#which i understand but can also see might be annoying after awhile and you'd want to find yourself a partner who WOULD move to an island
mydaroga · 2 years
Marianne Faithfull remembered Paul's reaction to the idea:
John wanted them all to live together on an island. I remember him talking about it, saying, 'What has to happen is that all of us, the Beatles ...' and of course for Paul this was a nightmare, the last thing Paul wanted to do was live on some fucking island, whether it was in Ireland or Greece, wherever it was, with John, George and Ringo and their wives and their roadies, and Mal and Neil, all on an island. This was John's vision and they all had to do this. And of course Paul was, 'Yeechhhhhh.' There were going to be a few other people, like John Dunbar. But it was just awful for Paul and I remember him talking about this and saying, 'Well, I guess they'll never get it together.' Paul was really much more sophisticated than John ever was.
Marianne Faithfull, Many Years From Now
It's unclear to me how explicit Paul was with Marianne here. Because in his present-day telling, he's a bit more blasé:
There was some story of buying a Greek island or something. It was all so sort of abstract but the first thing we had to do is go to Greece and see if we even liked it out there. The idea was get an island where you can just do what you want, a sort of hippie commune where nobody'd interfere with your lifestyle. I suppose the main motivation for that would probably be no one could stop you smoking. Drugs was probably the main reason for getting some island, and then all the other community things that were around then - 'Oh, we'll paint together. We'll do this. I'll chop wood.'
I think that if you're going to write a great symphony or you're going to rehearse the greatest string quartet in the world, it's fair enough to cut yourself off. It's just a practical matter; give yourself lots of time and if you're going to do that, then why shouldn't it be in Greece? It was a drug-induced ambition, we'd just be sitting around: 'Wouldn't it be great? The lapping water, sunshine, we'd be playing. We'd get a studio there. Well, it's possible these days with mobiles and ...' We had lots of ideas like that. The whole Apple enterprise was the result of those ideas.
PAUL: We went on the boat and sat around and took acid. It was good fun being with everyone, with nippier moments. For me the pace was a bit wearing. I probably could have done with some straight windows occasionally, I'd have enjoyed it a bit more.
So did he think it was a good idea? Did he go along because he knew John wanted it and the best way to get around things John wanted that he didn't was to wait him out? Did Marianne hear him grumble,or did she just infer, and if she could, why couldn't the rest of them?
'It's a good job we didn't do it,' Paul said, 'because anyone who tried those ideas realised eventually there would always be arguments, there would always be who has to do the washing-up and whose turn it is to clean out the latrines. I don't think any of us were thinking of that.'
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peterparkouryo · 2 years
the study session | 𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪
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prompt; You and Peter have a "study session" for your upcoming test.
warnings: kissing, or making out if you will, it gets a lil handsy, but nothing TOO suggestive (ifykwim)
word count: 4k 
a/n: not proofread
You were very glad it was Saturday, but also very sad because you wished for nothing more than it to be that day of the week forever.
You see, the thing is you had an extremely difficult test coming up Monday, and you didn't try at all this week to study for it. The deadline was getting closer and the study guide your teacher had gave you might as well had been in a different language because you didn't understand a thing on the paper no matter how many times you pretended to.
So instead of completely giving up, crying, and accepting your fate Thursday, you asked the smartest boy in school to help you. 
Peter Parker, aka your sort of friend, and your longtime crush.
He was a friend of your sister, Michelle and he'd come over once in awhile to hang out with her. You'd occasionally hang out with them as well whenever you weren't reading, sleeping, or being an anti-social person.
With all those months and what not of Peter coming over, you two getting to know each other, you decided it was best to ask him for the help, plus you really enjoyed his presence.
Michelle pretty much knew from the start, before you even did that you liked him and she would sometimes tease you about it whenever she could, which made you annoyed at times, but you knew she didn't mean it.
The two latter people were currently hanging out, and your sister texted you saying that her and Peter were making their way back from wherever they were and that Peter would be here in time for your study session.
You had the house to yourself for the time being, since your dad was at work and you were glad because it meant you got to eat your self-made dinner in your bedroom.
The dinner was a simple microwavable noodles cup and some apple juice that probably was MJ's, but she drunk yours the last time so you pretty much didn't care if she got mad or not.
You were now sitting on your bed, laptop in-front of you as YouTube played in the background. 
The day was moving slow as you waited in boredom, sitting and eating on your bed. You wanted nothing more for your sister and friend to hurry up so you could study.
After a thirty minute marathon of watching random videos, you laying comfortably in your bed, the cup of noodles now on your nightstand, you hear the front door open, muffled voices entering the abode.
Normally, you'd go check out the noise, but you knew the two familiar voices all too well, plus you were way too comfortable at the moment.
Your room was dark, the curtains closed and the only source of light given was the glare of the laptop screen and the hallway light sneaking under the crack of your door, but that dim of light didn't last longer since your sister bursts into your room, startling you.
"Jesus." You breath out, quickly sitting up from your bed.
"Sorry." MJ sheepishly apologized, showing you a not so sorry smile.
"There's food in the kitchen, also Peter's waiting for you in the living room." Your sister tells you, running a hand through her already curly hair.
You two didn't really look alike. She had more defined features, and you didn't, her hair being more curly than yours. On occasions yours would be curly too, but unfortunately it was more wavy, not that there was anything wrong with that. You never really compared yourself to her considering you two were exactly alike, personality wise. MJ never had a reason to make you feel jealous of her either, she always included you in anything if you were up to it. She also never had a reason to feel jealous of you, so you were really glad you had that special bond with her.
MJ knew all your secrets, you knew all hers, so if you needed a shoulder to cry on, you know who yo go to.
"I already ate, and you can tell him to come in here instead." You tell her, pausing the YouTube video as you reached for the cup of noodles on your nightstand before gesturing it for her to take it.
"No way. I'm not your maid and no boys in your bedroom." MJ stated, giving you a firm look.
"How come he's allowed in yours?" You ask with a pout, getting up from your bed in defeat.
"Because, I'm not the one with a crush on him." She tells you, showing you a smile.
You roll your eyes, shoving her out the way as you make your way to the kitchen to throw away your mess.
"Hey Peter." You greet him, walking past the living room as you made your way into the kitchen.
Since your apartment was small, the kitchen was right next to the living room, well not really, it was more like one of those apartments that had the open counter space that could see into the living room, but nevertheless you could still enter the kitchen through the living room without having to go through doors, or down some stairs.
"Hi, Y/N." You hear the brown haired boy greet back.
When you throw away your cup of noodles and put the silver utensil in the sink, you exit the kitchen and make your way into the living room, sitting on the small couch, where Peter currently resided on.
"You ready to help me study?" You question, watching the boy for a few seconds before turning your gaze to the TV. It was the news, the anchor talking about the robbery that took place and how your Queens' hero, Spider-Man managed to stop it once again.
"Um, uh, yeah!" Peter stammered, putting the TV on mute.
"Okay, we can study in my room, since all my stuff is in there anyhow." You tell him, standing up just as quickly as you sat down, before holding your hand out to help him up.
He took your hand, and you didn't fail to notice how sweaty it was, but you decide not to say anything as you two make your way into your bedroom.
You let go of his hand, hearing the door quietly close behind you as you go over to your desk area and grab the pre calculus papers before handing them to Peter, who now sat on your bed.
"Pre calculus?" Peter asked, a little bewildered.
"Mhm." You hum, taking a seat next to him, his body heat radiating off him and onto your skin.
You watch as Peter clenches his jaw, the same jaw that could cut diamonds, as his eyes study over the review and you wanted to just kiss him, but it took every fibre in your body not to.
"This seems doable, and easy." Peter says, turning his head to look at you with his brown eyes.
Those eyes always made you melt into a puddle, and yes they're such a common eye colour to have, but Peter's seemed more full of life, innocent and brighter. You know Peter doesn't have the most happy go live, and neither do you, but when you stare into those eyes that you swear gets brighter everyday, you forget about how messed up the world truly is. 
"Y/N?" A voice questioned with concern.
You blink out of your trance, before properly looking at the boy next to you.
"Oh, sorry, what did you say?" You ask with a little embarrassment.
"I asked if you were ready to start reviewing, but if you need some time, I can wait." Peter states, showing an understanding smile.
As if you needed a break. The only thing you needed was him, and his smile.
"Oh, no it's fine, I'm ready." You lied, retorting his smile, but yours was a little less more understanding.
"You sure?" He quizzed again.
This time, you nod.
"Okay." Peter sighs, letting his gaze linger on the paper in his hands.
After what seemed like the longest review ever, you and Peter decide to take a break, a snack break to be exact.
MJ was no where to be found, probably in her room lost in one of her many books, so you and Peter just decided to raid the snacks before she could notice.
"Have you ever had hickory sticks?" You question, examining the potato sticks bag curiously.
"Hickory what?" Peter asks, with a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Hickory sticks." You repeat, turning around to show him the Canadian snack.
The snack isn't sold in America, but when you, your sister and dad decided to take a family vacation to Toronto, Canada, you made sure to be the most tourist person there and bought pretty much anything you could afford, including the hickory sticks.
"Where'd you find those?" He questioned, making his way over to you with a confused expression.
"I bought like three or four bags of these when we went to Canada." You inform him with a shrug, handing him the bag so he can take a look.
Peter hums out a reply, intently looking over the bag.
"Y/N, these are expired." He tells you, before handing the snack back to you.
"What? No, it's not." You argue, before looking for the expire date.
And he was right, they were expired. They've been expired for about two weeks now.
"Oh..." You say in defeat, putting the bag on the counter.
"We could just make a sandwich." Peter suggests, putting a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
Sure, the touch was simple, but it sent a whole blazing fire throughout your body, your heart beat quickened, and you prayed to god that Peter couldn't hear how loud it was.
You had always thought about telling him how you felt, but the timing just never was right, plus you were sure he didn't feel the same way since he showed no signs of ever seeing you more than just his friend's sister.
You nod at his suggestion and before you knew it, you two were making sandwiches.
After snack time, you made your way back int your room to study some more, which you dreaded, because studying is never fun, but somehow Peter makes it better.
"You know, it's not really that hard." Peter tries to reassure, the two of you now laying on your tummies, on your bed.
"Says the math expert." You grumble, not understanding how to do inverse functions.
"C'mon, Y/N. I promise, it's easy." He tries to encourage.
"It's not." You argue, looking at him with a frustrated expression.
"Who needs inverse functions to be a writer anyway?!" You exclaim and it does nothing but make Peter chuckle.
"All you have to do is switch the x and y variables in the function, right?" Peter tells you, looking over your face with such intent you could almost die at his gaze.
"Then, solve for y, like we've been doing." He finishes quietly.
You nod, watching as he flickered his eyes from yours to your lips, you doing the same.
"Was that even english?" You ask, not understanding a single thing he said. Mainly because, yeah you actually didn't understand it and also because of the way he was staring at you.
"I hope so." Peter whispered, his eyes now fully focused on your lips for whatever reason that may be, but you weren't complaining.
"Well, if it was I still don't understand." You say, breaking the tension, letting out a noise you hope was a chuckle, but probably not.
"What if we just take a break? We've been studying for what, like two hours?" Peter suggested, sitting up from his laying position, you doing the same.
You agreed on his suggestion, despite the two of you already taking a break, but that was more like a snack break not a break break where the two of you just talked about anything you could talk about.
"So, you should try out for decathlon." Peter says with a smile, sitting across from you now.
"Why?" You question him, raising an eyebrow.
You were genuinely curious as to why Peter would suggest you join the decathlon team considering he never attends those meetings and the club is never really lucky when it comes to going on trips, such as the Washington D.C incident MJ had explained to you in full detail since the news wasn't really any help.
"Despite math being one of the main major subjects, I think you'd be a great addition to the team." He countered, nodding his head, which you found quite adorable.
"Did MJ put you up to this?" You quiz him, narrowing your eyes at him suspiciously.
MJ was known for being the quiet and observant type of girl (hence, where you got half you personality from), and she's so observant that she never fails to notice every small and different detail of anyone's behaviour. It's something you picked up on growing up with her, so when Peter suggested you joining the team, you noticed the waver of his voice and how nervous it sounded when asking you.
Your sister also always bugged you about joining the team since it lacked most members, and now that she was the captain, you really had it the hard way with her.
"What? No, I really think you should join." Peter argued, shaking his head as if it'll change your suspicion.
It didn't convince you, because Peter wasn't really as engaged with the team like he used to be, so it made it that much more obvious MJ had asked him to try and convince you to join.
"Prove it." You state, eyes intently boring into his.
Even if Peter somehow did find a way to "convince" you, you probably would still say no, since you had no interest in it anyhow. 
"Prove what?" He asked, tilting his head in confusion.
"That these are your own words, and not hers." You explained.
Peter lets out a sigh in defeat, causing you to chuckle in victory. Before you could open your mouth with an "I told you so" quip, the boy leans forward, his hands sneaking their way to both sides of your head, giving you a quick chaste kiss.
To say confusion was the emotion you felt would be an understatement. Why had Peter just did that? You had no clue, which left your cheeks a blushing mess, mouth slightly agape.
"You..." You started, about to tell him what he just did, but he cuts you off.
"Listen, before you yell at me, or anything much more violent than that, I just need you to know that your sister didn't put me up to convincing you to join the team." Peter starts off.
"I actually think you would make a great team member, even though you're not a people person." He continued, and you were once again about to say something, but he wasn't finished just yet.
"I know that me kissing you had nothing to do with wanting you on the team, but I just really like you..." Peter finally finished (at least you hope so), looking at you with a sheepish smile, fiddling with his hands nervously.
Your eyes widen, practically almost out of their sockets at his confession. Peter liked you? Or, likes you. Never in a million years would you had thought the boy would ever admit something like that. You had always thought it'd be you, and then you'd get shut down because you knew Peter could never see you as more than just a friend, but right now you were beaming with happiness at his disclosure.
"I-, you, really?" You ask, not being able to form a proper sentence, a smile breaking out on your face uncontrollably, probably making you look a little weird.
"Well, yeah. What's not to like? You're funny, smart and like really...pretty." Peter says, mumbling the last word at the end, which you did hear.
"So being really pretty makes me likeable?" You jokingly questioned, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion.
Peter eyes goes really wide, making you have to fight back a laugh as he eagerly shakes his head.
"No, I mean like, you know, you-" Peter stuttered, having a really hard time trying to explain himself.
You obviously felt bad, but it was something so funny about seeing the boy get flustered at your joke.
"I'm kidding." You tell him with a laugh.
"You're really pretty too." You retort, watching his mouth turn upward into a smile, the kind of smile that made his eyes crinkle.
"Yeah?" He asked, his smile soften as you nodded.
"Mhm, also funny and smart as well." You add with your own smile that never really left your face.
You two stare at each other for god knows how long, kind of enjoying the sweet, comfortable aura you always felt when around each-other.
You thought back to how at first you thought Peter could never see you more than just his friend's little sister, but maybe he was really good at hiding things, well sort of.
"Can I kiss you again?" Peter quietly asks, his eyes slowly trailing from yours to your lips.
You eagerly nodded, how could you say no to that?
Peter once again leans toward you this time putting one hand on one side of your face as the other held his weight on your clothed thigh, you on the other hand had put both hands securely on his shoulders, before both your lips finally met.
It was like a euphoric feeling, the taste of his lips being intoxicating. It was the type of taste that was flavoured like honey, but not just basic sweet honey, honey mixed with tea. Yeah, he definitely had the sweet and unique type of lips.
You two continue to explore each others mouth, trying to mould out the taste of it, Peter shifting you two into a much more comfortable position, you now laying on your back as Peter now hovered over you, his hand now cupping your jaw, while his arm held your waist. You now had one of your hands on the nape of his neck, playing with his small curls as the other was flat on his chest that you were certain was a little more toned than you imagined.
You weren't really experienced in the kissing department, and you couldn't say neither was Peter, because he and your sister had shared that they were each-other's first kiss and it didn't bother you at the time, considering you barely knew him when MJ had told you.
MJ also made it clear to you when she somehow found out that you liked him that she never once had a crush on him and also explained that she just wanted someone, anyone really to be her first kiss.
And you were glad Peter was yours, he was extremely good at what he was doing.
As if he could hear your thoughts, he removed his lips from yours, causing you to open your eyes, only to be greeted with his.
"You're really good at that." Peter whispers, his eyes never leaving yours.
You hum, smiling at his words just as he gives your cheek a peck.
"Ditto." You breathe out, closing your eyes as Peter continues leaving pecks all over your face.
Then, he leaves a trail of pecks down your right cheek, slowly gliding his jabbed kisses to your neck.
You let out a keened noise at how his lips touched the sensitive spot of your neck and you couldn't help but think of how he really was good at what he was doing, he didn't even have to try.
"Peter.." You managed, sighing in content as Peter continued kissing or sucking on areas of your neck, probably leaving marks as he did.
The brown haired boy hums out a response, his sneaky fingers playing with the hem of your shirt, teasing his way to your bare hip.
His lips detach from your neck, eyes examining yours, while his fingers slightly tickle your hip.
"You're really good at that." You retort Peter's words from earlier, staring at him with a smile before pecking his lips.
You try to pull away but his lips chase yours into yet another kiss, it quickly turning into another make out session, or at least a semi-one.
You hear your sister clear her throat, causing you and the boy above, scramble from the position you once were in.
MJ looks in-between the both of you, watching as you two calm down from your hot and heavy breathing, the flustered faces turning even more red at the extent of being caught.
"Is this how you losers study?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at the both of you.
"It-, we were just..." You tried to lie, but there obviously was no point in doing so.
"Whatever, just don't let dad find out." MJ waved off, closing your door but only leaves it open about two or three inches wide.
You can see through the crack of your door that your sister goes back toward the way of her room, relieved she didn't hit you with any third degree threats, or even scolded Peter for making out with her little sister, which now that you think about it, she probably didn't want to have that image in her head, which is why she left it alone.
You then run a hand through your hair, turning your head to look at a still flustered Peter.
"You okay?" You ask him, watching the boy nod as soon as he hears the question.
"Yeah, I'm fine." He reassures, looking at you with a small smile.
Now that it was clear you both really liked each other, you wondered if maybe he'd ask you on a date, or if you would have to.
"So, um...now what?" Peter asks the question you were thinking, scratching his cheek nervously.
You shrug your response, thinking about nothing, really.
There was a moment of silence, the two of you both just sitting there and thinking, you thinking about the previous make out session and god knows what Peter was thinking about. 
"Would it be okay if I, umm.." Peter starts, looking down at his hands that were slightly shaking, probably due to his nervousness that you could practically feel radiating off him.
"I don't know, like asked you...on a date?" He finished unsurely, and you could swear you felt your heart do a somersault.
"Yeah, that's fine." You say, taking a hold of one of his hands, seeing Peter beam at you with a excited grin.
"Really?" He exclaimed happily as you giggle at his cheery face.
"Yeah." You say again, sort of biting the bottom of your lip as you smiled.
"Okay, cool." Peter nodded as he went over the many possible ideas of where to take you out on a date.
You thought now was the perfect time to ask.
"Are you gonna swing us on our first date or is it going to be a normal one?" You questioned, watching Peter look at you in confusion and fear.
You figured that would be his reaction, looking at you as if you had three heads, and wondering how on earth did you know about his secret identify.
It didn't take a genius to figure it out. You started to notice how weird he acted in school, plus the observed conversations you had with MJ about how he quit most of the after school activities or curriculums he was in.
There was much more to it, but that was a whole other story for another time.
"Wha-, swing? I don't know what you're talking about." Peter tried to laugh off, looking at you as if you were the crazy one.
"You know, use your webs from your suit to swing us anywhere." You explained, making hand gestures to demonstrate.
"Y/N, I have no idea what you're talking about." Peter argued, shaking his head to try and wave off the topic.
"Okay, so you're telling me you don't sneak off every now and then to be a hero to Queens?" You ask him, raising an eyebrow.
"So, you leaving at the most inconvenient times is just a coincidence?"
"Just admit that you're the spider boy." You say, sighing and calling him the wrong name on purpose.
"Hey! It's Spider-Man, not boy." Peter defended, unknowingly proving your point.
"And why so defensive?" You ask, folding your arms over your chest.
"I-" He starts, before looking down in defeat.
"I'll pick you up at eight." Peter sighed, getting up from the bed to what you assume is to stretch.
"Good, now let's finish studying." You suggested.
"Studying or studying?" The boy smirked, causing you to roll your eyes at his tone.
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soulnottainted · 3 years
Okay it took me a while to come up with a good question but what's your relationship with the core group of Autobots? :33 go into as much detail as you'd like, I love this stuff!
Awwww thank you for coming up with a really good, in depth question! I appreciate it a lot because I gotta put that love energy SOMEWHERE!
So i'll be writing for the autobots that are on my f/os list! I might be adding one or two more soon depending!
This post is lONG!
Optimus is my Guardian, protector, and is considered like a grandfather/father figure to me. I met him when he and a Decepticon collided into the gas station I was currently at. He saved me from the rubble after being seriously injured. I don't know why he chose to be my Guardian, to have this urge to look after me, despite strongly wanting to protect all of humanity at the same time. He is the leader and has many responsibilities, and yet he still keeps me by his side, always protecting me but also letting me to grow and problem solve on my own. I guess he sees himself in me, specifically when he was young and named Orion Pax. I believe the other autobots see the qualities of Optimus in myself as well.
Sometimes Ratchet thinks I sound like him in the way I think. Optimus is still trying to learn about human society and what humans need. There were many instances that he has done his own research into how to care for a human being. That being said, if i mention something about myself that he doesn't understand, he'll either ask me more about it or look it up himself. He prides himself in making sure I feel safe and protected, and I do feel that way. He even lets me tag along on some missions if he feels that I'm capable of coming along. My Guardian also has made a holoform: a human form capable of interacting in order to keep cover to not be suspicious. But let's face it: he also made it to watch over me.
Ratchet is my uncle figure. He is almost looks and sounds grumpy, but that is because he gets annoyed easily. He likes things to go smoothly, and that's a suitable trait for an autobot doctor. When I came into the picture, he wasn't pleased, he was shocked that Optimus decided to take care of a human. Arcee, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead had humans they were looking after, as their Guardians, but the team never could have imagined that Optimus Prime would do the same himself. Ratchet was worried that I would distract him from the goals of defeating the Decepticons and Megatron, but that didn't happen. As time went on, he got to know me better. I'm quiet, easily concerned of what others think, so for awhile I thought that Ratchet didn't like me. But I guess that was furthest from the truth. He likes my quietness but eagerness to learn new things. I always ask him about his equipment or stories about what he used to do on Cybertron, to which he proudly obliges. He scolds me when I get hurt of course, like a concerned mother. He has definitely softened up around me.
Arcee is my sister figure. But Arcee is the kind of the cool sister figure that is also a mother figure at the same time. She sticks to the plan but can adapt to change very quickly. She was the one besides Bumblebee that I connected with the fastest when I arrived for the first time at their base. She also was the one to have to explain to me that Ratchet is like that with any newcomer that visits the base. This badass motorcycle is protective in nature to me; not as much as Jack, but still caring to keep me safe at all costs. She knows how much I mean to Optimus and would gladly do anything for me. Also it's great talking to her about what's going on in my head. I talk to Optimus about things, but sometimes I like to get advice from Arcee. She also has a sarcastic, joking part of her personality that always gets a laugh out of me. She knows how to make me smile, and it's always nice to hang around her.
And finally, we have Bumblebee...or as I like to call him: Brother Bee! He is a child at heart, and also the youngest of the autobots, which makes him prone to doing childish things and sometimes getting into trouble, but he knows when to be mature! Bee would protect me at a moment's notice, no questions asked. I'm his little human sister, and as such, we hang out like siblings that would do anything for one another. Sometimes he gets in trouble and accidentally drags me into the situation, but Bee has good intentions. He has a lot of energy, which most of the time I can't match, but Bee knows when I'm mentally exhausted and needs space. That yellow and black precious boy has some music taste let me tell you...
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