#when you are a big textile nerd who just wants to procrastinate from making a 1950s ball gown with inspirations of that Sisi portrait
elisabeth515 · 3 years
Several days into the latest story (“Little Women”) released by Time Princess and I’m just done with it now.
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What the bloody hell are those cottagecore cross over academia fuckery?
So the context is, this book was set in the Civil War era in the United States of America and it is from the North (*Union). As we, especially Americans, all know that is fallen in the Victorian Era (*the crinoline period to be specific), why are you not giving her crinolines in her day dresses but instead giving her a weird mix of turn-of-the-century, modern cottagecore and academia look?
Yeah, it’s true that they made a more convincing gown, but like, only for ball gowns and that’s all.
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I am generally very disappointed that the game developers don’t take the day dresses of that time to the game.
Here’s another one, you see it just becomes anachronistic when the game gave her a Belle Époque back.
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By the way people from the North don’t dress like this, if you get what I mean. This is obviously taken from Gone with the Wind (it’s the mill dress by the way) which took place in the Confederacy. For what she would have worn, I found a nice blog post about it
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Here’s a cleansing card if you need it after witnessing something as bad as “When Calls the Heart” season 2 (and later) costumes. (Courtesy to one of my mutals on tumblr)
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