#when the car you'd had before was a diesel engin with a 50 gallon capacity
lollybliz ยท 1 year
๐Ÿš€๐Ÿงช๐Ÿ’Œ - For the fic ask (was gonna send these last night and passed out instead a;ldkj;flkf)
Hfjdjdjxhjss s l e e p
๐Ÿš€- Do you like to outline your fic first or create as you go?
Little bit of both! The first wall of text just happened in my phone notepad while I was 100% supposed to be putting books away, but when I got back to my pc I put together an outline cus frankly the last fic I got any distance into fell apart cus I wrote myself into a corner and I don't want that to happen again. That being said, the oneshot was a 3 hour manic episode that just sorta poofed into my head fully formed, so ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ bit of both! I think I prefer an outline though, for the sake of my sanity lol
๐Ÿงช- do you research for your fics?
Er. Yes and no. Did I spend an ungodly amount of time pouring through literal actual medical journals that I have access to as a librarian to make sure I knew what the fuck i was talking about? Yes. Did i throw that information out the window later because it was inconvenient and fuck it they're both deities anyway? Also yes fjdjdksk i've gone over entirely too much in game stuff to make sure I'm not making up toooo too much, but I also have a tendency to throw accuracy into the wind for the sake of either simplicity or 'this is a bit handwavey but Vibes Harder'
๐Ÿ’Œ- is there a favorite trope you like to write?
I was gonna say this is a hard one to answer because I just haven't written that much But-
There's a very Whumpy lean to everything I've written, finished or unfinished, and it frequently takes a sort of long term inevitability bend at some point. In the One fic I've posted (and abandoned since) Bakugo was going to recover, eventually, but he was going to have to figure out either how to be a hero without his eyes or ears, or find another purpose to strive towards. There's a pile of AAA in my notes about Fi, and how the master sword slowly rotting away over tens of thousands of years must have felt, when she hadn't been able to speak since the very first hero, when she'd been imprisoned inside this rusting breaking frigid metal. The oneshot is essentially a trauma flashback, the whole thing; and the big one is a fistful of excuses and headcanons for why the statues work the way they do, why the traveler can increase their stamina by making offerings to them, what effects having a massive part of yourself sealed away might have, where the energy to wield elements even comes from etc all balled up into a very specific kind of whump and my utter bullshit nonsense shenanigans to heal said specific whump fjdjdkdkk it's a whole mess
Tldr I like to hurt the characters I love, apparently :kermit scream:
Thank you for asking!! This is fun, i have more to say than I thought I would fjfjdk
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