#whats ratio n aventurines ship name
cassarttstudio 7 months
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more star rail memes + 4 memes with the same bit but swapping characters around
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otomiyaa 5 months
Love Is Hard for a Broke Otaku
Narumi x Hirotaka
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A/N: In wave of inspiration I drafted 3 new fics yesterday and THIS WAS NOT ONE OF THEM. This one just spawned today and it's the fault of @dokidoki-muffin and her amazing art that inspired me馃き
Summary: Narumi and Hirotaka continue dating with the golden rule: no otaku talk during their romantic outings unless you would like to contribute to the piggy bank. A great rule for those who have money. (Also on AO3)
Word Count: 2.2K
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Such a beautiful spring day! It was the perfect Shoujo scenario date. A stroll in the park, a swan boat date surrounded by couples, a romantic picnic for two while enjoying the beautiful sunset...
"We're being so romantic, Hirotaka! Seeing us together like this, I ship us harder than Dr. Ratio and Aventurine, which says a lot! Their chemistry is really off the charts!"
Without a word, Hirotaka instantly held out the otaku-off-limits piggy bank. Narumi gasped. Where did he get that! As if the damn thing just spawned in his hands like a video game item!
"Too bad, Narumi. You held out for so long without breaking the rule," Hirotaka said dramatically.
"You brought Bernard?!" she shrieked.
"I still disagree with that name. But yes. Penalty time, you geeked out," Hirotaka said. Narumi sighed and covered her face with her hands.
"Geek out, geek out? H-how did I geek out?"
"You talked about Honkai Star Rail, again. On top of that, a BL couple. It is against our dating rule."
"You're so mean, Hirotaka! Besides, Honkai Star Rail is a game. You should geek out with me then."
"That's not the rule. Besides, I already told you it's not my kind of game. Pay up," Hirotaka said, and he shook the piggy bank. Narumi listened to the sound of the coins inside and she sighed.
"Can you forgive me this once?" she asked, feeling her pockets. Not even a 1-yen coin was left.
"Why? You know it's our date-rule. You made me pay too, the other day. Twice."
"But that was because you wouldn't stop bringing up Monster Hunter. Paying twice was the ultimate minimum compared to how much you geeked out."
"I also recall you made me pay when we went to Disney Sea too, last weekend."
"But you wouldn't stop doing these unnecessary raids in Pokemon Go!" Narumi whined. Hirotaka glared at her.
"I don't see the difference. So, rules are rules. You pay. That would be 500 yen, miss." He held out the piggy bank. Narumi fiddled with her clothes.
"Then... can I pay later?" she asked. Hirotaka cocked his head.
"I don't see why. Don't tell me you're broke?"
.... Narumi hesitated for too long, so Hirotaka gasped. "You are broke!" he yelled, and Narumi quickly grabbed his hands.
"No no no, I'm not broke! I'm just out of cash! Don't forget I bought us drinks and ice cream for our date today! That was everything I had with me... today! I have money at home, a-and on my bank account!"
Narumi felt her cheeks getting red knowing that was not true, especially when Hirotaka gave her this judging stare.
"Do you really?" he asked. "So when we go to your home now, or to the bank, you can pay?"
Narumi blushed and bit her lip. Nooo! "M-maybe?" she said. Hirotaka sighed.
"Just what did you do with your money this time?" he asked. Narumi nervously played with her clothes.
"Well... T-there were tickets on sale for Comic Con..."
"Ah, Comic Con. I remember you asked me to go. Those tickets are expensive," Hirotaka said.
"Hmm yes, you turned me down. S-so I still bought two tickets, for Hana-chan and me."
Hirotaka frowned. "And...?" he asked. Narumi lowered her head.
"I a-accidentally bought them twice."
Hirotaka jumped up again. "What! Twice? How?"
Narumi shrugged. "Well you see, these things happen. They were on sale on the website, and you have to be there soon because they sell out fast - a-and there was also a special sale that included a meet & greet with my favorite seiyuu on another website. I wanted to make sure to get at least one of them! I was in the online queue on the two websites and, actually ended up getting both! I didn't expect I would. It's a miracle."
"...A miracle that cost you a lot of money. So, you can just sell one set, right?"
"I can't. One has the VIP package and the other has the special meet & greet! They're different! I have to keep both!"
Hirotaka groaned. "Are you serious right now? You can't just pay entrance fee once and the special packages separately? Sounds like a scam. So anyway, that's why you're broke?"
"It's not a scam, just my mistake! Hana-chan didn't want to sell hers and I I kind of said I could keep mine too... And yes now I am broke, but only for the weekend. Hana-chan will pay me back her share when we are at the office. I have food at home too. I'll be fine."
It had really not been Narumi's intention to spill the truth about this unfortunate money situation to Hirotaka. It all went so well, with her just offering the little money she had for the least expensive treats today, such as drinks and ice cream, while Hirotaka paid their lunch, picnic snacks and boat ride like a true gentleman. He originally wasn't going to find out about the her blunder, and about her greed.
To think that her geeking out about one of her favorite BL pairings was the cause of this.
Speaking of...
"That's a shame. You do owe me then," Hirotaka said. Narumi jolted, sad that he was really returning to the penalty topic.
"Y-yes! I'll pay later!"
Hirotaka shook his head. "I mean, it's not about the money. You know that. More like, the small punishment for breaking the rule to keep our dates romantic." He smiled, and Narumi's heart fluttered.
"Romantic.." she mumbled with a blush, remembering why they had installed the rule in the first place. It wasn't always easy to be the friends-to-lovers couple after all.
"I think I can let you off, if we change the punishment. How about that?" Hirotaka suggested. Narumi cried out in delight and nodded.
"Yes. Yes! What should I do?"
Hirotaka stared into the distance. He pointed. "Run up and down those stairs."
Narumi stared at the huge ass stairs, leading to the shrine they didn't visit today for the exact reason of those stairs being too damn long.
"...Twice," Hirotaka said with a smirk. Narumi looked at him in horror.
"You might as well just kill me then," she said dramatically.
"Or... You'll let me tickle you. For..." Hirotaka said, taking his phone and tapping something. He then held up the timer.
"...Six whole minutes."
"Six? That's specific. Not five?"
"Six. So, would you agree?" Hirotaka asked. Narumi nodded.
"Sure, let's go home first."
Hirotaka shook his head. "No, we'll do it here." Narumi gulped and looked around the park. There were couples everywhere. Families... Dogs. People.
"Why, are you embarrassed? It's not like there's anyone we know here."
"B-b-but!" Narumi squeezed Hirotaka's hands and she shook her head. Did he really think so lightly of getting tickled in public? Someone as ticklish as her?!
"M-m-my dignity!" she stuttered, and she grabbed Hirotaka's shirt and tugged it repeatedly.
"You have to spare my dignity!"
"Hm? What dignity?" was Hirotaka's cold reply. Oof! Meanie! Narumi let out a whine and leaned her head against his chest.
"Is there really no third option?" she asked. Hirotaka chuckled.
"No, it's either stairs or tickling." The villain. He obviously knew Narumi couldn't even run up and down those stairs twice, having the stamina of a wanky banana peel. She'd strand in the middle and gasp for air like an old woman on her dying bed. Now that might even be more embarrassing than getting tickled.
"F-f-fine.... Tickle me then," she finally sighed. "But if people laugh at me, you have to stand up for me and tell them I'm beautiful."
Hirotaka smirked. "Don't you worry. You'll be doing most of the laughing here. Let's not mind other people."
That made Narumi blush, and she repositioned herself on their picnic sheet, shuffling awkwardly.
"S-so what do I do?" she asked while Hirotaka put his phone down.
"You come to me," he said. He turned on the timer and spread his arms.
"Come here," he said gently, and for a moment he really looked gentle, welcoming his precious girlfriend for a hug. But the moment she moved closer, she could already see his expression change. This wasn't Hirotaka being gentle, this was her villain boyfriend who was way too smug as he lured her into his tickle trap!
"Gotcha," Hirotaka said when she was so flustered she tried to move away again, and he locked her in his arms, bringing one hand to her side while the other moved up, immediately aiming for her underarm.
"Wawawa-wahahhaait Hirotakahahaha! Spahahare me a lihihittle!" Narumi whined when his fingers began to wiggle around their chosen tickle spots. She wriggled and squirmed in his arms, but Hirotaka reminded her he wasn't as weak as he looked - no offense, but it was the truth! And she couldn't help but love him for it.
"It's better to not mind them," Hirotaka said when Narumi couldn't help but turn her head to watch the judging couples in the distance. So embarrassing! It wasn't as if her getting tickled was the worst that was happening out here! Look, there were people kissing over there! Aaah!
"Buhuhut- aahaha! Wait no- not thehere!" Narumi laughed. Hirotaka had moved the hand on her lower side further up and tickled her ribs, while the other continued to gently wiggle its fingers under her arm. Narumi grabbed Hirotaka's jacket and she shook with hysterical laughter.
"I'm gohohonna ehehexplode!" she howled dramatically. Hirotaka chuckled fondly.
"No you won't," he said, and she gulped when he suddenly pushed her down on her back. He towered over her and grabbed both sides of her ribcage, his fingers racing up and down as if she was playing a game. Narumi squealed and tried to grab his hands and pry them off her as a reflex, but to no avail.
"Aaaahahaha nohoho it tihicklehehes!" she whined.
Hirotaka even captured both her hands and only needed one hand to pin them above her head. With the other he clawed and poked her ticklish armpit that was now helplessly exposed.
"HIROTAHAAKAAAA!" Narumi kicked her legs, messing up their picnic sheet. Despite everything she was very aware of the people staring at her and the way it made her blush - but even more aware of her boyfriend's fingers tickling and making her blush even worse!
"Three more minutes. We're halfway there," Hirotaka informered her, and Narumi shook her head wildly.
"Bwahahaha I cahahan't take ahahanymohohore!" she cackled. The fond smile Hirotaka showed her was so unfair.
"I'm sure you can," he said. He released her hands and continued the tickle attack by wiggling his fingers all over her tummy. Narumi screeched and tried to curl up. Reluctant to hit her precious attacker in the face, she pounded the picnic sheet like a madwoman.
"Plehehease! Hahahave mehehercy!" she shrieked. Hirotaka glanced at his phone.
"I will. After two minutes and fourteen seconds."
"Gahaahha I wihihill dieeehehehe!" Narumi wailed. She weakly tried to crawl away, but Hirotaka only needed to tickle her underarms again to make her collapse. He then settled with wrecking her socked feet for the remaining minutes. Hirotaka was pure evil.
"Nyaahhaahaha I cahahan't breheheathe!"
"You're doing just fine."
Narumi was sure he cheated. He must've secretly extended the timer or something, because no way had it actually been six minutes by the time he stopped. It felt like it was way longer. Narumi wrapped her arms around her stomach and wheezed.
Hirotaka looked at her with a charming smile.
"Game over, right? Well, I must admit this was way more enjoyable. If you like, we can just stop paying to Bernard and tickle-punish you instead, anytime you act like an otaku during our dates."
".....Pffffthehehe," Narumi giggled, muffling the sound with the back of her hand.
"Hmm? Still feeling ticklish?" Hirotaka asked teasingly. She shook her head.
"You called the piggy bank Bernard."
"Oh. Yes, I guess I did."
"And, introducing the tickle punishment as a permanent penalty means I get to tickle you too."
"....Oh. I guess so?" Hirotaka said, suddenly sounding a lot less smug and confident.
"And I will claim my six minutes right away, because you just said a gamer otaku thing."
"You said 'game over', that counts."
"Eh? It's a general phrase! Anyone would say 'game over'. Non-gamers would say it too."
"No, let me tickle you. Six minutes tickle punishment coming right up!"
"That's way too long for- aaaahh!" Narumi was suddenly no longer tired now that she chased after Hirotaka who was acting way more flustered all of a sudden. He tried to get away but she pounced on him and immediately began to tickle.
"Ahahahah! Nahaharumi! At leheheast tuhuhurn ohohon the tihihimer ahahaha!"
"Naah, you can keep count for me!" Narumi sang teasingly, and she enjoyed the sound of Hirotaka's cute laughter. She kind of agreed with him now. This was a lot more fun than the piggy bank.
And what was also a lot more fun: at the end of their park date filled with embarrassing tickle punishments, Hirotaka came with the sweetest suggestion. He'd buy the extra ticket for Comic Con from her, and convince Kabakura to join Hanako as well. They would attend the event with all four of them, while Narumi and Hanako could experience all of the extras as they wished. Woohoo!
Evil tickle monster tendencies aside, he really was the cutest boyfriend ever!
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ki-sol 6 months
Shipping preferences
Here is a list of character pairings I enjoy and seek out in fanwork, pairings I like but don't seek out fanworks of, and also those I'm neutral of or don't enjoy. This does not mean that you're not allowed to ship those pairings, my word isn't law and honestly, I don't care what you ship as long as you don't force it onto people.
As a queer person, many of the ships I mention will be m/m, f/f or poly. The little heteronormative ships I mentioned also are most likely bi4bi or t4t in my headcanon. It's just what I enjoy and not in any case against people that ship straight ships.
Ships I seek content of:
Genshin Impact:
Haikavehtham | Kaveh/Alhaitham
They're possibly my favourite pairing in all of Genshin, I enjoy their dynamic a lot and also enjoy drawing and writing works about them.
As you can see I included both shipping names, I don't particularily care about the top/bottom thing in this, but will likely write more Haikaveh if I ever will write NSFW.
Thomato | Thoma/Ayato
Thoma and Ayato are simply *chefs kiss* together, what can I say? It's rare that a master/servant ship doesn't have a weird power imbalance that makes it unenjoyable but Thoma and Ayato in canon have a type of trusting relationship to eachother. So long as the fanworks I consum and create do too, I really like their dynamic.
I don't really choose the ship names based on top/bottom, I choose which one I prefer from the sound, so here also, should I ever write anything explicit about them, anything is possible.
Cynari | Cyno/Tighnari
Cyno and Tighnari were one of my first Sumeru ships I went into a brainrot for and continues to do so!! Ahhh, they're just so amazing together. They're the fathers, I don't need to say more I think. Collei is the daughter, if it wasn't obvious. :D
I'm so not normal about them.
Kaebedo | Kaeya/Albedo
The ANGST you can do with those two makes my mind go CRAZY with ideas. I should bring them to paper one of those days, really.
I mean, they're Mondstadt's protectors and also can both relate to the struggle of not fitting in. Oh goodness, I'm falling into a brainrot just thinking about it.
Yeah, Kaebedo is important to me. I'm a Kaeya main :D.
Candehya | Candace/Dehya
SAPPHICS!! Honestly, I love them, they're girlfriends, I have many ideas for them that I need to fucking write, my god.
I don't know what else to say, besides that I could make fluff of them for days on end and still crave more.
Dehyazard | Dunyazard/Dehya
Tell me that there was no tension in the Archon quests, I dare you. They're underrated and also have a lot of Canon compliant/divergent Angst potential!!
Alternatively I also enjoy a good polyamourous relationship: Candehyazard
Fremika | Freminet/Mika
A bit of a rarepair! But I think if they'd meet, they'd be very cute together!
One of my favourite Fontaine ships, I enjoy their dynamic quite a lot and enjoy seeing more of their past in fanfics.
Honkai: Star Rail:
Ratiorine/Aventio | Dr. Ratio/Aventurine
The ship that hooked me into the game, the characters I love most, yes, everything about them is my current brainrot.
I prefer top! Ratio, but also do not mind seeing the other dynamic :)
Acheswan | Acheron/Black Swan
Guns 'n Roses | Boothill/Argenti
Bungou Stray Dogs:
Soukokou | Chuuya/Dazai
I'm not yet finished with the manga but the tension between them is ENDLESS and I need to see more of it.
Ships I enjoy:
Genshin Impact:
Kazuscara | Kazuha/Scaramouche
Their lore is cool, but I don't consume much of them.
Xiaoaether | Xiao/Aether
I personally prefer Aether as the traveler, which is simply because of my genderqueerness, given that, Xiao is my bi king and Aether is the one who gives him a reason to hold on to life.
Jeanlisa | Jean/Lisa
I started the game and shipped them. Need I say more?
Ittosara | Itto/Kujou Sara
I don't consume much content of them but I do see the potential
Wriolette | Wriothesley/Neuvilette
I don't like the fandom this ship has, but I do like the dynamic.
I love them as a poly relationship just like I love them outside of it, though I do prefer for them to be monogamous a lot of times. It depends on what I want to write and what I want to read. :)
Heikazuscara | Heizou/Scaramouche/Kazuha
I prefer them in fanon more than in canon, but I do like them.
ZhongChi/Tartali | Zhongli/Childe
The fandom missed a lot of potential with them but their canon relationship has a lot to offer.
Bungou stray dogs:
Shin Soukokou | Atsushi/Akutagawa
Fyolai | Nikolai/Fyodor
Ships I dislike/stay away from:
Genshin Impact:
Kaeluc/LucKae | Kaeya/Diluc:
I prefer their dynamic as brother and personally don't enjoy seeing them as romantic partners.
However, while I used to be very much against people shipping it and got a bit toxic about it, I see both sides as something that should learn to leave each other's spaces.
NeuviFuri | Neuvilette/Furina:
I just don't see a necessity in them being romantic partners. I think their relationship has a bigger meaning when they're something else entirely than a relationship you can put into words.
Bungou stray dogs:
I don't like the age gap of 14 and 18 years old.
Any form of pedophilia:
I don't think I need to put a big explanation in this, for me it's just something I don't want to see romanticised.
Also something I personally stay away from and don't like seeing romanticised.
There are also certain times I'm uncomfortable with some age gaps (like 14yo and 18yo), though this is depending on the severity of the gap.
My boundaries towards stuff can change depending of the portrayal of said stuff. The big issue is not it being part of media, it's the romanticisation of it.
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