#whenever I need to marinate my brain in serotonin
saengak · 1 year
Just popping over here as if I did not use your ao3 user to find your tumblr a few months ago hahaha. (this is probably the most coherent i'll ever be bc i'm typing from a laptop but i'll probably sound really intense and bonkers so sorry about that haha)
I wanted to come over here in the least weird way flat spin is genuinely such a treasure to read. thank you so much for posting it and taking the time to write such a spectacular world of character dynamics. it's easy to read in the sense that you know this wasn't an easy thing to right. every chapter and decision feels so thoughtful and i can imagine the agonoy of deciding which path the characters took.
i understand it was a prompt fill and i read the original prompt and wow, if i was that person i would be over the moon. you took the prompt and made it into this multi dimensional world with it's own intricacies. stuff like the reg office, never would have thought about that but it fits so perfectly into the world and it makes sense, it's impact on the characters is rippling. i feel like a crazy person but i can't stop thinking about the most recent chapter. i keep coming back to the "if you love something set it free, if it comes back it's yours but if it doesn't it was never meant to be"
i just, i'm obsessed and in awe. thank you, take care. if a hiatus is what you need take one for as long as you need. if you really wanted to you could end the fic here haha, anything more is a bonus. you've gifted us a masterpiece, thank you
Hey hey! :') Please go completely bonkers and feral and rest assured that I absolutely love all your comments, thank you so much!! <3
Honestly when I starting writing FSHOS, I had not even thought that it would get to where is it today. We just hit 1000 kudos a few days ago, can you believe it?? I continue to be amazed at all the love that it is getting. Just totally blown away.
I might be giving my thank you speech too early when the fic isn't even finished, but I just want to say that most of the things you mentioned? I could only manage to write those out because of OP's amazing prompt which kickstarted this whole project and all the incredible comments and support from y'all (especially you! yes!).
Fun fact: in my original draft, half of Ch3 and half of Ch4 didn't exist, Ice and Mav made up by the end of Ch6, and the story ended soon after (with Mav going back to Top Gun). As you can tell, the fic has been rewritten and extended A LOT haha. I literally re-evaluate my plans for the rest of the fic after receiving comments for each chapter because y'all have such incredible ideas and point out a lot of my blind spots. (Oops there goes my authorly omniscience but that never existed anyway.)
I feel like I'm running a book club and I LOVE IT. I'm just overjoyed with every interaction, y'know?
Ok ok I need to stop gushing ahaha :') I just wanna say: thank you so much, I've reread this ask so many times and I can hardly believe how highly you think of my writing <3 I can't wait to return with more IceMav, so please take care too as well in the meanwhile!
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