#where i dont put these stinky boys in a bath
crossguild · 7 months
Kaku spends the long walk to St. Poplar considering that they could make much faster time if they simply dropped all the dead weight.
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"They say that you cry when you leave your home and live at another place.But,they never said that the another place can be your home too." (Eyes blink,Self doubt off the charts,slaps himself)If only all these cheesy line came out in front of the girl I like...Damn it! Here...let me tell you all a story.          Once upon a time...A boy was tugging at his mother's legs and crying.(Call for a more depressing start...)The boy didnt want her to leave him at an unknown place which had little boys as himself as toilet gate keepers and also an unlimited amount of unfriendly faces.They boy was never close to his father so his father hadnt come to see him off...as far as the kid remembers.His mother tried various things to make her son right where he was,Well she at last succeeded when she gave him a packet of Potato chips and a Choclate bar.The boy made immediate friends with a boy of around the same age when the other boy asked for some of his delicious chips.(Kind as the boy was,he poiltely refused to give any of his special treats,but they became friends anyway...) As the boy finishwd his choclate by stuffing half of it in his face & the second half on the ground,the boy cried again and called for his mum to look at the dropped choclate,but she was already out of sight.The boy started searching frantically for his mother,up the corridors,in the stinky hell known as toilets...the toilet in his home was so good compared to that and the boy even searched the shadiest corners around.(Thats how the boy discovered half of the place before any of his other colleagues even came in)    "They just cant leave me here..." The boy thought,He had heard that they were going to put jim ina hostel where he'd be all by himself,but he never belived in that baloney.He didnt even know what a "hostel" was.He gad heard from his elder cousins that a hostel was a terrible place where little kids are sent to get deisciplined,but all kids end up getting bullied and also...worst of all everykid had to have their own back.GUESS WHAT?  The kid loved the idea!!!  Now you see,running away from his parents for a vacation was all what the kid ever wanted!Again...he didnt even know what "bullying" meant.He was even delighted to see all the stuff that his parents were buying for him for his "vacation",all the things which he wasnt allowed to touch or put in mouth of course...heh heh.           But,stepping back down to Earth,He was now all alone with unfriendly faces staring at him like he was going to be their next meal.The boy ran to a corner of the humongous building.The infamous place called the "undercroft corner",he didnt even know what that it was called the "undercroft corner" that time and again...whats "undercroft?".The boy wanted to hide there all night ,but he came out after half an hour when he realised that he was alone,miserable and worst of all.Hungry as a street dog.He saw faces of older looking people relived when he appeared in front if them.It was the first day and it started then and there.The ever so loud scolding from the wiser old people.Well...did the young boy recieve a slap on the very first day? I dont remember,maybe he did...The first day,first boy to confront the teachers. BIG PLANS WERE AHEAD.BIG PLANS...              As the story goes,the boy fell in love with the huge buildings,the two tall towers also popularly known as the 'College front' went on to become his first crush.(Not that the Boy ever fell in love again...His first non-human crush was soon forgotten as he used to see her everyday...he must've got angry one day because he was the one who always did the talking & she never replied.)Making fifty friends new friends in one day is not easy I tell you,the ego of people are bigger then the solar system...but the boy being of around seven to eight had no problem in doing so,not that all the others liked him,but he did get to know a good amount. As the years passed by the boy who looked more like a street urchin because of bathing only twice a week rather then being scrubbed everyday by his mom when he was at home,or maybe some other reasons,the boy didnt know.His life was like a roller coaster ride,twists and turns and ups and downs,various bbkooper but he managed to hold on throughout the ride without throwing up.Well,in real life he was never allowed to ride on a roller coaster,his parents thought it was far too dangerous.'What if the cart breaks? What if the breaks fail?'He used to watch in silence as his cousins had the fun.He made 'the face' at his parents when his counterparts came back from the rides and didnt talk to anyone.Well,thats actually a totally different story for some other time.As the time passed the boy started to become  well...a bigger boy,only by size they say,that the boy still had the mentality of a seven years old.But he didnt care,he now knew why his elder brother's C drive was always full,why his father behaved stupid and funny when he drank the thick brown licquid and why dod he cough when he put that white thing in his mouth which burns at one end and then you inhale the stuff and smoke comes out of your nose amor mouth,well his dad did that too so...it was not the boys fault. Not that I know any of this stuff.🙈 The boy went through many different phases and situations when he was in school.He learnt many peculiar things like... Happiness came im the form of washed clothes. The one who goes to the toilet with you across the football field with you even if he doesnt want to go at night is a real friend. A fully functheavenand clean'bog'or toilet was gift sent from heaven Unplanned stuff was the best ans planned stuff never cease to happen. All of us had low ambitions and high expectations. But as the years passed,firends became memories to hitohe cursed the school so much that is the walls really had tears they'd have commited suicide and GOD,yes,how could he forget the almighty.He cursed and blamed God for all his misfortunes and bad luck,but never remembered him at his good times.He thougjt so highly of himself that he never felt the need of any education.Practically this was his 'cursing' age also popularly known as 'Adolecense'.This is also a friendly reminder to kids who are reading this not to curse and kick everything between the age of 12 to 16 years.(Well,now you are cursing me now great.) Anyways,by now you might have surely guessed who the little boy is.Yes thats me.I am Vipul Garbyal and I write stuff for my blog and desperate school magazines,and today is a rreall special day for the boy.Its the last day of school for him.Who came in as a little senseless kid and is now going back as a grown up senseless kid.Thia story is a little awkward,emotional,bugged up thing to write,because the last day of school is a cocktail of nostalgia and curses and depression and a lityle bit of the sentimental stuff.(For us bromance,I'm straight.peace✌) Well my journey of ten years here at Sem cant be jotted down in some pages.(lol,because I just did.Yeah Im a Hypocrite). Id rather call my bond as a relationship with my school.I just understood this place so well that it git me here for all my childhood. While the others made notes in the Classroom,we made memories. They said its their school,We said its our home. They said they'll return here,We said we'll be buried here. (Ok,that one was a little bit too much.I dont even know why Im saying 'We' even Im not going to do all that stuff. P.S:-It should be noted that this was actually written on the last day of sachoo and I have a major exam tomorrow.This...thing was written in one hour,varying emotions and memories helped me to shape it while many points still missed out ot turned out to be good.(I guess) Till next time. Toodles.
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