#which i am doing badge art for and have been unofficially assured i was attending for months
shinesurge · 28 days
lol hey so my printer just didn't get back to me at all for two weeks and suddenly Volume 3 Books Are Happening sometime next week (the proofs! just the proofs, which i had to make a full order of 20 to get, so hopefully they didn't fuck it up), I was going to make more announcements about the preorders during the period but i thought it would be smart to wait for my printer to give me the delivery date i asked for first :) whatever. if you want a book or any of the keychains i have coming in go check out the shop listings here and here. there's fun preorder stuff i was super psyched for that is still there if you want it but i'm so fuckin frustrated im not writing up any cute copy today lmao. thank yall very much for your patience as usual
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