#when Worm and even the beginning of Ward try so hard to bring nuance to “villains”
hyacinth42-blog · 1 year
I don't have the skills to write out a whole fanfiction. But if I were to do an "Amy Dallon" fanfiction type thing... Fuck Ward, none of that happened.
Amy fixes Victoria and then leaves to Europe or something on a dragon craft (maybe Marquis follows maybe not). She finds a nice little commune of people who don't know anything about her or her past and she lives with them (probably through one of the portals since the earth was quite fucked). She still struggles with self worth issues but she's doing better.
She'll heal someone here or there in an emergency, but never goes back to what she was doing before her breakdown. Instead Amy makes gmo crops/livestock to help with the expected food shortages and whatnot (dragon occasionally sends over a craft to airlift out seeds/crops/livestock/whatever to redistribute things across the various communities).
I'd say she gets a kickass lesbian gf, but I honestly don't think she'd ever trust herself to have a relationship with someone. Someone might get Amy to agree with the understanding of no skin contact ever. If so, eventually the gf would accidentally do direct skin contact and Amy would do something bad - wipe the memory of a recent fight, fix an old scar/injury that the owner prefers to have, idk something. But this time Amy would only spiral a little bit before the support structure she built around her would help her through it and get her to fix whatever she did. The gf would forgive her but Amy would ultimately break up because she can't handle the anxiety of possibly doing it again in the future. Amy is a little sad to be single but doesn't hate herself about it, it's just what's best for her given her "subconscious automatically changing people sometimes".
It would need 1-2 more capes from wormverse to parallel her healing and be all thematic (and to introduce conflict to the story). Definitely a case 53. Their trauma/healing would foil/parallel Amy's quite well. Shadow Stalker maybe? I feel like her sheep/wolves worldview and Amy's whole thing would be interesting (and might as well give justice to another person overly punished by the narrative and without a satisfying ending eh?). Eventually a "proper" hero would follow dragon's stuff to the source and attempt to dox/extort amy for something and that'd be a (possibly the) main conflict in the story.
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