#when did people in fandoms become so RUDE and unappreciative
will80sbyers · 2 months
Rudely criticizing storyline choices of a FANFICTION that you are reading for FREE is bonkers, you should be grateful people are even writing fanfictions for you to not be bored while we wait for the new season!
really get a grip on yourselves, stop being rude and go outside to look at nature and chew some rocks when you feel like sending hate asks to the authors of a fanfiction just because it's not your personal taste
That is so freaking pointless and mean just to be mean, it's not constructive criticism and I hope you people doing this are extremely young and that's why you're acting like everything is owed to you but newsflash that's not the case
fanfictions are not in the same realm of a book that's being published for you to spend money on it so leaving mean af reviews is not justifiable in any way and sending them directly to the author in ANONYMOUS ( because YOU KNOW YOU'RE ACTING LIKE AN ASSHOLE and you are ashamed to say the same in the same way with your name attached to it because you know people would avoid your mean ass if they knew.) is making you look like even more of a loser.
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