#what the helll is their ship name
thedo0zyslider · 10 months
But I Know We'll Meet Again (Some Sunny Day) - 3k words
Martyn is not from this world, or any world he visits. But there is one man who is from all of those, one man he meets every time. One man he can't leave without, but has to learn how to again.
A03 Link
Martyn is a rat, but he has not always been a rat. Today is his last day as one, and he never expected to be given such a perfect opportunity to leave, or for it to hurt as much as it’s going to. As confusing as that all is, he is soon going to be a human again. And a large part of him doesn't want to be. But it is a part of his mission, a part of his one goal, so he must. His wants seem to not matter in this situation, and yeah, that might be a little frustrating at times. And by “at times” he means right now, and he stands in the cold snow, a little ways away from the others.  
He can see the other rats just a foot or so ahead, all cluttered around each other for the most part. A few, like Oli and Tubbo, are off to the side a little, but for the most part they are all together. The ones that made it anyways, for none of them have any idea where Lizzie and Shelby have gone. Martyn’s heart aches for them for a second, worries over if they’re okay and if they’re alive. Lizzie did get shot with that crossbow after all. 
Martyn knows he should get to leaving soon, before they notice that he’s lagging behind. But he can’t force himself to look away just yet, not until he’s etched all these peoples faces into his memory permanently. He’s going to miss these rats so much . More than he’d ever thought he could miss anyone ever before. 
He’s going to miss Garbage Rat the most he can tell, mainly because he can’t tear his gaze away. Little rat Martyn had to fall in love with like, probably the scummiest NPC out there, because of course he did. Of course his tastes were garbage. 
Martyn remembers the scuffles they’d been in together, how they’d offered to literally die for that guy, all the late nights at the bar together. He wishes he’d said I love you at least once. He has a feeling Oli already knows. 
Before he gets too sentimental Martyn turns his back, still somehow unnoticed. He goes to where the portal out of here supposedly is, because if he stays any longer he won’t be able to leave. His insides are twisting and shattering into a million pieces, but he has to leave. He just has too. 
Martyn jumps into the swirling purple vortex, and hopes his next mission is quick and easy. 
A few missions later, Martyn is dropped into the middle of the ocean. He is not a rat, hasn’t been for a while now, and doesn’t think he’ll ever be again. This time he is a human, a pirate, and he is soaking wet. Which is the annoying part, thanks a lot for that one, Doc. 
Once he stumbles onto shore, there’s quite a few people that catch his eye. The Kestrels they call themselves, the pirates who love treasure the most and are absolutely very rich. Because he’s in pirate land now, apparently. Compared to the other three factions Martyn learns about, this seems like the best shot at finding whatever L.O.O.T is hidden in this world. When it came to deciding which a faction to join, the choice was an easy one
And maybe it’s because, amongst all the other familiar NPCs, there is one in the Kestrels that catches his eye. A man called Oliver, from a place called Sheffield on Sea. A man lost to the sea, who’s supposedly trying to return to his wife and son. A man that reminds Martyn of a very particular rat. 
He even goes by Oli as well, funnily enough. If NPCs were the same across missions, Martyn might even believe he’d run into the same guy again. Oh, a man could dream, couldn't he?
Martyn is drawn to Oli, and that latter seems equally as drawn to him. He gives him the same nickname he had all those months ago, calls him Marty. Martyn calls him Ponytail in return. The two are thick as thieves by the end of quite a harrowing and dangerous day, and Martyn decides to indulge in this world while he could. Indulging didn’t hurt his L.O.O.T quest last time, so he sees no reason why it should now. 
He finds himself falling in love again, to no one's surprise. He falls fast and hard too, being enamored with Oil before even a week had passed. Martyn just can’t stop himself, even when he knows it’s going to end in disaster. Though Oli does seem to return the feeling just a bit, so Martyn will pretend that this wasn’t going to end in heartbreak, and will let them get closer and closer with every passing day. 
Pirate life for Martyn gets better one day, when it’s just him and Oliver alone at the Kestrel base. The others had gone into town, or on a quest, leaving the both of them all alone. The blonde was feeling rather frisky that day, a little flirtatious even. And maybe Oli returned his advances, and flirted back. 
Martyn, feeling a little encouraged after an hour of flirting (and many more prior moments of holding each other far too tenderly to be anything platonic,) gets bold. Oli’s standing on the second floor when Martyn walks up the stairs, back to the stairwell. At one point, before the blonde had landed in the ocean, Sausage had made him the faction's treasurer of sorts. Oliver seemed to be finishing up that job right now, money being scooped off the table and back into its usual places of storage, wherever that was. 
In a second Martyn has crossed the room, letting his feet fall loudly so as to not startle his friend. His fellow Kestrel does not turn, just finishes what he was doing as Martyn stands behind him, chest pressed against the small of his back. 
He wraps his arms around Oli’s waist, and the other Kestrel huffs in amusement. “Forward aren’t you?” He muttered, Martyn’s head resting on his shoulder.
“I thought this faction was normally very forward.” He muttered in response, nuzzling his face into the crook of Oli’s neck. And maybe Martyn smirked as well, knowing how the other would melt for such an action. 
“You have a point, sadly.” Oli huffed, leaning into the touch fully. 
“Good!” Martyn said, a giggle escaping him before he could stop it. A moment later Oli was yelping, his fellow Kestrel picking him up and dragging him onto the couch alongside him. The man shrieked out some string of words, but Martyn paid his protest no mind. The blonde was sitting in his lap soon enough, clinging onto the other for dear life. 
“What a rude man you are!” Oli exclaimed with light indignation, arms unconsciously being draped over Martyn’s neck. 
“C’mon, you know you love me~!” He teased, arms wrapping around the other’s torso again and holding him close. The other didn’t respond, only gave him an annoyed glare. The look held amusement as well, and maybe something a little more fond right next to it. So Martyn took it as a chance to move their faces closer, until they had to go cross-eyed to meet each other's gazes. Their lips brushed together for the smallest of seconds, and Oli was moving back to look at him properly. 
“I have a wife, Marty!” Oli huffed in protest, yet didn’t try to break free of his grasp. It was a weak protest, anyone could see the way his eyes kept flicking down towards Martyn’s lips, almost in anticipation. 
“Never stopped you before.” He muttered, leaning in more. Oli blinked, a little hesitantly, before moving to meet him in the middle. The blonde smiled into the kiss they shared, delighted by how familiar it felt. For all his protest, Oliver kissed him quite messily, like he was more desperate for this than Martyn was. Which wasn’t possible, by the way. 
Martyn moved to grab the back of Oli’s head, deepening an already quite passionate kiss. He couldn’t help himself really, he’d missed this for far too long to have any sort of restraint. And as long as his partner didn’t protest, the blonde was very content to go to town. 
Oliver ended up straddling him, kissing him roughly into the back of the couch. They’re both making a fair share of noises, sharp teeth catch on tongues and biting at each other’s lips desperately. When they pull away for air both men are flushed bright red, and diving back in for more as soon as they can. Martyn never wants to stop this, drunk of the feeling of kissing this wonderful, wonderful man. 
His kisses start to move downwards after a bit, slowly moving from Oli’s mouth to his jawline. The blonde makes a noise at that, but again does nothing to stop him. So Martyn continues, all the way down until he’s pressing open mouthed kisses to his lover's neck. At some point he’d tugged the other’s collar away, unbuttoning his partner’s shirt for better access; and maybe a peak at his chest while he was there. One of Martyn’s hands, the one not gripping at dyed blonde hair, goes to rest on Oli’s waist after that; steadying him in his lap. His fingers sometimes slip a little…. downwards as well. Not very far though, just enough to tease, enough to fiddle with a waistband even. 
Maybe they’re getting a bit too handsy in the Kestrels' usual hangout spot, but it’s fine. Martyn had picked a time when no one was home for just this reason. He’d known how far he would inevitably be trying to take this when they’d started. 
“ Oh , you’re very forward.” Oli hums, the first word coming out as more of moan than anything. Which sends a pleseant thrill through the man under him. 
Martyn smirks against his warm, sun-kissed skin. “It’s my specialty~” He bites down again, teeth sinking into the other’s neck delicately. Oli whines at that, and cranes his neck back to give Martyn better access. The blonde knows he’s lived too long without this guy then, because he’d forgotten how easily Oli folded at any sort of affection, and was just now remembering. Almost unconsciously, he grinds his hips against the others, and the action is a little returned as well. 
He works a good few marks onto Oli’s neck, before there’s a distinct sound of voices and footsteps on the floor below. Their fellow Kestrels have returned it seemed, and Martyn is a little more than startled. Either that was a quick treasure hunt, or they’d made out for several hours straight. And honestly, he wouldn’t be surprised if either of those options were true. 
Oli moves away at the sound, running a hand through his hair hastily to fix it. Martyn makes a disappointed sound, and gives the other the best puppy dog eyes he can muster. “C’mon~” He says slyly, catching Oli by the hips before he’s able to stand. “They might not come up here~” 
“I literally just heard Sausage asking about us.” Oli huffed, wriggling away slowly. Martyn isn’t one to give up easily though, and keeps the man tied to him for a little bit longer. 
“This ain’t anything they’ve haven’t seen before.” He protested, positive that Kyle and Sausage have done much worse in this building than both of them could do in a single night. 
“I don’t think they want to watch, Marty!” At that he finally let Oli stand, because fine, he supposed that was fair. They had been getting a bit too heated, probably. He stands after, taking a moment to stretch. Oli fixes his collar best he can, though Martyn doubts that will hide much. He looks obviously dazed, and bit more than he usually does.
Before Oli makes it to the stairs Martyn catches him by the wrist. His chest is pressed to the small of Oli’s back, breath landing on his ear. He hopes it’s as effective as he intended, and that it’s making the other Kestrel turn scarlet. “We can always continue this later, right Ponytail?” He whispers, maybe a little hopefully. He really doesn’t care what continuing it would mean under this context, he just needs to kiss Oli some more. Needs to kiss him d esperately , he’s going to lose it if he doesn’t. 
“Naturally~” Oli purrs, turning around to place a small peck on the blonde’s cheek. He leaves Martyn standing there, obviously lovestruck, and makes his way down the stairs. Martyn waits a minute, mostly to not look too suspicious (and because he’s a lovesick fool ,) before heading down after him. 
 Even despite his tardiness the other two still catch on, Scar making a few jokes about the suspicious marks peaking above Oli’s shirt collar, about the way they stand far too close. But it’s all between Sausage’s exaggerated tale of the adventure they went on, one Martyn is content to sit and listen to for a while. Maybe he’ll have the drinks that are offered to him as well, and even whisper sweet nothing to Oli when he’s far too wasted and his thoughts are all astray.
And maybe Oli will whisper in return, and they’ll wake up in the same bed together the next morning, rumors about how they’d drunkenly run off together already festering around the Kestrel base. They’d both be far too hungover to confirm or deny any questions later, but that doesn’t matter. Not when Martyn can hold Oli close to his chest and never let go, until they have to get up, that is. Not when Martyn can admire his beloved during a slow morning, brushing hair out of his sleeping face gently and loving the way the morning sun shines onto his lover’s face. (And maybe he’ll pepper gentle kisses against his skin as well, in a rare moment of overwhelming affection.) 
And maybe every night they fall into the same bed, one of their rooms only being used for storage after a certain point. A certain someone even stopped lamenting over his wedding ring one day, and that is when Martyn knows Oli will not sail off and leave him one day (even if everyone does think his wife is a crab.) Maybe they share a room every night, Oli begging for cuddles plaintively and Martyn happy to oblige. Happy to hold him just for another night longer. 
Maybe they do this every night, until Martyn finds that treasure he’s looking for. And then he has to leave. He has to leave the love of his life again, after even more months spent with the man. And Martyn would be a liar and a fool to say he isn’t tempted to stay here, to abandon his whole life's mission just for one bloody stupid man. One man who’s probably some stupid NPC anyways, but he can’t help it.
It’s a stormy night, the night he has to leave. Most everyone that's still alive is at their own faction bases, or getting hammered in the pub. It’s dark, it’s rainy. There’s barely any light to see him in, and there will be no traces of his footprints in the morning. If Martyn can get out of the isles undetected, the only clue should be one missing ship at the Kestrel base. 
But he’d waited too long, and hadn't seen Oliver at all that day. It was on purpose, because if he saw him Martyn didn’t think he’d be able to leave. But sadly his lover was not a fool, and knew it was weird to not receive any sort of loving words from the blonde. Sometimes Martyn would regret how much he indulged, only for a second though. 
He’d only made it out of the Kestrel’s main building, pockets full of L.O.O.T and anything he thought the Datastream would maybe let him keep. He’s barely out the front door before he hears footsteps behind him, and Oli is standing in the doorway. 
“Martyn?” He asks, and that the first time in so many months he’s dropped that silly nickname. The nickname Martyn will soon be aching to hear again. “What’s going on? Where are you going in this weather?” 
“Just out on a little quest! I’ll be back in the morning!” The blonde smiles, lying through his teeth. His voice is full of forced cheer, and so is his expression, and it doesn’t even work for a second. 
“You’re leaving, aren’t you? You found that big treasure you needed, and know you’re leaving.” Martyn feels his heart shatter into thousands of pieces at the sound of his beloved’s voice. There’s so much pain in it, pain the other is clearly trying not to show. The rain has picked up, soaking Martyn and falling on his face. He can not tell if the wetness on his cheeks and the blurriness of his vision is from that, or tears he’s unaware of shedding.   
He wants to see Oliver’s face one last time, just as he did last time, so he wipes the wetness away from his eyes. “I’ll see you again one day, yeah?” To him the words have some truth, because maybe they will meet elsewhere, in another world. To Oli they are a lie, a meaningless promise. They both know Martyn will never return to the pirate's life, he will never see this version of his friend ever again. 
He wants to give Oliver one last kiss goodbye, but knows if he does so leaving will be impossible. So when the other man does not respond, he turns away and continues down the path and towards the portal location. Oli watches him go, not moving to stop him, until his ship has disappeared into the night. The Kestrels’ door is slammed shut in a fit of grief. 
Martyn sails back to his destination, replaying memories when a departure last hurt so much. He remembers being small, and remembers running through snow. He remembers staring into the face of Garbage Rat, who little rat Martyn had never seen scared before, and committing his face to memory. He commits all the rats' faces to memory as best he can, and runs onto a frozen lake to leave them. He even thought he heard Jimmy and Garbage Rat calling out for him before he left, but that had to be his ears playing tricks on him. 
If the universe gave him a choice between being a rat again, or finally leaving the Datastream, Martyn knows he would choose to be a rat again. Every single time. He would choose to be a pirate again too, even if this adventure had been far too dangerous for his liking.
Back on the isles, Oli sleeps in a bed by himself for the first time in months. It is not his bed, it is Martyn’s old one, because that is the one they used to share every day. A few days later, when the others start asking where Martyn is, Oli says he is gone. The only clarification he gives is that Martyn isn’t dead, he’s just never coming home again. No more poking and prodding will make him speak more on the manner, even if his friends start getting concerned for his mental state. So what if he’s acting all depressed? His lover had just left him because of some stupid treasure . He knows Kestrels are supposed to love money the most and all, but this is different. This time it hurts . 
He even takes out the ring again. Before, Oli had no reason to sail home to his wife, but now there is nothing keeping him here. He is healthy, he is richer than when he first washed up on shore, he has a ship and all the supplies he needs, this place is getting far too dangerous to stay anyways, and there is no Martyn to tether him down. 
The wife will never love him like that man has, no one ever will. In fact the wife will love him worse than ever before, he’s sure of it. But he has a son, a son who loved him perfectly fine before. A son who deserves to grow up with a father. So Oli decides to grow up, be an adult for once, and go home, even if the wife had probably given up on him by now. For there is nothing left for him on these isles, and maybe there is something at Sheffield on Sea. (He doubts it, but what is he supposed to do? There is nothing left for him here, at home. There is nothing left in being a Kestrel, not without his Martyn, not anymore.) 
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im-in-a-love-cult · 8 months
Marauders era headcanons!!
The Royal court
Requested by @thestarslittleking
Sorry if you disagree with some of them!!
Like a pout is almost always on his face
His eyes are really telling of his emotions sometimes
Likes physical contact with people hes EXTREMELY close with
Likes being called Reg by people hes close with
If a random person calls him it theyre going to the hospital 💀💀
Bi, trans and asexual
'Its the 70s he wouldnt be-' kindly stfu 💞💞🥰🥰
This is a common one but hes practically a poet
Strong French accent
Japanese/british English/ French
As i said in the previous hcs his accent is stronger then Sirius's
Loves the water
He's actually really smiley around his friends
Classical music but when he gets into his later years in hogwarts he starts to like goth music
I can see him being good at gothic dances
Black cat animagus IDC
Thats it. Thats the hc.
A whore tbh
Liked Reggie for a while
Until he was like 'dayum look at Evan 😼'
Ok I'll try not to include too many ships in these
This isnt my original idea but affectionately bites people
'Barty... what're you doing?" "Nom"
When drunk hes...something
Take that how u will
Tw for drugs in the next hc!!
Honestly more of a weed kinda guy
Ok tw over continue reading
Professional complainer
If complaining was a job he'd be the richest man alive (well not alive but..)
queen fan idc
Him and Sirius are actually very similar in a lot of areas
Thats why Reggie was drawn to Barty
Plays the drums
He wears tank tops a lot
Always hurts somewhere
Its mostly his fault
I can see him being bi with a preference for boys or just full on gay
Sirius has competition to whos the most beautiful person in the Marauders era fr
Almost always has locs or braids
Scarily good at makeup
Potential to be a 2000s Victoria secret model fr
Has the most beautiful soothing voice
Lesbian non-binary (they/she)
So many people have a crush on them
Fav alcohol is wine
Classy 😻😻
Extremely smart
Really long eyelashes
I love her
Doesn't care for animals
Really likes dragons tho
Steady hands
Wears lots of rings
Ignores people a lot 💀💀
Sassy as HELLL
Barely ever means it tho
One of those scary blue eyed blondes
Kind of a less energetic version of Barty
A gentleman to all girls he dates
All the boys got usual, casual dating
Barty gets to be treated like a one of those dogs that look like rats 🥰
I can see him having really light freckles
Will punch someone in the face for funsies
"Evan why would you do that!?!" "I was bored bro"
BARELY passes his tests
He passes but only by a few marks
Loves making fun of peoples voices
Its his favourite pastime
So unnecessarily nice to 1st years
And everyone tbh
Loves animals of any kind
If shes angry shes lowkey scary 😨😨
Actually really funny
Her hairs messy 84% of the time
When shes too active or gets too hot her cheeks go really red
Spaces out so easily
Blonde blue eyed but less scary than evan 😭
A bit of a potty mouth
Also really smart
"Wow this friend groups so smart!" And then theres Evan and Barty 💀💀
Really posh accent
Has scars from thorns and animals and shit 💀
Loves learning new things
No matter what that thing it
'Knowledge has no boundaries' i feel like she says that
Or at least goes by it
Shes so real wtf
YES YOU CAN MAKE REQUESTS!! I'm new to this so please be patient 😭 i prefer requests to be put in my asks!! Thanks for the positive feedback yall :)
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garrywantspasta · 1 year
ok im going to send this in anon bc im too shy to put my name on it but... WHAT THE HELLL that wagatha art was so good?? i was seriously needing some content of this ship, so thank you so so so much, you've made my day with this 🥹❤️
Awn 💜glad to hear It. I'm in love with Harkximoff and there will be much more soon 🌈✨ this ship deserves the world.
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omoghouls · 2 years
👀👀 imagine: a pirate trying to pee off the side of a boat (but trying to be sneaky)
👀👀 oh helll yess
•Perhaps it's after a successful pillaging of another ship, they've had a good luck in finding very fancy wines and alcohol in the cabin and have themselves a bit of a treat. But, that goes right through them, not wanting to miss out on all the fun of what comes after a pillage, they decided to just, go off the side of the boat- they've done it before, albeit, when a bit more sober- so they're trying to be discreet, but, the boat seems to be moving far more than usual and so, they kinda have shit luck and either piss all over their feet or fall and just piss themselves
The other crew members probably just laugh, typical, whatever the pirates name is xD
• Another scenario is, a fairly new pirate, one who wants to prove to this fellow crewmen and captain that they're tough and cool. And they think that being able to hold it was a tough pirate thing but- their bladder doesn't like that and, perhaps while the captain is going over a plan on deck, the pirate sneaks off to the side, attempting to pee over the railing- not wanting to be called out, they keep lookinh back to the huddled crew, their pee flow stopping and starting from their brain overthinking this😎 perhaps they're trying to pee only while the others are talking to mask the noise of them peeing bit, they're are many praises of silence which, just makes the pirate even more desperate having to wait to continue to empty their bladder👀
• In similar vain, the captain peeing over the side of the boat, but, they dont want their crewmates to know they're doing that (perhaps they made a rule about it or just doesn't wwant their crew to think their captain cant hold it long enough to make it to a proper latrine-) 👀
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ellimomo · 4 years
Story time!
Ok so around two weeks ago my friends and I went to Disneyworld the first time and we had planned to go to Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios and lastly Animal Kingdom and to say the least I was super pumped for Galaxy's edge. I had it all planned out, what time I was waking up in the morning to what I was going to wear.
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I bought my "Ben Solo deserved better shirt" specifically for this trip and I couldn't wait to wear it to Galaxy's edge and ride the Millennium Falcon ride and hopefully run into Kylo Ren. As I entered Hollywood Studios I got a few "Helll yeah!" From passerbys as I walked around (I still hadn't stepped into Galaxy's edge yet) and so far I was nice to find some fellow SW fans who liked my shirt. Once I finally got to Galaxy's edge that's where I got noticed lol. I took pics and posed in front of the Millennium Falcon with my friends and saw so many cool things. Like the amount of detail that Disney went through for the park was AMAZING. I legit felt like I was in another world.
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After riding the Millennium Falcon twice (1st time by myself and 2nd time with my friends) we got walked around and did shopping but after a while I was getting discouraged because I still hadn't seen Kylo Ren but like a wish come true I finally FINALLY saw Kylo Ren and was immediately approached by him and his stormtroopers (and of course I had so self control the entire time) and he gave me a once over obviously reading my shirt and saying "Interesting wardrobe" and I swear a squealed and he just pointed a finger a me and said "Calm down, Enough" and I was basically 😍💦🥰💦😭 my friends teased me endlessly after he left, hell even the stormtroopers teased me for my fangirling. After that I was on cloud 9 and shopped and bought me a Kylo and Rey plush along with an attachable porg
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But wait that's not all folks because before we had left for the park hell before we even left to Florida I told my friends there was one thing I wanted before we left Disneyworld and that was.....A lightsaber And guess what? I bought myself a mf lightsaber but no no no not just any lightsaber I bought KYLO RENS LIGHTSABER!!!.
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Riding high on my Kylo Ren love I went straight for the star war store and that ladies and gentlemen is where I give a big shout out to. The employees at the store loved my shirt and we had spent a good 15 minutes just gushing about Ben and Rey and ranting about TROS and just sharing that commodity of loving Reylo and Be Solo and agreeing that he did deserve better. Honest to god it was amazing meeting actual shippers in real life like my friends yes they like the movies and yes the liked Reylo in TROS but they don't share the same passion that do. So yeah it was really nice just to be able to gush about my ship without worrying about being judged by my friends. Like one of the girls asked politely asked if I could stay for a moment just so she could show her friend because she knew she would love my shirt. I wish I remembered their names but whoever they were THANK YOU! For the lovely conversation yall made my trip extra special and made the $20 I spent on the shirt worth it. ❤
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worldofvixen · 4 years
No, not this blog - don’t hope. :) 
But the Walking Dead 
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Now I really don't know what to say. I’m sad. Not because the show is over with the season 11. Every show ends once.  Lost with 6 seasons, Game of Thrones with 8 seasosns, The Lost Room has only 6 episodes. Money Heist will have 5 seasons, etc. This is not a problem. I think the 11 season is enough, because they  because they can’t econtunued this indefinitely, and it will be boring. 
But I feel sad. And angry.  
They’ll make spinoff, which is very cool. I can’t wait the World Beyond. But... I try to be diplomatic enough.  
Negan was/is enough popular. Many people love him. I know many people watch the series, because of Him.  But it seems it’s not enough. 
Ok, I understand why I never get a Terminus spinoff. However I’m still belive they have the most interesting story. And I belive Gareth was a good boy when this outbreak started. I belive hi wants to help. But they that attack happened. But the 4-5 sesons was long-long time ago. And Gareth is just Gareth. Underrated character. 
But what about Negan. He has everything what the fans need. :P 
I would be very interested in how the Saviors gang met. Find out a little more about each member. They was interesting figures. Simon, Dwight, my dead Gavin, Laura, DJ, Regina... OMG, too much awesomeness :D They were great, and the creators don’t want to give them another chance. 
I feel this whole Caryl series is just because the fan service. Noting else. They hear the Caryl shippers voice, and they are many. They just give this team what they want.  I love Daryl, I really love Daryl, and Carol was cool once. (Melissa McBridge is AMAZING!) But, Oh, sorry, I hate this shipping-thing. Not just in this series, but in general.  If I want to be honest, most of the times I shipping characters with myself, because I’m selfish, and evil. :D (And if I used my real name in TWD universe, Marvin - with Gavin - sonds perfect :D) 
OK-OK, I shipped Jack and Kate from Lost, but that was another case and universe. But they were cute, same with Jin and Sun. But that was Lost, not TWD. But my life is not just about this oh, I have to shipping someone, because this is cool. I just find some couples cute together. but I am completely outsider on this “ship topic”. 
And now, just becase the fan service, they will make a complet show for the Carol-Daryl shippers. And I’m a little bit envy. :D  Why not the Savoirs gang? Yes, the Carol- Daryl fans commutity is bigger : true. But, here in the Sanctuary, we’are also exist. (As many-many-many other charasters, Magna’s gang, I really want to see Jesus again , Eugene-Ford-Rosita trip befare they met the main charasters.  ) 
But, I don’t want to negative, or hurt anyone. I’m not happy with this spin off. I don’t like this shipping. But I want to wish a good luck for this project. I hope it’ll be successful.  They really deserve it. Melissa and Norman are great. 
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the-faultofdaedalus · 6 years
Tag Game
tagged by @smarterest 
Tag you’re it- anyone who wants to
name- Rowan
nickname- just Rowan? I guess? it’s not one of those names that lend well to shortening OH WAIT NO deo calls me no-wan when i do somthing Awful. Which is frequently.
gender- female
star sign- libra
height- 5′1.5
time- 3:51pm
bday- 10/08
fav bands- the fretless, the east pointers, the ballroom thieves, imagine dragons
fav solo artist(s)- buck 65, kaleo, jack white, coeur de pirate
song stuck in my head- he’s a pirate
last movie i watched- thor: ragnorok
last show i watched- brooklyn 99
when did i create my blog- this one? a little over a year ago, i think
last thing i googled- lightning scars and thier long-term effects
do i have another blog- yes, rowantreeisme
do i get asks- yep!
why i chose my url- because my name is rowan and i have a rowan tree outside my house? i don’t even know
following- Possibly Too Many
avg hours of sleep- it ranges between -3 and 16 bc im a Mess
lucky number(s)- never really had one?
instruments- violin
what am i wearing- KLKP tank top and pj pants with hearts on them
dream job- geologist/volcanologist 
dream trip- anywhere with a volcano, tbh
fav food- lox on cinnamon raisin bagel 
nationality- Canadian
fav song right now- haunt by bastile, in other news, writing is going well
sexuality- hella hella ace
hogwarts house- i want to say hufflepuff but im probably not one tbh
fav animals- C O R V I D S
dog or cat person- BoTH i love my puppo but i love love kitties 
blankets you sleep with- one big fleece one big comforter it’s cold as fuck up here 
why you got a blog- originally, for photography. this one? bc i didn’t want to drown my main in avengers stuffs
top (3) fav character- ...only 3? Tony Stark, sunshine son, Rhodey, JARVIS and the bots 
no. of posts- 2161 JESUS SHIT
pokemon team- ???
fav color- All
relationship status- extremely single
lip- or chapstick- neither
last song i listened to- 10 hour loop of “he’s a pirate” (not the whole 10 hours oh my god)
top (3) shows- brooklyn 99, the flash (THEY STOLE HIS SPEED! THE SPEED! V I B E! HE VIBED HIM! the show is comedy gold tbh) agents of shield, the great british baking show
top (3) ships- stevetony, tonyrhodey, winteriron? most of them, i guess. i prefer friendships.
books i’m reading- none at the moment
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honeyitallreadydid · 7 years
ik its complete;l non-cannon and the MCATGOA series has more or less ended (sheds tears as we only saw a teeny bit of #Beatrice) but what if when leo was homeless (evidence in TLH) he and magnus crossed paths. I was thinking of this after sword  of summer got released (before alex Fierro so don't judge) nd event though they were cute I felt like rick saw Calypsos and Leos relationship was rushed af like he was saying “oops theirs a character who hasn't got a love interest- lets pull out a character who was featured for about 20 pages tops and make her pop out of nowhere” so I liked to envision Magnus and Leo having a hard core feels . like I wanted a scene in hammer of thor (this was around when we  just got the title with no plot) when the seven meet magnus with Annabeth and similar in MOA when hazel sees leo and thinks hes Sammy, their is loads of Eye Contact and its from pipers Perspective so  the scenes like “leo walks up with calypso laughing arm over her shoulder relaxed grinning blah blah blah “ and its like on a ship of some form and leo walks up with calypso to the top deck and locks eyes with magnus and mangus is grinning from ear to ear and is about to say leos name where he notices calypso leaning on him (lil Maggie is oblivious af basically the norse harry potter) and his smile just melts off his face and he acts heartsick and later the night Annabeth comes to check on him (ik he sleeps at Valhalla but just work with me) and she hears sobbing from his room and magnus is a fucking wreck and theirs Blitz and Hearthstone comforting him and Magnus is like “ik its been a few years and he probs met someone but always thought if I saw him we would be together and stuff” so yeah basically some hard-core Leo x Magnus. you guys let me know what you think and if you want a full fic or for me to send THIS IDEA INTO THE FIERY PITS OF HELLL Halloween is next week so I will probs be able o do that. please I apologise grammar police don't hurt me hand have a great week!!
I don't know what I think of this idea now cause Fierrochase Is my life but I do feel like is alex and calypso wernt in the picture/didn't exist that this could be a valid idea
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1. describe your idea of a perfect date ⁃ mm i haven't put too much thought into this, but I think it would be really cute to take a girl to the beach in the evening, and then buy her gelato, and theennn after we'd walked a bit we would like lay back on the sand by a fire pit or somethin, and watch the moon and the stars and talk about life and trivial shit2. whats your “type” ⁃ um I always find myself hella attracted to people with short hair, especially if it's dyed some crazy color. Idky but that seems to be more successful at getting my attention. Also if you have freckles,,, or tattoos oml. But I find all kinds of people attractive, and I would never limit myself in that department:)3. do you want kids? ⁃ One or two probably. But I wanna make sure I take care of myself and do all the things I can do in my youth before I commit myself to something like a family.4. if you do, will you adopt or use some other form of child birth? ⁃ Honestly, I love the idea of adoption, so I'd probably do that with one of the kids, but then I also think I'd wanna experience childbirth or have a child with some of my dna in them. So I guess adoption and artificial insemination are what I'm looking at 5. describe the cutest date you’ve ever been on ⁃ mm well I've only been on like three dates ever, but I'd have to say the first one I've ever been on was the cutest. We went to kerbey lane (which is like a cafe that serves pancakes at night; it's fuckin awesome), and we basically opened up to each other about how much we'd stalked each other in the halls for like the past year (she was a senior, I was a sophomore, so we didn't share any classes). We got to know each other a bit, and then we went and got frozen yogurt. I was a nervous, awkward mess throughout the entire thing, but she was really sweet and comforting about it, so I still felt like. Special:). It was nice 6. describe your experience having sex for the first time (were you nervous? or was it easy peasy?) ⁃ Um. I would need experience having sex to describe my first experience having sex 😂 NEXT QUESTIOOOON, BEFORE THE LONELINESS HAS TIME TO SET IN7. are you a morning time gay or night time gay? ⁃ oh definitely a night time gay. That's the best time to stalk my prey, ya know? How tf a bitch gon catch her hoes in the daylight?(see it's funny because I'm forever alone)8. opinion on nap dates? ⁃ you mean like a date where all you do is sleep and cuddle???!!! UMTHAT SOUNDSFUCKIN AWESOMEBitch I need to go on nap dates more often with myself thooWith another person tho? AMAZING9. opinion on brown eyes? ⁃ Gorgeous af. Whenever the light hits them, they turn gold or like a deep red, and sometimes they have a bit of green in them, and idk I think they're beautiful as helll. They also have this really warm, inviting quality to them.10. dog gay or cat gay? ⁃ Doggo gay. Their only desire in the entire world is to make you happy, and honestly I love dogs so much more than people because they have the purest, most beautiful and loving souls on the planet. Although I wouldn't be opposed to cats 🤷‍♀️. I've never owned one before, but I think they're fucking cute, and also me as fuck. Who knows? we could get along.11. would you ever date someone who owned rodents or reptiles? ⁃ Hell yeah. Why not?12. whats a turn off you look for before you start officially dating someone ⁃ If they're not interested in you, your family, how your day went, your wellbeing. . . Basically I want someone to care about me as a person. I don't want to date, or really even be friends with, someone who only likes to talk to me because I'll listen to all their problems and care about them unconditionally, without really showing the same type of (or any) interest in me.13. what is a misconception you had about lgb people before you realized you were one? ⁃ Lmao I've always known I was into girls, but I didn't know what a lesbian was until I was like in 4th or 5th grade. So once I figured that out, I was kinda just like "oh shit dat me", and uhm didn't really have preconceptions of what lgbt people were before I found out I was one. But I heard people talk about it being immoral a lot, and I didn't understand why, so I used to have this really dumb obsession with looking up YouTube videos of religious people debating activists and scientists about the morality of sexuality. And it would make me so upset, because I would always feel so frustrated and hopeless afterwards. I felt like I needed to change just so I could be appreciated and live a normal life. And I felt so alone, because as far as I knew, I was the only lesbian in my vicinity, and I couldn't talk to anyone about it. So those were my feelings about being gay in the beginning 😂 not good14. what is a piece of advice you would give to your younger self-You're gonna try to like guys in sixth grade. Don't, it's a waste of your fuckin time15. (if attracted to more than one gender) do you have different “types” for different genders? ⁃ lmao not applicable ✌️ 16. who is an ex you regret? ⁃ Uhm if you're only counting ex girlfriends, I've had none of those, soooo 😂 But I've had a lot of "things" where I opened up a lot to the other person because I have a severe condition known as U-Haul Lesbo™, and I regret pretty much all of those because I ended up caring a hell of a lot more about them than they did me, and it was really just a waste of my fuckin time. Not to say it wasn't my fault that I got so attached tho; I'm just a hella clingy bitch, and it comes back to bite me. But idk they also helped me grow a bit, so I guess that's good? I don't let people step on me as much?17. night club gay or cafe gay? ⁃ Night club gay all the way, nnts nnts nnts nnts18. who is one person you would “go straight” for ⁃ UHM EW. NO ONE. NEVER. Penii are gross af19. video game gay, book gay, or movie gay? ⁃ video game gaaaaaayyyyyy SO HARD. I used to read a lot of books, but school has kind of ruined that fun hobby for me, plus I can't stay awake whenever I read anymore 😂 my attention span has shrunk to the size of an apple seed thank you v much20. favourite gay ship (canon or not) ⁃ Wayhaught, and I haven't even watched Winonna Earp. That's how much I ship it.21. favourite gay youtuber ⁃ Ari Fitz probably. She fine as hellChanging my answer to question 1 to Ari Fitz 👌 22. have you ever unknowingly asked out a straight person? ⁃ I've never asked out anyone so, nope. I have had a couple straight crushes (sexualities pending, some of them), but gay people are infinitely more attractive imo 😂 23. have you ever been in love? ⁃ I thought maybe a couple of times, but nah24. have you ever been heartbroken? ⁃ Yeah, but who hasn't? 🤷‍♀️ that's just how the ball rolls25. how do you determine if you want to be them or be with someone ⁃ If I find myself wanting to be held by them or eaten out by them or kissed by them or whatever, then logically they'd have to be . . . Not me. So I guess that's how I determine whether i want to be them or be with them. It depends on whether I see them as competition or game. 26. favourite lgb musician/band ⁃ Mm I don't know of many, but Hayley kiyoko 👌 Also Halsey's a gay too, right ? Idk, but I also really like her stuff:)27. what is a piece of advice you have for young / baby gays ⁃ Have patience. You live in a world where fellow gays are relatively few and far between, so it may take a while before you can really put yourself out there. Also your parents most likely will not understand what it means to be gay, nor will they probably treat you like they should in the beginning. Have patience with them, and remind them to treat you in the ways you want to be treated (if it's safe). Eventually, it will be okay when you leave to find your own way in the world and get in touch with your fellow gays, and won't have to suppress your gay any longer :). Or that's what I tell myself lol, I have yet to actually leave the nest 28. are you out? if so how did you come out ⁃ I'm out to my parents, my sister, anyone who asks, anyone who figures it out, and anyone I'm interested in. I don't really "come out" to people, because I don't typically feel like that's something they need to know about me. Unless they're curious. Or cute. Or tryna hit me up and they got a dick. But yeh, I was forcefully removed from the closet when my parents found out I had a girl in middle school 😂. I had this chick in my phone as "*insert name here*
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qquicksllver · 6 years
Multiples of 3 for the MCU Ask Meme
(youre making me do math on this summer day????? idk a math)
3. favorite actor
chris evans
6. favorite quote
“the sun will shine on us again” 
tony & bruce
12. Make me choose between two characters
15. Top 5 ships
i’m not much into shipping but i’ll give some ships that pop into my head
stucky, pepperony, bruce & tony (as a brotp), pietro x life, loki & thor (as a brotp strictly!!!)
18. most hated character
.................... thanos
21. dream crossover
the xmen & avengers helll yea
24. character i have a crush on
not sure i have a crush on any of ‘em??
27 & 30.
already done
33. Do I own anything Mcu related?
i mean i have almost all the dvds plus some funkos & t-shirts
36. My least favorite movie
the incredible hulk.........
39. Character I wish I could bring back
42. Top 3 crack ships
i don’t know what this means i’m gonna be honest
45. Did I watched the movies because of tumblr?
honestly, maybe?? i don’t remember how i got into them
48. Is my blog just about Marvel?
nahh i’m multifandom, but i focus on marvel because it’s my favorite fandom and what i’m most invested in
51. Am I excited for the next movies?
yes of course!
54. 5 things I love most about (insert character’s name here)
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notfotun-blog · 6 years
Depression SupportI’m alright Britt, and yourself? TheUnnamedPuppet (M)  10:57 AM Friendly Face Newbie Refer Mute/ReportHai Brit  Love8890 (L) 10:57 AM Mute/Reportbrb Subwaymeatballs (M)  10:57 AM Helping Hand Refer Mute/ReportImma leaf for now! It was lovely getting to know you guys a bit more better!  Take careo everyone! I hope you have a lovely day/night ahead. River (L) 10:57 AM Mod Depression Support Team Leader Compassion CornerBye love LordXavier (M)  10:58 AM Supportive Smile Refer Mute/Reporti feel this place has a facade for something much worse10:58 AMYou too Becca817 (M)  10:58 AM Refer Mute/ReportTake careo Didi  Love8890 (L) 10:58 AM Mute/Report7 cups is a scary place10:58 AMim tracking my packages religiously and im impatient so its wrecking my last 2 brain cells but other than that im fine, gotta go to work soonish BrittTaylor27 (M)  10:58 AM Friendly Face Newbie Refer Mute/ReportGoodbye and take care River, it was nice getting to know you. TheUnnamedPuppet (M)  10:58 AM Friendly Face Newbie Refer Mute/ReportSAME Britt LordXavier (M)  10:58 AM Supportive Smile Refer Mute/ReportI'm so exited LordXavier (M)  10:58 AM Supportive Smile Refer Mute/ReportI have one of the most important packages of my life coming in today LordXavier (M)  10:58 AM Supportive Smile Refer Mute/Reporti love online shopping its a problem BrittTaylor27 (M)  10:58 AM Friendly Face Newbie Refer Mute/Reporti have my new phone coming on either monday or tuesday and my nerves are like, wired af BrittTaylor27 (M)  10:59 AM Friendly Face Newbie Refer Mute/ReportHello rosskennedy (L)  10:59 AM Mute/Reportheya ross BrittTaylor27 (M)  10:59 AM Friendly Face Newbie Refer Mute/ReportI’m constantly checking where my package is after I order it...probably once an hour or something like that. XD TheUnnamedPuppet (M)  10:59 AM Friendly Face Newbie Refer Mute/ReportGreetings Ross. TheUnnamedPuppet (M)  10:59 AM Friendly Face Newbie Refer Mute/Reportright?? BrittTaylor27 (M)  10:59 AM Friendly Face Newbie Refer Mute/ReportI have SXOS pro coming in LordXavier (M)  10:59 AM Supportive Smile Refer Mute/ReportI'm hype AF LordXavier (M)  10:59 AM Supportive Smile Refer Mute/Reportlike i order something online and i deadass expect it to be at my door like 5 minutes later BrittTaylor27 (M)  10:59 AM Friendly Face Newbie Refer Mute/ReportHey Bitt, hey Puppet rosskennedy (L)  11:00 AM Mute/Reporthi ross11:00 AMlike i know it wont but im still shocked every time i walk outside and its not there BrittTaylor27 (M)  11:00 AM Friendly Face Newbie Refer Mute/Reportlike how dare amazon BrittTaylor27 (M)  11:00 AM Friendly Face Newbie Refer Mute/ReportGet prime LordXavier (M)  11:00 AM Supportive Smile Refer Mute/Report2 day shipping LordXavier (M)  11:00 AM Supportive Smile Refer Mute/Reporti have prime haah BrittTaylor27 (M)  11:00 AM Friendly Face Newbie Refer Mute/ReportI have Prime as well. TheUnnamedPuppet (M)  11:00 AM Friendly Face Newbie Refer Mute/ReportAnd you're still impatient? LordXavier (M)  11:00 AM Supportive Smile Refer Mute/ReportGet next day shipping then LordXavier (M)  11:01 AM Supportive Smile Refer Mute/Reportyes, like you dont even understand BrittTaylor27 (M)  11:01 AM Friendly Face Newbie Refer Mute/ReportI could never wait a week or two for my things to get here. TheUnnamedPuppet (M)  11:01 AM Friendly Face Newbie Refer Mute/Reportim soooo impatient BrittTaylor27 (M)  11:01 AM Friendly Face Newbie Refer Mute/ReportRosssss Subwaymeatballs (M)  11:01 AM Helping Hand Refer Mute/Reporthello hello Subwaymeatballs (M)  11:01 AM Helping Hand Refer Mute/Reportomg right? like im the type of person to wait until i really need something to order it but like by the time two weeks comes im like do i even need this anymore????? BrittTaylor27 (M)  11:01 AM Friendly Face Newbie Refer Mute/ReportBut did Halrey do something LordXavier (M)  11:05 AM Supportive Smile Refer Mute/Report.... ItzzzzAlexx (M)  11:05 AM Friendly Face Refer Mute/ReportUhm ItzzzzAlexx (M)  11:05 AM Friendly Face Refer Mute/Reportshe did ScarletNobility (M)  11:05 AM Wise One Refer Mute/ReportYou were going way TF off yesterday LordXavier (M)  11:05 AM Supportive Smile Refer Mute/ReportI figured *** must have gone down LordXavier (M)  11:05 AM Supportive Smile Refer Mute/Reportim *** off at her ScarletNobility (M)  11:05 AM Wise One Refer Mute/ReportHarley... Deactivated her acc ItzzzzAlexx (M)  11:05 AM Friendly Face Refer Mute/Reportwho's?11:05 AMik she did smth itsNickc (M) 11:05 AM Wise One Refer Mute/Reportbasically she was talking *** about andy ScarletNobility (M)  11:06 AM Wise One Refer Mute/Report? TheUnnamedPuppet (M)  11:06 AM Friendly Face Newbie Refer Mute/ReportBut why tho LordXavier (M)  11:06 AM Supportive Smile Refer Mute/ReportWhil ItzzzzAlexx (M)  11:06 AM Friendly Face Refer Mute/Reportwho's harley? BrittTaylor27 (M)  11:06 AM Friendly Face Newbie Refer Mute/ReportHarley might be gone ItzzzzAlexx (M)  11:06 AM Friendly Face Refer Mute/Reportbecause they were dating at one point and she was playing the victim as always ScarletNobility (M)  11:06 AM Wise One Refer Mute/Reportthey were itsNickc (M) 11:06 AM Wise One Refer Mute/ReportLike not just from 7 cups ItzzzzAlexx (M)  11:06 AM Friendly Face Refer Mute/ReportDamn LordXavier (M)  11:06 AM Supportive Smile Refer Mute/ReportI messaged her Insta earlier LordXavier (M)  11:06 AM Supportive Smile Refer Mute/ReportSo let's see what happens LordXavier (M)  11:07 AM Supportive Smile Refer Mute/Reportso now im gonna gut her *** ScarletNobility (M)  11:07 AM Wise One Refer Mute/ReportFUK ItzzzzAlexx (M)  11:07 AM Friendly Face Refer Mute/ReportWow... TheUnnamedPuppet (M)  11:07 AM Friendly Face Newbie Refer Mute/ReportWho was playing the victim? rosskennedy (L)  11:07 AM Mute/ReportGawddamn LordXavier (M)  11:07 AM Supportive Smile Refer Mute/Reporti messaged her on discord and hangouts ScarletNobility (M)  11:07 AM Wise One Refer Mute/ReportWhat happened? rosskennedy (L)  11:07 AM Mute/ReportWas it that bad Ash? LordXavier (M)  11:07 AM Supportive Smile Refer Mute/Reportno response ScarletNobility (M)  11:07 AM Wise One Refer Mute/ReportLike real trash talk LordXavier (M)  11:07 AM Supportive Smile Refer Mute/ReportGreen was trying to talk her out of committing ItzzzzAlexx (M)  11:07 AM Friendly Face Refer Mute/ReportIt didn't work ItzzzzAlexx (M)  11:07 AM Friendly Face Refer Mute/ReportWhat happened? rosskennedy (L)  11:07 AM Mute/ReportEh +1LordXavier (M)  11:07 AM Supportive Smile Refer Mute/ReportSo shut the helll up ItzzzzAlexx (M)  11:07 AM Friendly Face Refer Mute/Reporti mean im probably overreacting +1ScarletNobility (M)  11:07 AM Wise One Refer Mute/ReportWe don't know that Alex LordXavier (M)  11:07 AM Supportive Smile Refer Mute/Reportdo you know for sure she's gone? +1BrittTaylor27 (M)  11:07 AM Friendly Face Newbie Refer Mute/Reporttf itsNickc (M) Wise One Refer Mute/Reportbut you know ScarletNobility (M)   Wise One Refer Mute/Reporti dont tolerate anyone who messes with andy like that ScarletNobility (M)   Wise One Refer Mute/Report Hover over the person’s name to follow them or, if they are a listener, send them a message.I get it LordXavier (M)   Supportive Smile Refer Mute/Reportu wouldnt actually know if someone died on here tf itsNickc (M) Wise One Refer Mute/Report When someone sends a kind message to you or to someone else, click on the heart next to their message to appreciate them. Think of it as a “like” button for kind and compassionate messages.Side note LordXavier (M)   Supportive Smile Refer Mute/Reportoverreacting to what? who's getting gutted? tf is going on? rosskennedy (L)   Mute/Reportmy eyes are fucklng melting out of my headWhy is our group always the group with drama LordXavier (M)   Supportive Smile Refer Mute/Reportits nothing ross dw ScarletNobility (M)   Wise One Refer Mute/Report We all need to work together to keep 7 Cups safe and compassionate. If a person is being inappropriate, please report them by pressing the report button under their message. Your action will remain anonymous. Thank you for helping us make this a welcoming place.i have no idea ross BrittTaylor27 (M)   Friendly Face Newbie Refer Mute/ReportNot sure Ross.😅 TheUnnamedPuppet (M)   Friendly Face Newbie Refer Mute/ReportWhy can't we have a boring *** group like the rest of the white people here +1LordXavier (M)   Supportive Smile Refer Mute/Report Did you know that one of the best ways to help yourself is to help somebody else? Become a listener today. Sign up to be a listener after your chat. Sign Me Upikr gil +1ScarletNobility (M)   Wise One Refer Mute/Report
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