#where short sleeves on louis reveal his dainty little torso
dwreader · 1 year
Father Knows Best Part 1
Why is Lestat almost always in full dress at home while Louis is in casual loungewear? There are multiple scenes especially in the second half of the season where it looks like Lestat just got home from work (even though he's a jobless Ken) while Louis has been lounging at home all day. Lestat does go out to hunt so its possible he feels the need to dress up although the full 3 piece suit is certainly not necessary but even when Louis is gaslit into hunting again he is still never seen in a full waistcoat and tie like Lestat. After episode 4, Louis is mostly seen in shirtsleeves, sweaters and loose blouses. The only times he wears a full suit and tie are when he meets Grace for the last time and when meeting with an authority like Tom.
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But I think Lestat's choice to maintain his wardrobe even at home is about projecting authority and control more than practicality.. like he really doesn't need to be dressing up to kill victims but he is always without question dressed like the man of the house, even when playing chess in the living room. The patriach cannot uphold his authority unless he dresses the part.
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Looking at his oufits progression during his 6 years of begging, he first ventures to the house in full suit and tie but is soundly rejected by Louis. Then he appears on the street in casual sports wear appearing to be conversing with Louis and Claudia on a more equal basis but he is once again rebuffed but this time by Claudia while Louis stays silent. When he makes his final case to be let back in the house, he is dressed more casually than we've ever seen him before as a gesture to Louis and Claudia that he's willing to be on a level with them... except not really, cause the minute he's let back in, he's immediately back to dressing like father knows best. You do not question the authority of a man dressed like that even when he pretends to go along with the new paradigm of the "lambs herding the beauceron" but we all know that's a lie that he never intended to honor and what gives it away from the start is the moment he comes home from "killing" Antoinette seemingly obeying the rules dressed like THIS.
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This a Beauceron and his little lambs are the ones dressed in soft pjs. He is herding them no matter what "rules" they agree to in that house.
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