#whatever I've got thoughts of leather and izzy i need to address via stede brb aksnfjgntj
izzy-b-hands · 8 months
well, they finally called just as i was starting to write Stede [redacted for fic spoilers] on Izzy's [redacted for fic spoilers], and...
somehow i now have an in person interview with them tomorrow afternoon (im gonna have to take a lyft out there but eh. more practice, right? if i don't wind up cancelling it bc it was. not bad, just kinda unprofessional to me how this went overall, but I'm gonna chat with Housemate abt it before I do anything like that to get a second set of eyes on it all.)
Back to writing Stede living my dream for now tho, bc i have a scheduled call with mum in a few hours as my next event and i need to keep my spirits high
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