#whatever. not looking a gift horse in the mouth. (not looking my immortal shrimp in their gross little mandibles)
iraprince · 1 year
Came across a few of your comics (they’re great) and was about to keep scrolling and move on with my life, but then I saw you’re into planted aquariums so I had to follow. Us nerds gotta stick together ya know?
oh hell yeah, high five. i haven't posted any pictures in ages bc as my tank has reached a kind of insane unexpected equilibrium it's also become less photogenic, and i haven't wanted to disturb a stable system just to make it photograph better lol -- BUT recently i have been thinking about finally starting to fuss over it again, maybe add some new plants and some new shrimp to transition over as my current band of amanos reach the end of their lifespan, and maybe when i have that all brushed up i'll take u guys on a little tour again. (for the shrimp nerds who may be interested: i'm thinking about nabbing some neocaridinas, likely blue jelly + carbon rilli. it would be nice to have a self-sustaining colony, since obv the amanos can't breed in fresh water.)
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