#when: january 2130 (before kalavria summit)
alectocarrion · 3 years
with: @dolusmendacius when: january, 2130 (before the summit)  where: pontius (kalavria)
Alecto was still trying to find familiarity in her new living quarters. Be it her actual room, or the ship as a whole. Despite having been born among these waters, there was nothing that Alecto could recall. Would she want to? Would that make this easier? Maybe in time, she would look towards the water and see where she and her sibling ran, or where her father cast his line from a boat that was more tin than propeller. Regardless, what didn’t do Alecto any favors was dwelling on such things. She’d managed to board Pontius under the guise of needing a new home, and now it was time to actually work. 
Whether that was Poseidon’s work assigned, or whether it meant digging into the crevices of what could cause Pontius to split into two, Alecto hadn’t quite decided. 
Still, it was easier to slip into the skin of an awkward newcomer than it was to create something authoritative out of herself. How would that fly with those around her? 
Alecto doesn’t drop their gaze quickly enough as somebody -- she thinks their name is Dolus ( had that been right? introductions had been quick ), rounds the corner. They nearly run into him, but a hand meant to steady snaps out and presses against shoulder. 
“Sorry. The hallways keep coming up on me.” 
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herarhearp · 3 years
Who: Alecto ( @alectocarrion​ )
When: January, 2130 - after Heteraidia, before Kalavria Summit.
Where: Helicon, Pontius
The last night of Heteraidia was quite eventful for Hera, and she didn’t get to witness the fight between Nyx and one of her children, but she heard enough gossip to know what happened. She considered reaching out to Nyx, mother to mother, but she couldn’t find her old friend in time, and that is not a matter Hera would like to discuss over Tala.
She was pleasantly surprised to find out that Alecto had boarded Pontius. Not that she was happy that this child had broken all ties to her family, but at least on Pontius there would be an opportunity for Hera to approach her. And so she did, as soon as the cruise had sailed far from Olympe, both of their homes left behind. During a walk around Helicon, Hera saw her and took the chance to start a conversation.
“You’re Alecto, right? I heard of what happened last night. If I am not intruding, I just wanted to say that I know how... Complicated it can be, this self-exile situation. I hope you find Pontius to be a good shelter.” Her intentions with this polite chat weren’t manichean. She felt some empathy for Alecto’s circumstances, and it felt right to keep an eye on someone who qualified as a child of Nyx the day before. It was an act of caring for the Queen of Night, even after so long, and it was also a strategic decision to keep someone like Alecto close. She certainly knew a lot about Tartarus and would now be a part of Pontius, so Hera had a lot to gain.
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