#when your cousin tells your auntie there's a beekeeper in the book
indigoinka · 8 months
Fat lesbian vampire story is free!
Secrets at the Door is free on all the retailers until the end of the month.
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The secrets aren't at the door. They're already in the house.
Betsy’s reluctance to lead the Merryweather coven puts her entire family in danger, and with an injured vampire showing up on their doorstep and a bloodborn harvest to resurrect, they can’t afford mistakes.
When the coven is targeted on neighbouring Castle land, the only reliable witness is a young girl found hiding in the family mausoleum. But Lotus is not what she seems.
The girl is a secret keeper with a bind on her tongue. And when one of the Merryweathers finds Lotus unconscious in the woods, Betsy helps her unravel her tongue, slowly learning the terrible truth of what her coven has been harbouring for years.
This book features a fat, beekeeping lesbian vampire, a queer well-demon in need of a haircut, vampires who make very bad decisions, and a case of stone-cold revenge. There are romantic elements (f/f & m/nonbinary).
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