#whatever my brains kinda crummy today i dont remember stuff asdlkfh
elegyofthemoon · 6 months
7, 10, 30 for music!!!!
i fixated on the dance for this one it was sooo good and very fun
also the funniest thing to find out was the dialogue at the beginning and ending of the song was fucking done by sylvains va it felt like i got shot in the leg
OOOO ANN THIS ONE WAS FROM A HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE PLAYLIST I FOUND the playlist is really good though i found a lot of big fave songs on there (and tbh i think a lot of my wrapped is FROM that playlist actually asdklfahds)
....I'm so surprised that this song got on here. I feel like I discovered it only recently, but I've been obsessed with it lately so I guess that's only fair askldjfahsl
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