#when i feel lonely i either self destruct or draw myself interacting with one of my beloved ocs
ratspider · 10 months
would love to not be overwhelmed or tired for 2 seconds so I can DRAW SOMETHING
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Rescue Bots: Heavily neurodivergent vibes as someone who is neurodivergent myself. I personally see Blades having ADHD. My mech speaks and gets sidetracked often. However, he also is quite inquisitive about anything and everything.
The 'Bots overthink everything.
It usually is just because they are aliens on a planet, but rather they are not aware of how to act around certain people or even people in general.
I wholeheartedly agree that Chase seems calm externally, but in reality his Processor is aching with thoughts about every little thing. He will take an interest and notice every fragging thing, but he would never actually try them out. . . unless?
He makes lists. He makes lists of everything.
Boulder is oh so gentle. He loves and cares for everything. He has this fear that something may go wrong, and the reason would be because of him. He thinks—no, believes— if something goes wrong or someone is hurt, that he could somehow have overcome it. He has anxiety, so he draws to render his Processor elsewhere.
Heatwave is very uptight, but the 'Bot has a good Spark. He has some form of PTSD based on the war. In many different adaptations in the comics, he always seemed to have that harsh characteristic, but he is genuinely loving. He is just terrified that something may occur.
Blurr feels left out. It is the worst feeling. He thinks he is left out. That could be another form of PTSD as well, so he always attempts to get people's approval; despite the fact he cannot control his speaking patterns in different continuities. (I apologise if this offends anyone-)
thank u sm, sorry this has taken so long for me to respond!!
alright so first off blades gets very very emotionally invested/involved in little things. he cares too much about things being perfect. he also gets distracted pretty quickly.
chase takes everything way too seriously. he doesn't know how to interact with others in a calm environment without being extremely stilted/awkward. he also overthinks, but does a decent job of regulating it in most situations.
boulder has so much love and passion. he wears his heart on his sleeve, and gets hurt very easily. he's nice to everyone, and doesn't know how to react when people are mean to him. he's also very forgiving, which has lead to him getting betrayed repeatedly.
heatwave only feels emotions in the extremes, and one at a time. he can't regulate himself very well, and has a hard time recognizing self-destructive behavior. he has a disdain for authority figures (including optimus to an extent) and has gotten in trouble over that often.
blurr either tries too hard or doesn't try at all. he's very impulsive at an extreme level, which has hurt him and others around him. while he's getting better about it, the tendency to go first, think later will never really leave him.
salvage can get very apathetic. he loves being around the other bots and the humans, but sometimes he just doesn't feel anything. he has low empathy but his respect and compassion make up for it. his collections are very important to him, and he gets defensive about that.
hightide has ptsd. he doesn't trust anyone and can't express positive emotions like, at all. he's very afraid of change, and gets overwhelmed by others. it's why he tends to stay by himself, and doesn't make many friends.
quickshadow has empathy, but because of her work she has learned to repress it. she doesn't connect well with others, and similar to hightide prefers to be alone. this is mostly self preservation, as she does get very lonely.
hope my response suffices!! send me an ask whenever you wanna talk about rescue bots, or anything else :D
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motivatedtale-blog · 4 years
About Motivatedtale
.:Author’s Note:.
.:Stray Facts and Resources:.
.:Author’s Note:.
   Hey, so I've noticed this a long time ago but I’m just now confronting it since I got my computer fixed- it seems pretty impossible to reach the “About Motivatedtale” on mobile, even with the literal LINK to the page (I could only sort of access it through some loopholes in a browser- and the link just took me to my Tumblr instead), so I wanted to compile the information that’s in there into a post for any mobile users who may follow this blog. I’ve got more followers here than my art blog-- so even if there’s not much interaction each post, I think there’s at least a few people who might not have access to an about page here. Changes are very likely to be made and things will be added occasionally :)
 “Have you ever wondered what happens to creations when a creator gives up?”
 Motivatedtale is essentially an abandoned AU with no finished story or a plot. Which, ironically, not having a story is the story itself. It’s a tale about how the lack of motivation (along with other things like self doubt and lack of interest) in a Creator leaves a story unfinished, and with no reason to exist, no story, the AU is crumbling into nothingness, as it is being forgotten by the only one who knows about its existence- the Creator. However, there’s two characters in it that have to deal with that burden of having no ending or reasons to exist. And they’re completely aware of what’s going on.
 At least, the first one that was created is aware, because they were made to be that way. They inform the only other character (Frisk/Motive) about all of this when they meet. They’re a Sans of course (which is sort of a self aware joke because a lot of people either start with the Sans of an AU when creating characters, subtly revolve around a Sans of an AU in a story, or the entire story literally and shamelessly revolves around a Sans. This is not an attack on anyone). This Sans goes by Unmotivated, and is quite bitter about existing.  These characters have no finished story, no destiny, and no purpose. Being self aware of this can be a great burden on hope and happiness; ignorance is bliss, after all.
 What the AU would’ve been if it was “completed” is unsure.
 How the story ends is not fully decided or meant to be disclosed (for now), but even if this AU is finished or not, it is already technically complete. It symbolizes a project that is given up on; a project that is abandoned, and what would happen if the characters in these types of projects were conscious about this- if our ideas existed somewhere out there, somewhere where our decisions, intentional and unintentional, have a serious affect.
 So, if this AU is abandoned, it’ll be quite ironic.
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    Motive is the Frisk of this AU, and one of only two characters that are in this AU. Motive was created after Unmotivated, but the coloring of their design was given up on towards the very end. Their sweater is unfinished because the creator gave up on them due to being overwhelmed with empty and destructive thoughts, but the outline/shape is still there. The sleeve usually is never shaded/effected by light.
  Motive is an optimist, and believes that their AU will one day be finished. They have the soul of motivation, which is outwardly visible and tied to the loose hanging strap of their overalls. They don’t have preferences in pronouns (though they/them is usually the default), and calling them by any pronoun is fine (she/he/they/it..it really doesn’t matter, honestly).  
  Motive acts impulsively a lot of times and does not think of the consequences of their actions…or, they do, but they choose to move forward with their actions anyways. Since optimism is one of their key traits and it’s exaggerated and simplified in their character and logic, it can result in some bad outcomes. The same goes for their impulsitivity. They’re not that serious natured, and act more like a child than a young adult (despite being 18). However, they do make a lot of (sometimes unnerving) jokes that could be considered uncomfortable, but they mean no harm. While Motive is quite intelligent and empathetic, they’re distracted quite easily and might say or do inappropriate things during certain situations.
  Since Motive is technically a new character and was not fully developed by their Creator (backstory, powers, etc), their underdevelopment as a character is actually a big part of their development as a character. 
(More is to be added later)
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 The Sans of the AU, and the first ever character created (which again is poking fun of the idea that people usually start with the Sans of the AU for characters). Unmotivated is bitter and cynical towards his existence and his Creator, and is completely aware of the multiverse and AU Creators. A big fourth wall breaker. He’s apathetic, bored and often paints himself as emotionless and uncaring to hide any hurt/feelings of helplessness. He bottled them away a long time ago.  At first, Unmotivated was hopeful about his AU, but he was alone for an unspecified but long amount of time in his AU, and was driven to toxicity and bitterness during that time. He’s seen his universe grow, halt, and then slowly deteriorate- he has seen new ideas come and go, and is helpless to stop the rampant decay of his universe- his home- his story. He’s overall a pretty lonely character. 
When or why he got the nickname “Unmotivated” is unclear- but it’s definitely supposed to be a pun. He hates the name but finds it funny and ironic at the same time. 
  Unmotivated’s soul is held by a string that is woven into his rain coat. He considers this to be poor design choice but doesn’t really do anything to fix it. He often keeps his soul in his pocket for safe keeping.  (More is to be added later)
.:Stray Facts:.
• The AU resets (sort of like an update) each time a new idea is added. This is how Unmotivated is generally aware of Motive when they’re created. • The “Creator” resembles anyone who has abandoned or given up on their projects or ideas. This isn’t meant to put people that do this in a negative light.
•The white of Motive’s sleeve isn’t meant to be shaded since it’s “incomplete.”
FAQ (most are from amino since not many people ask here)
- What was the AU supposed to originally be before it was abandoned?
 This is undecided and left up for interpretation. However, based off of the design of the current characters, it can be safely assumed that the AU was supposed to be more lighthearted and cutesy. There are random bits and ideas spread throughout the AU that give glimpses to what it could’ve been.
- Can I draw fanart of these characters?
 Of course! I’d be honored to receive fanart and would love to see it! Just please keep things appropriate if you do.
- Is Ink Sans or Core Frisk going to be in the comic?
 I’ve gotten asked this several times, and the answer is no. Doing this would completely ruin the theme and point I’m trying to get across with this comic. This story revolves around a Creator and their Creations, and there will be no other characters made by other people.
- Are Motive and Unmotivated shipped together?
 It’s fine as a joke but please realize they aren’t. This isn’t an AU centered around romance and would distract from the goal of the comic if I had that. While I’m not anti-frans in any sense, I still don’t want it in my comic.
- How often do you plan on updating the comic?
  Each page is published whenever I finish it nowadays due to stress of a schedule. I post them in bulks of 2-3 on amino and twitter, and whenever I finish the page on deviantart, instagram and here.
- Is the Creator a character?
 Yes, and no. The Creator represents not only myself, but any artist that has struggles putting their creations out there due to insecurities or other causes. They’re more symbolic and fluent rather than a structured and identified character. Of course though, if there is any introduction of the Creator, I would have to give them some sort of design- and I do have general ideas of what they’d look like. However, they’re still supposed to represent a broader group of people than just myself.
- What does Unmotivated think about other AUs/Sanses?
 Unmotivated has an apathetic mindset when it comes to AUs and other characters like him. He’s incredibly self aware and sees a much bigger picture. He knows characters are just pawns to their creator, and won’t get fazed by any story. Sort of like watching actors in a movie while constantly reminding yourself that they’re just actors. However, he is quite envious of anyone with a complete and happy storyline, since that’s something he lacks but yearns the most. That’s something he wish he had.
 Keep in mind Unmotivated and Motive cannot interact or travel outside of their AU, and no one can interact with their AU except the editor/creator.
• Please do not publicly RP with these characters unless given permission. This might be changed after more of the comic is complete, but I do not want these character’s personalities to be strewn.
•  Please do not draw or write NSFW with my characters– I am a minor, and a large part of my audience are also minors.
  Alright, this part is going to be a lot less formal and more personal. The idea for this AU came from my own self doubt and self destructive attitude as a creator. Doubting my own works and ideas has seriously held me back for a long time, and it STILL holds me back as I’m sure it has for many, MANY other creators like me. Musicians, artists, writers.. Almost all of us have that fear of trying out a new idea or making something you usually wouldn’t. Almost all of us have felt that crushing self doubt when you see someone better than you, and you tell yourself you’ll never be like them, your art will never be that great, you’ll never get that far…so on, so on.
  So, while I was trying to come up with an idea for an AU (which I had actually been considering for well over a year), the thoughts crept in.
“no one will like this”
“there’s enough AU’s”
“you’re unoriginal”
“this is a waste of time”
“the fandom is dying”
“you have horrible character designs”
“AU’s are overrated”
“this doesn’t fit your audience”
“people will judge you”
“you never finish anything”
“this is stupid”
“your art isn’t good enough”
“you’re not good enough”
“someone probably already came up with this idea”
“no one cares about your idea”
“no one would bother with your art”
  And ironically, all these thoughts gave me this idea.
  Even so, these thoughts have still been nagging me every time I even try to work on this, and it’s been taking a lot of courage to take on the heap of anxiety I have over something so harmless. I didn’t join the Undertale fandom for over a year simply because I was afraid of being judged for my interests,, fun fact. Never thought I’d be able to make an AU. I’m still quite nervous posting art of anything that isn’t Mario related for some reason.
  Putting all this to side though, I find the concept of what happens to unfinished and/or abandoned stories and projects interesting, especially if there’s an alternate reality that’s actually effected by your decisions. Kinda like you’re a god. I mean, imagine what it would be like if you had a creator and they just gave up on you, and you’re left with no purpose. Seems like it would suck, haha.
  So that’s basically my AU, Motivatedtale. If you have any thoughts or questions, I’d love to hear them. Thanks for reading if you did!
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Dear Rhys Rainer as portrayed by SKYE,
Congratulations! On behalf of Cabot Creek University, I am pleased to announce your admission for Fall 2017!
The academic and personal accomplishments reflected on your application for admissions are exactly what Cabot Creek University embodies and represents.
We cannot wait to greet you this coming school year.
Please [ check here ] for further instructions on accepting the offer of admissions. We look forward to working with you.
Name, Age, Timezone, Pronouns: Skye, 30, EST, She/her
Character name: Rhys Rainer Rhys: Means “enthusiasm” in Welsh. Several Welsh rulers have borne this name Rainer: From the Germanic name Raganhar, composed of the elements ragin “advice” and hari “army”.
Character major: Major: Fine Arts Minors: Technology, Psychology Rhys has always been someone who has leaned heavily on the artistic side of things. He’s always been into fashion, make up, tattoos, graphics, and of course, all the things that fine art covers like drawing and painting. It was a way to express himself, alongside music, that gave him a certain amount of freedom. He’s someone who has had a difficult time imagining himself in a traditional career, and he likes the freedom and the choice that art allows him. It gives him insight into many different fields that are more likely to be in his wheelhouse. He decided to minor in Technology because it felt like a comfortable match with his art. Through doing graphic design, web design, etc, it opens up different avenues for him to be able to get his work out there. Not only that, but he figured having more of an insight into the technology that has practically become attached to him, felt like a wise move, though he absolutely can’t stand the focus and concentration that coding takes. As with most things in his life, Rhys always follows his heart over his head, and follows his interests wherever they might lead him. That’s why he’s managed to pick up Psychology as a secondary minor, realizing that getting insight into the minds of others is something that’s intriguing for him. It actually came as a shock to most people that know him that he would bother picking up a singular minor, let alone two, as he’s never been one to show a strong interest in school.
Clubs or sports: LGBTQ/Sexuality & Gender Alliance - Rhys isn’t necessarily a part of these clubs at the start. I think that he might show up at a meeting or two and then not show up for a few before going back because he finds it hard to commit himself to the group. I think he goes mostly to feel out the environment, to try and get a sense of belonging, and occasionally get to know the people, but has yet to sign up to either as a full time member. This might become a bigger part of his journey as he starts to answer some questions for himself. Student Entertainment Committee - I feel like Rhys is big into being able to put his creativity into something real. So, while he’s rarely able to commit to extracurricular activities, due to his rather flighty nature, this is a rare instance where he is willing to put time and effort in. He always tries to make sure the school entertainment is something worthy of his peers time, and it’s fun for him to be able to get his hands dirty doing something he loves. Fencing - While never really into sports or being on teams, when Rhys saw fencing was offered a a sport, he couldn’t pass up the change to play around with long pointy objects. In the end, it turned out to be more stress relieving than he’d ever thought possible.
Will your character have a job?: Rhys works at the Limelight, which feeds into his rather self destructive tendencies. He spends far more time at the location than he likely should, opting to spend hours there even when off work. This leads to many late nights, making it difficult for him to focus in his classes at times. He enjoys the atmosphere there though and often bar tends.
Give us a head canon about your character: Rhys loves tattoos and has even considered getting an apprenticeship at a tattoo parlor because of how much they fascinate him. He’s drawn up tattoos for friends, and while he didn’t actually place it on their skin, it was fun, and he realized it was exciting giving someone a piece of art they could have with them forever, if they chose to. In some way, it felt meaningful, and there’s part of him that wants to learn how to do the entire process from start to finish. Rhys has an eclectic taste in music and a strong connection with it. As a result he’s taken many music classes at the university for fun, even when the courses stopped counting towards his graduation. He’s not always practical. He tends to follow his emotions and his heart far more than his head, which can often lead him into trouble. Rhys is super close with his brother, and often he leans on him for support more than he probably should. He always finds it a miracle that he managed any amount of time without his brother’s presence around, because he finds that with his brother around he’s always taken care of in every sense of the word. He hates being lonely or ignored because it feeds into his underlying insecurities that he refuses to vocalize. One of his biggest fears is that he will be left alone.
Answer the following questions IC about your character. Feel free to use a gif to respond if you’d like:
What is an issue you feel most passionate about?: “Damn, that’s difficult… ah… there’s so many different issues that are important and I find interesting. Humane treatment of animals and ending their abuse? Humane treatment of people and ending their abuse. Trying to decrease the suicide rates…? An end to all the violence that has been happening in our world? Look, I’m not over the top with my expectations, the world isn’t going to change, not quickly — at least not for the better — and I’m not going to sit here and scream about world peace… but there’s a kind of beauty in that ideal, no? But then, there’s always a purity and a beauty to the unattainable”
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Describe your thoughts on social media?: “I have to say, I kind of love it. It’s a really fun way to interact with other people. I can keep up on what is going on with people I know back home and they can stay up to date with my adventures and outfits too. It brings people together and that’s something I can appreciate. Sure, it has it’s crap sides, but doesn’t everything? At least you get to control what you post about yourself and if you’re uncomfortable, then you have the option not to use it all together.”
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What is your favorite fandom or movie or TV show or book series (choose one)?: “I can’t say I’m really the type to get intensely into one thing when it comes to media. I’m very like that in other areas of my life, but I don’t feel like I catch enough TV or have enough time to read to really immerse myself in any one thing. I like plenty of things, but it’s certainly more on the casual side. I’ll watch shows like Game of Thrones when I catch an episode here or there. That or binge watch Buffy, I love that show. That girl can kick my ass any day.”
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Opinion on love and romance?: “I’d say love is a toxin that pumps through our veins. We get that ecstatic high from it when we get that first hit, but as time goes on, we realize the damage it does to us, mind, body, and soul. I want to believe in love, in it’s essence, it’s strength, it’s purity… but there’s such a naivety to that notion. It ignores the risk, the chance that is based in reality, that it will fuck you up instead of save you. Despite all that, I’m drawn towards the idea. I guess in some respects, I’m foolish enough to take the gamble, in hopes there’s something better, something more out there.”
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universatile-girl · 7 years
I am my most ordinary vision of my self that could possibly exist in my own head. I don't do anything I don't expect to do and any action I surprise myself with seems to still be a me-driven action. I don't think there's a way for me to physically surprise my mind or to tell it that I can be unpredictable and more interesting than ordinary; and yet, me 1 year ago is not me today. I have changed yet I can't track it. I can't pinpoint the moments where "me" became somebody else. I am far from ordinary compared to those around me, I know that, but thinking of myself as just another face in these streets I don't see a spectacularly discernible point of interest. I know myself too well to see my appeal to others. This is destructive to my self image. Because sometimes it seems like there is no appeal. And I am struggling to convince myself that I offer value in interacting with others, as the evidence seems so few. Now I am smarter than this, I assure you, and I am aware of my impact in places it's not always visible. I am not hopeless, knowingly so. I don't let it destroy me. How must one overcome the challenges of integrating the perceived self and the output self? Who you believe yourself to be and who others seem to believe you to be? Luckily I'm not as dense as some, and what other people think of me is somewhat transparent to me. But it's never enough. I keep seeing signs: "life starts at the end of your comfort zone", "nothing ever gets accomplished by doing what you're used to", or even "become the extroverted you". What if I don't want to be extroverted? Of course it would be nice to be more comfortable speaking to people in all types of settings, and having the energy to socialize more, but who would I be without my quiet periods of introspection? My time spent finding music, writing, and drawing? I am who I am because of what I do and how I think. I am an introvert in the purest sense and extroversion is another personality entirely. I once had an ex friend claim that validating introversion as a successful and legitimate personality type was feeding the sense of victimization that introverts feel for being generally more lonely, depressed, and unsatisfied. It completely threw me off and I felt defeated by his statement for months. But extroverts have flaws all the same, and I generally get along with introverts better anyways so I'm sticking with the opinion that introverts are usually superior in thought analysis and therefore lead more successful lives. You see, although I am very ordinary in my own head, I know what sets me apart. I'm a girl who tries too hard to please, especially when dealing with someone who has taken advantage of me for it. I get hurt easily but I rarely show it. I'm damn sensitive, but I have excellent internal analysis skills that help me learn from my mistakes. Unless it comes to my relationships... I'm a girl who can't make friends because I overthink everything I do, and probably either weird them away or never gave them anything interesting to latch on to in the first place. I'm an insecure girl when it comes to what I'm offering others, in terms of mutual benefit. I fear I'm not fun enough, too cautious, awkward in vocal delivery, and boring in all other possible ways. This is the one thing I can't pick up on if others are feeling it. Ironic how my biggest insecurity is my blindest eyepiece. And by ironic I mean completely expected;would I be human if I weren't in the dark about my weaknesses? I'm a girl with a stable relationship, you can tell by my genuine smile. I am real emotion through my external down to my heart, and when something's not right someone else usually knows about it. I'm a girl with a loving family. I've been supported by some more than others and I'm not broken inside because they've always treated me right. I'm a girl with pen marks all over my hands from my over ambitious artistic endeavours. I enjoy drawing more than most things, but you're rare and lucky if you get to see my drawings. As with my personality, I'm insecure with my ideas that have been converted into images, however ambiguous. I don't share easily. I don't open up easily. If I do it was probably somewhat fake or masked. I am emotional. I'm a girl who will cry my eyes out every once in a while for no apparent reason. I can only guess it's because I keep so much inside that it has to come out at once. That hasn't really happened lately. I've been quite happy despite working two jobs without days off and having little money. But your life can seem as difficult as ever on the outside and be completely the opposite in reality. And it's true both ways, because earlier this year I had seemingly no extra stress in my life and still my mind was a wreck. It's only partially situational. Sometimes you just have to deal with things at strange times. If I was into universal wholeness and destiny type topics (which I kind of am) I would state that life is already figured out and you just have to trust that what you're doing is meant to be, somehow, someway. However, I also firmly believe in your power to accomplish your wildest dreams and find truth in your experiences, so choose your side. I'll be here living my ordinary unordinary life ans learning how to grow within my personal boundaries.
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