#when i complete my wip for the LU Rebuild a House prompt
silvrash-797 · 4 months
Forging a New Dawn
A fic based on the Dawn pt 6 update and this post by @thepinklink!
Read on ao3
(Note: This is mildly canon-divergent. I know Jojo said that Four doesn’t hear individual conversations in his head. But his faces in this update were too good not to expound on!)
Four walked back to the inn, content with the morning's work. Blue had been ready to argue with the town's blacksmith about his “fires of Death Mountain" comment, but when Hyrule, Wind, and Warriors showed up, they’d helped him convince the man to let them use the forge.
Red was still giggling over Warriors' teamwork comment.
Now, with his brothers' help, Wild's new sword was finally ready. They’d told him how Wild had broken it the first time, and he took that into account during the reforging process. It had gone through quite the trial, just like its wielder, and it likely could still use some protective runes, but it was strong and sharp, and should withstand anything their wild hero could throw at it.
As long as no rocks are involved. Blue groused quietly.
Four flinched at the thought, making a mental note to remind the Champion of that fact.
Thanks Vio!
Good call.
He’d asked Hyrule to send Wild his way, so all there was left to do now was wait.
He rubbed carefully at Epona's nose, Red marveling at the velvet softness, until he caught quiet footsteps in the courtyard’s entrance, directly behind him.
Four turned quickly, each of the colors rejoicing when Wild stepped through the arch.
“I know why you wanted to see me,” Wild began as he approached, and the rejoicing stopped, as suddenly as if he’d run into a wall with his Pegasus boots.
Wait, how could he know?
I’m still not sure how Wars, Hyrule and Wind knew.
We did tell Wars we had something to fix. Maybe they watched us leave and followed us.
Guys shut UP he’s still talking!
“And I’m ashamed…” Wild continued.
Four's face went blank as the other three colors mentally shoved Red to the front.
What? Why me?
He said he was ashamed.
He’s displaying uncharacteristic emotion.
Yeah, that’s more your area of expertise, figure out what he’s talking about!
“…that you’re the one who had to initiate.” Wild finished his thought.
Wild paused; Blue, ever impatient, took over, raising Four's eyebrow as he continued to stare at the Champion. C'mon man, spit it out! Initiate what?! I just wanna show you your new sword!
Blue, calm down, he’ll tell us when he’s ready.
“Before anything, I need to formally apologize.” Wild placed his hand on his chest in a gesture of earnestness.
Wait guys, listen, he said apologize.
What does he have to apologize for?
Four thought back to the events of the last few days, until it finally clicked for Blue. His eyes widened involuntarily. Oh yeah! He pushed us! I almost forgot I was still angry about that!
Blue, move over before you say something you’ll regret.
Vio took over, folding Four's arms and adopting an unimpressed expression. “I’m listening,” he said out loud.
Wild nervously rubbed the back of his neck before he forged ahead. “Look, I’m sorry for shoving ya,” he said, gesturing at Four as he spoke. “Honestly, that warranted an all-out brawl.”
Yeah it did.
Hush, Blue, he’s still talking.
“Thanks for going easy on me,” Wild finished, although his expression was still wary.
Ha! He’s scared of us, Blue mentally crowed before he slipped in next to Vio to get his two rupees out. “Just don’t let it happen again."
“You knew he was in rough shape…” Wild looked tired, worn-down. “…we had no idea…last we saw he was down, but…” he took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. He closed his eyes and shook his head before continuing. “Sheesh…not like that…nothing would have prepared me for that.”
A flicker of empathy rushed through Four, Green taking primary position as he usually did when no particular emotion was running high. “It was a close call,” he agreed.
“I’m sorry too,” Four said, kicking a pebble he found by his boot. “Turns out you knew how to motivate him – well, really ALL of us.”
Wild's outstretched left hand surprised him. He followed the arm up to Wild's face. His expression was hard to interpret.
What does that even mean, Vio? Forgiving.
Four snickered to himself before grasping Wild's hand and giving it a firm shake. “Teamwork is…a different sort of journey, isn’t it?”
Wild's expression turned incredulous and maybe a bit accusatory. “One you’re accustomed to?” he asked, eyebrow raised.
The colors remained silent for a moment, processing…whatever Wild meant by that.
What, Vio?
He means us splitting.
Red and Blue shared Four's grin, resulting in something the rest of the Chain would consider peak gremlin energy. “Yes.”
Wild looked around…well, wildly…causing Four to burst into laughter as he asked, “I just want to know…That was magic, right? There isn’t three more of you hidden somewhere, right?” He looked desperate to understand. “Or has there been quadruplets this whole time?”
“No!” Four was quick to reassure his brother, placing his own hand on his chest. “I am one. No different than the rest of you.”
“Phew!” Wild exclaimed, scratching his face. “You’ll have to explain that one to us all.” He chuckled a bit. “Well, I’m thinking the sword name makes sense now.”
Ha! Perfect opening, thanks Champ! Blue took over, excited to finally share what they’d been working on. “Speaking of swords…” he turned to rummage through his pack. “This is the real reason I wanted to see you.”
He turned back to Wild, catching the tail end of Wild's dumbfounded expression as he held the newly forged sword forth.
Here you go, Champ.
Hope you like it!
We had fun working on this.
Please. No rocks.
Externally, Four stayed silent, enjoying his brother's wonder.
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