#what is childhood? what is the media i consumed?
love-the-escape · 2 months
i spent the weekend watching someone retell me the plot to the first 3 books in the tmi series. and being like woah what the fuck i forgot how insane these were.
like truly how did i read this as a 12 yr old?
then someone in the comments was like oh this author sucks b/c the only queer relationship is between a teenager and an adult immortal and i was like huh. i did not understand that as a child. i def do now. definitely comprehend. and they recommended a video by a different creator.
so then i had to watch the 3 part series which lead me down a rabbit hole to how bad the old live journal hp fandom were. and like i remember live journal. i used to read stuff there because my cousin got me into fanfic and we didn’t have unlimited internet until i was in high school so no youtube. and like wow did it remind me of all the old drama i heard about back then. anyways it was very informative, and interesting.
but now i’m like do i go back to watch the final vid about the last 3 books in tmi? because boy do i remember what happens and i remember finishing the last book and going “yeah like that was better then 4th/5th but still not worth all the time to get there”?
also because of all this i found a new creator who i’ve now binged their fw deep dive. which was so fucking funny 🤣 (and validating!!!!)
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