#whatever happens when the team passes the helmet to Sid
icedbatik · 10 months
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Sid ... vs the Blue Jackets ... Nov. 14, 2023 (photo, no video)
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... vs the Sharks ... Nov. 4, 2023 (photo, no video)
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... vs the red wings ... April 8, 2023 (surprisingly, there was video)
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... vs the wild ... Nov. 17, 2022 (no video, but two photos)
(of all the 2022-23 helmet exchanges, I only found two that didn't have video; one was Sid's, one was Tanger's)
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... vs the flyers ... Feb. 15, 2022 (there was video)
(of all the 2021-22 helmet exchanges, this was the only one I found without video)
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... vs the Islanders ... Feb. 20, 2021 (no video, not even a photo, though it was Sid's 1,000th game, so there was a ton of video otherwise)
Documentation available noting Sid receiving the helmet, dating back to the 2020-21 season. Not only are actual videos rare, it shows how infrequently he actually gets the helmet. (Which I assume is the result of him asking guys to give it to other players who might benefit from the confidence boost.)
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halliewriteshockey · 4 years
OH! A PROMPT! canner/jars and forehead kisses (whether a 5+1 thing, or a feelings realisation thing, or something else entirely)(obvs based on him smooching goalies in the goalie train)
Five times Jared kisses Tristan + one time he kisses someone else
The first time Jared kisses him, it’s in the goalie line after a shutout, and it happens so fast Tristan’s not even sure what’s going on. Jared’s grinning so widely his eyes are crinkled almost closed, and he reaches up and cups Tristan’s helmet, pulling his head down.
Tristan bends obediently, not entirely sure what he’s doing, and Jared releases him a split second later, slaps him on the shoulder, and moves so Sid can take his place.
Okay, he thinks. Hockey players are weird. They tend to be emotionally stunted because they’re so focused on hockey instead of developing life skills like actual humans. 
Tristan accepts the rest of his team’s congratulations and puts the incident out of his head.
Until it happens again.
The next time, they’ve barely eked out a win, scraping through by the skin of their teeth and a desperation move by Tristan late in the third that only just kept the puck out. He thinks he might have pulled something stopping it, but the twinge fades when his team lines up to thank him.
Jared pulls him down and repeats whatever he’d done last time. Kissing his helmet? Tristan goes home and watches the game, taking notes on his performance while he ices his groin, and then watches the lineup.
Sure enough, Jared’s kissing him. Tristan checks the shutout game. Yup, kissed his helmet then too.
A little weird, Tristan thinks, and goes to bed.
He does it again after the third game too, smile wide like this is all totally normal.
The fourth time, the game hasn’t even started. Tristan’s warming up in the hall, surrounded by players. He’s in the zone, letting everything else fade as he focuses on getting into that perfect headspace where he doesn’t hear anything except the sound the puck makes when it streaks toward him.
He’s absolutely not expecting Jared to come out of the locker room and make a beeline straight for him. Tristan leans back to let him pass but Jared stops in front of him. He looks serious this time, blue-grey eyes determined, and he reaches up with one hand to pull Tristan down into the kiss. When he releases him, he pats the back of Tristan’s helmet and turns away without a word.
They lose. 
Tristan’s scattered, unable to focus no matter how he tries. The opposing team slots three in the first two periods, then another two in the last, and the goals Teddy and Jake score between them aren’t enough to make up the gap before the buzzer goes.
Murray starts the next game. He brings home a win with ease, grinning at the players as they line up after. Jared’s bouncing on his skates, ahead of Tristan in the line, and Tristan has a perfect view when Jared reaches up---a lot higher because Muzz is part giraffe---and plants a big, smacking kiss on his helmet.
Oh, Tristan thinks. He does it to everyone. It’s a goalie-specific thing, not a Tristan-specific thing. That’s... well, that’s okay then, isn’t it?
He starts the next game, and Jared doesn’t kiss him before it starts. Maybe that’s why they win, he decides. Everyone’s bright-eyed and happy, knocking their foreheads against Tristan’s helmet after, but Tristan’s not really paying attention, too focused on Jared’s place in line.
He doesn’t kiss him. Doesn’t even meet his eyes, the smile on his face hollow like he’s faking it, and he only slaps Tristan on the shoulder before turning away, leaving Tristan to stare after him.
It’s fine, he tells himself, and follows his team off the ice. 
And it is fine, mostly. They’re winning more than they lose, climbing the standings with dogged determination. Tristan’s able to force himself into focus again, and he doesn’t care that Jared doesn’t kiss him after wins anymore. He doesn’t. He especially doesn’t care that he still kisses Muzz after his wins.
He doesn’t care so aggressively that he glares at Jared when he approaches him after games, until Jared’s looking anywhere but at him and the congratulations he offers are nothing more than a nod before he turns to skate away. 
“Any chance you’re going to get past this on your own?” Sid asks one evening after the media’s gone.
“Get past what,” Tristan snaps, and immediately feels guilty for being rude to Sid, of all people, who only wants the best for everyone on his team. “Sorry,” he says more moderately. “Just been on edge, I guess.”
Sid examines him with dark eyes that see too much. “Maybe you should talk to him,” he suggests.
He definitely sees too much.
Tristan shoves his feet into his shoes. “Goodnight, Sid.”
He stalks for the garage without looking back. He’s almost to his car when he realizes someone’s waiting for him. He gives serious thought to hiding behind a pillar and calling a Lyft when he realizes it’s Jared, arms crossed over his chest and a thunderous scowl on his face.
He doesn’t, but it’s a near thing. 
Jared straightens when he sees him, hands dropping to his sides. “Um. Sid said I had to talk to you or I was benched.”
Goddamn meddling captains.
“Tell him we talked then,” Tristan says, pulling his keys out of his pocket. “Goodnight.”
“Yeah, that won’t fly.” Jared doesn’t sound any happier than Tristan feels. “You know Sid. He won’t let it go until whatever this is is fixed.”
“What is this?” Tristan snaps.
“I don’t know!” Jared retorts, matching his tone. “We were okay one day and then we weren’t and I... I fucked something up but I don’t know how, okay, but I’m trying here, can you just... work with me a bit?”
Tristan glares at him for a minute. To his credit, Jared doesn’t flinch. He just lifts his chin and waits.
“Get in the damn car,” Tristan growls, and Jared wastes no time scrambling for the passenger side.
Tristan doesn’t start the car once they’re inside. They sit quietly, watching the last few players heading for their cars. Finally, Jared stirs.
“Why did you kiss me?” Tristan asks abruptly.
Jared blinks. “I---what?”
“You started kissing my helmet after wins,” Tristan says. This is horrible. He wants very much to just disappear altogether and not have to talk about his feelings or whatever, but Jared’s twisted to look at him. “Then you stopped. Why?”
“Why did I, uh, kiss you, or why did I stop?”
“Yes,” Tristan says, exasperated. “It’s fucking with my head, so could you please just... explain and then get out of my car so I can go home?”
Jared shifts in his seat. He looks weirdly guilty. “I didn’t mean anything by it,” he mumbles, and Tristan’s bad mood gets worse somehow. “I just---I was happy we won. I wanted to show you how much I appreciated you. But then that time I kissed you before the game, we lost and I know you blamed me, so---”
“Wait, whoa, back up. I blamed you? For us losing?”
“Well yeah. Didn’t you?”
“No,” Tristan snaps. “I blame JJ for turning over the puck and Rudy for forgetting how to be a D-man when I needed him, and the rest of you for not playing a good enough game to make up for it. And I blame myself because I still should have been able to keep the pucks out anyway and I didn’t. What did you have to do with any of that?”
Jared is gaping at him. “But. I kissed you. And we lost.”
“Correlation does not equal causation. It had nothing to do with you.”
“Well, that’s why,” Jared says. “I thought... I thought you were mad at me.”
“Well, I wasn’t,” Tristan says. “Not until you started kissing Muzz but not me.”
Jared’s eyes widen. “Did you want---”
“Forget it,” Tristan snaps. “Get out of my car.”
“No, I don’t think I will,” Jared says, lifting his chin again. “Explain what you meant and then I’ll go, how’s that?”
Tristan slumps in his seat and glares out the windshield. 
“Were you jealous?” Jared asks.
Tristan glares harder at nothing.
“Oh my god,” Jared breathes. He sounds delighted. Tristan sneaks a look. Yup, he’s grinning. “Jars, you could have said. Why didn’t you just say?”
“Why are you still here?” Tristan asks, making his voice as forbidding as possible, but if anything, Jared’s grin just widens.
“You like me,” he says.
“Right now, there are Flyers I like more than you,” Tristan growls.
Jared laughs. He actually laughs, and Tristan reconsiders the viability of making a run for it.
It’s already too late. Jared is leaning over the armrest, reaching out to cup Tristan’s chin in his hand and turn his face. Tristan decides it would be childish to resist, so he allows it. Jared’s only a few inches away, a smile dancing in his eyes when Tristan meets his gaze.
“You don’t have to be jealous,” Jared says, and a shiver runs down Tristan’s spine. “Don’t you know you’re the only one I want to kiss?”
“Hearing a lot of big talk,” Tristan retorts. “Maybe you should put your money where your---mmph!” 
Jared’s mouth is warm and soft, and all rational thought flees Tristan’s brain. All he can do is hold on as Jared deepens the kiss, cupping Tristan’s face in one hand as he licks into his mouth.
They’re both breathing hard when Jared pulls away. He’s smiling as he thumbs Tristan’s chin.
“I do have a confession to make,” he murmurs, and Tristan’s never heard him sound like this, his voice all breathy and soft. 
He manages to quirk an eyebrow.
“What the hell is correlation does not equal... whatever that other word was?”
“Causation,” Tristan says, fighting the laughter. “Read a book sometime.” And he pulls him back into another kiss, feeling better than he has in weeks as Jared laughs against his mouth and kisses him back.
Inspired by Jared actually doing this to Tristan after a win
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Ayrton Senna remains the idol of idols in Brazil 25 years on from his death
In Imola, where he died, and in Interlagos, near where he was born and buried, the death of Ayrton Senna are highlighted by music and racing on May 1.
It is 25 years ago that the Brazilian crashed his Williams car into a concrete wall at the Tamburello bend.
Family and friends will be present in Europe or in his native country for the celebrations and lamentations. But Bernie Ecclestone will not be either.
Bernie Ecclestone is depicted with Ayrton Senna
Bernie Ecclestone is pictured with Ayrton Senna at Hockenheim during their days in F1 [EcclestonewillnotbepresentinImolaorInterlagosforpayingtributetoSenna"
Ecclestone will not be in attendance for 1945 Ecclestone S9 will not be present in 1945 ]
& # 39; I will remember Ayrton, think of him, & quot; Ecclestone said softly on Tuesday. 3]
& # 39; He was a special person. You can't say that he was like someone else. He looked like Ayrton. He was a warm person, of course. I'm fine with my children. & # 39;
Ecclestone, now 88 but then at the height of his powers as ruler of Formula One, he remembers the day of the accident lively and said: & # 39; I called the desk clerk to inquire about the state of Senna. He told me he was dead, but I thought he was dead. & # 39;
Ecclestone transmitted the vague information to the family. Tempers frayed. After a 37-minute delay, when Senna & # 39; s lifeless body was taken to the hospital in Bologna, where he was declared dead, the race continued.
The rest of the field rode around and around the pool of Senna & # 39; s blood. Michael Schumacher, nine years younger and on Senna & # 39; s tail that day, won. There was no champagne on the stage.
<img id = "i-4b3cb10c66f9734d" src = "https://dailym.ai/2LbwPuz -0-image-a-8_1556640065176.jpg "height =" 396 "width =" 634 "alt =" Senna led the 1994 San Marino Grand Prix in Imola and then crashed the 1994 San Marino Grand Prix in the sixth round Imola before he crashed in the sixth round "
Senna led the 1994 San Marino Grand Prix in Imola before he crashed on the sixth round
] <img id = "i-f18a2291a6256abf" src = "https://dailym.ai/2VFsLH2 /12915156-0-image-a-13_1556640480796.jpg "height =" 397 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-f18a2291a6256abf" src = "https://dailym.ai/2uS4u1n 1s / 2019/04/30/17 / 12915156-0-image-a-13_1556640480796.jpg "height =" 397 "width =" 634 "alt =" Senna & # 39; s destroyed Williams rests on the edge of Tamburello corner after his accident <img id = "i-f18a2291a6256abf" src = "https://dailym.ai/2VC6PfZ" height = "397" width = "634" alt = "<img id =" i-f18a2291a6256abf "src =" https://dailym.ai/2LgRLAH -a-13_1556640480796.jpg "height =" 397 "width =" 634 "alt =" Senna & # 39; s destroyed Williams rests on the edge of Tamburello corner after his accident
& # 39; The family thought I was insensitive, "Ecclestone said. & # 39; So I was not welcome at the funeral, not by his sister Viviane. I was a bit upset about that but my ex, Slavica, did. I was in Brazil and watched it on TV in my hotel room. Since
I have never been anyone's funeral. "Fortunately, after a while the truth about the afternoon came out – the confusion, who knew what and when, and how everyone responded to what they knew – and now my relationship with the family is absolutely fine. I help them with the Ayrton Senna Foundation when I can. "
Team owner Frank Williams was at the funeral in Morumbi, a chic, hilly part of Sao Paulo, and arrived in a van with the curtains closed. He was charged with the manslaughter of the charismatic triple world champion, but was acquitted in 1997. The precise cause of the accident remains undetermined.
<img id = "i-54a48675657b6461" s6 "https://dailym.ai/2VwOl0B" height = "686" width = "634" alt = "Senna performs a discussion with Prof. Sid Watkins shortly after the fatal crash of Roland Ratzenberger during the qualification for the 1994 San Marino Grand Prix "
Senna conducts a discussion with [Bewerken] [lijst toevoegen] Do Sid Watkins shortly after the fatal crash of Roland Ratzenberger during the qualification for the San Marino Grand Prix in 1994
<img id = "i-125cb0d71aea94c6" src = "https: // i. dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/04/30/17/12914876-0-image-m-9_1556640069710.jpg "height =" 451 "width =" 634 "alt =" Despite rumors to the contrary, those who claim it closest to Senna were that he did want to race on Imola "
<img id =" i-125cb0d71aea94c6 "src =" https://dailym.ai/2VFsLH2 /12914876-0-image-m-9_1556640069710.jpg "height =" 451 "width =" 634 "alt =" Despite rumors to the contrary, those closest to Senna claim that he did want to race on Imola "class =" blkBorder img-share
Despite rumors about the c
Ecclestone told again how he was threatened with arrest because he refused to hand in Senna's images in the car that afternoon. & # 39; People suggested it was Frank's fault, which is not true, & # 39; he said. & # 39; Whatever happened, it was not intentional. The bands would not have told the researchers anything. They would have shown the wheel. Anyway, it was useless because nothing in the world could bring Ayrton back to life. "
It was a terrible weekend. The day before Roland Ratzenberger died in qualifying. Senna was deeply upset. There are rumors that he would not race. Prof Sid Watkins, the leading neurologist who revolutionized in Formula 1 before and after Senna's death, advised him not to go fishing and instead go fishing
But Senna & his girlfriend Adriane Galisteu and his manager Julian Jakobi told me he didn't want to race, it didn't matter that he was shaken badly. & # 39; It's my life & # 39 ;, I explained to Galisteu, a former umbrella girl, now 46 years old and a married mother.
<img id = "i-61d54ca24f20e7ad" src = "https://dailym.ai/2VC0qRY -1_1556638811585.jpg "height =" 441 "width =" 634 "alt =" A helmet and a special bronze bust of Ayrton Senna sculpted by the niece of F1 legend Paula Senna Lalli were presented to Pope Francis in April "
<img id =" i-61d54ca24f20e7ad "src =" https://dailym.ai/2LbwRCH -0-image-a-1_1556638811585.jpg "height =" 441 "width =" 634 "alt =" A helmet and a special bronze bust of Ayrton Senna sculpted by the niece of F1 legend, Paula Senna Lalli, were in April presented to Pope Francis
] A helmet and a special bronze bust of Ayrton Senna sculpted by the niece of F1 legend, Paula Senna Lalli, were presented to Pope Francis in April
<img id = "i-167a4ecfd46152fa" src = "https://dailym.ai/2VBrC3b -a-2_1556638824099.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" With Paula Senna Lalli unable to attend, her sister and director of the Ayrton Senna Institute Bianca was ready to meet the Pope for the ceremony.
<img id = "i-167a4ecfd46152fa" src = "https://dailym.ai/2LftFGu. jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" With Paula Senna Lalli unable to be present, Her sister and director of the Ayrton Senna Institute Bianca was on hand to meet the Pope for the cere
With Paula Senna Lalli unable to attend, her sister and director of the Ayrton Senna Institute Bianca was ready to meet the pope for the ceremony
On the occasion of the jubilee, the Senna family has a bust of Ayrton, sculpted by his cousin Paula, passed on to Pope Francis and will be housed in the Vatican Museum.
In Brazil, Senna remains the idol of idols, a semi-mystical figure I arguably surpassed Pele in national regard, even as Neymar, signed by PSG for a dazzling £ 200 million, faster attractive for today's youth.
I ask Ecclestone about another modern hero, five-time world champion Lewis Hamilton, who hid his tears behind his father's car when he heard that Senna had died.
Are there no similarities? & # 39; Exactly, & # 39; he said. & # 39; Forget Lewis as a driver, although he is naturally brilliant at that, he is a very, very special person. And that's how I remember Ayrton. & # 39;
& # 39; This Wednesday we are having a big party to celebrate a national hero party, which has left us with values ​​such as determination, humility, respect for others and teamwork.
& # 39; A day to celebrate the legacy of an idol who leaves emotional signs inside and outside the car racing lanes. A wonderful man who has transformed the lives of millions of Brazilians. This is how we of the Senna family and the team of Ayrton Senna Institute have suffered on May 1 since my uncle Ayrton died.
& # 39; His death occurred 25 years ago.
& # 39; Ayrton was in love with his country and wished that all Brazilians would have the opportunity to fully develop their potential. and autonomy to choose their future
& # 39; More than philanthropy and sporadic tools for one reason or another, my uncle dream of a better future for all Brazilians and I discussed this dream with my mother Viviane.
& # 39; Unfortunately with the accident in Imola that disrupted his life, Ayrton never had the chance to personally achieve this goal. But Viviane went on with this great goal / mission. Ayrton Senna Institute
& Twenty-five years later, this mission transformed itself into a renowned reference in education, which had produced and applied knowledge on a large scale in collaboration with states and municipalities.
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