#where stein is like yknow when you got married to your wife I thought ‘there’s a pair that will last forever’
apotelesmaa · 8 months
I don’t think soul eater did enough with the Spirit and Stein dynamic but I especially don’t think they did enough with the fact that Stein was routinely cutting open Spirit and experimenting on him when he slept. And Spirit never noticed. Spirit is like maybe I should cut back on the smoking I’m worried about my lungs I wanna be there for Maka when she grows up and Stein is like “I wouldn’t worry about it I gave you a few extra pairs way back when. just in case. You’re welcome. :)” and walks off as Spirit goes through all the stages of grief rapidly. Stein was lying btw but he did give Spirit a few extra livers because it’s always nice to have a few on hand for emergencies.
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