#whenever this song comes up I litterally have my own dance moves I've made for it
commanderfloppy · 1 year
Music Game!
Got tagged again this time by @commanderthalys
RULES: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, and then tag 10 people. No skipping!
This time I decided to try and hit random on a few different saved playlists and stations I have on my music streaming so I'm not just giving everyone an extra big dose of video game songs again (ok maybe I'll hit random on a few video game songs)
Q.U.E.E.N. - Janelle Monáe ft. Erykah Badu
Love Shack - The B-52's
Bad Romance - Lady Gaga
Masterpiece Theatre III - Marianas Trench
Shut Up And Drive - Rihanna
I'll Make a Man Out Of You - Mulan
Body - Megan Thee Stallion
Heartbeat, Heartbreak - Persona 4
Usseewa - Ado (Pjsekai cover)
Whims of Fate - Persona 5
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mollyhw14 · 3 years
Fallen Angel : Tied to the Devil's Daughter (demon au Lee Donghyuk / Haechan ) ♛ CH1 ♛
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Walking across the food court in search of her friend felt like more of an effort to Seraphina today than usual. It was on 12 o'clock, and she was already pissed off with everything. Her alarm hadn't gone off at it's usual time, making her late for school, and then on top of that, she'd completely forgot her gym stuff for her morning periods, resulting in her having to wear clothes from the lost and found which hadn't been washed in years. She could still smell the foul stench of fish that radiated off the clothes, and her face flushed from embarrassment at all the stares she had received, in which she had sent them back a nice hand gesture of her middle finger and a glare which could could burn flames into each and everything person.
Upon spotting a mop of curly blonde hair, she stormed over to the table with her tray of food, not caring who she barged into on the way, and almost launching her tray at the table top.
"Woah what's happened to you? Seriously Phina you really need to lay low on that temper of yours before you end up getting yourself kicked out."
Cheonsa was the definition of a grade A student, perfecting in everything she did. As much as she contrasting towards the fiery girl, she couldn't help but worry over her and how she was always getting herself into trouble. It wasn't even that she'd do something mean or hurtful to someone, she just couldn't hold back her temper, her actions and voice coming across too blunt and harsh a times in which she couldn't stop it.
"You know I can't help it Cheonie, it gets me so mad I literally want to burn everyone's eyes that had to witness that shit show of a gym session this morning. " She sighed, looking at her perfect friend, wishing she could switch lives with the blonde.
"Well how about you go let some steam off in the dance studio, you have a free period now don't you? I can meet you outside school afterwards and we can go over for a coffee at our usual spot?" trying to cheer her friend up, Cheonsa stood up readying herself for her next class. She saw a sheer nod of the dark hair girl and felt satisfied, knowing she'd have calmed down by then.
"Anyway you owe me, it's my eighteenth tomorrow and you still haven't got me a present, and don't even try to deny it, I know you to well Phina." She chuckled as she ruffled the brunettes hair, seeing the scowl that had appeared on her face from the comment before heading  off to her to lesson.
"How the fuck did she know I hadn't bought her a present?"
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The dance studio was Seraphina's main way off letting out all the frustration she had built up inside of her. She had always wanted to become a professional ballet dancer, performing on the big stage in elegant pointe shoes. Her dance teacher never paid any attention to the way she danced, blinded by the trio Phina liked to call 'Dicktrio' and their money. After all if it wasn't for their money and parents, the teacher wouldn't even have a job, so that was the reason why she was always seen sucking up to these kid's asses. This however only made Seraphina more passionate about her dream, she wanted to prove herself to her teacher that she was worthy of becoming a dancer.
Upon reaching the dance studio, she soon realised that she wasn't the only one with the same idea. Booming music blared through the doors of the studio, making the walls of the corridor vibrate louder and louder with each step she took. Once reaching the open doors, she peered in spotting a mop of flaming orange hair, dancing effortlessly to the music that blared through the speakers. His body moved almost fluid-like, as his feet floated from one area to the other. His eyes burned into his reflection, mind anywhere other than present, making sure his body hit every beat in the song. The boy was to ingulfed in own world to realise the figure slowly approaching the music stand in the far right corner of the studio. Just went the boy was about the perform the killing part of the song, the music came to a sudden stop, bring the boy back to his senses.
"You're in my time spot." The girl glared at the boy, making sure he heard her loud and cleared.
The boy, pissed off that his dance time was ruined, glared back at the girl not amused with her stopping his music.
He scoffed, looking her up and down, noticing that she looked very unfamiliar, however the strong presence of power clearly radiated off of her.
"Who says?" he made sure to match her tone of voice, striding over to his phone which was situated on top of the music stand.
"Me, that's who." She growled, beginning to get irritated that he wasn't leaving.
There was a silence, the boy not caring that he was probably annoying her and in fact using up her time slot, but it was fun getting to see the way she was attempting to intimidate him. Nothing scared him, not even a 5ft 3 girl with very evident anger issues.
"You're -"
Seraphina was about to start cursing the boy out when a voice cut her off.
"Ah Seraphina Lucifer, I see you have met our newest pupil Lee Haechan, he will be joining in your time slot from now on as we don't have enough room to fit him in elsewhere. Please don't start any trouble, you know what happened last time." The teacher sent a pointed look her way, before collecting her stuff and leaving the room; leaving a livid Seraphina and an amused Haechan.
The boy picked up his bag and turned towards the girl, making sure to get s good look at her face, so that he could make sure to stay clear of her. Her attitude pissing him off, he wanted to make sure he could avoid her presence whenever dance wasn't involved. He was surprised to find that he thought she was in fact breath takingly beautiful. Dark brown hair cascaded down her back in light waves, and her bangs framed her face nicely as they curved on either side of her face. Her eyes were so dark, they almost looked black and cat-like as the light eyeliner she wore gave them a more oval shape. A flush of pink bloomed amongst her cheeks however he could still make out the many freckles she had which littered around her nose and cheeks. He looked down towards her lips, they were a deep shade of pink, full and plump, but he could tell that she bit them too much from the very evident redness below her bottom lip.
Once realising he'd stared a bit too long, he couldn't help but look away, cheeks flushed that he found her attractive. He sighed, it was unfortunate that her personality outshined it.
" Don't worry princess  you can stare at me more another time, I've got a lesson to get to."
She let out a low growl, burning holes into the boy's side as he sauntered off towards the door.
Pausing before he walked out, he turned around.
"Oh and one more thing. Don't miss me too much, you'll be seeing a lot of me princess so you better get that temper of yours under control."
He left with a light chuckle, eyes gleaming with mischief as he went onto his next period.
The girl was speechless, that's for sure. Fist scrunched up at her sides, wanting nothing more than to hit the boy right in that pretty face of his. She knew one thing for sure, as of this day.
She hated Lee Haechan.
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