#what makes this different from abyss lumine is that its traveler lumine getting affected by festering desire/ gods' wrath
scifur · 10 months
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old au has come back to haunt me + some random scrlmis
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lava-8888 · 2 months
Apep's Everamber and the Abyss Sibling
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I found the description interesting.
The insect frozen in time in the amber is our sibling. And we know that our sibling is not a descender, because if they were, they would, probably, be the third. And the third descender is already dead.
And from Rene’s notes, we know that not every outlander can be considered a descender, only those whose will can rival an entire world’s. So, that means our sibling is affected by whatever “laws” Teyvat and its gods have. (and we can bypass them, I am guessing)
You can see it in the opening trailer itself.
The character that the player chooses is the Descender, someone who can’t be trapped inside Teyvat’s “principles”. When the sustainer of Heavenly Principles is sealing the player, you can see for a millisecond that she is actually surprised by the outcome. Whatever she was planning to do, didn’t work exactly.
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And we now know why she was surprised. Because unlike the sibling, the player is a descender.
But the sibling is not so lucky and is easily trapped by the Sustainer, before we got trapped.
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Suddenly, the sibling is now trapped in this world and affected by its “laws”. Their destiny is now sealed.
This is why the player is so surprised when the sibling starts spouting destiny bullshit.
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All the Traveler wants to do is leave. And the sibling wants to do it as well, but after the laws of Teyvat have fallen. He really cannot leave physically, because he is suddenly deemed a part of this world after the opening cutscene. Because remember, the sibling was also trying to get out the fuck out at the beginning of the game, but after that incident- his fate is now trapped here.
I think my interpretation above can be pretty true more or less, but now the paragraphs below are more speculative. Theory time!
Going back to the item, Everamber.If the insect trapped inside the amber is indeed referring to the sibling, then we get some interesting information.
“The world you once knew is but dust, and the wonders you knew but rubble. Though you should have your own world, and your own people — lamenting what is already lost…”-K · K
Lumine’s official description on Facebook
Aether and Lumine get different descriptions officially. Aether’s introduction is more leaning towards setting foot on a new world and being welcomed in it, while Lumine’s introduction is…this. We see that in the official storyline, Lumine is the abyss sibling and Aether is the Traveler. Maybe this was hoyo’s hint regarding the sibling’s story and future role?
 I know there’s a popular theory that the siblings were originally from Teyvat, and this theory can still hold true to this day. After the aliens defeated the Dragons, they established a new “order”. Meaning Teyvat now worked on new natural laws and ecosystem. This means that the siblings can be a part of the old Teyvat, and be considered an outsider at the same time.
 According to the Everamber description, in order to survive against all odds, the insect had to be trapped inside the amber. This would imply that for the sibling not being a descender and (forcefully) abiding by the laws of Teyvat is, in a way, a survival tactic.
Maybe being trapped in Teyvat’s laws was something that had to be done, for the sibling to survive to this day. If this theory holds true, then it makes the Sustainer’s action seem kinder in a way, it gives her a reason to stop them from leaving Teyvat.
The text below is even more speculative.
Going back to the description of Everamber- the text makes it seem like the insect is highly insignificant in comparison to the big tree. The tree happened to catch one of the insects, whereas for the insect- this was where its fate was forever sealed.
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The point is that narratively, if you look at the twins this way, they really seem like two insects who were cluelessly flying around in space, and one got trapped in the tree, sealing it’s future of being frozen in time there forever. Okay, Apep’s Everamber is about the sibling!!
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