#when those dudes came up to them in the mall and called him ‘gene’ I was like yep that’s me I have zero regrets
forever pronouncing jean’s name like the denim pants I don’t give a fuck actually
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cosmosogler · 7 years
today mom woke me up before 6 by talking loudly to my brother. then eve and wiley woke me up with an argument before 7. then mom woke me up a full 45 minutes (8:45) before she had said i was supposed to get up (9:30) to ask if i was ready yet or not. 
i was pretty pissed. but i showered and went to work. despite the, maybe, 7 hours of sleep.
the guy i was working for, the boss’ son, chad, was super... irritating. he had me using a broken ass web site to write descriptions that conveniently omitted any mention of damage or wear on the items he was trying to sell. despite the fact that the web site gives a clear criteria you’re supposed to mark for any sign of wear. 
i mean, the worst that’s gonna happen for the customer is they see the jewelry is damaged and send it back to chad and probably don’t buy anything else from him. it’s a waste of his time and money, not anyone else’s. so i didn’t argue.
most of my day consisted of waiting for the web site to load literally every time i tried to do anything. i did end up having to stop and take deep breaths before i lost my patience.
after i finished the work (he had like 12 items for me to list and besides the waiting it took maybe 5 minutes to write everything needed to list the item) mom suggested i go down into the mall and check out the nintendo switch at the gamestop. mom’s office sits on top of scottsdale fashion square. the one the celebrities go to. i’ve never seen anyone famous there, but i don’t spend really any time there at all. i don’t like being in the mall by myself, but i would never go with mom.
i saw that the gamestop was pretty crowded to i stepped into the pet store on the other side of the walkway. there was a single blind great dane puppy hanging out behind the glass. i saw he was from a breeder and cost like 500 dollars and i got kinda mad. not at the store, really, but at the fact that there are breeders who sell puppies with, like, common and maybe severe genetic defects. purebred dogs are generally not healthy. and they don’t have any control over that and don’t understand what’s happening, and that’s just cruel.
so i walked farther into the store to see if there were any other animals and if it was still visiting hours since it was like 3. turns out that was the last dog in the store and the four cats had come from a rescue organization. one of the cats had had kittens, and all of them got adopted. the cats were being taken somewhere for the evening i guess. maybe back to the shelter. i listened to the employee talk very proudly about what breeds the cats were, and how their lives were going. she asked if i wanted one and i said definitely but my mom doesn’t like cats so we don’t have one. she said she understood.
i poked around a little longer and found some stuff i can put in the dogs’ water that will help with dental hygiene and also apparently ease joint pain and is also odorless. since diogi has pretty bad arthritis and also has poop breath i bought a bottle. i asked the cashier a bunch of questions about it and she gave me a discount when i finally picked something out. 
i know there are ethical concerns when it comes to, like, choosing which offspring to have due to genetic preferences. but why bring someone into the world if they’re going to be sick their whole life? wouldn’t you want to give your kids the best possible chance to have a life they like? hampering their progress right out of the gate doesn’t seem... i dunno, i can see why some people would choose to have a kid based on what kind of condition they would be in at birth. but i’m not a good person to ask about that, because i am miserable and have trouble imagining how people can be happy and fulfilled in the first place.
and i know looking at your kid’s genes and deciding whether or not to have that kid can lead to some pretty nasty eugenics stuff. i’m not trying to say all deviation from some genetic “norm” is bad. god, it’s complicated and it’s easy for that control to get out of hand. there ain’t no good answer.
just because i often wish i hadn’t been born doesn’t mean other people should also feel that way.
i got sidetracked. what happened next is that i snuck into the gamestop and hid behind a rack of amiibo paraphernalia. i ended up behind one of the cashiers and when he saw me he motioned me over. so i asked some stuff about the switch, like if it had backwards compatibility or if your purchases from the eshop carried over. i was so nervous i came off like an idiot fake gamer girl. even though those don’t exist? i don’t know if he thought they did or not though, and he gave me a kind of dubious look when i couldn’t immediately recall the gamer lingo i last used maybe six years ago. and i didn’t know some pretty basic facts about the switch, like the fact that it uses cartridges instead of disks. and he compared a new game to f-zero and i said i hadn’t played that one yet, but was looking for it at bookmans. that got me sniffed at by three different dudes at the counter!
he asked if i wanted to know anything else and i totally blanked so i stammered through telling him i’d come back if i could think of any more questions and awkwardly walked over to the switch display boxes.
maybe it would be good to get one for christmas, when there are more games out for it and i can see if i would like more than two of them.
anyway after that i piddled around miserably with putting together some battle box teams on my pokemon game. then mom and i went to dinner with my sister. i ate half my meal before i started feeling kinda sick again, but my sister got a dessert so i had some of that too.
when i got home i refilled the dogs’ water and hung out with eve and the doog. when eve started having what seemed to be a violent dream i called her to wake her up and then immediately felt bad for waking her up. she didn’t seem to mind. she just laid there with her eyes open for a little bit before going back to sleep. when i checked on her again later she wagged her tail and it was really cute.
wiley, of course, wanted to go for a walk, but it was already past 7 when we got home. i will try to get up before 10 tomorrow so i can take him out in the morning instead of after dinner when everyone else is out and about and also the rabbits are everywhere. 
oh yeah, on the way to work mom asked if i had done a bunch of other stuff i haven’t gotten around to yet. like, after i had told her what i managed to get done yesterday. i felt kinda put out, like even though i put in all that effort, or at least, felt like i’d put in a lot of effort, it didn’t matter because some other thing didn’t also get done.
and the therapy place is booked through april so i’ll have to call my other option tomorrow. and take care of graduation stuff like getting my diploma mailed home, and find out what’s going on with my tuition. 
and that’s what i did today!!! i also realized that the way i’d built one of my pokemon i didn’t actually need to get it to level 100 to change its ivs, because its ivs were fine. so that felt like a waste of time. at least it was just one of them out of the ~40. when i finish getting all of these guys leveled up i’ll have to look through their stats and prioritize. i do like having a project, even a really nerdy one like pokemon. 
the competition in april is going to be doubles battles. i’ve found that i really prefer the speed micromanaging and overall faster pace of doubles battles to singles, especially when there are four players involved. since it’s a doubles battle i will feel more comfortable doing some setup. i’m going to see how a trick room team will do.
in competitions, for singles battles you can only choose three pokemon, so it’s kind of not worth it to spend time setting up a gimmick. you don’t have as many options to work with if your opponent can counter your first guy. but in doubles, you pick four pokemon, and you send out two guys at once, which means you can attack and set up on the same turn and don’t have to waste valuable turns switching your pokemon. setup stuff like weather and trick room only lasts a set amount of turns, so if you have to spend a turn switching your pokemon, that leaves that much less time that you can operate effectively in. 
in retrospect, that explanation wasn’t really for anyone’s benefit. i already know what i’m talking about, people who read this and know pokemon won’t need the explanation, and people who read this and don’t know pokemon will probably still have a hard time following. but i’d feel bad if i didn’t at least try to explain the jargon.
basically i like doubles battles more because i am much better at them.
that took ten minutes, and now it is after 1. so i’m going to get ready for bed and maybe continue rambling tomorrow if i find i have something more to say. take care of yourselves.
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