#what if puke actually smells like something super appealing to another species
uglynicc · 1 year
Sometimes I wonder what fragrances and perfume marketing would be like in the Mass Effect universe.
Like any sensible company would try and make bank off of customers who wanna increase their chances of getting lucky with other species, no? There would absolutely be fragrances marketed to make yourself "unforgettable to any turian you cross paths with," or "get a krogan's blood raging," even "hanar won't be able to keep their tentacles off you."
I also wonder which scents humans could smell, or if they were only discernable to other species with stronger olfactory, so humans just have to assume they didn't just buy expensive, odourless water, or that they aren't victim of a scam that actually has you spritzing Vorcha BO behind your ears.
I also spend too much time wondering what kind of human scents would be appealing to other races, like would turians lose their absolute shit if you smelled like cinnamon? Would spilling coffee on yourself somehow make you irresistible to asari? What if Krogan really liked the smell of bubblegum?
Also which species sweat, and what does their sweat sme-
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