#when is it his turn for mass amounts of mediocre angst content??
citruli · 2 years
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they’re just hypocrites
who don’t make apologies
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daydreamindollie · 7 years
My Childhood Best Friend Is A Jerk | 02 | p.jm x f.r
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Genre: Angst and Fluff
Length: 5.6k
Quick Summary: This was the biggest fight you and Jimin had ever had. Will it also be the last or the start of many to come? Maybe none at all...
Happy Reading Dolls xxx
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It's only been several days since your fight with Jimin and other people have already been able to discern the difference in the interaction (more like the lack of interaction) between the two of you, especially 6 particular boys - Jungkook being one of them.
"Why have you and Hyung hardly been talking to each other lately, noona?" the raven-haired male queers, a look of concern crumpling his precious features. The two of you were in your art class on Tuesday afternoon, chatting away like the two of you usually did, seeing as you sat right next to each other. This time, however, the mood of the ambience surrounding the two of you was more sullen, you didn't have an explanation as to why; you should be happy (shouldn't you?) that you're talking to the person you've been crushing on for the past year. Perhaps you were more than reluctant to be cooperative due to the subject of your conversation - Jimin. You were still very sensitive over that topic.
"It's none of your concern Jungkook..." he pressed his lips into a thin line at your unexpressive response, daring himself to continue with his inquisitiveness. It made him uncomfortable to have you be so tense over a subject that should always be easy to talk about but he was deeply worried over you and so he needed to be questioning everything. Things were no longer normal and the mood has dropped considerably, not just between you and Jimin but amongst your family as well as close friends. The spirit of things was almost dipping into freezing waters over the simple matter regarding yours and Jimin's sudden dispute.
You hadn't told anybody about what had happened between you and your jerk of a best friend; it seems that Jimin hadn't done so either, or else Jungkook and the rest of the boys wouldn't be so curious over what had transpired. The veracious details of your fight is a mystery that they're determined to unravel but you were unwilling to provide them with any minor clue, always avoiding as many encounters with them as possible. If the case of you ever coming face to face with either one of those males should ever occur, however, you always made an effort in keeping the confrontation brief. So far, Jungkook has been the only one that's been able to grasp a decent conversation with you, leaving you to sometimes wonder whether or not it was because of your crush on him that had allowed him such a right.
...No, that can't be the case..because even though you've had a crush on him for the past year, you were managing to keep your exchange of words with him to a minimal amount.
"But the two of you have always been together-"
"For twelve years to be exact..." you intrude, biting on your bottom lip as you grew frustrated with your diverted attention and glowered at the awful mix of paint on your palette. You hope that your art teacher wouldn't come to know about your wasted use of valued materials because you'd prefer avoiding being screamed into the ear with an hour-long lecture, but you've always been a resourceful student so there's a possibility that you can get away with this, lecture free.
"Exactly! That's why it's such a mystery and why the hyungs and I are so curious and worried. Please tell us noona. It just seems like the two of you are throwing all that time together, away and it's scaring us. We've always known you to be the inseparable duo, something really drastic must have happened in order for the two of you to suddenly see each other as invisible! You hardly acknowledge one another when passing the other by in halls or in class." your brows furrowed into a wrinkled mass at the centre of your forehead, you hate to admit it but the experience of being apart from him was, somewhat, painful to you. For the time that you've been apart, though, you've gotten - in some form of measurement - used to the feeling and numbed out its abuse on your chest and beating organ, "Please tell us what happened so that we can fix it."
Clicking your tongue, you abruptly stand and marginally wince at the screech of your chair's feet across the polished floors, "I'm changing my paints - I need darker colours."
"Noona..." you couldn't bear to look into the afflicted emotion in Jungkook's desperate gaze and turned away as quickly as possible. In all honesty, you never could've imagined that this would ever ensure between you and Jimin. Not after the promise the two of you swore upon.
’…That's just childish...Snap out of it (Y/N). He stopped being your best friend the moment he even began thinking of sabotaging your efforts to get Jungkook's attention.'
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”Jimin...I know this is really cliche.." you mumbled, staring up at the twinkle of stars smiling down at your cuddling duo. The two of you snuck out to lay over the highest point of the mediocre hill right at the end of your little neighbourhood; as always, the absence of your parents (because of their date) as well as Jihyun (because of his usual sleepover) provided the perfect opportunities for you and Jimin to relax and enjoy each other's company in a multitude of ways.
”Yeah?" there was a hum in his voice. So calming and so soft. There was a sudden drowsiness that tickled behind your fluttering lashes.
”We'll stay friends forever right? And never leave each other's side?..." a cold wind blew over your frame, pushing you further into your dear friend's snug embrace. Looking up at him, the reflection of stars in your eyes made it appear as though your dual pair of orbs have encapsulated an entire galaxy of their own. You made him so breathless...at this rate, soon, he wouldn't be able to hold back.
”You're right, that really was cliche." he pulled away with a snort, leaving you vulnerable to the chill of the air again, "Don't forget, cringeworthy." this offhanded comment made you whine at his side, pressing yourself into his side as you whimpered for him to hold you again. It was so cold without his secure arms lovingly circling you with a squeeze. "What do you want princess?"
”Hug. Me." you pouted and, although you were demanding, he found you too adorable to resist and willingly complied.
After a comfortable moment of silence accompanied with your slow breathes, Jimin started your conversation once more, "What if I said that I didn't want to be friends forever?"
”Wh-what?" you spluttered, suddenly finding it hard to breath. Your chest was caving in on itself, your lungs filling up with liquid as your eyes began to sting and water at the prospect of his unexpected proposal. "You're joking right?" you blurted with surprising control over the wavering of your vocals.
”And what if I'm not?..." in that instant, you could no longer hold the tears back and let them spill over your long lashes.
”’What if this', 'What if that'- Stop it! You don't mean what you just said! I can't believe you would even think of something like that! How dare you!" you began pounding on his chest. They were majorly light compared to other punches he's received from others during his time, but the deficiency of force in your hits was explainable; he can see so much pain in your eyes. He hated the angsty image of your sobbing, sniffling, sad and angry self. Although, for a moment he found you really adorable, it still upset him to think that he was the cause for your distress upon such a peaceful night. "Take it back! Take it back right this second!" you were slowly weakening in your initially mediocre hits but your weeping remained loud and crystal clear in the moonlit night - as blaring as fluctuating sirens. "I can't believe you! Jimin you meanie!" his eyes softened, taking your clenched fists into his much bigger and calloused hands, "I said to take it back, so take it back! NOW!"
”I know, I know," his voice was barely above a whisper, "I'm sorry. There's no need to cry; I'm not going anywhere...I can never leave you because you mean too much to me..." he leaned over to place a gentle kiss onto your temple, "I take it back."
You sniffled, "You better!" you attempt at being feisty only made you look like a helpless puppy that got kicked in the ribs. In spite of that, Jimin still found it in himself to laugh before calming down to press his forehead against yours, staring deeply into your glistening and red-flushed orbs.
”You're so cute..."
”Don't think I'll forgive you so easily just because you compliment me." you sniffled with an ailing glare.
”That wasn't the point. I blurted it out without even noticing."
He laughed and cupped both your cheeks, leaning even closer. There were no words exchanged; your ugly sniffling and adorable hiccups gradually subsiding. It was just the two of you again; the shining moon; the glittering stars; the whispering air. For once, the time had slowed for the two of you, the moon shone brighter, the stars sparkled ecstatically, the wind stopped whispering, to create the perfect chance for you to whisper confessions and promises.
”Promise me that we'll never fight and split up in the future." you held up your pinkie for him to wrap his own around, which he did.
”I promise."
In soft silence, you both took a deep breath, in a tight embrace.
”I love you best friend..."
”I love you too..." Jimin struggled to swallow the lump in his throat, "best friend..."
At that moment, he swore that he would never hurt you in such a way again, even if it meant that he couldn't be with you the way he had always dreamed to be.
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Jimin knew that he always held the promise with a light heart after that crushing night. His currently broken state and tarnished friendship with you only proved his past hypothesis.
He had tried so hard. So hard.
All he wanted was to keep your content and always smiling but clearly, he's failed his vow. All negative emotions (mostly disappointment, dejection, and self-loathing) were all he seemed to project and act upon for the past days. Whenever he would pass you in the halls or during a class with you, he would act unaffected by your quarrel but he was internally hurting more than he was willing to show.
At least you weren't as hurt as he was and looked fine whereas he was having to use some of his mothers make up to cover up the bags under his eyes from his lack of sleep as well as the purple and blue bruises on his knuckles.
He hadn't slept for 5 days and hopes that he'll just faint at some point and fall asleep on his bed that way or something. If things were to go his way, his sleep would be dreamless and, therefore, absent of your laugh, your smile, your doe eyes, your silky hair, your full pink lips, your soft skin and loving but nature. If he couldn't dream of you, it would be for the best.
The bruising at his knuckles was him venturing out during those sleepless nights and pounding his clenched fists into the prominence of the hill just outside his neighbourhood. He would curse and sob but, even through his exhaustion, he managed to make it home before sunrise, where he would quietly sneak into his room, wash up and lay in bed until his brother came in to wake him up as per usual.
Nobody suspected anything or realised what he was doing but they had seen his sudden shift in attitude to meetings with you and your family. Somehow, he always had an excuse. At first, they didn't think about it too much but now they were beginning to grow suspicious as he always succumbed to a cold sweat under their hot and mistrustful gazes, which never helped. His only way out was an excuse for doing an errand or do something school related. Not only that but his mum was beginning to realise that someone was using her cosmetics and he himself was starting to grow worried, contemplating buying make up from the money in his own pocket.
"I'm going over to (Y/N)'s house with mum and dad..." Jihyun said from his doorway, "are you sure you don't want to come."
"I'm sure. I'm too busy with a project my science teacher suddenly decided to hit my class with." sometimes, Jimin was surprised at how easy it was for him to lie to his brother but maybe it was only because he had his back turned towards him.
"Shouldn't you be coming then? (Y/N) is in your science class and you two are always partnering up."
Jimin quickly shook his head, "I-it's not a partner project." he desperately hopes that his brother was convinced, disregarding his stutter.
"...Alright then. See you in an hour or two."
At a soft shutting of the front door, Jimin sighed and relaxed, releasing a breath he didn't know he was holding. Glancing over his shoulder to eye the desk at the corner of his room, he winced and stood up to approach it. From a drawer, he pulled out your pristine portrait of Jungkook and you cleaned-out bento box.
He had never truly sabotaged your attempts. The first one with the lockers was a true misunderstanding. Maybe you really had misheard him; he blames the sandwich he was stuffing his face with when talking to you about it during lunch at his house.
The day of your first failed attempt, he found that if he was able to get such a cute and clingy reaction from you then he wasn't going to stop until Jungkook develops true feelings for you after realising how much of a perfect person you were and confesses to you himself. He felt as though he would be doing the two of you a favour because Jungkook had always wanted to be the one to confess to a girl he likes whilst he wanted you to realise that just being yourself was more than enough.
Knowing that your portrait was worth so much of your time and effort, he took a scrap piece of A3 paper and spilt the poster paint over that instead. It was the cheapest paint but was very difficult to wash off. He had remembered as much from one of your ramblings when your school shirt had gotten stained by the annoying thing - he found it so easy to remember stuff about you and your interests whenever you would be acting all cute over it.
The third and last time was him really wanting to throw the food away but after the fight and feeling guilty, he only accompanied the guys at lunch that day, saying he didn't have an appetite and offered it to Jungkook who complimented his mother for making the best bento he had ever had because it also happened to have all of his favourite foods in it. Of course, it wasn't Jimin's mum who had made the bento box but he was glad that it was such a positive comment; you would've been so happy to personally hear Jungkook's words of approval.
Sighing, he looked out of his window and eyed your shadow (made by your bedside lamp) through your closed currents. Usually, they'd be open so that the two of you can make faces at each other whenever you would be having your late night phone call sessions. That hasn't happened for what seemed like an eternity, however, the simple fact brought about an unbearable pain.
He's lost you.
He's lost you the moment you began developing your crush for Jungkook.
And there's nothing he can do about it.
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It's a Thursday and it was your final class, which is one agonising hour of Physical Education (P.E). This was your weakest subject but you would always have Jimin to cheer you on from his boys' P.E class. That mood boost wasn't going to be happening today though; it really seems as though he doesn't know you exist anymore. It hurt but you've said such awful things and your pride wasn't going to make you take it back so easily because you felt that there was some truth in what you were saying - right?
Today, you were doing volleyball whilst the boys were doing basketball. Surprisingly, things hadn't gone too bad for you; it was only a few minutes until the official ending of the class and your team had some decent success in the several matches you've participated in.
"(Y/N), can you stay behind and help clean up the sports hall, please? It'll just be some minor sweeping, don't worry."
"Sure Coach." you can never refuse a teacher so you were forced to accept the request and grumbled to yourself when getting to work. Some girls offered to help but you politely declined, stating that this was your responsibility and that they should go on ahead, this made your teacher's eyes sparkle in slight approval having heard your assurance. You can confidently say that she'll be a bit lenient on you from now on.
The boys were sent in to change the same time the girls' P.E class was so they would be changed and leaving at the same time, leaving you to be grateful for being landed the job for sweeping up, albeit being tiresome. This way, at the very least, you can avoid Jimin. Ten minutes had passed and the school bell had already gone as the students promptly left, which means that you have the changing room all to yourself. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing because there won't be girls squealing and making unnecessary gossip about others around you. It'll be peaceful.
Upon stepping out of the sports hall, your eyes immediately landed on a slumped figure. Just from the stature and hair, you could tell that the male was Jimin.
What is he doing?
He was on the floor, a hand against the wall as he breathed with much strain and difficulty. Worry seeped in as soon as you heard his groan of distress. You wanted to leave him because the two of you hadn't conversed normally for almost a week now and it's still so tense between the two of you, but you weren't raised like that. Whenever you saw an injured or helpless being, you always felt your heart swell with the want to help them as much as you can.
Your eyes widen because Jimin never curses. This must be serious.
"Hey...are you okay?" your voice was cautious as you slowly approached his suddenly stiff frame.
"I'm fine." he stood up to prove his point. His tall stance was convincing but his assurance wasn't.
"Are you sure-?"
"Stay away from me (Y/N)." flames of anger sparked inside you at his gruff order.
"Don't talk like you have authority over what I can and cannot do."
He gave a humourless laugh, "I'm not coming across as that, am I?" he almost fell forward for a moment having missed his footing or genuinely stumbled. His sudden lurch forward scared you but he was quick to compose himself, "After trying that the first time, you'd think that I would've learned my lesson."
"It seems to me like you haven't." you snarled.
"Well I have." was his monotonous response.
There was a taut silence before he began walking to the boys' changing rooms, his hand using the wall to support him. It grieved you to see him in pain. He suddenly looks so frail and weak. What's happened to him? He used to stand so tall despite his short (for a guy) height. Feeling sorry and somewhat responsible for his exhausted appearance, you came up to his side and tried to help him by getting under his arm, only to have him push you away with surprising strength.
"I said stay away!" he barked, making you jump but you didn't back down.
"And leave you to weakly stumble into the changing rooms?! No way! I might hate your guts but I'm not heartless. Now let me help you." your voice slowly grew softer as you ended your statement. Trying to help him once more, you were - again - pushed away. "Jimi-"
"Don't mess with me (Y/N)..." his chest rumbled as he suppressed a snarl. "Now leave me alone or else."
Irritated at his attitude, you moved to block his path with your arms crossed. "Or else what?" you challenged, eyes fierce, "What will you do?!" as swift as a fox, he slammed you against a wall and stared into your orbs deeply with his own, which had turned black as coal.
"Or else I'll kiss you again."
You froze up.
"You don't want me stealing another kiss from you, do you?... Because I'll do it."
Your eyes narrow into slim slits, "You. Wouldn't. Dare..."
"Watch me..." He was already leaning in. Closer and closer. His breath was still minty but you can smell the sweat in his hair mingling with the scent of his preferred shampoo. That same scent always engulfed you with a feeling of security. It felt strange to think of it as something that can bring about another feeling inside you, regardless of that, there was an odd sensation in your stomach that blossomed and continued to bloom all on its own when the softness of his lips brushed over yours. Panicking, you yelped and pushed him away. There was hardly any force behind your assertive shove but Jimin was sent stumbling back until he hit the opposite wall and slid down with a groan until finally remaining limp on the floor.
It took a moment for you to fully comprehend everything and realise that Jimin hadn't gotten up. Your alarm abruptly vanished as fear and worry consumed you.
Why isn't he getting up?
"Jimin?...Jimin?!- Hey! Answer me!" you were shaking his shoulders, tears were surfacing but you pushed them back. This was no time to cry, Jimin needs you right now. "Nurse! Somebody! Help me! Jimin-" you ended up sobbing anyway, "he's not waking up!"
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Groaning, Jimin let his eyes flutter open, wincing at the invasion of light.
What day is it?
He did his best to recall all of his most recent memories up until now. He should have come home and gone on another punching session at that hill once night falls upon him. He couldn't remember any of that happening, though, and it shot a wave of anxiety straight through him. He tried getting up but his limbs and joints were conquered by a stifling ache and all he could do was moan in agony. His throat was parched and drier than the Sahara desert when he found that there was a sore scratch in its walls when he tried speaking out to anyone that may be nearby. Everything was still and quiet but there was a heaviness weighing down on his abdomen and he was desperate to push it off, even if doing so would bring torture to his muscles. Doing his best to move as little as possible, he managed to look down and catch sight of an angel - you.
"(Y/N)...?" he rasped, instantly grimacing at the roughness of his voice and the scratching at the back of his throat. It felt as though sandpaper was attempting to rub his gullet raw from the inside out. His volume wasn't loud enough though and you stayed unmoving, which he was relieved at; he had no intention of waking you.
Your lashes swept over your upper cheek as one ample side of your face rested atop his torso. The sinfully soft pair of pink lips you adorned did nothing but tempt him to lean forward and peck at them, he was sure his breath stank of rotten corpses, however, so he pushed the temptation back. Wisps of your hair splayed around you like a halo for the angel that you were as his eyes trailed down to widen at the image of your interlocking fingers. He wasn't given time to properly admire your being and comprehend the countless ideas behind why his fingers were lacing themselves in yours; as the door was suddenly being creaked open and in came his brother with a bowl of soup and a glass of water on a tray. Meeting each other's eyes, Jihyng immediately rushed to his brother's side after placing down the tray of food.
"Jimin! You're awake!" before he could answer, a groan from his angel brought his attention to your awakening figure. As soon as your eyes blinked and landed on his conscious form, you also cried out.
"You've been sleeping for almost two days now and all I get is a 'hi'?! Jimin you cruel, thoughtless jerk! I hate you so much!" then came the feeble pounding of your small, clenched hands as the male smothered all complaints.
"(Y/N) stop, Jimin can't take any abuse right now. He's just woken up." Jihyun gently tried to pull you away from his poor brother but you resisted with passion.
"No! I want an explanation as to why he had bags under his eyes and why his knuckles were so bruised up! Aren't you curious too, Jihyun?"
"I-I guess..."
"Then let him explain."
Sighing, Jimin - with much effort - announced his condition, "My throat...i-..it hurts..."
"Oh right! I have some water for you! And mum made some soup for (Y/N) but you can have it now while I go and get (Y/N) another bowl." you and Jihyun helped Jimin sit up and lean his back against the headboard of his bed before handing him the water he needed. You stayed behind as Jihyun walked out.
"That's much better..." Jimin had an inappreciable smile tugging at his moistened lips after setting the empty glass aside. Looking up again, he found a spoon being held up to his mouth, upon trailing his eyes up your arm, he soon connected eyes with you.
"Just shush your mouth and let me feed you..." that he did slowly feeling rejuvenated with the more soup he had. "Will you tell me why now?" you ask, setting aside the finished bowl of soup minutes later. Jihyun hadn't come back and you were both sure that he hadn't planned on coming back in the first place, just to give the two of you time.
"Tell you what?"
"Why you hadn't been sleeping properly and have bruises littering your knuckles."
"It doesn't matter."
"Yes, it does-"
"Well, I'm alright aren't I?"
One trait the two of you shared was always a bit of stubbornness.
"Don't talk like that. I have the right to know." Jimin raised a brow as you looked down at your lap, where your fingers tremblingly fiddled with one another, "B-because if it was my fault th-then I'd never be a-able to f-f-forgive myself!" you sobbed louder than you did the night after your fight a week ago. Instinctively, you crawled into bed to curl up against the wide-eyed male, who quickly snapped out of his trance to wrap you up in his arms. This was all a habit that grew from the love the two of you shared; a gesture that you took for granted. "Don't do this ever again...please..." you begged helplessly.
"I promise." Jimin bit his lip. This time, it's a genuine promise, unlike the perfunctory pledge from the past.
"You promise promise?"
He laughed, "I promise promise..."
"Good." you concluded, sniffling as you looked up at him, daring to meet his eyes, "because I love you and I don't know what I'll do without you." his eyes became an evil shade of black.
"I don't want pity love (Y/N)." his voice was ice cold.
"This, isn't pity!" you aimed to use your fiery passion to melt his frozen-over concepts, "I love you...I know that now. I can't believe it took me this long to realise."
"(Y/N). No-"
"Just let me finish!" you snap through your tears, moving so that you were hovering over him on your hands and knees. You've always been there for me! You're everything I could ever want in a guy and yet I was so blind to have been incapable of seeing that. You're perfect in every single way and I was lucky enough to have you as my best friend. I'm so sorry Jimin." your tears dripped onto his cheeks, your glistening eyes staring into his, "If I could turn back time I would... because I don't want you to ever suffer something like this ever! I never thought I could ever be this stupid! I've loved you without even realising it..."
"But how?...Jungkoo-"
"I talked to him and confessed everything when everyone came to visit you yesterday...he rejected me." Jimin gulped, expecting a look of even more pain from you but instead, you started smiling through your salty tears, "And that was what made me realise that I've loved you from the very beginning. Because it didn't hurt to have him reject me, it didn't hurt as much as having you be away from me for an entire week! It didn't hurt as much as it did when your bruises and eye bags were revealed! It was beyond my endurance to see you in such a state that I ended up crying myself to sleep! Jimin...I'm not lying when I say.." you choked up and whimpered, "I love you so very much."
Bringing your face down with a bandaged hand, he kisses your face all over, "I love you too."
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”Jiminnie," you looked up at your best friend, admiring how cute he looked in his simple white shirt and jean overalls, "will you marry me when I'm older?"
”Wh-what?" the boy spluttered, his little 5-year-old mind unable to even think about what your proposal entailed.
Offended, you puffed out your cheeks and narrowed your big eyes, "Is that a no?"
”I-I didn't say that-"
”Then...that's a yes?" you fluttered your long lashes up at him, your small hands gripping the dirtied fabric of your dress, a result of your playing around on the small hill right outside your neighbourhood.
”Y-yeah..." his cheeks were dusted a bright pink, an endearing sight that you were able to catch just before he made the move of quickly turning away.
”Yay!" you cheered with a giggle, jumping up to hug him and peck his cheek, "I love you Jiminnie!"
”I love you too Chubs." you didn't mind the nickname because it was true, and Jimin loved the fact that you were more huggable than the other girls so you were always kept proud that you were slightly chubby (your mother also said that it was normal to be, at your age especially). He smiled and wrapped his arms around you as well, an inward squeal trying to battle its way past your lips, "But I'll only do this on one condition."
You tilted your head at his seriousness in spite of the remaining red tint of his cheeks, "What's that?"
“You must only love me and no one else. After we're old enough you'll let me buy you a big ring and a big house, where we can play real house and not just pretend," you were nodding along happily, content with all of his suggestions, and you knew that you always will be, no matter what "When I propose and make you my bride you'll have to be my lover."
”Of course I will silly! That's the point!" you giggled but he quickly added.
”And be my best friend."
The two of you smiled.
”It's a deal!"
”Don't forget!"
”I won't!"
”I can't wait to live happily ever after with you."
”Me too!"
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"So did the prince and princess live happily ever after?" your darling daughter asks.
"Yes they did." your husband confirmed.
"I like this story more than other fairy tales." you daughter continues, smiling widely, her eyes become crescent moons - just like her father's.
"I like sleeping beauty because the prince killed a dragon witch!" your son added.
"But nobody's better than dad! I bet you that dad can slay 2 dragon witches if he wanted!" glancing at the father of your children, you smiled wider at the grin on his face before he made his way over to circle his arms around your torso from behind, resting a chin atop your shoulder.
"That's enough you two. You've had your story, now its time for bed." you gently order as the two immediately snuggle into their covers.
"Do you remember that promise we made?" Jimin asked as the two of you made your way out of your children's room.
"Which one?" you laughed.
"About getting married."
"Oh...yes." you smiled at the memory. There was a time where you thought that promise was put off because it was made at such a young age...but who knew that it would end up coming true?
"Thank you...for being my lover and best friend all these years. I love you Chubs."
Smiling you pecked your lover and best friend's lips, "I love you too, Jiminnie."
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