#what's the equivalent of a little meow meow that is less evil but 10x more pathetic
dages-big-naturals · 1 year
The funniest thing about Yue Qingyuan is that he, like every other notable SVSSS protagonist, gets an objectively happier ending once Shen Yuan enters the picture. He’ll spend the rest of his immortal lifespan next to his most important person, watching SQQ finally live a long and happy life. And he knows he should be happy, but he’ll never be able to shake the feeling that something isn’t quite right. SQQ smiles, but it isn’t the smile he once knew. His preferences have somehow changed, his turns of phrase are foreign, his personality is just a liiiittle bit off. And Shen Qingqiu never looks at him with resentment anymore, doesn’t look like the weight of their shared past ever burdens him.
He looks at YQY like a stranger. And the funniest thing about Yue Qingyuan is that I kind of think he would’ve preferred dying in a fruitless rescue mission to that.
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