#which i'm sure was because she was scared that yuu would abandon her if she remembered her past but still
dgttwisted · 1 year
A Spooky Case!
art by @lanshappycorner
( @twistedchatterbox there is going to be a part two to this that my friend @forgottenxmuses shall be writing)
possible triggers?: there is none just some harmless fluff with my Yuu/Oc Lilith
Ghost King?
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"to the notes!" Lilith takes out her note book "ok according to the client he lost his watch in the abandoned house outside of the schools walls it was taken by the ghost king! heh i told him I'd search for clues on Saturdays sense Fridays we have school!"
the shrill voice of Grim spoke up "can't we go tonight!?" Lilith gives him an upset face "no school is important we have a test on Friday!" Grim groaned as she mentioned that "why would you make me remember that?"
Lilith smiled "Saturdays we're on the case Grim, unless of coerce your scared!"
Grim jumped up an puffed out some fire "i an't scared of nothen especially of some ghost!" he huffed
"good! can't have your henchmen get hurt can yea" she giggled
--- Saturday night---
Grim pouted "why did we have to show up at night?"
Lilith took out the notebook "according to the client the ghost king doesn't show himself unless it's night time! we won't be able to ask for the watch back if he's not around"
"we could just take it?" Grim says hating to have to explore another abandoned building
"stealing is wrong! an besides the ghosts we've met so far have been nice once he sees we mean no harm I'm sure he'll give us back the watch!" she skipped down to the trail making it to the abandoned house that stuck out in the woods outside the school
"Lilith look!" Grim points at the house as the windows lights flicker one window on the second floor turn on then off an the ones on the first floor turn on then off just as fast.
"this is a good thing!" Lilith cheered
"good how!?" Grim yelled
"we know the ghosts are home!" she said smiling getting up to the door an knocking on it. a huge crash could be heard on the inside which did manage to make Lilith jump a little only because it was so loud.
but as soon as the crash subsided the door creaked open on it's own sense it was so dark she turned on her flashlight as her other hand held Grim's paw so they wouldn't feel alone or left out.
"hello! Mr. Ghost king! I'm here to get the watch that my friend left here" while she couldn't see anything she heard disembodied voice threw the walls spoke in almost a whisper in both her an Grim's ears
"we've been expecting you~"
Grim shivered he glanced to the side seeing a shadow move in the hallway across from them "stay back Lilith!" Grim jumped in front of her shooting his flames at the figure that retreated in the hallway
"was that the ghost king?" Lilith asked she didn't see what Grim saw
"not sure but he got way to close for comfort, Don't worry Lilith i'll protect you after all I'm your boss-" before Grim could finish his speech the wood planks on the floor shook
Lilith grabbed Grim an jumped on a table "how's a table gonna stop-" as soon as her feet landed on the table the shaking stopped "seriously!!! why did that work?" when Grim tried to jump down the floor shook again so Grim jumped back up on the table "what gives"
Lilith hums to her then then rests her fist on her palm "i got it! they're playing a game!"
"a game?" Grim spat
"yea a game! Deuce told me about something similar he said it was called....oh right the floor is lava!"
"that's dumb"
"got a better idea?"
he did not so they went with that theory for now Lilith carefully jumped from the table to the couches that seemed to be placed near each other convenient! Lilith thought.
Lilith jumped to the next room this time as she stepped on the floor it didn't shake "we passed heh!"
Grim was huffing an puffing "the ghosts are playing games!"
"maybe that's why the ghost king took that guys watch because he lost all the games" that's her theory anyway
"so then what's the next game then!?" Grim asks puffing mad as can be
Lilith turns on her flashlight "oh no" Grim gripes as Lilith is practically skipping with joy "hopscotch! Quinn taught me how to play this one!"
Grim rolled his eyes "i know once he showed you he gave you chock an you wouldn't stop making them for weeks!"
"you just don't like it cus your bad at it!" she teased
"that's not true i could be good if i applied myself!"
"then apply yourself!" she said as she then started to jump the hopscotch jumping across before reaching the finish line "your turn Grim!"
Grim was annoyed but saw how much fun Lilith was having an deciding to go with it. after completing Lilith was clapping which suddenly filled him with pride "see told you i was cool!"
"never doubted you!" she said holding his hand as she walked to the next to the room
the voice returns again louder then last time
"you have done well you have one last challenge if you pass i shall return what was taken!"
"bring it on!" Lilith said ready for whatever the challenge could be
"A brave one we shall see how long that lasts!"
a vase floats down to the center of the table
"reach inside if you dare!"
"leave this to me Lilith as your boss i can handle this!" Grim was practically shaking but Lilith was being brave all night so it's his turn! he reached his paw in only for the vase to vanish to completely disspear.
"Congratulations the both of your have past!"
out from the ceiling descends a ghost with mask an long cape
"it is i the ghost king! you both have proven yourself worthy of my respect, Here the item you have come for!"
the ghost floated over a big shiny watch
"the foolish human who came before failed all my challenges so i took this as punishment!"
"i knew it" Lilith whispered
Lilith got out her notepad "Mr. ghost king can i interviews for my paper"
the ghost seemed to be thrown by the by that question
"o....of coerce but make it quick I'm a busy ghost after all!"
"sure thing! First question how long have you been the ghost king an when have you started challenges?"
"years long before you were born as for the challenges that was only recently!"
"why is that?"
"hmm i guess i wanted to see if i could keep the living on there toes"
"oh i see an in the paper do want me to call you Ghost king or do you prefer another name?"
"...Ghost king is fine! now human return to your home it is quite late after all"
"ok an thank you for the interview!" Lilith picked up Grim an headed out it was all around a eventful night
--the paper!--
The client was a student in Octavinelle who came to me telling me that the ghost king stole his watch! the place was abandoned house outside of the walls of the school. why he was there so late he didn't comment however as soul detective of the news paper club i had to investigate further!
according to client the ghost only appears at night so me an my trusted partner Grim.
good news the ghost king is real an in fact only took the watch in the first place was because the client failed all the challenges luckily me an my partner was able to get past them!
so he was kind enough to return the watch! it seems the ghost king is just eager for people to take his challenges seriously!
I was able to return the client his watch he seemed surprised but that's understandable he probably didn't think i could get past those hard challenges!
Another case closed! please come by if you have another mystery for me to solve my door is always open!
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