#whew . that wss. a Lot
hugrekkis · 3 years
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funny littl ghost doodles and a . A. Love . Love Live Ghost AU ❤ look away,
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chrisbangs · 4 years
since no one is really online 🥳
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hongism · 3 years
Dude today has been crazy at work. I work at a factory and today I was in one of the hot departments which just means there's no a/c so it's usually between 80-120° F depending on the temp outside. But the department I was in tonight has a lot of oil for the food product and there was a super bad storm that took out the power and FIRST OF ALL. I am TERRIFIED of the dark and I was between some machines and completely secluded from everybody when it happened but since the machines are so hot I couldn't even move cause it was pitch black and I couldn't risk running into one. Then finally the backup generators came on so I could KIND of see and I rushed to the other employees (They're on a set team since they're through the actual factory but I'm part of a temp agency so I do the bitch work which means more work and also I get moved around constantly so I don't really know them) and my partner found me and even we don't really know each other that well yet lmao but everyone was buzzing cause power outages are wild in huge factories and SUDDENLY. PEOPLE WERE YELLING TO GET OUT BECAUSE THERE WSS A FUCKING FIRE. THERE WAS A FIRE. and we had to walk BACK between the machines where I couldn't fucking see anything and I was leading the line I was on and we had to walk right by the fire TWICE. WHAT THE FUCK. and the machines have been down for almost 6 hours now so we've all just been sitting around (but my jeans got ripped and there's a giant hole which is a safety hazard so even when the machines are back up I'm not allowed back in so I'm basically on a 6 hour break 😭)
Bro I had so many other things I was going to send you the passed week but got too busy or whatever but this just. WHEW. oh and then the 30-something of us in that department went to the break room and had a lil "party". Idk why one of them had a Bluetooth speaker but he did. honestly the more I type out of this night the more this feels like a scene from a wattpad fic (strangely makes sense, I have a LOT of "y/n" moments)
--rolypoly(also holy shit i got almost no sleep before work because my dream involved my deceased friend spending a little bit of time with me before telling me again that it was time for us to move on and the way I had to initiate it was by painting this picture I'd been working on of him and I together and smiling at each other and happy, and I had to do it on a suitcase? Anyway, woke up and when I checked the time it was his clock birthday and I just decided it was going to be a rough day and then all that shit happened. Although since nobody was hurt thankfully I don't consider that a bad day... I like the excitement)(and technically free money since we can't work when the power is out, machines are down, or ya know a fire) sorry this is a messy ask as usual, I just am like. WHOA. Wild
okay HOT DAMN this was a trip from start to finish ?!?!?!? omg but honestly pls rolypoly im so glad that you're safe and that the crisis was averted and that no one got hurt that's very good im so glad that you're safe!!! secondly! i hope that work is much less eventful in the future pls be safe and safe <3 that sounds so terrifying tho oml that’s a nightmare and a horror story to me i can’t believe that happened i would’ve just dipped outta there so fast 😭😭
THIRDLY pls rest up oml you had such a busy and eventful and crazy week from start to finish i hope you can take care of yourself and look after yourself as best you can <3 and im sorry to hear about that dream that sounds so harsh and hard to dream so im sorry you had to go through that :(( i hope you dont have more dreams like that in the futures :( ILY BESTIE
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