#what did you think i was gonna say nonbinary? nonbinary isnt a third gender it's a lack of gender. get nachod idiot.
bimbo: attractive ditsy kind woman
himbo: attractive ditsy kind man
limbo: attractive ditsy kind demonic criptid
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transmeds · 2 years
I saw your blog and felt like explaining my own view on gender and see your own! I’m not trying to debate so pls don’t get upset, I just want to learn more about tucute/transmed discourse since I’ve been out of the loop for a long time!
I personally believe that gender and biological sex are unrelated and although gender was based on sex, it has grown far beyond that. One’s own experience with gender is different from everyone else’s. Yes, people may have similar views, but one’s one gender experience is unique and only they can determine how they identify.
nobody can tell others how to identify or what’s a “valid” identity. Trying to make rules and specific meanings for something that was constructed by people and has such a loose meaning is impossible and there’s no all-inclusive definition.
pronouns ≠ gender, pronouns are a form of self expression/presentation
neopronouns and xenogenders are just highly specific and unusual ways of identifying one’s self. It’s a form of being non binary. They just describe gender experiences. That’s it. People don’t genuinely think they’re a dog or a galaxy or whatever.
being nonbinary isn’t a third gender, it’s not being entirely male or entirely female. You can be male aligned nonbinary and female aligned non binary because you don’t identify with the binary 100%
sorry if that was a lot, I just had a lot to say! Lol.
see when you describe gender as some vague concept that is a rainbow n different from everyone thats immediately bullshit because... what does that even mean?? you didn't give me an explanation you gave me w definition you would give to a kid because theyre not old enough to understand what you actually meant. unless you truly just dont have a further understanding of what you meant past that.
sure i cant tell anyone how to identify or whatever but i can point out that 99% of the time, all of these stupid genders and things are Just Personalities and making it harder for people who just want to be who they are to exist. there's a reason a shit ton of trans people have started to gravitate back towards transsexual over transgender. because there is a fundamental difference between OUR gender and YOUR gender.
pronouns are NOT A FORM OF SELF EXPRESSION THEYRE A TOOL IN SPEECH TO HELP US SPEAK SMOOTHER AND IDENTIFY THE GENDER OF THE SUBJECT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT. "red isnt a word to describe a color its to describe ur self expression and connection to any color!" no, its to describe the color red.
honestly the whole gender experiences shit is so fucking crazy useless. what the hell is a gender experience? to me gender experiences sounds like how you would get treated because of your gender or at the very least something like do you follow gender roles or not? but to some people apparently its a uniquely personal thing thats unable to be described (often because it isnt real/they know if they did describe they would be told that's.. normal and doesn't make them a different gender) anyways. no theyre not a form of describing unusual ways of identifying or whatever. they're just there for people who dont understand the difference between gender and a personality.
if someone is "not entirely male" they're either not male or not nonbinary you cant be in-between.nonbinary is not binary, so it cant be partially binary. asexual is Not asexual, so it can't be Demisexual. any man who is partially a man but doesn't Relate to other men is still just a man. i was gonna bother saying more n shit but honestly ur message is too long and i don't care anymore.
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