#when a person you think the world of disappoints you
cutemothman · 5 months
writing lucy gray is super fun but it's also really challenging because "goodbye, lucy gray, we hardly knew you" is so TRUE.
we only see her through snow's eyes and he proves time and time again to be an unreliable narrator and besides surface level stuff, there really isn't much shown about her actual feelings and motivations. only what snow perceives of her.
i stand pretty firmly on the side of snow didn't really love her (he might have thought it was love, but it was really just obsession/possession) but i was thinking about lucy gray's feelings toward him and honestly, it can be read either way.
that being said, i do love how it's left ambiguous. was she just going along with him in order to survive? partially, i think, yes. especially at first. but i do think she had genuine feelings for him, even if they were tied to this trauma bond they shared. i do think she loved him until he proved that he couldn't be trusted.
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