#whens mavhel
kainalexious · 7 years
Tagged by @sarahslolitaportfolio​ rule is to add a question, lets do this!
coke or pepsi: Real sugar coke > real sugar pepsi > coke > pepsi disney or dreamworks: Disney. Dreamworks put me off for a long time coffee or tea: Neither? Tea over coffee, gun to my head but usually niether books or movies: Movies. I don’t read as often as I used to sadly windows or mac: Windows dc or marvel: When’s mavhel? x-box or playstation: PC > PS > Xbox dragon age or mass effect: Mass Effect. Dragon Age has had way too many lows. night owl or early riser: Night owl cards or chess: Chess but I am horrible at both chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate vans or converse: Vans Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: I don’t care? fluff or angst: Fluff beach or forest: Beach. dogs or cats: Both clear skies or rain: Rain cooking or eating out: Cooking but often too lazy spicy food or mild food: Spicy. It’s in my blood halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: Halloween, the very season of Christmas just annoys me now. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: A little too hot. if you could have a superpower, what would it be: Teleportation animation or live action: Too vauge to answer. Both can be so bad. paragon or renegade: Paragon to squad, Renegade to everyone else baths or showers: Shower team cap or team ironman: Cap. Forever cap fantasy or sci-fi: Sci-Fi. I’ve always found the singularity and trans-humanism far more interesting. do you have three or four favorite quotes, if so what are they: I do not. I’m not a ‘quote’ person. youtube or netflix: Youtube but only because there is a greater swath of content I can browse  harry potter or percy jackson: Harry Potter. Never read Percy Jackson and don’t know if I even will when you feel accomplished: Any time I make all my plans succeed.  star wars or star trek: Star Wars paperback books or hardback books: Hardcovers books but paperback comic collections to live in a world without literature or without music? As weird as this sounds, I’m not much of a music guy unless it’s integral to a work. So I don’t think I’d miss music that much. who was the last person to make you laugh? My group of friends at D&D sour or sweet candy: Sweet do you believe in aliens? I do but I don’t think they will actively contact us. dawn or dusk: Dusk piercings or tattoos? Tattoos. I’d like to get at least one. girls? Yes do you sleep facing the wall or the room? Wall TRC or AFTG: No idea what this is about. horror or drama: 70/30 Drama/Horror ocarina of time or majora’s mask? Majora’s Mask is my 3rd favorite game of all time. would you rather live in an area of more nature or city? I prefer the city what’s your addiction right now? Persona 5 what languages can you speak? English fluently, Spanish intermediately If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Tokyo, Soul, NYC, Munich sun or moon? Moon potato bread or banana bread? Potato bread is best bread are horses good? They are wonderful creatures fruit or mint gum? Fruit but flavors are weird brand to brand breakfast foods or desserts? Both. Someone tell me pancakes, crepes and shit aren‘t a desert you eat for breakfast. the best gift you’ve ever gotten? <redacted> Favorite song under 2 minutes long? No idea. Not really a music person. Favorite childhood video game? Vagrant Story
Tagging…. @arbsiu @guiltygaming @hannabalx @choco-minto @chaos-inside-my-ovaries
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white-noire · 6 years
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Commission - Ruby Heart
My first commission :D for a friend though.  Gimme a week and i’ll make a commission sheet(Hopefully)
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