fandomacademy · 2 years
Dragon Training - Lesson 34
Today we'll be covering a magnificent dragon that has incredible flying abilities. Meet the Stormcutter, a large Sharp Class dragon.
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Thanks to the fact they posses not two, but four wings, Stormcutters are fast and strong flyers, and can fly through thunderstorms with little to no trouble. They have incredibly hard scales, allowing them to take substantial hits without much damage and even recover quickly from crash landings. Stormcutters are also able to hide in clouds, and typically posses scale coloration that allow them to blend in with either a clear morning sky, or a clear night one.
Despite not being a Sharp Class dragon, a Stormcutter's senses are on par with those from the Tracker Class.
Stormcutters shoot sustained, tornado-shaped blasts of fire that are powerful enough to ignite an entire house in seconds. And like Monstrous Nightmares, Stormcutters have flammable saliva.
Highly intelligent, Stormcutters can quickly discern friend from foe. They also know how to pick locks with the hooked fore-talons on their wings.
Curious, confident, sweet, and gentle, Stormcutters are easy to train, as long as you offer them respect and are not a threat. They also like to keep to themselves, preferring not to interact with other species of dragons. Most Stormcutters are diurnal, but certain individuals are active during night hours.
Stormcutters are amazing dragons, and many a rider's favorite. Their powerful flying abilities and generally agreeable nature makes them perfect for beginners and experienced trainers alike.
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fandomacademy · 2 years
Dragon Training - Lesson 33
Want a brawler of a dragon? Well take a gander at the Thunderpede, a large Boulder Class dragon that we'll be covering today.
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Thunderpedes have strong forearms, which they use to smash boulders and any enemy that gets in their way. They can even level whole houses by hitting the ground with their fists. However, a major drawback of their heavy-hitting capabilities is that they are unable to tread lightly, as their feet always make loud noises no matter what terrain they walk on.
Thunderpedes are one of the physically strongest dragons, capable of taking on an entire fleet of dragon hunters.
Despite having incredibly small wings compared to its body size, a Thunderpede is able to fly without problem.
Social dragons, Thunderpedes live in groups led by alphas, and communicate through stomping and gesturing with their arms. They sleep in caves on a foam-like substance that keeps their bellies soft, making their abdomens their weak points. However, their soft bellies are also key to befriending them, as Thunderpedes love belly rubs.
All in all, Thunderpedes are perfect for anyone who prefers to get up close and personal with their foes. But if you're hoping to do that through stealth rather than an obvious frontal assault, I'm afraid this isn't the right dragon for you.
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fandomacademy · 2 years
Fanfiction 101 - Lesson 4
In the last two lessons we discussed angst, so to lighten things up a bit today we'll be talking about crack fics.
What is a crack fic? A crack fic is any fanfiction that is so bizarre and unhinged you would think the writer would have to have been on crack to have written it. Because of this, crack fics are often hilarious.
How do I write one? Well there's the best part: it's easy! Your writing doesn't even have to be eloquent, just write something insane, funny, and imaginative. Wanna write a fic where Biden has to fight a turtle to remain in office? Go ham! There aren't really any rules to this one. Even if the contents of your story is serious, as long as the narrator is ridiculous, it should work.
Homework Read Adventures of Y/N by 2salty4snails. Just have fun! No notes necessary. It's only 700 words long but it's a wild ride.
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fandomacademy · 2 years
Languages and Writing Systems - Year 1- Lesson 5
Today we're going to talk about introductions and the proper word order of sentences. Every language has a sentence order or structure. For example, English uses Subject-Verb-Object order, often abbreviated to SVO. Klingon, however, uses OVS order, with adverbs usually going at the start of a sentence, and prepositional phrases going before the object.
As an example, here's how a sentence would be ordered in English versus how it would be ordered in Klingon:
"I hate lima beans" "Lima beans hate I"
Pronouns Jih - I, me Mah - We, us Soh - You (singular) Tihih - You (plural) Ghah - He, she, him, her (Gender is derived from context) Chah - They, them (plural version of ghah) 'oh - It Bih - Its (plural of 'oh) 'e' - That (referring to the previous part of the sentence, like the English conjunction "that". Ex: "They don't know that I'm a furry.") Net - That (same as 'e', except it is used when the two parts of the sentence being connected do not necessarily or obviously go together. It makes the sentence more vague.)
Question Words 'iv - Who Nuq - What Ghorgh - When Nuqdaq - Where Quatlh - Why Chay' - How 'ar - How many, how much
Introduction Phrases (name) 'oh pongwij'e' - My name is (name) Nuq 'oh pongwij'e' - What is your name 'iv soh - Who are you (Note that this is less likely to get you a name as a response. Most people would answer with their title, job, etc.)
Homework Memorize all the introduction phrases and the first eight pronouns, and then try creating simple sentences of your using words from this and last week's lesson.
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fandomacademy · 2 years
Dragon Training - Lesson 32
Did the Boneknapper catch your attention the other day? Want a similar dragon, but with a sturdier set of armor and more of a devil knight aesthetic? Well then meet the Sword Stealer, a Large Mystery Class dragon.
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Sword Stealers have highly magnetic skin that attracts any metal object in their vicinity, which they then uses to create a coat of armor for themselves, much like Boneknappers do with bones.
The color of a Sword Stealer's fire depends on what metal comprises its armor. Some examples include iron making the fire orange, gold making it blue or yellow, and more exotic metals making it purple. Besides this color changing phenomenon, a Sword Stealer's fire is of the average variety.
A large portion of a Sword Stealer's time is spent looking for items to use in their armor. They can often be found raiding armories or battlegrounds before and after skirmishes, stealing weapons, shields, and armor. They can also sniff out veins of metal in the ground.
Much like with Boneknappers, Sword Stealers will warm up to you if you give them something to use in their armor.
Sword Stealers are perfect for anyone who, as mentioned in the intro, wants a sturdier, more metallic version of the Boneknapper. However, if you make this dragon your companion, you'll have to forego any metal accessories or items. This includes gold and silver.
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fandomacademy · 2 years
Dragon Training - Lesson 31
Today we'll be studying the Scuttleclaw, a medium-sized Sharp Class dragon.
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Scuttleclaws are mischievous, hyperactive, and playful, often seeming to have unlimited energy. However, flower fragrances can help calm them down.
For firepower, Scuttleclaws can shoot yellowish-green fireballs. The effects and how hot the fire is has yet to be determined.
Scuttleclaws have cold resistance, allowing them to thrive in colder climates. They are strong, fast, agile, and have high endurance. A baby Scuttleclaw can fly with a human on its without too much trouble. They are also incredibly stealthy, partially thanks to their speed and maneuverability, allowing them to get the drop on their enemies and prey.
Taming a Scuttleclaw is a piece of cake, especially if they're still a juvenile. The real problem is getting them to listen to you fully. It takes a strong hand, patience, and determination. But regardless of whether you can fully train them or not, they won't mind carrying anyone or going in the general direction their rider wants to go, they'll simply ignore smaller or more refined orders.
Want a dragon full of energy and don't care if they're a bit hard to get to follow orders? Then a Scuttleclaw might be perfect for you. They're especially great for beginners as they are very laid-back while still posing a challenge to to help newbies learn how best to go about training a dragon.
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fandomacademy · 2 years
Dragon Training - Lesson 30
Today we'll be covering a relative of the famous Night Fury: the Sand Wraith.
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Being Tidal Class dragons, Sand Wraiths can typically be found on or near beaches. They are semi-aquatic, and can hold their breathes for long periods of time underwater. They're also medium-sized dragons, meaning they can easily carry a human or two on their backs.
Sand Wraiths are feisty, fast and extremely agile. Instead of regular fire, they shoot hardened balls of sand surrounded by weak fire. They are experts at camouflage, burying themselves in the sand to wait for unsuspecting prey, or to avoid getting sunburn as their skin is sensitive to the ultraviolet rays.
If you like the beach, and want a dragon that looks a bit like a Night Fury, Sand Wraiths are perfect you. They're also relatively easy to train, although they have no special hacks like some other dragons do.
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fandomacademy · 2 years
Dragon Training - Lesson 29
Want an EPIC dragon that looks PUNK or GOTH? A companion that mirrors your EDGY persona? Then take a gander at the Boneknapper, a Large, Mystery Class dragon that looks like what would happen if a skeleton and a dragon had a baby.
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Boneknappers have incredibly soft skin. To protect it, they gather bones and use them to create armor for themselves. They are very particular about their armor, and will spend years searching for a bone that fits just right and even put their lives at risk to attain it.
A curious fact of the Boneknappers is that without certain parts of their armor complete, some of their abilities are blocked or hindered, such as their roar. When in possession of a specific sternum bone, they are able to produce a powerful roar than can blow back most nearby objects and be used as a call to attract other Boneknappers.
While a Boneknapper's fire blast is quite large and creates a lot of carbon diozide, it is not very hot.
Boneknappers tend to be solitary and aggressive before their armor is complete, but once they've finished it, they become calm and friendly. When given physical affection, Boneknappers act like puppies, lying on their backs and wagging their tails.
Taming a Boneknapper without a complete set of armor requires helping them finish it, or giving them whatever bone they're searching for currently. A Boneknapper who has finished its life's work will be quiet easy to tame, needing only the usual show of respect and a non-threatening attitude to win it over.
Boneknappers are great for anyone who wants a meticulous, detail-oriented, and strong dragon with high endurance. They also just look cool so if you're here for aesthetics they're perfect for that.
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fandomacademy · 2 years
Dragon Training - Lesson 28
Looking for a feisty dragon with lots of firepower and a love for fighting? Then you're in luck! Today we'll be cover a Large Stoker Class dragon that fits the bill quite nicely. Meet the Monstrous Nightmare!
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Monstrous Nightmares have kerosene gel saliva, which is slimy, highly flammable, and the source of their firepower. It coats their hides, allowing them to spontaneously light any part of their body on fire, and it also burns hotter than normal fire, allowing it to reduce a tree to ash in seconds.
One of the strongest dragons, Monstrous Nightmares are not to be trifled with. They are so strong, in fact, that they can create a wind gust powerful enough to knock other dragons to the ground by beating their wings. Monstrous Nightmares are also powerful fighters, and never back down from a battle or challenge. Although they will flee if they're up against a powerful opponent and realize they can't win.
Monstrous Nightmares are excellent climbers, able to do so on many types of terrain quite quickly. They can also open their mouths wide enough to swallow an adult human whole.
While fast flyers, Monstrous Nightmares are not very agile, and have trouble making tight and speedy turns. They also suck at stealth.
Fearless, proud, and aggressive, Monstrous Nightmares know just how deadly and powerful they are. And they're not afraid to prove it. They're also short on patience, preferring to incinerate first and ask questions later. However they do have a softer side, and will be very caring to their friends, families, and riders. They also enjoy the smell of flowers!
Taming a Monstrous Nightmare is a matter showing it you're not a threat and that you respect and trust it before it tries to kill you. Which is many times easier said than done. But if you need to calm one down, pinning its horns to the ground is the easiest way. DO NOT grab a different part of their body, as they will see that as violence and can easily lash out at you.
Monstrous Nightmares are prefect for anyone who's determined and has a love for battle. Best to be patient and less strict as well, as these dragons are stubborn, disobedient, and easily get distracted. Depending on one's natural talent for taming dragons, Monstrous Nightmares can be handled by beginners, but it is safer to leave them to those with a little more experience.
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fandomacademy · 2 years
Languages and Writing Systems - Year 1 - Lesson 4
Welcome back! I hope you all got a good grasp on Klingon pronunciation last week, because now we'll be moving on to words. Specifically greetings. If you're not sure how something should sound, look back at last week's lesson.
Klingons are very direct and to the point. They don't waste time on small talk, and their greetings reflect this. They also don't have goodbyes. Once you're finished with a conversation, you simply leave.
Greetings Nuqneh - Hello (Literally: "What do you want". Only used when being approached by others.) Qaleghnes - Nice to meet you (Literally: "I am honored to see you". Can also be used as a greeting.) Yl'el - Welcome (Literally: "Come in")
Now, if you want to say greetings like "good morning", you can easily construct those sayings in Klingon. But it's worth noting that actual Klingons do not really use these sayings.
Good (Time of Day) Maj po - Good morning Maj pov - Good afternoon Maj chos - Good evening Maj ram - Good night Ylnajchu - Dream Perfectly (Can also be used as an alternative version of good night.)
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fandomacademy · 2 years
Dragon Training - Lesson 27
Wanna hide and hypnotize people like a cowardly liar cool manipulator? Well then the Changewing, a medium-sized Mystery Class dragon, might be just the right fit for you!
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Changewings are named after their ability to change the color and texture of their scales to match their surroundings. The only body part incapable of changing are their eyes. They use this trick to hide from predators, sneak up on prey, and ambush their enemies. However, their skin is incredibly soft and weak as a side-effect of its color-changing properties.
Changewings periodically shed their skin in strips. Once shed, the skin still retains its camouflage ability, rendering anything underneath it nearly invisible.
Coupled with their camouflage abilities, Changewings are also able to hypnotize creatures with their eyes, with their pupils shrinking into slits and swirling around. Once the link is established, they can command the victim to do anything they wish until they release the victim, or the victim is snapped out of the trance. They can only hypnotize one creature at a time, however, and don't seem to rely on this ability much. Changewings much prefer to use their stealth and venom.
While Changewings have the ability to breathe fire, they almost never use it, instead opting to spit streams of green acid at their enemies. A Changewing's acid is highly corrosive, and will eat through almost any material in seconds, although they are immune to it themselves. The acid is also able to stay intact underwater.
Incredible climbers, Changewings posses long claws that allow them to climb up vertical walls, and even hang upside down. They also have prehensile tails that can lift a human with little to no effort.
Social and team players, Changewings nest in packs inside tall forest habitats, with their packs working much like how lion prides work. The females do the bulk of the hunting, while the males check and defend the pack's territory. Changewings are curious, and love to copy anything new they see.
The best way to train a Changewing is to try and mimic them through noises, movements, or looks, as they'll find it fascinating. Much like women when you give them cheese. You can also save a Changewing's life in order to befriend them, but that's a much harder and less fun route.
Changewings are perfect for anyone who'd like to hide in plain sight, control their enemies to fight for them, and are just as curious as these beautiful dragons.
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fandomacademy · 2 years
Dragon Training - Lesson 26
Do you like bees? Like, really like bees? Wanna RIDE a BEE into GLORIOUS BATTLE? Well the Fireworm, a small Stoker Class dragon, is pretty much a bee in dragon form.
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Like bees, Fireworms live in hives and have a queen. Regular Fireworms are very different from the queens. While normal ones are tiny, around 2 feet long, queens are usually 80 to 90 feet long.
There can only be one queen in a hive, so new Fireworm queens leave and start their own as soon as they're fully grown.
Fireworms make their nests in dark caverns with complex tunnel systems. Fireworm queens seem to do the bulk of the work, making the most firecomb and generally telling the normal ones what to do, as they are far less intelligent than the queens.
Queens will stop at nothing to retrieve stolen firecomb gel. The only way to take it and come out alive is if you use smoke to calm the fireworms down first, much as you would do with bees.
Fireworms almost always travel in large groups consisting of their hive-mates, which makes them incredibly dangerous despite their small size. Some Fireworms, however, leave the nest and live more "normal" lives, only coming back every once in a while to replenish their fire and give some firecomb gel to the hive.
To escape the cold months, Fireworms regularly migrate to warmer climates.
Fire A Fireworm's skin can heat up to extremely hot temperatures that allow it to burn or set aflame almost anything it touches. They also emit light when their skin heats up and can become shockingly bright, which they often use as a beacon to help guide lost Fireworms back to the nest.
Cold weather is uninhabitable for Fireworms, as it sucks out their heat and renders them not only defenseless, but in danger of freezing as well.
Fireworms can combine their fire with that of the Monstrous Nightmare - and possibly other Stoker Class dragons as well - to create a force field-like blast that not only takes down their opponents, but rejuvenates the participants' strength and health.
Venom Fireworms are capable of injecting potent venom into their enemies with their tongues. A queen carries so much venom that they're able to take down an enemy in a single stroke. However, this venom is not poisonous to Stoker Class dragons, instead reigniting their inner fire if they have worn it out.
Honey...but FIRE Regular Fireworms create a wax-like substance called firecomb, which they use to construct their hives. They also make a liquid version, called firecomb gel, which they eat to produce their intense heat and fire power, the queens needing a constant intake to maintain their levels of energy output. They seal firecomb gel within fircomb containers, much like bees do with honey.
Drottning Queens produce a hormonal ooze called "drottning", which is produced from glands under their tongues and fed to female Fireworm larvae to turn them into queens. Drottning causes the female to grow much larger than the average Fireworm, and gain increased strength, the ability to lay eggs and produce drottning of her own, and heightened intelligence. The more drottning a female larva consumes, the larger and more powerful they become.
Training Regular Fireworms are usually only trained as light sources or helpers in mischief. As for queens, they are highly aggressive and protective, making them hard to approach, but once trained they treat their riders as one of their own. Simply show a Fireworm queen that you are gentle, responsible, and pose no threat to their nest, as well as help her with her duties, and she will accept and respect you.
In Conclusion If you want to fight, get a queen, however you will have to deal with a nest at some point in the future. These dragons are best for bee-keepers or bee lovers in general.
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fandomacademy · 2 years
Crime Fighting 101 - Lesson 3
Yes, this lesson is just a video since its hard to tell people how to fight over text.
Homework: What are the differences? Which is more effective? Why? 
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fandomacademy · 2 years
Superhero 101 - Lesson 3
What makes a successful hero?
The long lived “Marvel vs. DC” debate has had people on their toes for decades. A lot of times, they simply look at the plot and effects of the movies. Rarely do they stop to think about the actual makeup of the heroes and their teams.
Here is a list of things that make a successful hero: 
Moral integrity
Homework: Using the list above, compare and contrast Captain America and Batman. Which is the better hero? Are they equal? What makes them different?
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fandomacademy · 2 years
Dragon Training - Lesson 25
We've been covering a lot of spectacular and varied dragons recently. But what if you want a more "normal" kind? One that doesn't specialize in anything? Well, for your consideration, here's a very simple Sharp Class dragon called the Thornridge.
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Thornridges are sweet and kind, but also very shy. They prefer to stay in the background. They are also non-aggressive, and will do their best to avoid conflicts. They will only step up to the plate if their friends, family, or home is in grave danger.
Thornridges breathe the standard yellow fire, and can hold it inside their mouths to illuminate dark spaces.
Thornridges are easy to tame, and are great for beginners who are looking for an easy, non-aggressive, and pretty basic dragon.
(ngl though, if I had to rate them I'd give a 2/10. Maybe as high as a 4/10 because I like how they look. don't look at me like that, I have to cover all the dragons okay. it's in my contract.)
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fandomacademy · 2 years
Dragon Training - Lesson 24
Do you love the deep blue sea? Want to explore it all with a gigantic dragon by your side? Then a Shellfire might be perfect for you!
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Massive Tidal Class dragons, Shellfires abide within the depths of the sea, only rising to the surface every so often. When they do show their face above water, they are often mistaken for landmasses, with sailors and vikings docking on them, only to have the disturbed dragons flee back under the waves, boats in tow.
It is unknown if Shellfires can fly or go on land, although it is believed that while the former is possible, the latter is not, due to their small wings and massive, non-aerodynamic bodies.
Shellfires are covered in a durable, armored carapace that allows them to withstand heavy fire and strong attacks. They also use their carapace to their advantage when attacking in close range, slamming into their enemies with the hardened shell.
For firepower, Shellfires shoot large, plasma-charged boulders in a high trajectory with a range of over a mile. These projectiles can be fired rapidly, whistle as they fly, and explode upon impact. While it has yet to be proven, a Shellfire's blast most likely works underwater as well, considering it is similar to the Night Fury's plasma blasts, which continue to function when submerged.
Shellfires' natural enemies are Submarippers, a species we have yet to touch on in this class.
While not terribly agile due to their size and the constraint of their carapace, Shellfires are extremely fast swimmers, and can go from poking their head above water to the murky depths of the ocean in mere seconds.
When threatened underwater, Shellfires are capable of expelling red algae from their gills to temporarily blind and sicken their attackers.
Shellfires are shy and timid, preferring to avoid most battles. However, when forced to fight, they are mighty foes and should be faced with caution. It is also unknown what the best course of action is for taming one, or if it is even possible.
With their timid nature, perfect hiding place, and unknown tamability, Shellfires present a unique challenge. They are recommended for trainers with some experience who love the ocean. You should probably get yourself a diving suit or other way of breathing underwater before attempting to tame one though.
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fandomacademy · 2 years
Dragon Training - Lesson 23
We've covered the Gronckle, but now it's time to study another medium-sized Boulder Class dragon that is visually reminiscent of the it, and whose name reflects that. The Groncicle.
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Groncicles shoot explosive liquid nitrogen, the temperature of which averages at -320 °F, or-196 °C, allowing them to freeze their victims to death. This gives them the coldest blasts of all dragons. Their skin is also cold enough that they can freeze the water around them while swimming.
To generate their ice breath, Groncicles eat snow, which they also use in tandem with their blasts to create their nests.
While they can survive in warm climates, Groncicles are susceptible to heat and their health declines after prolonged exposure.
Groncicles have curious tastes. Most interestingly, they love smoothies made of arctic gentian, arctic poppy, and pumpkins, a concoction no other creature enjoys.
Groncicles are peaceful, friendly, and generally non-aggressive, as long as they are shown kindness and respect. A lack of these two qualities will quickly find you with a lot of cold, hard trouble on your hands.
If you love the cold, and want a friendly dragon a bit like the Gronckle, a Groncicle is perfect for you! Just you make sure you don't get frostbite while riding one.
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