#where ppl just send messages about skincare <3
realcube · 4 years
comfort hcs 💗 feat. overworked! reader
characters: yaku, oikawa, yams & akaashi
trigger warning: swearing
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thank you to anon for this sweet request!
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morisuke yaku
♡ he has concerned mom energy to i feel like he’d notice that you’re overworking yourself before starts negatively effecting you 
♡ once he figures out that you’re actually stressed and he’s not just being paranoid, he will probably hold an intervention where is like ‘sit down, let’s have a cha--’
♡ but you just push him out the way to grab your coat, ‘sorry, sweetheart. i don’t wanna miss my bus!’
♡ DFRTYJUHG he just stood there like a statue looking at you like (●__●) this bitch-
♡ anyway, once you come back from uni/college/school/ work etc yaku insists that you need to sit down and discuss your problems with him 
♡ then you’re kinda just like ‘what problems?????’
♡ also, after what happened that morning, yaku was not taking ‘no’ as an answer
♡ no matter what you say 
♡ homework? you can do that later
♡ chores? he’ll do them for you if you just listen to him
♡ hungry? you can eat while you listen to him
♡ showering? you smell fine!
♡ so yeah, he will pick you up and carry you to the living room if he has to
♡ he’s probably really serious about the issue bc your feelings aren’t a joke to him but he lined up your favourite plushies on the couch so he could talk to them as a third party when you disagreed with him
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
“i study in moderation! and i have not been neglecting our relationship; i just need to focus on my studies!” you tutted, averting your gaze from yaku’s as you thought about his accusation; did he really feel as though you had been taking him for granted? because of course, that wasn’t your intention at all and the more you thought about it, the more you realise that perhaps he was right.
yaku rolled his eyes at your response, quite enraged by your dismissive tendencies but he didn’t want to take his anger out on you so he simply turned to the kiiroitori plush that sat beside him, “duck, do you think (l/n) has been overworking themselves and ignoring both of us?”
kiirotori was forced by yaku’s hand to nod in response.
you snorted slightly before trying to furrow your eyebrows in anger once again, “their name is kiiroitori!” 
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tōru oikawa
♡ dsfghjkl ngl he clearly overworks himself too so he wouldn’t even notice 
♡ he’s like ‘oh, you’re spending hours upon hours of a day - losing sleep and energy - to dedicate yourself solely to one thing so you can be perfect at it??? that’s completely normal!’
♡ spoiler alert, it’s not
♡ it’d probably take a third-party to point that what you are both doing isn’t healthy (either iwaizumi or a therapist)
♡ then you’d both look at each other like ⚆_⚆ wut 
♡ anyway recovery time ig ✨
♡ he’d definitely just try distract you whenever he sees you studying/training/practising
♡ forget overwork, he doesn’t even let you work 
♡ oh and y’all have started having ‘lazy days’ once a month where you make it a point to nothing but each other :))
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you both stared at the television, pretending to be absolutely engrossed by jumanji. however, once you let out your fifth sigh that minute, oikawa could tell that you were just as disinterested as he was so he peered over his shoulder to look at you, “this is so boring.” 
you nodded, shuffling closer to him so he could drape his arm around your shoulder and bury his nose into your hair. “it’s so hard to just sit here and do nothing when i know that i have a lot to do, y’know?”
oikawa hummed in agreement, “but it’s nice to finally spend some quality time with you, angel.” he placed a kiss on your temple, scooting awkwardly in his seat before pulling you down to lay down next to him on couch. 
“yeah,” you purred, happily falling onto the soft cushions while in oikawa’s embrace, “i’ve suddenly had a change of heart - i love these lazy days.”
“that was fast.”
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tadashi yamaguchi
♡ it would take him a wile to built up the courage to actually express his concern about you overworking yourself
♡ but until then, he’ll show them in more subtle ways
♡ like if he sees you working at your desk - whether your posture is straight or not - he’ll rush up to you and massage your shoulders/back while talking
♡ he always sends you goodnight texts and gets v snappy when you text him in the middle of the night 
♡  ‘tadashi, what did you get for number five on the maths hw?’
♡ if he opens the message and notices that you sent that crazy late at night or the ass crack of dawn, he’ll lose his shit
♡ he forces himself to ask you out on dates irl so that if you use work/training/practise etc as an excuse..he can give the puppy eyes 🥺
♡ don’t get me wrong, he’s not manipulative at all but you just overwork yourself so much he think that the teeniest tiniest little bit of fun wouldn’t do you any harm 
♡ he literally cares for you so much and he just wants you to be healthy and happy like is that too much to ask ಥ_ಥ
♡ it would take him 3 months of mental preparation to confront you but he’d do it eventually lol
♡ he’d still be super duper nervous though 👉👈
  ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
“(y/n).” yamaguchi’s soft voice rang quietly through the hallway before he stuck his head inside your room in search for you. he let out a sigh upon noticing that - like always - you were sitting at your desk, drowning in papers of schoolwork. 
he hurriedly approached you, suddenly throwing his arms around your shoulders as he hid his face in the crook of your neck before wailing, “(y/n)! i know it’s none of my business but i just think you work yourself way too hard and i see how sleepy you are all the time and you didn’t even eat the cupcakes i made you because you were too busy studying - i thought you loved my cupcakes!”
your eyes widened at the sudden contact and the string of words yamaguchi was babbling in your ear; but you semi-understood what he was getting at. so you steadily turned around to wrap your arms around his neck and rub his spine reassuringly, “i am so sorry, tadashi. i had no idea i was worrying you.”
he shook his head against the skin of your neck, “it’s fine, i worry about everything.” he joked before changing to a more serious tone, “it’s just that-- i think you should care more about yourself. take some time to relax once and a while, y’know?”
his sweet words resulted in your lips curling to a smile while his arms wrapped securely around your body brought you a much-needed feeling of peace, “alright, i’ll try.”
“good.” yamaguchi chirped, pecking your forehead then positioning his face where it was prior, going back to enjoying the feeling of your soft skin agaist his. “-so, are you gonna eat the cupcakes or”
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keiji akaashi 
♡ he overworks himself too
♡ if anything, i think he’d praise you for being ‘hard-working’ at first ‘:)
♡ but once he notices how much you work and how negatively it’s effecting your mental/physical health, he’ll intervene
♡ like yamaguchi, i think he’d start small by subtly doing things to reverse the effects of your stress 
♡ and simultaneously, it kinda helps him too
♡ for example, if you get stress ance, he’ll do a bunch of research on the best skin treatments for it, buy the products then do facemasks with you + create a whole new nightly skincare routine for both of you 
♡ or if your not taking care of yourself properly, he’ll book you both in for a spa appointment 
♡ or if you’re tense, he’ll get you both massages from those professional ppl that make you strip naked
♡ when they make you get your tiddies out, you know they are a professional  masseuse
♡ and he’ll take out on ten times more just to help you relax
♡ also, they’re always slow-paced dates bc like ofc akaashi takes you out to the park/beach for picnics....does he seem the sort of guy to take you bowling?? no.
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you sighed as akaashi brought a spoon up to your lips, looking at you expectantly but you simply whined, “keiji, i should be at home studying right now. you know my exam in 5 months, right?” though akaashi wanted to believe you were joking, the seriousness in your voice made it clear that you genuinely thought 5 months was a short period of time - even considering all the work you’ve already done in preparation for it. 
so akaashi simply shrugged in response, continuing to prod your lip with the spoon until you parted you lips, allowing the pudding he made to enter your mouth. then, he pulled it out lower it to observe your pouty expression for a moment; you were so cute that he couldn’t help but smile softly. 
“i’m sure you’ll do fine, sweetheart. i believe in you.” he said, gripping your waist before placing a tender kiss on your cheek. “for now, let’s enjoy this perfect weather. it only comes around once a year, so why not make the most of it, hm?” 
before you were able to reply, akasshi utilized the hand  the had on your waist to pull you back onto the picnic blanket with him, so you were both looking up at the pale blue sky, decorated with delicate clouds. “what do you see?” he inquired, gesturing up to the shapes the clouds formed.
you snickered, slowly intertwining your finger with his as you examined the sky for any familiar shapes or silhouettes in the sky. “oh!” you exclaimed, lifting your index finger to point to a particular cloud adorning the sky, “that kinda looks like my maths professor in a gallon hat.” 
akaashi snorted, “i have no idea what your maths professor looks like but alright.”
you laughed, lowing your finger but not everting your gaze from the special cloud you spotted, “what about you, babe? what do you see?”
with a moment of hesitation, akaashi immediately replied, “an angel.”
your eyes scanned across the sky for a cloud in the shape on an angel but you simply couldn’t find the one he was referring to, so you whipped your head to the side to see where he was pointing, only notice that his eyes were fixated on you. 
“y-you’re such a simp, keiji.”
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mc-dude · 7 years
grandma’s snkincare (snail skincare) routine
got an anon asking about my skincare routine, so here it is!
note: I have very dry (not oily) skin and am not prone to cystic acne (ever since I did accutane in college.. which seems to have nuked whatever ability my face had to produce horrible cystic acne.. horrific, but effective i guess). i mostly just get hormonal acne breakouts around my lips/chin area and closed comedones on my forehead/chin (those are like little hard bumps that never turn into pimples, just stay... bumpy)
the resources i use to optimize my routine when i was starting out are reddit.com/r/skincareaddiction (yes, i know it’s reddit but everyone on there are just wonderful supportive women so it’s Safe) and reddit.com/r/asianbeauty which specializes in asian products mostly catered for sensitive skin (which i have).
i guess the biggest thing i realised that really helped me out when choosing products was that my skin wasn’t oily because i have oily type skin, it was just oily because my skin was so dry that my body was overproducing oil to compensate for how dry it is. sounds counterintuitive, i know, but it really changed the game once i stopped nuking my skin with drying ingredients and learned how to moisturize properly.
anyways! after much trial and error my current routine is:
remove shitty makeup with micellar water. i use this shit i found in germany but any micellar water will do they’re basically all the same and will take off makeup super efficiently. idk how well it works for eye makeup since i don't wear any but for bb cream and foundation it works great!
cleanse with Hada Labo Tokyo Gentle Hydrating Cleanser which I found out about on that asianbeauty subreddit i mentioned above. it’s really great for dry skin and doesn’t have any fatty alcohols which I realised my skin was sensitive to. sometimes people’s skin love fatty alcohols! just not mine lol.
every other day use Paula’s Choice 2% BHA. this is what gets rid of my closed comedones (the little bumps on forehead and chin) and keeps them away. chemical exfoliants are much more gentle on your skin and will actually benefit you way more than a physical exfoliant (aka something like apricot scrubs.. ow!) in the long term as physical exfoliants will cause small micro-abrasions and increase the amount of wrinkles on ur face over time. also they are super drying!
use my Curology (this is my referral link lol give me that $$ discount) mix of 8% Azelaic acid (a chemical exfoliant for improving skin texture aka my skin is super smooth and nice feeling all the time), 1% Clindamycin (a minor antibiotic for preventing acne), and 0.25% Zinc Pyrithione (an antifungal thing for getting rid of acne). I just found out about Curology like a month ago and holy shit, it’s amazing. It’s $20/month for access to an actual Dermatologist that you can message every day if you want who will send you personalized prescription cream for you to use on your face every day. Trying to get an appointment for a dermatologist in the US takes like, a year for where i am so this is a lifesaver. i’m loving their service so far and will continue to use for a long, long time. the first month has a trial btw that’s only $5 so you can try it out and see how you like it. most dermatologists on there will respond to you within one business day. super awesome! i just read that they don’t ship out of the US, unfortunately, so if you need another option.. vv
if you can’t afford the monthly curology thing or its not available where u are, i would recommend replacing this step with another AHA type acid like The Ordinary 10% Azelaic Acid Suspension or Paula’s Choice 10% AHA. Finding which acid works for you is just trial and error, but don’t apply it that frequently or else your moisture barrier will be damaged and your skin will get tight and oily once again. I would recommend starting using it once every 3 days and then working your way up from there if needed. These might seem expensive but I have a 10% AHA bottle that has lasted me for like.... over a year. so it’s actually really cost effective lol.
after my curology mix I then break out the SNAIL MUCUS! this is a recent addition that i honestly am loving so much. I’m using corsx Advanced Snail 92 All-In-One Cream after my chemical exfoliant which helps to heal old & new acne scars/wounds and improve the feeling of my skin to give it a sorta healthy glow. it basically just helps accelerate healing, so if you have a healing pimple area it will disappear wayyyy faster with this on than without. it’s amazing! thank u snails! i slove (snail love) u!
after, if I’m really needing some more moisture (bc my skin dries out so much in the winter time in this dry dessert environment i find myself in), I use Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel which is another fatty-alcohol free moisturizer for sensitive, dry skin. i love this! it’s so cool feeling too, like sticking your hand into a lovely little pillow of moisture. my dermatologist on Curology recommended this to me and i can’t get enough. this is kinda expensive tho so if u can find a cheaper alternative than go for it (and also let me know lol)
last and not least, if I have a pimple that needs to Go I will gently pop & drain it (ew) and then apply a hydrocolloid bandage on top, which basically are made for gross wounds like burns and things that are very.. liquidity.. and will basically suck out all the liquid from the pimple and make it heal super fast. honestly if i pop a pimple the night before and slap on of these on it’ll usually be flat and well on its way to healing when i wake up. this is the best discovery ive had in my years of skincare and it’s a total gamechanger. i get the duoDerm ones which come in a pack of 10 sheets that I just cut little squares from. they are super duper cost effective. one box will last like over a year! super good investment tbh. also if i have a particularly bad pimple that doesn’t go away over night sometimes i’ll just leave it on throughout the day and if anyone asks what happened ill just be like ‘oh, i stabbed myself with a pencil’ or something and ppl will just shrug. sometimes i’ll also just be like ‘i got a giant pimple’ and people will nod empathetically, also. it depends on who u are as a person
and that’s my routine! remember when adding new products to always test it out before slapping it all over your face to see if it’ll break you out or if you’re allergic to it. i’m really bad at this tbh but i’ve seen so many horror stories of people just developing horrible cystic acne from new products so remember! to! patch! test!
if you have any questions feel free to send me an ask! 
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