#when sealand did start to grow and develop that’s really when England started to struggle
bitchapalooza · 1 year
Literally can’t stop thinking about Sealand NOT being “born” when the Fort is proclaimed as Sealand but when the fort is actually built but he’s like. This baby. A mindless drooling machine from the 40s to the 60s not growing at all. It’s probably not how it’d go but it’s really funny to me to think about England just carrying this preemie looking baby Sealand around for about, what 2 decades almost? And his human neighbors are confused as shit as this baby has not grown whatsoever for as long as they’ve known them both. “So has Peter started crawling yet?” “Ah, no. Can’t even support his own head yet, much less crawl.” “But. He’s about 10 months now.” “Oh you thought— no. No, Peter is 5 years old actually. Yeah. 5 years since I was pulled out of duty temporarily to figure out why the hell a random baby showed up on a military fort in the middle of the ocean. Oh how the time flies…” “I. Have to go. Do a thing. Yeah. I’ve got a thing. Bye. What the fuck.”
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