#whatever. this is going to make me unemployable for the rest of forever LOL
Is it coming to you live if I’m just chilling in my apartment and taking my time blogging about the new way of life many generations are having to endure without a FaceTime selfie update? Maybe not. Who cares. 
You do. That’s why you’re reading this. Because for many of you, this is day 9 or 15 of quarantine depending on where you are in the country, and you are SO bored that you ended up in a rabbit hole that led you here. Welcome. I could use some more followers just like you could use something to do for the next ten minutes. 
For many millennials and introverts alike, nothing has changed. Nada. We are doing the same things we have been doing: avoiding human contact, jumping into rabbit holes out of boredom on social media platforms, eating take out from DoorDash, and binge watching our faves on popular platforms. So to the rest of the world...we send the warmest welcome. 
The difference? Now we are being asked to do it. 
It’s easier to stay home when you WANT to hide, but it’s a little different for some of us to stay home when you’re TOLD to hide, hence why many people are taking those cheap flights to anywhere without caution, putting bar nights on their social media stories without a care to rebel, and trying not to hit their heads against walls as they are stuck indoors with family they would otherwise optionally see occasionally. Praying for you. 
Anyways. While everyone is stuck indoors and sharing their hourly updates of how nothing has changed, or how they are continuing to innovate their new, and hopefully temporary, “norms”, I thought I could also share a few tips on how to stay positive (oh God, no, not for COVID-19), be productive working at home, still be productive if you are temporarily/indefinitely laid off, or have trouble getting through that to-do list you have been making for 5 years (don’t be ashamed, we all have one). 
Tip #1: Stay Positive. 
I know, I know. That looks more like: StAy pOsITivE, but hear me out. Wake up every morning and set one positive intention; whether it’s limiting your social media scrolling, getting a nice long yoga practice in, getting through a few chapters of a good book, turning the garage into a real gym (no, that treadmill being weighted down by your air-drying laundry does NOT count, Becky), getting a good handle on your [new] online classes, or checking up on your grandparents because #quarantinecheck . Keeping a good positive mental attitude is good for the longevity of this quarantine. This isn’t going to last forever, and it helps to make sure that even if the Corona virus doesn’t infect your immune system, that you don’t let it infect your mental health. It’s also going to help you achieve the rest of this list. 
Tip #2: Productively Working From Home.
Say good-bye to cubicles and awkward coffee breaks in the break room with that guy from IT that has a crush on you that you hardly know, and say hello to a much more hostile work environment depending on the adult and child population in your home. You’re about to find out just how much pressure you can take with that deadline. Breathe. I am not an expert on kids because I don’t have any, so I won’t pretend to be. If you’re looking on advice on how to wrangle those little devils, you’re in the wrong place, sis. For everyone else, get up like you would every morning, eh, maybe like an hour more of sleeping in, but get up, get dressed and put some concealer on or whatever. Make some coffee and find the dog/cat/rabbit/hamster leash you threw in the back of the coat closet because you and Fluffy are going for a productive brainstorming walk. Yep. You’re taking the dog, or the cat, or the rabbit, or the hamster (or whatever poor fluffy adorable creature that you never take for some productive exercise) to work from now until this sh*t is over. Make it a 10-15 minute walk (depending the type of pet) and set some productive work intentions. Make a list on your phone. When you come back, set up a creative desk area if you don’t already have one. I use one end of my dining room table by folding one of my favorite patterned scarves in half and laying down as a foundation for mental separation where the cats are NOT allowed to lay. Place some candles from your room or living room on your desk for some “office ambiance”, put up a standing picture frame if you like, notepad and pens, and maybe some cute paper weights? Whatever floats your boat. Start by checking your emails or whatever you would normally do to start the workday at the office, and just keep the ball rolling from there. Set a lunch break, and stay out of the kitchen until then (unless you, like, actually need to get a snack)! We all know what too many snacks lead to....(I’m not saying don’t eat what you want, by all means necessary, snack your PANTS OFF, but save them for after work because we are trying to get sh*t done, okay?)....anyways. If you start feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list, take a break and call your Nana or your mom or dad and chat to check in for like 15 minutes. Talk about your day with them, then get back to it. It helps to get some social interaction, especially because you would be getting that at work with your co-workers. Make sure that you set a solid time to end your “workday” and try to stick to it! You got this!
Tip #3:  Being Productive “Working From Home”.
This one is for everyone who has been told that their places of employment have been shutdown temporarily or indefinitely by the government or city officials due to risk of exposure. Set an alarm for the morning for like 9 am or 10:30 am, and get drink some water (we know you had more than a glass of wine last night, and quite frankly...same). Make some coffee or tea to-go, and strap the pup/kitty/bunny up for a walk! We are all going to get some Vitamin D and fresh air ladies and gents. While on your walk, set some daily intentions to do some school work, start a blog (hehe..), take care of any adult-responsibilities that you have been putting off because you just haven’t had time during the week to do it (your banks are still doing drive-thru extended services, so no excuses), make a chore list, make a plan of invading your local grocery store [during business hours] in hopes of finding [not hoarding] lost treasures like toilet paper, conference calling your project buddies from class so you can knock out that B+ even in quarantine because we all know the policy in the syllabus doesn’t even protect you from a worldwide quarantine, or you can take the time you need to take care of your unemployment status! You can still do so many things under these trying times. Start something new for your self or cross off some serious adulting moves. Take this time to meditate,  learn about the “joy” of meal-prepping (don’t do this one, it’s miserable), finish that weird painting you started with the girls during a poorly timed wine and paint night at your place (remember? There were snacks and more bottles than canvases and you guys got too drunk and a few brush strokes in you stopped and started to Instagram-stalk your exes and their current girlfriends?? Yeah. You remember), YouTube some yoga routines to start flowing for some MUCH needed positive stress-relief, clean the hell out of your kitchen AND closet (you know you need to donate the sh*t you don’t wear anymore. It’s just taking up space, Jen), or start doing some morning or evening runs with your dog. Take this quarantining time to start new and positive habits that you have been thinking about picking up lately but have been too busy to do so. YOU HAVE PLENTY OF TIME NOW. 
Here’s mine, I started a self-care regiment of taking super reds and greens when I get up in morning and go to bed at night, and I started getting up earlier to take my dog out to play fetch while I drink my morning coffee (I don’t run for sh*t, f**k that). Start with something small like I did. If I can do it, you can do it. 
Tip #4: Do Your “To-Dos”.
Seriously. Find that list. Make that list. Slap it on the dining room table and give it a good talking-to. Tell it about how you’re not taking anymore of its bullsh*t, and this ends this week. PROJECT YOUR FEELINGS. Then get to it. Maybe drink some coffee first? Idk. Whatever gets you going. Keep in mind a few things though:
1. It’s okay if you only do one thing today because you can take the rest of the week or the rest of the quarantine to finish it. Nobody is judging you, but you, sis (A good life mantra).
2. You are the boss of the list, not the other way around. Take charge, sis. 
3. You don’t even have to go in order from top to bottom. Maybe start with the easiest and most convenient things to do at home, and then work your way out. Or alternate between easy and more challenging if you want to make it more fun. The point is: go at your own pace, this isn’t a race. You know what they say about things that rhyme *insert enthusiastic smile and eyebrow raise here*.  
4. Do not, and I cannot stress this enough, do NOT judge yourself for how long any item has been on the list. What matters is today, and your motivation to take on these tasks. So pop some headphones in, and go get em’ tiger. 
Remember, 2020 is NOT cancelled. It’s just postponed for some self-healing. I hope this helps, and that everyone who reads it can find something that they will take away and put into motion in the weeks to come. Speaking of weeks to come, I am now out of wine, so I have to add a trip to the store to my to-do list lol.
 Happy Quarantining guys!!
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silkyandsurveys · 4 years
survey #3
may 17,2020
1)What is your idea of an ideal date?
i love the idea of an amusement park date? it’s so cliche but it’s so cute and fun cause it would just be such a fun time to just laugh with each other and be soft and cute
2)When did you last unexpectedly gain money?
hmmm that’s hard. i just today applied for unemployment and those results will be coming back soon ? hopefully? but then my mom said that my old job is looking for people to take food to cars so i might be doing that and getting some good money so not anytime recently but i’m guessing in the soon future i will
3)What are your favorite preparations of vegetables?
I’m sorry but just extremely soft broccoli and butter with salt and pepper is so good and classic
4)What are your plans for the rest of the day?
uhm it’s 7:08 pm so take my medicine and shower and then just play on my phone for a couple hours until bed
5)What is your favorite movie soundtrack?
this is so hard because i don’t watch a lot of movies. this may seem odd because of course but the bohemian rhapsody movie but that doesn’t really count. love simon is great same as fault one our stars idk
6)If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do?
i really don’t know. part of me wants to say go and like do something crazy but what can you really do that’s ~crazy~ in 24 hrs. i would just go see all my friends. say things i never had the courage to say in the past to certain people hug everyone idk
7)If you came along with a theme song, which song would it be and why?
omg something super bright and sassy for sure!! i can’t think of something necessarily. maybe something harry styles?
8)If you could invite 5 people to a dinner party, living or dead, who would you choose?
this is so hard but why do i wanna say ot5 one direction and literlaly just make all of them speak to each other.
9)What is Victoria's secret?
that she’s fatphobic and transphobic oops
10)If you had to be trapped in a tv show for a month, which tv show would it be and why?
omg 10000000% glee OMGGGGGG i would die but also stranger things would be hella vibes and lowkey scary but fun
1. Have you ever moved to a different city?
No only ever moved house
2. Do you ever forget names of people you know well?
i’m not as bad with names as i am faces idk i’m just bad at that in general
3. If you could trade lives with a cat, would you do it?
uhm maybe for like a day? they legit just sleep and scratch you so?
4. Have you ever been lost? Was it frightening?
A couple times i think? driving can get very confusing
5. Do you enjoy doing new or shocking things?
sometimes i do sometimes i don’t. it’s very depending on whether i’m like mentally prepared for the information
6. Would you rather be lost in a forest or a city?
the city alone but the forest with someone
7. What is the biggest discovery you have made about yourself growing up?
that i really am quite odd? like i’m very different from what normal people in my area are. not to sound quirky but it’s true. i’m also very very adaptive to lots of different people and groups
8. Do you want to have children and a family?
yes one day. i can’t ever imagine a time though
9. Have you ever seen something strange and no one believed you?
10. Have you ever had a crush on someone much older than yourself?
no actually. other than celebrity crushes of course
11. Have you ever been separated from someone?
yes. my like biggest crush of my entire life moved away a couple years ago and it was actually really hard and made me grow up
12. Do you cry over books/movies/shows/etc.?
yes i specifically watch movies to cry sometimes i’m just a really emotional person but i have a hard time naturally crying to my problems on my own
Are there any subjects you’ve made an effort to learn about despite no obvious relevance to your daily life?
yes definitely
Have you or would you ever turn down a promotion if it meant moving somewhere new?
it really really depends. right now? no. i’m not ready to move away at this very moment but in the future ? maybe? depends on who i’m with and how happy i am where i am
Do you have someone you can carry on full conversations with and not get tired of them?
yeah definitely i have a couple friends who i really love having conversations with and we can have conversations about the same things over and over and not get bored
Who is your celebrity crush?
harry styles tehehe
Have you ever broken a bone?
no but i’ve bruised them and also gotten very bad sprains. got very close to breaking my ankle and foot tehe
What is one thing you were really good at as a kid?
crafts? i use to love polymer clay and i was actually quite good at it.
What is one thing about humanity that baffles you?
the fact that schools don’t teach about current events and the injustice of america and how freedom is so selective and UGH
How are you at fixing things?
very good. it’s almost a problem i feel like it’s my responsibility to make things easier and better for other people
Do you have any martial arts training?
no ma’am could be fun but
Do people tend to come to you for advice?
If you knew it would prevent a catastrophe or end a war, would you ever willingly sacrifice your own life?
i got to be really honest. no.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
i love love love telepathy but i think invisibility or transportation would be my top picks
Someone offers you a chance at immortality. Do you take it, and why or why not?
uhm if i could get a large extension on my young life? yes but idk i wouldn’t want to be completely 100% immortal.
If you had to spend your life with just one person, who would it be?
omg hopefully my soulmate? but if i had to pick someone rn y’all i gotta say harry styles
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
Do you have any regrets?
yes and no. i know my decisions of my life have led me here but at the same time i always have a bad habit of looking back and wondering if things would be different if i made a different decision. i do regret little baby things though like not going to a 1d concert lmao
Is someone telling you how to live your life, or are you an independent person?
i’m an independent person with chains i haven’t been able to strip yet
If you were to fall into an eternal sleep, do you think anyone would miss you?
yeah definitely
Do you miss anyone right now?
yes. i miss my friends but i also miss people who used to be in my life but not them now them before. it sounds sad but
If you could get away with anything, what would you do?
steal!!!! bro i would legit steal so quick if i could get away with it
What are you like when you’re by yourself?
so out there? i like romanticize my life in my head when i’m alone so i get a little crazy but i’m also way more open when i’m by myself
What would you change about yourself?
id love to be more confident? definitely would like to be healthier
If you knew one of your loved ones/best friends had only one day left to live, how would you spend that last day with them?
i would want to do whatever they wanted to do. hug them tell them i loved them
If you could make anyone do anything, what would you make them do?
make a super rich person give me all their money
If you had one wish that would come true and couldn’t be reversed, what would you ask for?
a credit card that had no limit
What would someone have to do to get in your pants?
that would be hard work as this lady is a virgin queen but idk
What’s one thing you can’t live without?
music. i used to never think this way but now i 100% do
What did you used to have that you are happier without?
a dad LOL
What was your favorite food when you were a child?
chicken for sure but also fruit gummies
If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?
18 or 21 18 would be perfect if it weren’t for drinking
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
sing!!! i love singing so being good at it would be great
What sound do you love?
walking on leaves. the typing noise on a phone. laughing. cracking knuckles. a starbucks glass bottle opening. record players
If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose?
elizabeth from pride and prejudice
What do you want to be when you grow up?
something in social media
What do you miss most about being a kid?
being carefree and not caring what people thought about me
What is something you learned in the last week?
certain words and their meanings from uquizzes lol
Would you rather be really attractive or really smart?
this is actually hard because i’m like averagely smart and i’m so satisfied but i’m not satisfied with my looks so
What are your phobias?
vomit is #1
If one song were to describe your life, what song would it be?
i have a playlist but i could never describe in just 1 song.
What is one habit of yours that no one knows about?
i pick my skin off my thumb?
What annoys you the most?
rude people. people who brag about their lives. negativity.
If you could change your first and middle name to anything, what would it be?
i wouldn’t change my first and middle i would only change my last
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