#when a villain is manipulative everyone is like 'bOoHoO tHeY'rE tHe WoRsT sCuMbAgS eVeR' but when pro-herhoes do the same it's cricket πŸ’€
kelin-is-writing Β· 2 years
i have complex feelings about hawks like.....fanon? twist the character so he's not himself anymore? yeah sure love the guy. Canon???? Hate the mother fucker. Despise him. I LOVE hearing you talk shit about his nasty ass.
i honestly don’t care what peoples do with him in fanon, that’s up to them.
BUT in canon??? ohh in canon this bitch can get killed off and end up to hell, for as much as i care ☺❀
happy that me talking shit about that nasty birdshit face gives you a good time 😘
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