#whew we fightin off exhaustion but these
hathfuryi · 4 years
why  does  having  3  characters  entail   3  intros     ...     e*thanize  me .
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𝚒'𝚍  𝚋𝚎  𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚢  𝚘𝚏  𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖  ,  𝚖𝚢  𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍  ;   that  there  is  OLEANDER  ABERNATHY  ,  notorious  for  being (  fickle  )  and (  noncommital  ) ,  but  there  are  times  when  she  can  be ( sociable  ) and  ( urbane  ) .   i've  heard  that  she  could  pass  as  a  SAM  CLAFLIN  doppelganger  ,  but  i  don't  see  it  .   the (  thirty - three  )  year - old  cis  male  (  human  )  has  been  in  town  for (  eight  months  ) and  they  are  a  ( paranormal  investigator  ) affiliated  with (  no  one ) .   they  tend  to  spark  images  of  infidelity  despite  a  gold - banded  finger ,  misconstrued  fabrications  told  to  unsuspecting  townspeople ,  stealing  from  the  rich  to  selfishly  line  pockets  .
basics .
name :     oleander  james  abernathy age :     thirty - three dob :     april  30th zodiac :     taurus birthplace :     somewhere  in  southern  california gender :     cis  man pronouns :     he / his sexuality :     hetero
                   +   character  archetype   the  miscreant   .
behind  the  aesthetics .
infidelity  despite  a  gold - banded  finger .
y i k e s ,   the  man  be  married  and  do  be  suffering  a  bit  from  that  toxic  masculinity  ngl .   before  you  hate  him  entirely ,   just  know  he’s  never  voted  republican  and  that’s  as  redeemable  as  it’s  gna  get  w/  oleander .   anywho ,   he’s  noncommital ,   right .   doesn’t  believe  in  monogomy  so  why  should  he  practice  it ?   sure ,   he  hasn’t  exactly  come  outright  to  his  wife  abt  the  cheating ,   but  it  isn’t  like  he’s  hiding  it  either .
misconstrued  fabrications  told  to  unsuspecting  townspeople .
the  abernathy  children  have  always  enjoyed  pulling  one  over  on  those  that  trusted  them ,   much  easier  to  do  before  becoming  hardened  by  the  world ,   but  it’s  an  effortless  pastime  that  keeps  their  bills  paid  and  power  on .   wouldn’t  hire  them  as  paranormal  investigators  myself ,   their  ground - breaking  equipment  looks  a  lil  janky  if  ya  look  too  close ,   but  desperate  times   &   all  that .
stealing  from  the  rich  to  selfishly  line  pockets .
when  you’re  born  with  less  than  what  you  think  you  deserve ,   ya  may  get  a  little  resourceful  as  the  years  pass .     never  robbed  a  bank  or  committed  federal  crimes ,   but  the  bar’s  pretty  low .   anything’s  better  than  what  they  had ,   which  was     ...     literally  nothing .   started  stealing  to  fill  empty  stomachs ,   eventually  realizing  that  evening  out  the  scales  and  stealing  from  neighbors  with  nicer  things  was  convenient .   and  better  yet ,   wouldn’t  have  to  spend  a  cent   (   albiet  any  money  in  their  possession  was ,   without  a  doubt ,   stolen   )   and  could  have  anything  they  could  find  dreamt  of .
behind  the  hcs .
father  was  a  drunken  bastard ,  mother  was  a  word  that  felt  like  hollow  cries  in  the  night .  the  only  person  he’s  capable  of  loving  is  his  sister ,  the  only  constant  in  his  life ,  she’s  been  his  protector  against  all  negative  forces  (  including ,  but  not  limited  to ,  their  own  father  ) .  never  sober  long  enough  to  keep  a  job  so  supplying  sustenance  for  his  children  was  improbable .  cabinets  were  barren ,  collecting  cobwebs ,  dust  mites  and  beer  tabs .  they  started  small ,  stealing  chocolate  bars  and  gummy  worms  from  the  convenience  store  down  the  block ,  before  growing  bold .  accumulating  a  finer  taste  as  they  matured ,  oleander  and  ondine  began  by  dipping  their  toes  in  petty  thieving .  pick - pocketing  the  decrepit ,  breaking  into  vacation  homes .  you  name  it ,  they’ve  done  it .
not  to  say  that  oleander’s  father   &   lack  of  a  positive  maternal  figure  is  to  blame  for  the  way  that  he  is ,   it  certainly  hasn’t  helped .   plenty  distinct  memories  of  physical  altercations  with  intentions  of  hardening  him  into  a  man .   the  only  person  that’s  ever  kept  him  in  check  was  ondine  and  she’s  the  only  person  oleander  has  ever  genuinely  cared  about .
dabbles  a  bit  in  selling  on  the  side .  it’s  easy  pocket  change ,  and  as  long  as  rent  is  paid  in  full  each  month ,  what  difference  does  it  make ,  right ?  don’t  tell  ondine  or  she  might  just  keel  over .
not  exactly  the  type  you’d  envision  selling  anything ,   something  of  a  pretty  boy  tbh .   wouldn’t  do  oleander  (   or  ondine   )   any  good  if  she  found  out  about  his  little  side  business .   they’ve  hardly  been  able  to  pay  the  bills  with  the  money  that’s  coming  in  from  their  skam  of  a  business ,   so  what  if  he  slips  an  extra  hundo  in  their  rent  jar .   it’s  beneficial  to  him  that  he  step  up  and  secure  the  roof  over  their  heads .   doesn’t  want  ondine  to  feel  like  she’s  to  blame  for  their  being  stuck  in  watermount .
incapable  of  feeling  real ,  genuine  love ,  disconcerting  considering  oleander  is  married .  loves  women ,  but  being  faithful  to  one ?  that’s  a  no .  doesn’t  like  feeling  restricted ,  suffocated .  as  far  as  oleander’s  concerned ,  monogamy  is  dull  and  he’s  disinterested .
oh  yes ,   he  do  be  lovin’  women  like  it’s  no  one’s  business .   if  he  wasn’t  meant  to  have  different  women  in  bed  each  week ,   then  why  are  they  all  so  irresistible ?   riddle  him  that .
wanted  connections .
nada  thing  atm ,   might  add  smth  here  eventually .
4 notes · View notes
commentaryvorg · 3 years
Digimon Data Squad Dub Comparison Episode 3 - The Return of Thomas!
This is a companion to my commentary on the original Japanese Digimon Savers! Reading my commentary on the original version of this episode (which you can find here) is recommended before reading this dub comparison.
Original name ~ Dubbed name
Masaru Daimon ~ Marcus Damon
Yoshino Fujieda ~ Yoshino “Yoshi” Fujieda
Tohma H. Norstein ~ Thomas H. Norstein
Sayuri Daimon ~ Sarah Damon
Chika Daimon ~ Kristy Damon
Captain Rentarou Satsuma ~ Commander Richard Sampson
PetitMeramon ~ DemiMeramon
[Since several characters share the same name between the original and the dub, quotes from the dub will always be in italics, while quotes from the original will not, in order to distinguish them.]
In the original, Masaru’s VA is always the one reading out the title card, but the dub mixes it up with different characters depending on the episode. This time, we get Miki and Megumi reading it, complete with fangirl squealing over Thomas. Uh, thanks, dub.
Sarah:  “I think Agumon has been a really good influence!”
Marcus & Agumon: “More, please!”
Sarah: “See, he even says ‘please’ now.”
Agumon giving Marcus a reason to wake up early on a non-school day, that makes sense, but Agumon giving him a reason to be more polite? I dunno.
As you can see, there is no dub equivalent of “Agu-chan”. This is understandable and not the dubbers’ fault since English lends itself a lot less to casual terms of endearment like that, but it is a shame.
Marcus: “You served him first?! What did you do, adopt him while I wasn’t looking?”
Marcus says this like it’s not exactly what she’s literally done, and also like it’s not what he’d want. Don’t you want Agumon to be your new little brother, Marcus?
Sarah: “Keep it up, tough guy, and I’ll give your portion to him, too.”
Her affectionate ribbing calling him “tough guy” is cute.
Sarah: “After all, Agumon is a growing boy.”
A neat little nod to the time Agumon said that about himself in episode 1 (even if it didn’t make sense for him to have known that human phrase, but).
Agumon:  “I won’t hand over the last of Sayuri’s fried eggs, not even to you!”
Agumon: “Boss, the only way to get this last fried egg is to take it out of my belly.”
Alas, since dub-Agumon is only referring to this particular last fried egg, we lose the future relevance the original line will have. The dub is not watching ahead to be able to pick up on these things.
Chika:  “What a child…”
Kristy: “What a doof.”
Similar snark – he definitely is a doof – but there’s something I like about Chika calling her older brother a “child” that isn’t quite there when all she’s calling him is a doof.
Most of Thomas’s shower scene is cut. I will grant the dub that one improvement it consistently makes is doing its best to remove all the unnecessary fanservice bits.
[as Agumon tumbles from the bike basket]
Kristy:  “…Doof Two.”
Agumon: [sighing] “I guess…”
What do you mean, Agumon admits and agrees that he is a doof (and implicitly agrees that his boss is one as well). Original-Agumon would not have nearly enough self-awareness to acknowledge that.
Marcus: “Why can’t you travel in the Digivice like all the other Digimon?”
Agumon: “Those other Digimon just show up when they’re called, but you’re lucky. You have me all the time, Boss!”
Unlike in the original, Marcus does actually bring up how Agumon ought to be in the Digivice. But Agumon doesn’t protest with “but I don’t like it in there”, despite him having made even more of a point of not liking cramped spaces in the previous dub episode than he did in the original. If the dub was going to have them discuss this onscreen, it would have been better to take the claustrophobia angle and show Marcus respecting Agumon’s wishes than to make it seem like Agumon’s just being contrary for the heck of it.
Marcus: “This one? No? Oh, just press everything!”
I enjoy the dub being even more obvious about how Marcus figures out which button on his earpiece is the right one to press.
Street punk #2: “Nothing’s going on at all…”
PetitMeramon: “Nothing at all!”
Street punk #2: “Nothing ever goes on around here any more…”
DemiMeramon:  “I agree!”
This is significantly different – here, the DemiMeramon isn’t just parroting the dude’s words, it’s definitely expressing its own opinion about things. The implication here is therefore that it starts setting things on fire because of its own boredom, and these dudes here who happen to also be bored have nothing to do with it. That is categorically not how this is supposed to work.
Masaru:  “Let’s fight!”
PetitMeramon: “Fight…”
Marcus: “There it is! Fightin’ time again!”
DemiMeramon:  “Oh yeah?!”
Again, it’s not parroting his words; it’s responding on its own terms like it’s lucid and thinking for itself. Not how this should work.
Masaru:  “You’re not solid enough, damn it! If I could just hit you once, I could get Agumon to evolve!”
Marcus: “It’s not solid enough to land a blow! But I’ve gotta punch it to start the DNA Charge! Otherwise, Agumon can’t Digivolve!”
The original version of this line sounds reasonably naturally like Masaru is just expressing his frustration at the PetitMeramon. But in the dub, it reads a lot more like awkwardly stilted exposition just to make sure the audience understands why this is a problem.
Marcus:  “Stop setting things on fire! I just got these shoes!”
This is one of those dub additions for comedy, but I’m not sure I like the resulting impression that Marcus is somebody who cares that much about what he wears, because Masaru definitely never seems to be that kind of person.
Agumon: “Now be a nice fireball and let us punch you!”
Pfft. This episode in a nutshell. More of that dub-Agumon trait of saying things that would be snarky if it didn’t sound like he obliviously means them completely seriously.
Gaomon:  “Yes, Master!”
Gaomon: “Sir, yes sir!”
“Yes, Master!” (spoken in English) is Gaomon’s catchphrase in the Japanese, and… I have no idea why the dub couldn’t just keep it exactly as-is. “Master” is a perfectly reasonable thing for him to call Tohma (especially since he’s a dog!), and it even comes already translated.
Instead, he calls Thomas “sir”, which on its own is… fine, I guess. But in particular, the “sir, yes sir!” catchphrase just makes dub-Gaomon come across as some kind of army grunt, rather than as the very good and loyal dog that he is.
Masaru:  “Damn it… That thing pissed me off…”
Marcus: “Urghh… I am exhausted. Whew!”
Masaru here is complaining that he didn’t win, but Marcus is basically just neutrally expressing being exhausted without any sense that he’s specifically frustrated at the DemiMeramon for getting away from him. Since the entire ensuing several scenes are supposed to be a lot about Masaru’s frustration that he’s not good enough, the dub is not starting this off on the right note.
Yoshino:  “Well, I didn’t think it would go easily for you from the start.”
Yoshi: “Don’t worry, Marcus, you didn’t let us down! No-one here at DATS actually thought you could do it anyway!”
Yikes, that’s some way more backhanded reassurance than she gave originally. And also, why does she even feels she needs to “reassure” him? Marcus was not expressing any sort of notion that he felt like he’d failed in the first place.
Agumon:  “Hi there, pal.”
[Gaomon ignores Agumon and walks past him]
Agumon: “Hmph! No birthday present for that guy!”
How does Agumon even know about birthdays, and birthday presents, and the concept of giving birthday presents to people you’re on friendly terms with? These are not things he should reasonably have learned about yet when he’s only been with humans for like a week.
Masaru:  “You bastard! You took away my prey!”
Marcus: “Hey, you! When we talk, you listen!”
It makes perfectly reasonable Masaru-ish sense for him to be mad about Tohma winning what was supposed to be his fight. But Marcus? Isn’t even thinking about the fight, apparently, and is instead just being a jerk.
So far, all Thomas and Gaomon have ignored is Agumon’s greeting and a brief “who are you, blondie?” from Marcus (the “blondie” part is dub-only, unsurprisingly), which is a little rude but not really warranting this response already. Heck, “when we talk, you listen” implies Thomas has been ignoring something substantial that Marcus has been trying to say to him, rather than just a question and a greeting.
There’s a record scratch in the BGM as Thomas ignores Marcus’s attempt to challenge him to a fight and just walks past him. I liked the comedic record scratch they had in episode 1, but this one feels a little cheesy and unnecessary.
Megumi:  “His stern-looking profile is so wonderful!”
Miki:  “It really is!”
Megumi: “He’s so on top of things!”
Miki:  “He so is!”
I appreciate the dub changing the topic of Megumi and Miki’s fawning into admiring Thomas’s work ethic, rather than the original admiring of his appearance. (He is fourteen, you are adults, please stop.)
Tohma:  “…it seems rather peculiar that there are a large number of Digimon detected in this country lately.”
Satsuma:  “Is the frequency not as high in EU?”
Tohma:  “No. It must be because it has a larger area.”
Thomas:  “It seems there have been an unusually large number of Digimon appearances lately.”
Sampson: “Hmm. So do you think these numbers could eventually overwhelm the Data Squad?”
Thomas: “No. But of course, that all depends on having the right team in place.”
Seems the dub is ditching the fact that it’s specifically this country that’s been getting so many more Digimon appearances. Instead, Thomas just takes the opportunity to be a passive-aggressive jerk about Marcus sooner than in the original.
Satsuma:  “Oh, let me introduce you. This is…”
[Tohma barely even glances at Masaru; Masaru gets angry]
Masaru:  “Hey! I don’t care if you’re called Tohma or Tonma… but around here, I’m your senpai! I’ve only been here for three days, but make sure to call me ‘Daimon-san’ or ‘Daimon-senpai’!”
Sampson: “Oh. Go ahead and introduce yourself, Marcus.”
[Thomas barely even glances at Marcus. Marcus gets angry]
Marcus: “Say what?! Why doesn’t *he* introduce himself to *me*?! I’m the one with seniority, even if it’s only three days.”
This reads a lot less like Marcus getting angry has anything to do with the way Thomas just barely even looked at him, and more that he’s mad at Sampson for thinking he ought to introduce himself first. In that vein, it’s somewhat more reasonable for him to go ranting about seniority, I suppose. However, I liked the way that Masaru suddenly ranting about that with no real provocation was unreasonable and was very transparently him trying to assert some kind of superiority, not really about the appropriate-honorific-respect that he tried to insist was the point.
Marcus: “Who does he think he is, anyway? Look, kid! Agumon and I are the top fighters around here, and don’t you forget it!”
Meanwhile in the dub, the lines specifically asking for honorifics have no English equivalent, so we get this to fill the gap. I guess it has a reasonably similar effect and is a similarly uncalled-for assertion of superiority.
(I do like the “kid”, trying to make Thomas seem beneath him despite their equal age.)
Satsuma:  “Already blazing down the warpath, eh?”
Sampson: “You are completely out of line.”
Satsuma was being reasonably tolerant of Masaru’s argumentative nature, accepting that this is just how Masaru is and he’ll hopefully be able to rein it in if he just understands the situation better. But Sampson is simply having none of it.
Sampson: “Marcus, Thomas is *your* superior. Deal.”
I guess it’s a lip-flap issue, but Sampson just telling Marcus to “deal” sounds weirdly colloquial for him. Also, “superior” is not quite the same thing as having seniority in terms of just having more experience. This implies that Thomas is going to have the right to give Marcus orders and Marcus will be obligated to follow them, which is not quite it.
Marcus: “You mean I have to take orders from him?”
…Okay, apparently that literally is what the dub wants us to think, even though this is not how things are actually going to work here.
(This is in place of the line establishing that Masaru and Tohma are the same age, but that will be a fact that gets mentioned in a later dub episode.)
Satsuma:  “Be sure to get along with each other, as you are colleagues.”
Sampson: “Unlike some teams, *they* have got discipline.”
Satsuma was trying to mediate between the two, but instead Sampson is very clearly taking Thomas’s side, which he really ought to know is only going to rile Marcus up more.
(If Marcus and Agumon’s lack of discipline is really such a big dealbreaker for you, Sampson, why did you even want to recruit him in the first place?)
Tohma:  “I think it will be futile to do so, Captain Satsuma. There is not a chance that this person could benefit DATS.”
Thomas: “Commander, please allow me to say a few words about the new recruit. Based on my first impression, I feel he could never benefit DATS in any way.”
Thomas is being a lot less out of line here, asking politely to speak his opinion and qualifying it as being only based on a first impression. This is also not him pointedly refusing to even try and get along like Tohma was, since Sampson didn’t ask him to. The blame in the dub version of this argument is a lot more heaped onto Marcus’s side rather than equally with both of them, and Sampson obviously siding with Thomas doesn’t help matters.
Masaru:  “Say that to my face! Look into a person’s eyes when they’re talking!”
Marcus: “Say that to my face! Look me in the eye! If you have the guts!”
There’s slightly less emphasis on Marcus caring about people looking him in the eye when they’re talking to him, since he turns it into a general jab about Thomas not having any guts, but I do appreciate that it’s pretty much still here and unchanged.
Marcus: “What fighting skills does Your Highness possess, you royal jerk?!”
Ehh, I don’t really like Marcus bringing in jabs about the nobility thing at this point. Thomas has just insulted his fighting strength, and in that particular fighting context, Masaru would not care about anything except his opponent’s strength and would not make uncalled-for jabs at something unrelated.
Yoshino:  “This is the worst… Go ahead, do whatever you want.”
Yoshi:  “Oh well… Good luck. Protect yourself.”
This is after Marcus refuses to put on his headgear in the boxing ring. Yoshino sounds like she’s just exasperatedly washing her hands of his self-destructive recklessness, because hey, at least she tried. But Yoshi still seems to be genuinely trying to help him, even as the “protect yourself” falls kinda flat because he literally just refused to do so. (It doesn’t sound especially sarcastic – the “good luck” at least sounds very genuine.)
Tohma:  “Why did you join DATS?”
Masaru:  “Huh?! It was so I could win, obviously!”
Tohma:  “Against who?”
Masaru:  “Against strong guys!”
Thomas: “What made you join DATS in the first place?”
Marcus: “Huh? It was so I could meet guys like *you*!”
Thomas: “Seriously?”
Yoshi:  “He means, he wanted to fight. Strong guys, like you.”
Marcus: “Not him…”
I think what the dub is trying to get at with “guys like you” is similar to a change they made last episode, in which Marcus apparently specifically wants to beat up bad guys, and Thomas is totally one of those, right. I guess props to the dub for at least trying to keep that vaguely consistent? Even though it’s a change that I very much do not like.
I presume the “not him” after Yoshi just said “strong guys like [Thomas]” is Marcus wanting to insist that Thomas isn’t strong, because it otherwise wouldn’t make any sense for him to deny the thing that he literally just said himself.
But, hey, notice something else here? Yoshino doesn’t have a line here in the original. They edited the footage to take away Marcus explaining his own goals and put those words into Yoshi’s mouth instead. Why? Why would you do that. I’d say that maybe they only did so to remove some of the punching from the fight because oh no violence (there will be some Issues the dub has with removing punching from this anime which is very heavily about punching), except they still keep the bit where Thomas punches Marcus in the stomach, so that can’t be it. They actually keep all the punches in this fight uncut, which is Rare for the dub.
Tohma:  (He’s beyond help.)
Thomas: (I’m getting tired of this.)
Thomas’s thought is a lot less unreasonable than Tohma’s. Thomas is still coming across as significantly more in the right than Marcus in the dub, rather than them being equally as bad as each other.
Masaru:  “A fight doesn’t end until one side admits defeat!”
Marcus: “Sorry ‘bout that. Why don’t you run along and catch up with Sampson. Maybe you can read a report together.”
Ughhh, I really, really don’t like this. The dub has apparently decided that, since Marcus is A Jock™, he must be disdainful of Nerds™ like Thomas and make jabs about that. Masaru doesn’t frigging care! He does not give a damn in the slightest how book-smart and workaholic Tohma is; the only thing that would ever matter to Masaru is how he fares in a fight.
And we get this instead of that fun line showing Masaru’s philosophy about street fights, giving more insight into why he insisted on getting up and continuing the fight even after the “match” had ended.
I also don’t like Marcus’s “apology”. He is very obviously not sorry for deliberately punching Thomas, and trying to act like he is when he obviously isn’t is such an insincere dick thing to do that would never even cross Masaru’s mind.
Yoshino:  “Tohma’s beaten Olympic champions in the past.”
Yoshi: “I’ve seen Thomas routinely beat Olympic champions in that very ring!”
…What, in that ring in the gym that’s presumably at DATS? Even if this is the dub assuming it’s not at DATS and is just some gym somewhere nearby in town, you’d have thought that if Tohma had fought champions, he’d have gone to them to do so, rather than inviting them to him. To them, he’s just some random rich kid; why would they go that far out of their way for him?
The “routinely” also serves to make Thomas’s talent sound even more ridiculously over-the-top than it already was.
Yoshino:  “Really, the only things worthy of a gold medal around here are your pride and your competitive attitude.”
Yoshi: “Marcus, I’m not impressed by your bragging, and Thomas isn’t even in the room!”
I miss the snark. A lot of characters the dub makes snarkier, but Yoshi kinda becomes a bit less so, it seems.
Kudamon:  “If even a small flame from PetitMeramon’s body remains, it has the ability to develop and multiply in a short time. It should have been prevented from doing so earlier.”
Kudamon:  “A DemiMeramon can regenerate itself over and over again, multiplying a hundred times in as little as half an hour. Apparently, the area wasn’t sealed off earlier.”
The dub manages to completely leave out the part where this is Masaru’s fault because embers from the PetitMeramon were scattered everywhere from his failed attempts to punch it and then he ran off and left things on fire for new PetitMeramon to regenerate themselves from.
Instead, apparently DemiMeramon can just multiply… whenever? It doesn’t do so from the flames it leaves behind, it just copies itself? Except, if Thomas secured the single DemiMeramon that there was to begin with, it literally should not have been able to do so. Sealing off the area would have been irrelevant once it had been safely turned into an egg. The only way it could have multiplied itself like this is if it did so before Thomas neutralised it – but it clearly didn’t do that in front of Marcus, so this is hardly his fault.
Marcus has the same flashback to punching the DemiMeramon and the same thought that this is his fault, but this makes absolutely no sense with the information the dub has given us. Great job there, dubbers.
Sampson: “And now, the DemiMeramon has been left on its own to multiply at will!”
Um, dub? Do you not remember the part where Thomas brought in the DemiMeramon’s egg? It was not left anywhere. That is not how this happened and not why this is (supposed to be) Marcus’s fault.
Masaru:  “Wait! Those fireballs are ours to beat!”
Marcus: “Hey! Hold on a second, that’s our case!”
They really are watering down any sense that Marcus sees this as being about finishing his fight. Instead he’s apparently invested because this is a case, like he ever really cared about the official DATS investigation side of things.
Masaru:  “Damn right! We’ll pull it off somehow using our spirits!”
Marcus: “You bet! And we’ll do it with style, too!”
I miss the “somehow”, making it clear that Masaru has absolutely no idea how he’s going to do this and is willing to basically admit that, yet still wants to throw himself into it anyway.
Marcus: “You two can’t handle that many alone! We’ll help!”
The “we’ll help” is a dub addition, but I am surprised by the notion that Marcus sounds willing to just help Thomas, essentially working together with him. That definitely shouldn’t be something he’d want to do right now. (Suddenly the dub is making Marcus come across as more reasonable and less of a jerk than it’s been doing the entire time, because what is consistency.)
Megumi:  “His lightning-fast techniques look great!”
Megumi: “His reflexes are lightning fast! And he’s cute!”
Okay, never mind what I said earlier, I guess the dub is still keeping the idea that the computer ladies think Thomas is cute, adding in a reference to that where there wasn’t even one originally.
Agumon:  “Wow…”
Agumon: “Cute?”
And because of that, we also lose Agumon being in awe of Tohma and Gaomon’s performance and accidentally making Masaru feel worse, in place of him simply irrelevantly questioning Megumi’s comment.
Kudamon:  “Aren’t you going to stop him?”
Satsuma:  “Leave him alone.”
Kudamon: “You’re not going to say anything?”
Sampson: “Not yet.”
So apparently, Sampson is planning to give Marcus some kind of talking-to about this at some point probably fairly soon. We’re really losing that sense from Satsuma that he understands that Masaru will be Masaru and is being patient and giving him space to sort his issues with Tohma out on his own, which I enjoyed and am sad to lose.
Agumon:  “Aniki… Why are you angry?”
Agumon: “Don’t be upset, Boss! Just because Thomas is better than you!”
Originally Agumon didn’t really understand what was going on in Masaru’s head. Meanwhile, dub-Agumon seems to have Marcus figured out perfectly – and yet is also tactless enough to outright say the thing he’s already realised is upsetting him.
Agumon:  “Well, I think Tohma and Gaomon are nasty guys too, but…”
Agumon: “Boss, I’m sorry I said that about Thomas. You’re better than him.”
At least dub-Agumon realises this and apologises after Marcus is clearly not thrilled by it, but his “you’re better than him” reads as pretty empty reassurance when he just said the exact opposite.
(Meanwhile, original-Agumon still didn’t realise this had anything to do with who’s better than who and just thought it had to be about Tohma being kind of a dick, while still being confused at how that would make Aniki this upset…?)
Masaru:  “No… It’s myself that I’m mad at, not them.”
Marcus: “No, I’m not. I’m just pig-headed and I let my pride get in my way.”
Marcus, like Masaru, is capable of realising that the problem is himself here… but he goes way further than Masaru does as to why that supposedly is.
And the thing is, this isn’t actually supposed to be the problem in the original! Originally, Masaru’s issue was that Tohma is “better” than him simply in the sense that he’s a stronger and more capable fighter, making Masaru face the fact that he might not be as strong a fighter as he thought he was. But here in the dub, apparently the problem is that Thomas is “better” than Marcus because of Marcus’s personality, because Thomas is supposedly just a better person than some pig-headed arrogant jerk like Marcus.
Which is not the point! Masaru can be reckless and prideful sometimes, but it’s never in a way that makes him a bad fighter or a bad person. He’s been a bit of argumentative jerk in this episode in particular with regards to Tohma, but Tohma himself has been equally bad in that regard in his own very different way. The original was great in having both Masaru and Tohma be equally the problem in this clash between them, in very parallel ways.
Yet apparently the dub wants us to think that, no, Thomas is a perfectly reasonable guy and the problem really is that Marcus is such an arrogant jerk compared to him. Which I guess is somewhat consistent with some of the small changes they’ve been making to the rest of the episode to make Marcus slightly more of a jerk and Thomas slightly less of one, and having Sampson clearly come down on Thomas’s side, to make it look like Marcus’s attitude alone is the problem.
But, urgh! I hate that the dub is doing this to Masaru’s character, presenting Marcus as more of a jerk and as if this is his biggest character flaw, when that has nothing to do with what’s going on with Masaru and just makes Marcus significantly less likeable! Why would you ever think this was a good thing to do with the story’s main protagonist, seriously.
Masaru:  “Damn it! What am I doing? Really… what the hell am I doing?”
Marcus: “It’s time I realised it. I still have a lot to learn. Face it. I’m not the ultimate fighter.”
And now, while originally Masaru was unable to properly articulate what it actually was that was frustrating him about himself, Marcus has just fully completed this 100% self-aware reflection. From this, what you’d assume it’d lead into would be, presumably, Marcus trying to be less “pig-headed and prideful” and more like Thomas, since apparently Thomas’s way of doing things obviously makes him better than Marcus as both a fighter and a person?
Yeah, raincheck on that supposed character development. I’m sure you can already tell that’s not what’s going to happen here, since it isn’t in the original, because it doesn’t freaking need to be.
Also, remember how I made a point of how the original changed Masaru’s “already the number one street fighter” into Marcus’s “trying to be the ultimate fighter” in episode 1? That’s becoming extremely relevant right here.
This whole episode is a bit of a wake-up call for Masaru in terms of realising for the first time that maybe he’s not actually the greatest fighter like he thought and there’s still more growing he can do. But Marcus? He’s supposed to have already known that. “Face it, I’m not the ultimate fighter”? You literally never said you were in the first place. You were supposed to already know you had a lot to learn, so why is it only just now “time I realised it”?
There wouldn’t necessarily be anything inherently wrong with the dubbers changing Marcus’s ultimate fighter thing into this if they’d made sure to follow through on it and also change every character moment he gets to be consistent with the new version. Buuut they’re not doing that. I don’t think they realised how meaningful of a change it even was to make in the first place.
Old man:  “It’s hard lighting up a fire… The sparks go out easily whenever the wind gets a little too strong.”
Masaru:  “Well, obviously!”
Old man: “I’m having trouble starting a fire, though. Y’see, the flames keep dying out on me because the wind’s too strong and it keeps blowing it out.”
Marcus: “Yeah, that’s happened to me, too.”
Unlike Masaru, who was just expressing exasperation at this old guy telling him something obvious like he didn’t already know that the wind blows out flames, Marcus appears to be… getting the metaphor? His own experience that he’s referring to could just be his literal problem of not being able to punch fire, but based on what he’s just been reflecting on a moment ago and also judging from his tone of voice, that doesn’t seem to be it.
Which makes me sad! Masaru is a ridiculously straightforward doofus who wouldn’t know a metaphor if it punched him in the face, and I am disappointed to see the dub water down that delightful part of his character and make Marcus into some kind of regular person who can actually recognise that kind of thing.
Old man:  “But… once I get a larger flame going, it burns strongly no matter how much the wind blows. Fire is an interesting thing, isn’t it?”
Masaru:  “…This is…”
Old man: “Well… If you learn to use the wind instead of fighting it, you can make the fire burn brighter than ever before. Harness power, don’t extinguish it.”
Marcus: “…He’s right!”
But then, the dub’s version of the metaphor becomes something quite different. Instead of saying that Masaru’s “flame” will soon get so strong that no wind can blow it out, he’s saying that Marcus should harness the “wind” to make his “flame” stronger.
Originally, the metaphor was basically meant to be a reassurance to Masaru that he’s already doing fine – that he just needs to keep going as he has been and continue to grow and soon enough nothing will be able to stop him. But here in the dub, the metaphor appears to be prompting him to take new action of some sort, warning him that his flame will keep getting blown out if he doesn’t do whatever “harnessing the wind” is supposed to mean.
It’s ambiguous exactly what the “wind” could represent here. If it’s something that was getting in Marcus’s way until now, is it meant to be his “pig-headed pride” that he was just thinking was his big problem? Is the point of this supposed to be the old man telling Marcus through metaphor that actually he should keep being exactly the way he is and should just do that harder?
On the one hand I’d be okay with that because hey, guess what, newsflash, there is actually nothing wrong with Masaru being the way he is, and the dub is wrong to try and act like his personality is the issue and to distort his personality into being more of a jerk to make it an issue. But then that just serves to completely undermine the supposed realisation that Marcus had back in the tunnel and set him back on the track of not trying to change at all. (Which, yeah, again, spoilers, he’s not going to; of course he’s not going to be actively trying to make himself more like Thomas, because that’s not something that Masaru would ever do. Masaru has very strong convictions in who he is and wouldn’t change that for anyone.)
And somehow, despite this metaphor being a lot more metaphorical and ambiguous than it was in the original, and despite this being Marcus, he appears to completely understand what the old man is trying to say to him and take those words to heart. Whatever those words actually are. Somehow.
…I suppose it’s possible that actually the “wind” in the metaphor is supposed to represent Thomas, and that this metaphor is trying to encourage Marcus and Thomas to work together to make each other stronger. This would sort of make sense, since GeoGreymon uses fire-based attacks while Gaogamon uses wind-based attacks, and we’ll actually be seeing some metaphorical stuff being done with those attacks of theirs in the next couple of episodes. Still, if that’s the case, it’s nonetheless definitely not what Marcus gets from this metaphor right here.
But you know what else this dub version of the metaphor very much isn’t? It is not remotely useful literal advice about how to punch fire. At no point does it explain the part where a stronger flame won’t be blown out by anything (and will therefore be punchable). So whatever Marcus is getting from the old man’s words here, it isn’t that. This is kind of important for what’s about to happen next.
As Marcus hears about the trouble at the gas tanks and rushes off, the old man has an added line that’s just silence in the original:
Old man: “See what good fire does?”
…which makes even more of a point that this is definitely only meant to be some kind of metaphor. Though, wasn’t he trying to say that the wind would do Marcus good? Marcus already is the fire in this metaphor, so stressing that fire is good seems besides the point. I’m getting increasingly convinced that the dubbers just didn’t have an actual meaning in mind for their version of the metaphor at all and were half-assing this entire conversation. (Yet they somehow still felt they knew better than the original writers enough to change it at all.)
Thomas: “There’s no chance he can secure the DemiMeramon. There’s too many!”
[cut to precisely *three* DemiMeramon flying around]
Yep, sure, three of them is totally too many. Originally the “too many” comment wasn’t there, and Tohma thought Masaru couldn’t do this simply because he hadn’t shown he could handle any PetitMeramon at all. Numbers are not supposed to be the issue here, or at least not the primary one like Thomas is making it sound like it is.
Masaru:  “Fire sparks easily go out whenever the wind blows on them. But… Once they burst into flame…!”
[Masaru leaps to punch the Meramon quite solidly in the face and lands with his Digisoul flaring]
Masaru:  “They won’t be extinguished so easily!”
Marcus:  “Just like the old man said, a fire can be blown out by the wind. Then again… you know what I always say…!”
[Marcus leaps to punch the Meramon quite solidly in the face and lands with his DNA flaring]
Marcus:  “You gotta fight fire with fire!”
So… yeah. In the dub, the old man’s words were not actually advice on how to solve this problem, and Marcus’s decision to deliberately make the DemiMeramon stronger had nothing to do with what the old man told him. He had no reason to believe this would work. He really was just being dangerously rash and hot-headed with no sense of actual plan or strategy, and it really did only work out of sheer luck.
(I mean, okay, maybe he could have just figured on his own that making the fire stronger would make it punchable. But Masaru is definitely not supposed to be the kind of person who could figure that out without being nudged in the right direction by someone else. And if Marcus really is perfectly capable of figuring that out on his own, why did he not do so the first time?)
Thomas: “Marcus made Meramon Digivolve on purpose so he could activate his DNA…”
It is very debatable that this was on purpose here, Thomas.
Megumi:  “Not bad!”
Megumi: “Marcus proved he could do it!”
Thanks, dub, we needed it made obvious that this fight was about Marcus proving himself, because we couldn’t figure that out on our own.
Thomas: “Don’t get cocky. You just got lucky this time, that’s all.”
This line is basically unchanged, but guess what? Thomas is right to say this, where Tohma wasn’t.
Tohma:  “Don’t be absurd. You don’t come up with any strategy or tactics. Do you think using force all the time will let you win at everything?”
Masaru:  “Hah, sounds like a sore loser to me.”
Thomas: “Just as I thought, you had no plan and no tactics, just raw power.”
Marcus: “Hah. For a genius, you’re a real sore loser.”
Still basically the same, but again, Thomas is right this time, not being a sore loser. In fact, the added “just as I thought” (and this line comes after the cut back to HQ, so there was conversation prior to it that we didn’t hear) suggests that Thomas has just heard from Marcus himself that, yes, he really did just recklessly charge in with no plan.
I mean, sure, in a sense Thomas is still being a sore loser because Marcus’s raw power still worked. But the point of the sore loser line in the original was that Tohma insisting that Masaru used no tactics in and of itself was him sorely refusing to admit that maybe Masaru actually did have some idea what he was doing after all.
Tohma:  “What did you say?”
Masaru:  “Wanna make somethin’ of it? I’ll knock you out with one hit to the face this time!”
Thomas: “What did you say?”
Marcus: “Oh, just this: I’ll take my raw power over your tactics any day!”
Granted, outright saying he’d prefer raw power over tactics is definitely something Masaru might also say (of course he would; look at how he never tried to point out that he actually did have a strategy because he doesn’t care about that). But this is a bit of a different way for the dub to show Marcus having his confidence back, since his “conflict” this episode was apparently about “oh no what if raw power is bad and I should be more like Thomas”.
(…Did the dub actually deliberately remove the part where the metaphor was literal advice about punching fire so that Marcus could win through nothing but raw power in order to facilitate this complete backpedal in what briefly appeared to be some ill-advised character development? Ugh, but even if that was on purpose, it’s so much more interesting to show that Masaru actually can do strategy sometimes, and it’s just that his strategies are a lot more risky and head-on than Tohma’s!)
Tohma:  “You want me… to act alongside him?”
Masaru:  “You’re joking! I’ll never accept him as my partner!”
Thomas: “But sir, he’s completely undisciplined!”
Marcus: “This clown?! I’ll never be his partner – he’s way too annoying!”
Thomas and Marcus get given specific reasons to object to working together in the dub – and while Thomas’s complaint of “undisciplined” is perfectly reasonable, Marcus’s complaint of “annoying” seems rather beside the point. Too pompous, too uptight, (too makes-him-feel-like-maybe-strategy-and-not-just-raw-power-might-be-useful); something like that would be more relevant to Marcus. Is this supposed to be another Marcus Just Hates Nerds™ thing? Because ugh.
Overall differences
Oh boy. There’s a lot going on in terms of changes in this episode, and basically all of it is bad.
Rather than Masaru and Tohma both being presented as equally out-of-line for their own reasons in their initial arguments, the narrative firmly comes down on Thomas’s side by making Thomas less unreasonably harsh in his comments and by having Sampson clearly taking Thomas’s side.
The bit where they explain how DemiMeramon multiplied makes no sense and certainly doesn’t logically leave it as being Marcus’s fault at all, yet he still claims it is for no reason and we’re just expected to believe that.
Then there’s Marcus’s whole, ahem, “character arc” for the episode, if it can even be called that. Rather than some delightful subtle exploration of how Masaru deals with the realisation that he’s not necessarily the strongest fighter out there like he professes to be, it becomes this heavy-handed thing about how Marcus’s whole problem is that he’s Such A Big Arrogant Jerk. Marcus is way more self-aware about his supposed exact problem than someone like him really ought to be (including admitting he’s not the ultimate fighter when he never said he was), and for a moment it seems like his character development is going to be about him learning to be less of a jerk and more like Thomas. Except it won’t, because this won’t happen in the original, because this is not remotely Masaru’s problem in the original.
Then there’s the old man’s metaphor. Originally he was effectively saying that Masaru is doing fine the way he is and just needs to keep growing and getting stronger like this. Here, the metaphor is changed to imply that Marcus needs to take some kind of new action, except what new action is extremely unclear and is not actually going to happen, because, again, not how it went originally. Marcus apparently somehow gets this metaphor, which is ridiculous because I’m not even sure what it was on about, never mind that Marcus should be the last person who’s any good with metaphors, just like Masaru is.
And then there’s the part where the old man’s changed metaphor had nothing to do with teaching Marcus how he could literally punch fire and defeat the DemiMeramon. So his victory in the climactic fight really was complete boneheaded reckless luck without a semblance of strategy, and Thomas was right to call it that.
This entire dub version of the episode firmly wants you to come down on Thomas’s side and agree that Marcus is a huge dumb arrogant jerk whose personality is the entire problem here, and, urgh. I hate it. I hate it so much. I hate that the dub writers consciously chose to do this to Masaru’s character. Masaru does not deserve this.
(You’re probably starting to see why I’m actually quite glad that Masaru has a different name in the dub. Marcus may be a somewhat different character that the dub is insistently making worse, but at least Masaru will always be untainted and separate from the dub’s nonsense.)
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