#whether privately or on this blog — even if you dont have an askblog in character asks are always welcome >:3
ask-missmargiezelle · 3 years
Hi Margie! I hate to bring up painful memories, but I can't help but think about how you must have felt when Mike showed up at the manor. What happened with that and do you think you'll ever be able to make amends?
(Mun, you are absolutely brilliant and I'm stalking your blog in order to find inspiration to write Margie better. I'd love to rp if you're ever up for it.)
“Oh, don’t you worry, sugar…! You’re not the first one who’s gotten curious. I s’pose not much has changed since then - I… try to stay out of his way. I don't know what Mike saw in me that day... and I can't say I wanna risk finding out. It's not easy to... keep our paths from crossing, especially in matches..."
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“But… I don't have to do it alone anymore. I have... teammates, friends, people who know what it's like...!
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"So... who knows...! Maybe there's no harm in wishing for one last miracle."
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