#what do you mean we didn’t get to see zisheng and shaoshang’s wedding. or their kids. or
be-bi-do-crime · 2 years
finished lltg… my heart is full and empty at the same time
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rxsterek · 2 years
adfjadhsfhjdfjfsdf. Finally, officially, finished Love Like The Galaxy. 1) I am so freaking sad to have finished it. It was amazing. 2) it was absolutely beautiful. From the plot to the characters. Just. Everything about it was so freaking well done. 
Even though I knew there would be a couple break up (because what’s a C Drama without the main couple breaking up at least once) for once I was actually understanding of it and only very mildly annoyed by it. Like everything was just so in character and the reasonings fit. It wasn’t just drama for drama sake. It was drama for the plot and growth of the characters. And it made sense within the plot. I understood why the characters felt the way they did and why Cheng Shaoshang didn’t forgive him for so long. I understood why Huo Buyi did the things he did. It wasn’t a big misunderstanding. It was both of them trying to protect one another and love each other in the ways they knew how. They just weren’t quite at a place in their relationship where those could go together in the circumstance they were in. (Now, that doesn’t mean I’m totally there in line for some fix it fics where they do talk things through and get on the same page before shit hits the fan. But I wasn’t totally mad about it in the story.)
But then the last episodes, all of it finally coming together. A Qi at Cheng Shaoshang’s side helping and doing as she asked, but also there to protect her, following probably Zisheng’s ultimate order which was probably to protect her and keep her safe. Then her entire family running in to help.
And then freaking Wan Qiqi and Cheng Song. I loved the scene in the tent!!! It was so great. The way the Cheng brothers went back and forth and Wan Qiq was like oh yeah? got something to tell me Cheng Song? And A Qi and A Fei there just like watching a tennis match, their eyes bouncing back and forth, and both of their facial expressions through out were just!!! Had me giggling! I loved that you could just see the curiosity on their faces of hey this is Young Madam’s family/these people are about to become Yong Master’s family, we should get to know them.
And of course the emperor’s final scene and Empress Yue closing the doors were just so in character and also a great comical way to end if we weren’t going to get a wedding. Same for the grandmother’s scene.
I just loved how the whole story was told. I also appreciated that by the end I was even rooting for Lou Yao and He Zhaojun and that you could tell they were on their way to a good life together. The writers just did such a great job of weaving the story through the characters and then tying it all together. I love Cheng Shaoshang and Huo Buyi’s love story. I’ll admit I was a little impatient at the beginning. But then episodes 30 - 40 where their love story finally begins to flourish was just so well done. I loved the way Cheng Shaoshang slowly fell in love with him throughout the entire story, while Huo Buyi remained steadfast throughout it all, except for the little blip. But even then, there was no doubt about his feelings for her. I just.. ugh. so great.
Seriously. I’ve watched C Dramas before and enjoyed them and thought they were good. I have my list of dramas that I rewatch or read fanfic over and over. But this one just...it’s probably in my top 2 of all time dramas. I fell in love with the characters (hard not to when the FL is Zhao Lusi I mean. come on. I love everything she’s in.). I fell in love with the story. The cinematography was great and the freaking way colors were used throughout!!!
I loved how any time Huo Buyi got serious or started on the lines of his family revenge, he instantly reverted back to wearing black. Then in episodes 30  - 40 when their relationship is relatively good, he’s in much softer colors, typically colors along the same lines as what Cheng Shaoshang is wearing. Then after his mother/aunt dies and the morning, he’s back to black. Then in the 5 years after, when he’s back in the capital and slowly coming back to himself and moving on, and being his caring self, when he’s not in uniform, we see him in one of his nicer white outfits again, back in the lighter colors. Now Idk if that was something to signify where he was in his emotions, or a tribute of mourning for the empress, but I’m satisfied with it being a little of both. 
But just even the little details like the colors of the clothes, to the way scenes were set up and shot, the way scenes were framed and opened, to the story line and characters. It was all just so well done. At this point... I don’t remember what mutual was reblogging/posting things for LLTG that came on my dash, but I thank you. Cause this will be on my favorites list for a long time. Beautiful story. Well done characters. Just everything about it was so so good. I’m honestly left feeling more happy that I found the series and was able to watch it, than sad it’s over. 
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