#whereas america... listen britain absolutely fucked over the indigenous people but the average white american...
haywirecompass · 2 years
Oh, no, it must be so hard to get criticism from the people your country fucked over. Let's blame Americans because it conveniently redirects the conversation away from all the other voices. Boo hoo, let's all mourn the death of a parasitic queen whose family still holds a colonial empire. Brits piss poor efforts at protest and your passive acceptance of a corrupt monarchy mean you should be exempt from mean words.
let's walk you through it one by one since you wanna miss the point so bad
1. i saw people blaming the british people for their own oppression. most of these peeps were american and/or demonstrated a lack of understanding of the history of britain and the recent law passed that has forced the general population into apathy and reluctance to protest, as well as the cost of living crisis that is forcing everyone into survival mode and unable to risk being arrested to protest.
2. i, after being on the internet for a long time and seeing our working class accents, food, etc be mocked, seeing our struggles with hot weather be mocked (though y'all were real good about it this summer, props for finally getting off your high horses), seeing our whole country be dismissed and left to rot because of the transphobia here, all of this mostly one by americans who couldn't tell me the first thing about my country, got pretty upset about seeing people blame those who have been ravaged by our government for their situation.
3. i made a rant/vent post about it.
4. some americans very understandably got angry at the accidental implication that they don't know what it's like to be under an oppressive shitty government - misguided anger but understandable. some americans got angry that i dared to insult them and their complacency in their own ignorance about other countries.
like i get it y'all are in the same boat with an awful government that's not the point of my post. my point of "not knowing our country" is that y'all couldn't even tell me the names of our political parties and yet y'all are shitting on our working class. and babes if ur not shitting on our working class then the post isn't for you and you can move on. my post isn't even meant to be a conversation it's just a sad rant after living here my whole life and seeing hopes dashed again and again.
i also really love the idea that i'm sad about the queen? i promise you i hope she rots in hell along with all the other royals and that colonised countries are able to recover from our rule and that we give back everything we took and more to help that recovery.
im allowed to be upset and angry at the way my country's people are being treated by some individuals online and im allowed to direct mean words to them. im allowed to show my emotions on my own blog. im allowed to write posts that are emotional and aren't perfectly crafted to ensure my exact point gets across and will please everyone.
please listen to the voices of the british working class and also please listen to the voices of everyone who has suffered under british colonial rule.
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