#when i tell you ive written this out like THREE TIMES AGH.
wazzappp · 6 months
ROBBIES TURN yes I am posting his the day right after Gabes yes i have lost sleep doing this.
When Robbie has been hurt enough the mold that makes him up essentially goes 'ok yeah no theres no point in even trying to look human all our energy is going towards survival rn'. It consumes the places that have had the most damage in the past (primarily the arms and his torso but his previously cut off leg is getting some fun bullshit too). His thought process gets sort of foggy?? I think thats the best way to describe it. His brain sort of narrows down to 'KEEP SAFE' and 'KEEP BAD THINGS AWAY' the bad things usually being MOST THINGS THAT MOVE (Gabe is completely classified in the 'keep safe' catagory. Lisa.... is on thin ice but they're on pretty good terms at this point. As long as she doesen't attack him outright she's probably good).
Theres a bit of a sliding scale for 'how much damage' corrisponds to 'how much decay / mental fog' and Im gonna start working on it soon. There is a slight middle ground where the moldyness is very apparent but Robbie is also mentally aware enough to recognize it and its a VERY BAD TIME FOR HIM. He cant really feel much in his hands when they're like that (the mold isnt mimicing nerves the same way because they want to protect him from pain to keep him moving) its like when your hand goes to sleep and it buzzes. It's like trying to flutter your fingers through water. You can do it without much issue but theres still just a little resistance. Also I think that 'disliking being confronted with your own deadness' is something that he and cannon Robbie share. Cant freak out about your problems if you refuse to acknowledge them! (<- he will inevitably suffer for this)
Also having a fun time thinking about how disconnected he would feel from his own hands. Theres no way they're his they don't LOOK like his hands or FEEL like his hands but they move when he tells them to so they HAVE to be.
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Luckily I was actually able to find a PERFECT voice reference for the sort of garbled-choked-wheezing-thing-waiting-in-the-dark-for-you I was envisioning for sufficiently hurt Robbie (being impaled in this example isn't helping either)
Also if you want to hear more of this EXCELLENT voice its Fiddlesticks from League of Legends (i can not escape) and its KELLEN FUCKING GOFF THE GUY WHO VOICES FUNTIME FREDDY AND GLAMROCK FREDDY AND SUN AND MOON THIS GUY IS W O A H. He also did this. With minimal sound editing. he just SOUNDS LIKE THAT. HE MADE A FUCKING TUTORIAL.
ANYWAY Gabe is uh. Not really having a good time with that one. Robbie in this state reminds him a LOT of himself while under Evelines control. Robbie is in control of himself of course hes just in the mental state of WHERE BROTHER :(?????? WHERE GO??? MAYBE LISA KNOWS??? LISA WHERE BROTHER :(((. But you can not listen to the audio I provided and think 'HMMM YES THAT IS VERY REASSURING I SHALL LISTEN TO THAT VOICE A GOOD SOUND YES HM YES'
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Sowlmates — Chapter V
Universe: Haikyuu!!
Title: Sowlmates
Chapter: Chapter 5
Author: mayphenix
Characters: Bokuto Koutarou, OCs, Akaashi Keiji, Fukurodani, Kuroo Tetsurou, Nekoma
Pairing(s): Bokuto Koutarou x OC, Akaashi Keiji x OC n°2 (minor)
Genre(s): Romance, Friendship, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Family
Overall Rating: T
Summary : Kanemoto Ayaka enters the Fukurodani Academy and joins the volleyball team as a manager. She never would have imagined what was waiting for her. The Prince Charming she had hoped for is replaced by Bokuto Koutarou, the loud and annoying Ace. Bokuto, on the other hand, pines after another girl who sends him letters. They don’t realize just how close their sowlmate could really be…
Chapter warnings/triggers: /
(This fanfic can also be found on fanfiction.net here ; I am the same author)
Table of Contents
Chapter I — Chapter II — Chapter III — Chapter IV  — Chapter V
CHAPTER V : Sowlmate
“Puns are the highest form of literature.”
― Alfred Hitchcock
“You have the rest of your lives to catch up together. After all, soulmates always end up together.”
― Cecelia Ahern
Kanemoto Ayaka was walking hesitantly, looking around at the halls that looked alike way too much. Even after almost three weeks, she still got lost on the school grounds. She only knew her way from her classroom to the restrooms and back; and the way to the gymnasium.
“I was sure it was over there…” She muttered under her breath, turning around a corner more out of confusion than anything.
Finally, she found what she was looking for: the school library. She entered it, appreciating the overall silence reigning. It was calming, especially considering that when she wasn't in classroom, Bokuto was usually being his loud and obnoxious self – she couldn't understand why he was constantly coming back to Akaashi and her's classroom. Didn't he have anyone to annoy in his own grade?
After strolling through the shelves for a while, Ayaka was now on her tiptoes, holding onto a shelf, all the while trying desperately to reach the books she wanted to grasp. Her fingers brushed the spine of the book but she couldn't pull it out. Suddenly, a large hand appeared and pulled the book easily out of its shelf. Ayaka instantly fell back down on her heels and turned around with a smile.
“Thank– AGH!” She cried, “Bokuto!” She hissed.
The much taller boy tilted his head on a side, not understanding her reaction.
Ayaka heard the librarian shushing her silent from the other side of the shelf hall, the younger girl bowed in apology before turning towards the second-year who didn't seem troubled.
“What are you doing here, Bokuto-san?” She asked him, taking the book he was handing her in her own hands.
She was surprised to see him in the library – not only it didn't suit him at all to be in such a serious place, but it was also incredibly silent. It was a shock the owl wasn't already banging his head against the books from the lack of sound. He didn't seem like the bookworm-type of person, or a studying-type either…
“I'm looking for Akaashi and I was told he was here,” Bokuto answered, “What about you?
Ah… He's not here to study then… She thought to herself without being much surprised.
“I'm here to borrow some books,” she whispered to keep her voice as low as possible.
Bokuto nodded before grinning:
“Then, I'll leave you to your books! Do you know where Akaashi is, though?”
The boy, on the other hand, didn't try to keep his voice down and the sudden, loud voice made Ayaka's body freeze, several people's heads snap up, looking for the source of the annoying voice. Once again, the angry “Shhhh” from the librarian resonated and this time, the old lady with glasses glared at the two of them.
“S-sorry…” She apologized to the librarian, bowing once again, “Bokuto-san, keep your voice down, we're in a library!” She said, almost murmuring to keep it down.
“Ah, sorry, sorry…” He said with a little laugh – he hadn't lowered his voice at all.
She glared at him but he either didn't notice her gaze or ignored it.
“I don't know where Akaashi-kun is but I'm pretty sure he won't stay for very long in the library…” She whispered, starting to advance towards the librarian to borrow the books.
“Eh? How do you know?” Bokuto asked, on her heels.
Ayaka threw him a hard look over her shoulder.
“With you here, he'll have no choice but to get out, or he'll probably be banned from ever coming back.” She said before realizing that she had – again – spoken outloud her mind.
“Uh? You mean that Akaashi will come with me? Great! I need him anyway!”
They had just arrived in front of the librarian's desk as Bokuto's voice rose once again. The librarian shot a nasty glare at Ayaka who flushed in embarrassment, bowing once again in shame.
“I-I'm sorry…” She whispered before quickly taking back the books the librarian had registered under her name.
When Ayaka turned around, though, Bokuto was gone, probably looking for Akaashi. She walked fast towards the doors to exit the library, still ashamed by his behavior but before she could make it out of the huge room, she heard the all-too-familiar voice of the owl, calling Akaashi's name a little too enthusiastically. This time, the whole library made angry shushing sounds.
The first-year sighed in relief once she was out of the library and trying to find the way back to her classroom. She glanced down at the three books she had borrowed. Ayaka would have never thought she'd ever read such books in her entire life, but it was what she was now reduced to… Two books about volleyball and sports, and the third one about owls. Bokuto didn't even notice what book he had grabbed for her but well…
During practice, one of the third-year cut himself while putting up the net. Ayaka was the one who took care of him but when she came with a band-aid, he snorted.
“I'm not putting on that thing,” he said, narrowing his eyes at the colorful band-aid.
“It's a band-aid, and you just cut yourself.”
“It's for children!” He exclaimed, sounding insulted.
“A band-aid is a band-aid, whether it looks sad or happy, it's still a band-aid…” She explained with a deadpanned expression.
The third-year stared at her before turning around.
“Yukie-chan! Do you have band-aids? Normal ones!” He exclaimed, going to the other side of the court to find the other manager.
Ayaka rolled her eyes, not noticing that a few meters away, Bokuto had listened to the whole thing. He was holding the file with last week's results, pulling up the papers one after another. He was probably supposed to read whatever was written but he wasn't – the other second and first years around him were aware of that but the Ace seemed lost in thoughts and didn't dare interrupt him – it was incredible enough that he was capable of thinking, they wouldn’t want to ruin the moment.
“AKH!” Bokuto suddenly exclaimed, dropping the file and lifting up his hand.
His finger now had a beautiful papercut after spacing out completely.
“Good job…” Komi grunted, rolling his eyes.
“Give me that thing,” Akaashi said suddenly, taking the file and turning away from Bokuto – he just couldn't handle him today after the mess he had provoked in the library.
No one seemed to mind the setter looking suddenly annoyed – or rather, annoyed enough by the Ace's antics that his tone of voice would actually reveal his annoyance.
Eyes shining, Bokuto bashfully strode towards Kanemoto, lifting up hesitantly his finger to show her his cut.
“Another injury? You have to be more careful, Bokuto-san…” She muttered, taking out the band-aid the third-year had refused earlier.
She wrapped his finger before going away to finish whatever job she had as manager.
“Bokuto! Are you ready to go?” Washio asked from afar.
Bokuto ran to them, glancing at the band-aid. Today, it was pink with cupcakes. It made him smile.
As usual, Bokuto and Akaashi remained after practice to train more, helped by Ayaka.
“Bokuto,” she called after another failure.
The two boys turned to her, taking the opportunity to have a break as she ran to her bag then back to them. She handed the Ace a few papers, he blinked curiously before looking down at the different papers.
“I did some research from books and sent an e-mail to a volleyball coach I know. He gave me an advice for mastering straights and I found the same tips in the books. Everything is explained in details with pictures on everything I wrote but…”
She showed him the little pictures she had copied from the borrowed book, added to the paper with her neat handwriting and side-notes, taking in consideration Bokuto and Akaashi's habits and abilities.
“Your hand has to get on top of the ball and you must flick your wrist down. You must hit with your whole hand and finish the swing all the way down. I've noticed that you don't always flick the wrist and mostly use your palm than your whole hand, also your swing often stops mid-way.”
She turned another paper with this time several exercises shown:
“You need to get upper body strength, so there are several exercises of bodybuilding that you can do everyday – but remember not to strain too much, you already practice a lot, so be careful. Ah, and I added some others to work on your leg muscles to increase your jumping height.”
She gave some other papers to Akaashi who looked down at the writings and figures explaining all the exercises with attention.
“I did something similar for you Akaashi, but without the straight-spike technique.”
Akaashi looked back at her, his lips opening in slight astonishment. Bokuto's eyes were wide open as he stared at the papers, reading them attentively. Ayaka looked down, joining her hands and wriggling them awkwardly.
“I know it's not much and you'll need advices from an actual coach because I won't be able to tell whether or not your forms are correct but–”
“This is amazing,” Akaashi cut her.
She looked back up at him and he smiled, nodding lightly.
“It will be very helpful. Thank you for all of your work, Kanemoto-san…”
“T-this is…” Bokuto started with an unusual low voice, “THIS IS AMAZING! This is such an amazing work, Kanasoto!! I love it! It will be… WOW! Amazing!! Just amazing!!”
“Your lack of vocabulary is amazing,” Akaashi commented.
“I-I'm glad…” Kanemoto answered, still not sure her hearing was all right after Bokuto's sudden scream.
“I'm curious, who is this coach you sent an e-mail to, though?” Akaashi asked the girl.
“Oh, Abe Osamu,” she answered.
“Abe Osamu?!” They both exclaimed in the same time, despite Akaashi's voice being smothered by Bokuto's.
“Abe Osamu as in THE Abe Osamu?!” Bokuto shrieked.
“Abe Osamu the volleyball national team's coach?” Akaashi asked with a slightly calmer voice.
“Yes, this Abe Osamu,” Ayaka answered sheepishly.
The two boys glanced at each other. They were so used to have this girl as their manager that they had forgotten her family name: Kanemoto. Her family probably knew all of the best players of the country in all sports, she could easily send a little e-mail to the volleyball national team's coach.
“I-I have to go, it's getting late… Don't strain too much! See you tomorrow!” She exclaimed before turning around and running off.
The Ace and setter looked back down at the papers between their hands, carefully written by the Kanemoto girl. She had taken the time to make research about volleyball, tips and explanation and mostly, adapted it all to their own habits. She had contacted one of the biggest names of Japanese volleyball just to help them…
“I can't believe it… she is incredible…” Akaashi murmured, blinking in disbelief as he saw how fitting these exercises were for his position as a setter.
Bokuto suddenly swung an arm around his shoulder, leaning onto him with a huge grin.
“She is, isn't she?! Didn't I say she was an amazing manager?” He exclaimed excitedly.
“You never did, but… you're right. She is a great manager – and please stop repeating 'amazing', Bokuto-san.”
“Eeeeh? But why?!”
“Because it is becoming one of my most feared word. I don't want to hear it anymore.”
“Buuut! Akeeeshi!!”
“Bokuto-san, let's clean everything up.”
Bokuto kept grumbling and whining but they quickly took care of putting everything away before going to change clothes.
“I can't wait to start this training! I'll start right away, tomorrow morning I'll adapt my morning run to have time for these exercises!” Bokuto exclaimed as he opened his locker.
“Remember what Kanemoto-san said: don't strain yourself and be careful.” Akaashi said absentmindedly, putting on a clean t-shirt.
When Bokuto remained still and didn't answer, the dark-haired boy worried. He glanced over his shoulder and saw the Ace staring down at a paper in his hands.
“Bokuto-san?” Akaashi called.
Suddenly the owl boy's eyes sparkling and Bokuto slowly turned around, showing a paper to his setter.
“I-I have an admirer!!” He exclaimed.
Akaashi only blinked. But Bokuto was far from being done and he started shouting:
“Look! Look! Akegashi!! Someone has put a paper in my locker to encourage me! She probably has a crush on me! I know I'm awesome but still! This is so… so…!!”
“The fact that someone entered the boys' changing-room and put something in your locker should be worrisome, Bokuto-san,” Akaashi continued, not phased by his antics.
Somehow, the paper made its way under his nose and Keiji had no choice but to read the note that had driven Bokuto so crazy.
“Bokuto-san you are the best Ace Fukurodani ever knew. You are so coo-hoo-l.” He read out-loud, sounding unimpressed before pausing, “It isn't signed, what makes you think it's a girl?”
“But! It's obvious! A girl admires me, has a crush on me but is too embarrassed to tell me about her feelings! So she is leaving a note in my locker to share how much she loves me and wants to encourage me!!” Bokuto exclaimed, a strange light shining in his eyes.
Akaashi stared at the Ace, completely done by his shouting and antics. Right now, Bokuto had wide eyes and very tiny pupils – like a cat who had gotten high on catnip…
“I need to close the changing-room, can you hurry up, Bokuto-san?” He asked, shutting out the Ace as he started rambling about this mysterious girl, talking too fast to be understood.
The next day, in the boys' changing-room…
The door opened loudly with an even louder voice suddenly reaching everyone’s ears:
“HEY! Guess who's just arrived?!” Bokuto shouted excitedly as everyone sighed.
“You seem to be in a very good mood, Bokuto, you're even more hyped than usual…” Sarukui said.
Akaashi entered the changing-room quietly, directly going to his locker to start changing clothes.
“Well! That's because I am in a very, very good mood!” Bokuto continued, with a laugh, “Do you want to know why? Do you, eh??” He asked, looking at all of his teammates.
Only Akaashi remained calm while everyone, half still in uniform, half in gym clothes, stared at their Ace curiously. Koutarou dramatically took out a paper out of his jersey's pocket and showed it around with a huge grin:
“I have an admirer!!” He exclaimed.
“A what?” The Captain said doubtfully.
Several players laughed, trying to hide their reaction while Bokuto reacted at once:
“EH! It really IS an admirer! This girl put this love letter full of admiration and encouragement in my locker yesterday!!” He exclaimed, looking insulted by his teammates' reactions.
“I can't believe that a girl would give you a love letter,” Saru said with a shrug.
“Eh?! You can't believe it?! Well, have a look at THIS!!”
Bokuto opened the letter and threw it right under the monkey-faced boy. He narrowed his eyes before taking the letter and reading it out-loud for everyone.
“'Bokuto-san you are the best Ace Fukurodani ever knew. You are so coo-hoo-l.' …Is this a joke?”
He looked up back at the owl wearing an excited, proud grin while several players chuckled at the ridiculousness of the letter.
“That's not a love letter.” One said, making Bokuto startle.
“Maybe admiration but it sounds more like a joke…” Another remarked.
“Bokuto-san, you have to change clothes,” Akaashi reminded the Ace calmly, already wearing his gym clothes.
“But! I'm telling you! This comes from a girl! And she likes me! She wouldn't say all that otherwise!!” Bokuto exclaimed, ignoring Akaashi, and glaring at the other players for not believing him.
“I don't see how 'she' supposedly likes you from what I've read…” The libero said with a shrug.
Bokuto started hitting feverishly the letter, all the while shouting his 'explanation':
“The best Ace! The best! She wrote! It proves that she saw how incredible I am!! Also! 'coo-hoo-l'!!”
“Worst pun ever,” Konoha commented.
“It's an OWL pun!!” Bokuto shrieked, as if it explained anything.
The Fukurodani glanced at each other in slight confusion before looking back at their ridiculous Ace who continued:
“She expressed her affection for me with, not only a pun, but an OWL pun! The owl is my spirit animal! It's a sign! I love puns; she loves puns! I love owls; she loves owls! We are meant for each other!!” He shouted before gasping dramatically, putting a hand on his chest as if a sudden revelation had appeared in his mind, “W-we are… we are sowlmates!!” He proclaimed vehemently.
Everyone growled at his pun – they couldn't tell which was worse 'coo-hoo-l' or 'sowlmate'…
“Considering how terrible the puns are, they truly are 'sowlmates'…” Konoha whispered to Saru who chuckled.
“Somehow the letter went from a letter of praise to the declaration of an eternal love and the revelation of Bokuto's true love…” He answered with the same mocking tone.
“Talk about exaggerating…” Akaashi muttered, closing his eyes in despair.
“Akaashi, you don't know who put this letter in his locker?” Komi asked him, Bokuto unaware of the conversation going on in his back as he kept ranting about his newly found 'sowlmate' to whoever would listen (answer: no one).
The setter blinked before answering:
“I thought it was one of you who had put it in as a joke?”
“Uh? No way. It'd be a good prank, but there is no way we'd let Bokuto think one of us is his 'sowlmate'. It's a frightening thought…” The libero said with wide eyes and a shiver running down his spine.
“Don't tell me…” Akaashi started, narrowing his eyes suspiciously.
“…That he truly has an admirer who might have a crush on him…?” Konoha finished.
The second-years and the first-year setter all turned and watched as Bokuto made some sort of strange victory dance – or perhaps he was just so happy he couldn't not move around.
“No.” Konoha said, shaking his head.
“Nope.” Komi added.
“Definitely no way anyone would be stupid enough to have a crush on this bird-brain!” Saru concluded.
Only Akaashi remained silent, watching the strange Ace and his display of love for his unidentified sowlmate. If it wasn't anyone on the team pulling a prank at Bokuto (and if it was revealed it really was a prank, the Ace would be broken-hearted considering how much he now loved this letter and its writer) then… who could possibly do that? Who would admire Bokuto enough (that, in itself was quite a miracle) to the point of writing a letter including an owl-pun and putting it in his locker?
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