#when y’all start catching onto what these emojis mean then the real fun will begin
mcondance · 1 year
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these lines should have you arrested immediately. i was thinking about them for the next 6 hours.
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no i rlly ate that i fear…..
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soft-ris · 4 years
CP: yo!! im a witch and im usually a very understanding and patient person, but at the same time i have anger issues and little to no patience at all—i usually like to draw, sing, listen to music, and a whole lot more! im touch starved and an affectionate hooman being once you got to know me more. i actually have a collection of plushies that i cuddle with when i go to sleep—i go by the name lixilia online but my friends call me yana! im interested in a lot of things but procrastination is just preventing me,, im nice and have a loveable personality! and im talented??? (at least thats what my friends say—) hmm my top 3 faves? Bruno, Jonathan, Polnareff (+ Kakyoin, Joots, and a whole lot more— im indecisive im sorry—) ig the emojis i can use to describe me are: ✨💕💖😤💀👌🎮⛓🖤🎧🏳‍🌈 [ i-is this how you do it?—aas sorry im not used to stuff like these jfjsks]
Cupid’s Pick for your match made in heaven is...
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I’m a witch.
While all of them are fascinated and intrigued on some level…
Bruno would be a little skeptical at first (because I mean you could just be fucking with him like it’s a new mafia assassination tactic right?), but once you show him the real shit and he wraps his head around it, he’s extremely accepting. He’s just so in awe of your witchcraft and how it all works and about you. He also will protect u if someone bad finds out or if someone makes fun of you thinking you’re crazy in the head. He also won’t take advantage of your witchcraft, 100%. He asks for specific favors sometimes when he needs your help, but he by no means will force you to do something just because it’ll benefit him the best.
Jonathan… might be wary in the beginning. He probably grew up with the whole evil witch stereotype thing, so he finds it very conflicting (the ideals in him and you). But after seeing that you’re a genuine witch and mean absolutely no harm though, he’ll be so sorry for how he had treated you (he thinks he should’ve been more open and kind, because that’s what a gentleman should be like). He’ll be real curious and excited to learn about your life and witchcraft, and he’ll be supportive and protective too. If your witchcraft can heal him, he might subconsciously start to be more reckless because he knows you can just patch him up. Which is 0/10 recommend because he’s already so reckless :/
Polnareff will take it as a joke for a while, until you prove that ur the real deal to him and he goes through a whole range of emotions and scenarios lol. From being in denial (he thinks you’re just taking the joke or role play way too far), to being wary to you cursing him (because aren’t all witches evil?), to being curious about your witchcraft and its abilities (some of which he will try to take advantage of), to making 90% of his flirtatious comments revolve around you being a witch or your witchcraft. But he’ll silver chariot stab someone if they ever insult or make fun of you for being a witch.
I’m usually a very understanding and patient person, but at the same time I have anger issues and little to no patience at all.
Bruno & Jonathan handles the latter part better than Polnareff, but in quite different ways.
Bruno himself, I would say, is quite understanding and patient, so he likes that you have the same qualities because I see him as someone who responds very well to others’ genuine kindness. But he also has boundaries and self-respect, so if you unjustly take out your anger on him, he will (essentially) scold you or tell you off. He may do it in a softer way compared to when he tells his gang off for being idiots, but he’s still going to do it. BUT he’ll also talk to you after it all immediately like adults. He doesn’t want bad blood between the two of you, it’s not healthy for the dynamics. He loves you after all. If your anger and impatience is justified, then he takes it and tries to understand if it’s aimed at him. If it’s aimed at others? He’ll support you (somehow) LMAO. Imo Bruno’s the best with you for this because he tells you as is.
Jonathan appreciates that you’re understanding and patient because a lot goes on in his life (DIO, hamon, vampires, etc.). BUT, with your anger issues and little to no patience, he might lash back (or cry) if you say something that really hurts him, but if it ain’t that bad, he’d usually placate you with softness and patience of his own. And he might talk to you about it after you’ve calmed down if it was pretty bad and it wasn’t directed at him. He looks like the type to not mind getting angry with you if it’s directed at something real annoying though (not him). But would give you the Hurt & Disappointed look if you cross some line or catch him on a bad day. Then he wouldn’t talk to you for a bit until he’s ready or calmed down, which can be nerve wrecking for you and your impatience might fester.
Polnareff (imo) needs someone who’s understanding and patient as a whole. I’m not saying a person like that (with no negative emotions or habits) exists, but because he has a little too much pride and acts a little too much based on his emotions, if you pop off at him, he will pop back off on you. It’s just how it will be with him. There’s also an 80% chance he’ll say something real nasty if you say or do something that really hurts his feelings. He also strikes me as someone who moves past (minor to moderate) things relatively quick, so he’d be annoyed if you’re still hanging onto the previous argument. 3/10 for this disposition.
I’m touch starved and an affectionate hooman being once you got to know me more.
All 3 of them enjoys the physical touch, especially Polnareff, but I can see Polnareff trying to take advantage of that somehow if y’all aren’t at the dating stage yet.
Bruno enjoys the touches, reciprocates at his own rate and accepts your affections with soft smiles and kisses. In a relationship, I can see him amping up his physical affection to match your own. Idk why but I just HC him as someone who is equally touch starved and loves all the physical contact he gets with you, so there’s that connection and mutual understanding that he has with you.
Jonathan is the same in enjoying your affections, but I don’t really see him as touched starved so he may not understand sometimes why you’re so affectionate (not that he minds though, he’ll take all the love you give him).
I’m nice and have a loveable personality! 
Bruno would love for his s/o to get along well with his family/gang. He knows his gang is…colourful, but that’s his family. Like for example, Giorno may have had a rough start with everyone, and a rough relationship with Abbacchio, but they all still got along and was able to work together to some degree (some better than others). And because you’re his s/o, it would just make him feel weird if his family doesn’t like you or get along with you at all, so because of your disposition, it means a lot to him (family is everything to Italians in JOJO after all).
I’m interested in a lot of things but procrastination is just preventing me,,
Bruno would push you to go on when he notices because he wants to help you, and as we all know, he’s observant. Also a great motivator tbh. He’ll even spare time to explore the interest with you if it helps. He’ll even think of prompts to help you when he’s not around to motivate you. Imo I think out of the 3, he would be the best in helping you with this and maybe it help you overcome this procrastination issue.
I usually like to draw, sing, listen to music, and a whole lot more!
I see Jonathan & Polnareff’s personal interests and hobbies being more outdoorsy and active. So they would not indulge in your hobbies as much as Bruno would. They’d support you, 10000% for sure, but they’ll be pushing you to try to take part in their hobbies as well (sports, travelling, bars, etc.). I also see them as the type to wanna do things with their s/o a lot.
Bruno looks like he enjoys alone time as much as he enjoys being with you. His hobbies and interests also look more calm and can be combined with yours. Like going on a fishing trip, and you can turn on some music and he’ll fish while you draw or sing. Or cooking and you two can duet while prepping in the kitchen. Soft peaceful shit like that yk?
I actually have a collection of plushies that I cuddle with when I go to sleep.
Idk why but I can totally see Bruno going to sleep with you in his arms, and then wake up with one of your plushies in his arms instead and not mind it at all, which is hella cute uwu. He’ll even indulge in this collection of yours and get you new ones because now there are some in there from him.
ig the emojis i can use to describe me are: ✨💕💖😤💀👌🏼🎮⛓🖤🎧🏳️‍🌈
With the top 3’s vibes when I think strictly in emoji, Polnareff would be attracted to you for sure, but friendship would flourish better than a relationship (imo). Bruno thinks you’re cute, the contrast between you two would be like the face value ‘opposites attract’. Jonathan thinks you’re cool, I see the friendship flourishing better than a relationship again. Not saying it wouldn’t work (with Pol & Jonathan + u), just saying friendship would come easier than a relationship (compared to Bruno).
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