no way he’d been touching himself. So..that meant.. “Did you just..cum from sucking me off..?”
“……” Jotaro tilted his head down slightly, the tips of his ears a little red but his expression otherwise as calm and stoic as ever “..It was hot…”
“………” Kakyoin stared silently for a moment before his face split into a big grin and he climbed off of the desk, right into his surprised boyfriend’s lap. Kakyoin then cupped Jotaro’s cheeks in his hands and forced him to lift his head again so he could kiss him on the lips.
“…?” Jotaro was surprised at first, but he seemed unable to deny Kakyoin anything and was soon kissing him back.
The kiss was tender and loving, filled with warmth and adoration that contrasted starkly with the fact that Kakyoin was still naked (aside from the shirt barely hanging onto his elbows) and there was cum drying on the desk directly behind him. They stayed like that for a while, taking their time kissing and making out and just being close to one another.
Kakyoin was the one to end the kiss just as he had started it, smiling at Jotaro and stroking his cheeks with his thumbs. “I’m so glad you’re mine- you really are perfect for me. I’m very lucky.” He kissed the corner of Jotaro’s mouth sweetly and gazed at him.
Jotaro looked away, unable to meet the sincerity and adoration in Kakyoin’s eyes. “……” He didn’t say anything back, but the look in his eyes and the way he quietly squeezed Kakyoin’s hand said everything:
“I’m lucky to have you.”
“I don’t want you to ever leave me.”
“I love you.”
Kakyoin squeezed Jotaro’s hand back to return every sentiment that remained unspoken, happy to simply have the other boy by his side.
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-From the Beginning-
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