#what's that one onion headline 'everything a goddamn ordeal in area family' like that's this
Okay, so Gregory ends up with like what, eight grandkids? Klavier, Sebastian, Kay, Pearl, Trucy, Athena, Apollo, and sort of Simon. Yeah like eight. What is his opinion on these baby lawyers that keep showing up in his house? (Bonus: Ray's opinions on them.)
At its core this AU is actually “Gregory accidentally adopts two family’s worth of children, has no idea how it happened” and I love it. By the time Mia and Maya return from Kurain like “so our aunt tried to kill us/frame us for murder and we stole took custody of our little cousin” Gregory is like “well this might as well happen, let me know if you ever need any help”. He figures Pearl will be the closest he ever has to a grandchild because both his actual kids are gay workaholics. He accepts this. 
Like by that point Gregory has already actually adopted Franziska, had Larry and Phoenix hanging around so long that they’re basically family, had Ray decide that he’s family, laid claim to Maya as another child, and Ema is also chilling around the house all the time. This man has so many wayward children and Maya is probably where he realizes that this is just going to keep happening. This is what his life is: Mia’s in the hospital in a coma, the blame for who attacked her is pinballing around the group, Maya has just been let off the hook and now Diego is the accused with Phoenix as some sort of accomplice (since they were the two that went to confront White) and Miles goes and picks Maya up from the detention center and brings her home to Gregory since what else is she supposed to do, go home to Mia’s empty apartment? And Gregory takes one look at this girl, Franziska’s age, eyes all red and puffy from crying, having gone through hell of finding her sister nearly dead and being accused of it, clinging to Miles’ arm because he more than anyone can sympathize with her situation, and he’s like “okay I guess I have another daughter now” and she just crashes there until Mia recovers. 
And then later, when Lana is arrested, Ema goes to Mia for help since she knows in law school they were friends “intellectually attracted” dated for a while and Mia’s like “if you don’t want to stay at your sister’s apartment alone, my place doesn’t have any space since Maya’s here from Kurain currently, but I know a man who might be willing to take you” and Ema crashes at Gregory’s until Lana is acquitted. She and Franziska hit it off and Gregory is really very glad that Franziska is making some friends her own age, because really until Ema and Maya, Franziska’s only friends are Miles, Phoenix, and Larry.
By Pearl it’s just habit, like hey here’s another kid we’re adding to this family.
Kay and Sebastian never actually crash at the house - Kay loudly and aggressively follows Franziska home and declares them family, and Gregory kind of has no idea what to do with his chaotic crow daughter. He appreciates her ambition but is not subtle at trying to channel her toward anything more legitimate than “Great Thief." 
Sebastian gets kind of overwhelmed by Fran’s giant and extremely supportive family, so he’s more on the side and doesn’t integrate himself so well with everyone besides Franziska, Kay, Ema, and Ray, but he notices that Fran is not subtly foisting her dad on him as a replacement dad. He doesn’t know how to respond to this. Gregory meanwhile is also like "Franziska I see what you’re doing, I guess I’m his father now” and even when Sebastian doesn’t come around for a while - he’s kind of afraid of being rejected by Fran’s family of brilliant lawyers even though she assures him that they all have accepted Larry - Gregory and Ray are always asking Franziska about how he’s doing and she makes sure that Sebastian knows they are checking in on him.
Gregory loves Trucy. He loves his new granddaughter. His happiness at having his own grandchild - “Father, you know that she is Phoenix’s daughter, not mine, and he and I aren’t together, you know that?” “Miles, she obviously thinks of you as her father. Don’t let her down. She’s my granddaughter” - almost outweighs the amount he wants to lecture Phoenix about the follies of taking in a child when you don’t know how to raise a child and when you also don’t have a way of supporting yourself let alone a child. (Everyone else lectures Phoenix very much so it’s fine that Gregory doesn’t. It’s not like he’s not getting lectured.) 
Ray is absolutely baffled by everything Phoenix is doing but he loves Trucy and he and Trucy are Cool Hat Bros and they go hat shopping a lot and he is in the front-row seats at her magic shows whenever he possibly can. He’ll rearrange whatever commitments he can and he will also brag about her to everyone, he’s like “my super-cool niece is an amazing magician and everyone should come to all her shows ever.”
I feel like Apollo might remind Gregory of Ray when he was younger, a little - loud and eager to learn. He doesn’t spend that much time with Apollo, though; the one who does is Ray. Ray takes a shine to Apollo and takes up a mentor role to him. Apollo is, honestly, unsure whether he works at the Wright Anything Agency or the Edgeworth Law Offices, and this question of who is his boss is one off the less pressing questions that associating with the Edgeworth-Fey extended family gives him. Apollo is honestly overwhelmed by all of these people who are barging into his life and there are so many of them and for a kid who grew up an orphan, with no one, he has no idea what to make of whatever’s going on here.
Gregory loves all of these baby idiots who keep stumbling into his life and he insists that everyone gather together for dinner fairly frequently - I think it probably goes from once every two weeks to once a month to “once a month and we have no idea who’s gonna be there on any evening” because trying to wrangle so many lawyers together in the same place at the same time is quite difficult. 
The first time Apollo comes to a family dinner is because Trucy drags him and he doesn’t quite realize what he’s in for but he does know “Isn’t it kinda weird to go to dinner with my boss’ family at my boss’ dad’s house?” and Trucy says “It’s only weird if you make it weird, Polly” and Apollo pretty much decides this is probably still one of the most normal things that’s happened to him since he met Phoenix so he rolls with it. And I feel like probably only half the family is there, like him and Trucy, Phoenix, Miles, Franziska, Ray, Gregory, and Misty, and Apollo’s like “oh this is a manageable amount of people” and then the next time, everyone is there and he’s like “oh god what is this”.
Athena and Simon I’ll comment on once I figure out their place in this AU, but no one has any idea what to make of Klavier. Like? Apollo and Trucy talk about him occasionally, before That Trial, and then after they’re all pretty assured that he’s not corrupt and is a good kid, but Franziska never really mentions him until one day she shows up late to dinner with Klavier in tow and the only person she warned in advance was Apollo, who’s like “holy shit I kind of thought you were kidding when you texted me that,” and while everyone’s boggling at the fact that Franziska brought her hated rival home she’s just like “hey we’re keeping this one”.
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