#what ww does to a mfer. or something
tarteggs · 10 months
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soulsty · 9 months
....dude Fi was designed to look 13-14 according to the devs. it's really creepy that you ship her with anyone tbh, ESPECIALLY Ghirahim. she's literally a child. says a lot about you imo
Alright alright alright, let’s clear this up.
Do not mistake this post as me trying to excuse weird shit. Ew. I hate pro-shipping. Get it away from me.
Now into the nitty gritty-
Quoting DIRECTLY, from Hyrule Historia, it is on my lap as we speak
“• Looks 13 or 14”
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Does this concept art look a lot like our finalized Fi design? Yes it does. This is the second closest to the finalized version in the book
So let’s go over more of this, and the several reasons why I think this isn’t canon.
“• metallic texture”
That didn’t stick around. I often joke that everything in Skyward Sword looks like it’s made out of fondant, and while her clothing does, her skin and wings looks much closer to porcelain.
“• a naive cuteness”
uhh, sure? She never seemed naive to me, but she is still cute so… that stuck I guess?
I don’t need to go over the last bullet point, because that is just true lmao
But here’s the kicker! Right?
“Like the Fairy Queen in Wind Waker”
The Fairy Queen is obviously a child. We know this, look at her, she also flirts with 12 year old Link iirc
But what makes this design look like the fairy queen? The hair does, it’s exactly the same, just parted on the opposite side. The grey-blue color is really similar. Her… eyes? But wait… that’s the same eye type as the regular Great Fairies? And Ghirahim?
She didn’t even carry over the circular toon style eyes in her final design
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I’m pretty sure I could assume the Great Fairies in WW are meant to be adults right? Other versions always have been, and they very clearly look like an older version of the Fairy Queen… so why does Fi’s finalized design actually look a bit more like them? From the pointed eyes to the strong nose-to-eyebrow ridge, she’s starting to look less like the Queen to me…
But let’s go back to the concept art. What else does it say?
These are the same design as the other one that says she looks 13-14, just a bit less detailed
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hmm… huh… that’s interesting. Her gem changes color? Well, that’s not canon
Wait what? “Connected to the arm, which is why it bends.” She has arms under her wings?
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So yeah, in that same design where she “looks 13 or 14” she had arms. Do with that what you will
How about we dive even deeper into Fi’s concept art, hmm?
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It seems pretty clear to me that she wasn’t meant to be a child character from the start, some of these designs appear child-like (the one next to the iron man design in particular), but lots of these are also just women
But okay, okay, let’s take a step back from Fi’s concept art. How about Ghirahim’s, what does his say?
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The same age as Link? This mfer is 17?? Jesus Christ, talk about the jock kid in high school
Jokes aside, I don’t believe that, he refers to Link as a child the entire time, all of his concept art pre-finalized, just looks like old men, so I assume that moreso meant they were straying away from that design element.
I would also like to mention that Ghirahim’s concept art states in his sword form “He shows emotion without using his eyes”
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While very clearly showing a picture of him expressing with his eyes, something that remains consistent in-game as well. So this could be translation error, or just… idk honestly it just doesn’t really make sense lmao
The tl;dr of all this concept art talk is this:
Don’t take concept art as fact. As an artist, concept art is literally that. A concept. I have made designs with elements that have been changed drastically by the finalized version. It’s all a process.
SO! Now that we’re done with the concept art, let’s actually move to references from the game.
At the beginning of the game, this is said, by Gaepora and Fi
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Link is referred to as “a/the youth” multiple times, as opposed to Fi being referred to once as “youthful in likeness yet wise with knowledge immeasurable.”
Youthful in likeness. Not an actual youth, and the youthful in likeness thing could not even necessarily tie back to saying she looks 13-14, just that she looks young. Youthful is a very large age-range after all.
My second point about in-game… Scrapper. This doesn’t really lead too far, because we have no idea how “old” Scrapper is “supposed to be”, he’s a robot, he has less of an age than Ghirahim and Fi, BUT he’s allowed to be an absolute simp, to the point of calling her “Mistress” non-stop, so idk, that just doesn’t read as something a child would go through to me.
UPDATE: more evidence on the front of Scrapper, when he firsts meets Link, he explicitly doesn’t want to help Link because, and I quote “Serving children is very low in my task priority.” Then Fi appears, blah blah blah, you can’t carry the windmill propeller in your pouch, right? Then Scrapper says “Who are you!?” And does what I can only describe as his version of an AWOOGA (what being “zrrt-FWOOOSH”, paraphrased) and continues, “Your name is…Fi? Should I call you Mistress Fi? Are you looking for something Mistress Fi? …I…understand. At your request, I will carry anything, regardless of weight or destination…”
So there you go, serving children is very low in his priority, Hylia was around at the same time the LD units were active, so Hylia would’ve known about the Scrapper units priorities, (assuming they all have the same priority list) so why would she make a child? Just why? And in the same vein, why would Hylia make her servant sword-spirit a child in the first place, that doesn’t make any sense 😭
Looping back around to where this all started, what does “looks 13 or 14” even specifically mean? She looks that age, not she is that age. And I’m not going to go Lolita topic with this, I’m not here to say “she’s like 1,000 years old! So of course she isn’t a child!” I’m here to say, lots of people look older, or younger than they actually are. She’s almost the same height as Link, so if she were meant to be around his age, she’d probably be around 16, and if she’s 16, and Ghirahim is 17 according to his concept art, where did your argument go?
Speaking realistically, Hylia probably designed her to look young and ‘cute’ so she wouldn’t scare Link. Let’s be real, her personality is intimidating, and she was going to be projecting herself into his dreams, so if she had a intimidating appearance (like some of her old concepts), Link would probably be afraid of her.
That’s all. I could go deeper into some of these points, and add on other things, but I think some stuff is self-explanatory.
Now, even if you want to discredit everything I just said, Ghirahim and Fi are both adults in all of my work. Unless explicitly stated or shown otherwise.
I draw and write them how I envision them in my head. In Skyward Sword, I have always read both of them as adults. I have not aged-up Fi for this ship, that’s fucking weird. They are both adults.
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