#what if you shed a lot??? do you just keep eating fingerfood???
mamamittens · 2 years
So, after struggling, I have reminded myself that I actually suck at drawing faces that aren't human, so anyone that wants a picture of Bandit will have to just suck it or do something about it.
But while I'm at it, does anyone understand Minks? Like... How much of them is covered in fur? It's hard to tell cause of the style, but sometimes it seems like they have fur all over as standard, but others they're drawn just like humans with animal faces.
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And I thought I might have had an idea if I looked at their hands but... It's just another confusing layer.
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See, he has markings that look like paw pads but his hand is undeniably drawn like a human hand with claws. And there's no real distinction for where the actual palm/flesh is and where the fur ends if it ever started.
So this kind of implies that either the fur is all over just really fucking short (which would uh... Be very weird to have all over) or we're looking mostly at skin with fur the same color growing in certain places like the chin/tuft areas. It would at least explain why they're mostly really smooth looking. Idk if you know this, but short fur would be a lot like if you got a buzz cut unless it was really thick and plush, which is kinda like what seals have actually. But they're only smooth when wet.
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And wearing any clothes would be weird with this kind of fur all over because it would constantly be catching in and off of the layers you wear, especially skin tight. Shedding would also be a whole other issue in itself.
But if you look, they tend to have fur like marking around their face, which makes sense. Humans naturally have peach fuzz all over, especially on their face where hair would grow more on men. It is a little weird to think the 'skin' matches what we can tell is fur, assuming that is the case at all. This isn't even really touching how close to human they are aside from key animal features.
Oh! And considering their human characteristics, there really shouldn't be any hair or fur on their palms, or the bottom of their feet for that matter. Most animals have smooth scales/skin where they have contact with the ground the most. Or if they use their paws/hands those tend to lose hair too. Not %100 why, tbh, but it's probably because it would mess with grip strength. Hair and fur really mess with traction, especially when it's dirty or oily. Hard to run away or break open fruit if you can't hold on after all.
If I had to guess, it depends on the Mink how much of their body is covered in fur. Bepo is obviously mostly fur (he doesn't even have hair like most others do) while Carrot looks like a really pale human with a rabbit head.
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But as a rule, they usually just have obvious fur around their face and other distinct animal features. The rest of the time they might as well just have human skin with unusual coloring. Which is still weird to consider but what can you do?
They're literally a race of Furries. Idk what I was expecting.
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