#which is about how long mia estimated it would take for him to achieve ''not a rookie anymore'' status
starry-nightengale · 2 years
Some hard-to-swallow pills:
Before being disbarred, Phoenix Wright was only a practicing lawyer for as long as it takes to GET a law degree (3 years).
He was a broke piano player for twice as long as he was a lawyer (7 years), before getting his badge back.
His entire legal career was less than half the length of Winston Payne’s winning streak (again, stated to be 7 years before Mia came along and schooled his ass).
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ajokeformur-ray · 4 years
Hiiii! How are you? If I'm not a bother and you're still accepting headcanons, would you pretty please write some for Joker and/ or Arthur dating a PhD student girl who wants to become a professor? I'm sorry for the quite specific ask, you can just ignore it! ^^
Hiii love omggg you’re never a bother! I hope you enjoy this! ^^ I don’t mind specific asks, means I know exactly what to think about skskskskks
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He would be so proud of you.
He only got partially through tenth grade before he had to leave school to take care of his mum, and here you are going up as far as a PhD - he tells you every moment he can that he’s proud of you.
He tells you verbally and non-verbally.
It’s in the way he squeezes your shoulders as he walks past you after setting your favourite drink beside you.
It’s in the way that he beams at you every time you successful hand in a completed assignment or the way he walks in after work and you’re already studying.
It’s in the way he wants to read everything you write, even though he doesn’t necessarily understand anything about it. He would ask you what certain words mean, what this theory is, and with his head cradled in your lap and your fingers in his hair would be finally find some sleep.
“I’m so proud of you, Y/N. You work so hard.”
“Me? What about you? I can’t even imagine pulling the hours that you do.”
Arthur would just sheepishly smile at you, twisting his hands around in his lap. Poor boi doesn’t know how to react to everything he does being acknowledged so easily.
When things go wrong or you’re just so done with how hard you’re always having to work with no end in sight, Arthur would almost beg you to put your work away, deadlines be damned, and just spend the night with him.
He would disappear for twenty minutes or so and come back dressed as Carnival, and then he would practice his show for you.
Anything to make you smile.
When you’re finally feeling better, he would be there with an arm wrapped around your waist and his head on your shoulder as he watches you work.
Sometimes, you would ask him what sounds better and you would read out variations of the same sentence. 
He would really think them over and then he would hum and say, “the first one” or, “no, how about ______?” 
Sometimes, his suggestions are better than yours and you’d reward him with a kiss. 
Through you, Arthur gets a taste of what real education would be like.
Either way, he is always so proud of you and all he wants is what is best for you. By completing a PhD, you’re almost guaranteed to have a better future than any he could give you, but you stay and Arthur will never fully understand why. He won’t question it, though.
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While he would be less supportive than Arthur, he would still be so proud of you. The GIF above is a pretty good estimation of the huge smile he would have every time you complete an assignment or become closer to achieving your goal of being a professor.
He would show it in strange ways, though. Where Arthur would supply you with coffee in a steady stream, Joker would make sure that you have space to actually work. 
Sometimes he would disappear for hours on end under the pretence that he’s giving you alone time to study; but actually, he just wants to cause another riot because why not?
He would still want to read everything you wrote, even the very first drafts; wanting a glimpse into your rawest, most unfiltered thought and work processes.
It’s a way of getting to know you. Hell, he thinks you should have just submitted the first draft, you completed the assignment so what more is needed? But, he knows the world doesn’t work the way he does and so he lets you alone with it.
Joker is very good at spotting continuity errors, for some reason. “Hey, this part doesn’t make sense. You already said that here. How ‘bout you say ______ instead?” Arthur never had the confidence or even the mindset to spot tiny errors, but Joker does; he’s the King of Gotham and he knows it.
A dramatic groan from the front door. “Are you still working on that?” Joker would saunter over and pluck the essay from the table, literally tossing it to the side as he slumps down next to you, taking up all the space in your lap. He may as well have said, “Just pay attention to me instead.”
Oh, who are you kidding? That is what he’s saying. He would become jealous of your work because Joker feels that he deserves your attention more.
What kind of future can a PhD supply that he can’t? He has money, stolen though it is. He has plans, contingency plans. He has supporters all over Gotham. 
He’s not above using his connections to get you your goal without you having to complete a PhD, either, and he’d tell you as such.
“Joker, no!” You would grin and Joker would shrug, like it was a joke… You both know it wasn’t and the offer will remain there for as long as you’re still studying.
When things go wrong and you know you need a break but you’re making yourself work because there’s no time to stop and cry, and you have tears on your face but still you’re working, Joker would resemble Arthur in these moments as his worry and love for you breaks through any arrogance, any self-loathing he feels over the parts of him which remind both of you of the man he used to be.
“All right, that’s enough,” He would pick up your work, making sure to pick it up in the same order you laid it out so that there’s one less thing for you to do later, and he’d stuff it in the kitchen cupboard or set it down behind the TV… he’d just get it out of your way.
With your work out of the way, Joker would then stalk over to you and either toss  you over his shoulder and turn his back to you with a non-verbal instruction to get on his back, and he’d walk you to the sofa.
Cuddles would be your punishment and your reward in this instance. You would be pinned to his lap so that you can’t get up and get back to your work, but also because he feels you deserve a reward for all your hard work.
“Why do you do this to yourself?” There was true frustration in his voice. He wasn’t angry at you, but the way that you weren’t taking care of yourself.
“I have no choice,” You would sigh, “I signed up for this. I want this so badly.” Joker would use this to get you talking about your hopes and dreams for the future, wondering if he has a place in this successful future, too.
You would notice him tense up and you would take his face in your hands and press a kiss to his forehead. “There’s no vision of my future that doesn’t have you in it, so please don’t worry. I love you.” His answering smile is such that you know you said the right thing. He may not say it, but he worries for you and your future and he’d do anything to help you achieve your goals. And I mean anything.
The Arthur Fleck/Joker Defense Squad @writings-of-a-gen-z                      @x-avantgarde-x       @insomniabird      @mavalenovaninagavi     @itwasrealenough     @morrisonmercurymalek     @rand0ms-fand0ms     @rafaelina-casillas     @aclownthing       @vivft                                          @help-i-am-obssessed      @autumnaffection       @taintednihilist   @vladtoly   @mg-woolf99      @misstgrey92    @dopey-girl-blogs         @seeking-dreamland      @sweetheart-syndrome      @heartxfdesire     @xmusichealsthesoulx       @0callmejude0      @the-one-that-likes-riddles        @hannibalsslut       @folliaght            @freeeshavacadoo         @bingewatchingmylifegoby       @unlovedbyeveryoneandeverything  @okamiredfoxx       @sp0okysp0oky  @the-pandorabox      @mardema  @jibanyyan        @honeyflvredcoughdrop         @emissarydecksetter  @jokerfleckk         @epidendroideae         @chuuntas          @stillmabel       @pumpkinpeyes       @onehystericalqueenposts          @the-jokers-wolf       @nalsswa  @justahyena       @arianatheangelworld  @soullessblondbitch  @gothamslittlejester  @twentyonestarrynights  @sirianfromsixties  @kissmeclownman    @joker-is-my-hero  @lazyloosah  @lovesickkloxx  @ladylovelyluna      @live-love-loki  @clownerybbxx   @tragicarthur    @anmach123      @rommie-chan      @arthurflock     @lucyboytom              @anti-peach       @immortal-bi-bitch    @hearthurfleck      @crazieroutthere      @curlystark     @hailmary-yramliah    @sagyunaro     @playinthedarktillitsgoldenagain     @jokeringcutio      @xenthefox   @mijachula @stcrrynightsinneverlcnd      @cheyennejonas22    @mrjfleck      @pauli1100     @smitten-susie    @actualkey     @callmejokerfleck   @jaylovesbats    @itsforyoubitch      @ridiculousnerd     @killerprotector3579       @soulsdontbreaktheybeeend     @fantasticwinnerclodexpert                  @arthurs-sweater      @pinkie44pie    @tsukiakarinobara      @prettyxlittlexpsychoxprincess   @elodia-gahan   @yours-mia    @rustyt33th     @parkdonghoons      @lady-carnivals-stuff      @hobi-hobi-kyo-kkyu      @jupiturde        @incognitofish      @j-sux      @nothing-but-a-comedy     ��@tahliamalfoydepp     @sgtsavoytruffle      @smol-nari
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dornishsphinx · 6 years
@verecunda tagged me in this a while back, and it completely slipped my mind until I saw it half-done in my notes, oops—sorry it took so long! Also, this got wordier than intended, probably because that always happens when I’m avoiding doing actual work. Oh well.
If any of you feel like ranting about your fave female characters, here’s an excuse to do so--though no pressure, of course. Tagging @zonesthesia, @bioticplaneswalker, @joyseeker6, @moonhairedgirl, @yousef-the-uber-driver, @northernpansy, @tresjoly, @xxchimericalxx, @arthoure, @mrmissmrsrandom, @gascon-en-exil, @amorremanet and anyone else reading this who feels like it!
Rules:  Rules: Write your ten favourite female characters from ten different fandoms and tag ten different people.
1. Fire Emblem—Sonya
This ended up being a close tie between Sonya and Jill, but I gave this one to Sonya since I’ve actually finished her game. Sonya is amazing. A non-lord character with a connection to the villains always brings them up a notch in my estimation and it’s a damn shame she never got more than one boss conversation with her father—and none with her sisters! Her ending was initially aggravating, but I like to go with the common theory that since Duma is no longer around, talk of her becoming a witch was just hearsay. Her support with Genny is brilliant. She manages to be confident and alluring without turning into a caricature, unlike certain other unfortunate characters throughout the—mostly recent—games. And since she’s from a less popular game, she’s hardly as likely to get completely flanderised in spinoffs. Why on Earth would you ever pick Deen?
Honourable mentions: Celica (FE2/15), Lyn (FE7), Jill Fizzart (FE9/10). This isn’t counting games I’ve not actively played, though there are certain FE4 and FE10 characters who might have ended up in the mentions if I had, given what I know about them.
2. Persona—Yukino Mayuzumi
I actually wasn’t expecting to put Yukino here when I was first trying to figure out who my favourite female character from Persona was. I knew it would likely be a P2 character, since that is my favourite game in the series thus far, but then I realised how much I’ve been missing Yukino in particular while playing Eternal Punishment. The Empress arcana really does fit her: she’s a combination of tough-as-nails and motherly, and a cool older figure for the team to look up to. I especially love how she transfers the chance Saeko gave her to reform during her yankī days to Anna, years later. And that’s not even going into the revelations from her Shadow: she’s torn between two career paths, not feeling good enough to achieve either. And she gives up her Persona for Jun! That takes some serious selflessness.
Honourable mentions: Maki Sonomura (P1/2), Maya Amano (P2), Naoto Shirogane (P4), Labrys (Arena)
3. Ace Attorney—Ema Skye
This came closer than any other entry on the list, both Mia and Franziska initially taking this spot before I eventually settled on Ema. She was an interesting enough character as a kid, her peppiness and the science-obsession gimmick quickly giving way to a more complex characterisation, especially once her full involvement in SL-9 was revealed. However, the science-gimmick paid off wonderfully in AJ:AA when we see how she’s transformed into a jaded, bitter detective, her dreams of becoming a scientist crushed because she didn’t pass the exams she needed to get a career in forensics. When SOJ rolled around and she’d actually managed to get into the field, it felt earned, way more than if we’d met her SOJ self in AJ:AA.
Honourable mentions: Franziska von Karma, Mia Fey
4. Zero Escape—Lotus
Of all the characters who didn’t make it into the sequels which followed on from the original game, Lotus—along with Santa, who I’ll admit has more story-based reasons to return—is the one I miss most. She loves her daughters, fiercely enough to relentlessly investigate their kidnapping by herself for years when the police were of no use, and on top of all that, she’s a genius programmer. The moment I actively started loving Lotus was when she, clearly scared but putting on a brave face, volunteered to go in the electric chair in the torture chamber. It made you realise she genuinely is utilitarian, rather than just being out for her own survival; she’s clearly self-interested, but not completely selfish. I’m just gonna quote Uchikoshi himself: “She may seem selfish and cold, but she’s actually the most rational and sensible out of all of them. She has the intellectual ability to make very logical decisions.” She’s just the best.
Honourable mentions: Akane Kurashiki, Diana
5. Avatar—Azula
I know there are people who follow me still watching Avatar, so I’ll try and keep this as spoiler-free as I can in case they end up skimming some of this accidentally. (Though I’d definitely not recommend anyone who wants to remain completely unspoiled reads this entry on the list.)
But anyway—“Do the tides command this ship?”
The Fire Nation royal family just provides all the best characters in the series. Zuko is definitely my male fave, while his sister takes the female spot. Source of both the vast majority of best lines in the show, as well as the most Machiavellian of villainy, Azula is just awesome to watch in action, whether it be in the political, martial or personal sphere. The odd dynamic she has with Zuko is my favourite in the series, managing to be outright antagonistic, while at some moments offering the glimmer of a genuine, if warped almost beyond recognition, sibling bond. There are even more poignant moments where we’re reminded of her actual age and how her family circumstances have shaped her into what she is. She’s a complex villain, one of the best this, or any other series, has to offer.
Honourable mentions: Kuvira, Katara, Toph Beifong
6. A Song of Ice and Fire—Sarella Sand
Okay, if we’re doing a female character list, I kinda have to give the original Dornish Sphinx herself a spot on the list. Not much page space has been devoted to her as of the current date, considering our only consistent POV character in Oldtown just arrived. I’m looking forward to what she and Archmaester Marwyn get up to once GRRM finishes TWOW. The least war-hungry of the Sand Snakes, she’s not even been introduced on page as herself yet. Instead, we know her as “Alleras”, a pleasant young Dornishman of sharp intellect studying at the Citadel. 
Honourable mentions: Asha Greyjoy, Sansa Stark, Arianne Martell
7. DCU—Selina Kyle
Is there any Bat-work, canon or fanon, that isn’t instantly made a dozen times better by Selina swooping in? (Okay, there are a couple of duds, but usually she’s a delightful presence.) One of DC’s best anti-hero/anti-villains. 
Honourable mentions: Renée Montoya, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown
8. Danganronpa—Kyōko Kirigiri
The original Ultimate Detective herself. Cool, poised and collected, she certainly makes for a more convincing detective character than certain other later characters from the series, though Shuichi does try his best. 
Honourable mentions: Kaede Akamatsu, Junko Enoshima, Chiaki Nanami
9. Doctor Who—Martha Jones
I’m scraping the barrel a little for fandoms, considering I don’t even watch the show anymore, but Martha is my favourite of all companions. I never wanted her to get with the Doctor, of course, but I appreciated how her unrequited feelings for him didn’t swallow up her entire character. She’s courageous, smart and leaves the TARDIS on her own accord, which is refreshing.
10. Arthuriana—Morgan le Fay
This is a tricky one, since Arthuriana is more a literary tradition than a fandom per se. The characters which belong to it don’t technically ever stick to one characterisation, personality or role—everyone has their own interpretation, or even several different ones. That said—yes, my favourite is Morgan, how original of me, I know. Viviane runs her competition, but since she’s all over the place—quite literally, becoming or amalgamating several different characters at once—Morgan wins. There’s a reason she’s overused in modern adaptions, though, and it’s because she’s amazing. I mean, she even got a geographical phenomenon named after her and in some traditions, she lives in a goddamn volcano. She’s at her best as Queen of Rheged, though, casually trying to murder her husband, or Guinevere, or teaching a lesson to whichever knight of the week volunteers for her obvious trap. Just never mention that modern book she’s most known for around me unless you want me to angry-cry. Also, she’s not Morgause. Let Morgause be her own character, modern media, please.
Honourable mentions: Viviane, Lynette, Ragnell
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douxreviews · 5 years
Arrow - ‘Spartan’ Review
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“I guess bad news wins this round.”
For once we have an episode where Daddy Issues abound and none of it involves Oliver.
In a show that focuses so intently on familial relationships particularly of the Daddy Issues variety, I was as surprised as Oliver to realize that Diggle had never mentioned his father let alone stepfather before this. It was more surprising to learn that the normally composed Diggle had grown up in such a resentment filled environment.
Diggle grew up believing that General Stewart, played by the estimable Ernie Hudson, was the coward who let his father die and then married the dead man’s wife. To add insult to injury, he then spent the rest of Diggle’s childhood trying to “toughen” both Diggle and Andy up. I may not have lived through survival training but as someone who had a literal Army Drill Instructor for a stepdad, I can attest to both the harshness and the rigidity that must have existed in the Diggle household.
That said, it’s a hard lesson to learn that one’s perspective and reality are not always the same thing. The General was not a monster. He was a man who tried to do right by the family he married into. And he cared so much that he was willing to be the villain so that John and Andy could believe their father was a hero instead of a soldier who made mistakes and got men killed.
Like the present day, the flash forwards revolved around Diggle’s family issues. After weeks of wondering what became of Diggle’s other son, we discover that J.J. has fallen far from the proverbial tree. Connor and J.J. grew up in a military household that put a premium on duty and service. In an act of rebellion, he became the leader of the Deathstroke Gang which, as rebellions go, is about as drastic as you could get. It also feels like history repeating itself. Andy and John reacted to the General in very different ways.  John was determined to prove to him how an honorable soldier should behave, while it seems Andy mastered the fighting and survival skills with none of the morality to balance it out. One can only hope that J.J. escapes his uncle’s fate.
Even Emiko was not immune to the Daddy Issues bug. Dante may not have been a blood relation, but he obviously considered her family. And based on what we’ve seen, his love for her extended to grooming Emiko to take over the Ninth Circle. However, her unwillingness to sever ties with her old life appears to be a continual bone of contention between them. And his attempt to solve the problem backfired while simultaneously achieving his goal. Instead of giving Emiko clarity and purpose, her focus shifted to avenging her mother’s murder. Oliver’s Hail Mary to save Emiko gave her that opportunity. Vengeance achieved, Emiko now seems more committed to the Ninth Circle than ever. Too bad Dante won’t be around to see it.
The one possible exception to our Daddy Issues theme is Felicity. She wants a life outside of the vigilante shadows and she thought the Archer program would help her get there. Yet when her invention is stolen and used for nefarious purposes, she wonders if she has become her father. The answer is a resounding no since she was willing to destroy her creation then risk the possibility of it being used for evil. Just for the record, how does someone as intelligent as Felicity not realize how dangerous a program like Archer could be until after the Ninth Circle got their hands on it?
And on a side note. Just when I thought my distrust of Alena was misplaced, she proves me right. She may be well-intentioned but is there any doubt that Alena is responsible for Eden Corps/Galaxy One’s eventual possession of the Archer program?
Which brings us to whatever Galaxy One’s current plan is. Despite his ability to decimate the Canaries, I was a little shocked at how easily Galaxy One’s terminator was defeated in last week’s episode. Learning he was just one of hundreds brought the threat level back up to “Oh God, oh God, we’re all going to die!” parameters. Especially since there aren’t many Canaries left and Team Arrow is not what it once was. I imagine the newly hidden explosives will play a major role in Galaxy One’s ultimate demise but at what cost?
While it makes for great storytelling, every journey into the future is another reminder of Team Arrow’s failure to make Star City a better place. J.J. is a gang leader while Mia and Connor swap stories about their messed up childhoods. The Archer program has made The Glades a police state and Star City a dystopian horror show. It certainly lends credence to the Mayor’s argument that Oliver’s return to Star City made things worse and not better.
I know I’ve spent a lot of time on character rather than plot but I must admit I was particularly impressed with how tightly written this was. It succeeded in furthering the season-long arcs both in the present and future while focusing on the development of multiple characters in the context of a singular theme. It may not have been a perfect episode (I’ll always have nits to pick) but it is certainly one of the most well-crafted episodes Arrow has produced in a while.
4 out of 5 power units
Parting Thoughts:
Oliver and Emiko’s fight was particularly brutal. And either Stephen Amell has upped his hand to hand skills or he’s grown a lot less precious about his stunt double performing.
Dr. Will Magnus is straight out of the comics. And really is the world’s foremost authority on robotic engineering.
Deathstroke territory? Did Slade go bad again? Or was J.J. just trying to piss Dad and Uncle Oliver off?
Also, Mia talked about the awkwardness of Diggle family dinners in the present tense. Does that mean John and Lyla are still around?
Structurally, I understand why Rene and Oliver haven’t talked about Emiko but considering that she means the most to the two of them, it is surprising.
Does Oliver keep “Classified” folders just lying around?
Felicity: “Well, I’ve hacked enough government servers in my day to know that this is the Department of Defense. Not that I do that anymore, because I work with the SCPD.”
Stewart: “Now where are you? Working with the cops? Playing vigilante? That’s no career. That’s a dead end. No offense.”
Mia: “OK, Public Enemy Number One, sit tight.”
Virgil: “Pistol beats keyboard, Darling.”
Felicity: “You must be General Stewart, AKA the stepfather that John hasn’t told his closest friends about."
Connor: “Are you ever going to let me off the hook?” Mia: “Doubtful.”
Mia: “John Diggle has one son in Knightwatch and another who’s leader of the Deathstroke Gang. That must make family dinners interesting.”
Oliver: “I’d imagine his files are really, really classified.” Felicity: “'Really, really classified' sounds really, really fun. I’m on it.”
Stewart: “I wanted you to be prepared. And it paid off. Look at you now.” Diggle: “Really? We’re captured and probably going to die in here.”
Diggle: “Go to hell.” Dante: “Hold that thought.”
Stewart: “You all right, John?” Diggle: “Why did you give him the code?” Stewart: “A thank you would be good enough.”
Alena: “It’s like we’re tracking the DNA of a DNA tracker. This is so meta.”
Felicity: “Oh my God. Oh my God. I am my dad."
Connor: “I guess there are perks to having a gang leader black sheep brother.”
Stewart: “John” Diggle: “Yes, sir.” Stewart: “Call your mother.”
Shari loves sci-fi, fantasy, supernatural, and anything with a cape.
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ponticle · 7 years
Week Nine [11 Weeks - Anderstair Challenge]
[read it on Ao3]
Chapter Summary:  Merrill turns up unexpectedly. Anders is instrumental in what happens next
“The way you flirt is shameful,” Alistair laughs.
I smirk. “I’m just trying to get Dorian to like me—I’m meeting him where he lives.”
“I heard that,” yells Dorian from the other room. I can see his shadow in the background behind Alistair’s head.
We snicker together like children.
“...and I don’t like you at all,” adds Dorian.
“He doesn’t mean that,” says Alistair. “If anything, that means he loves you—I’ve heard him say it to Cullen a million times.”
“I heard that too!” yells Dorian.
“God… your hearing is bionic!” Alistair shouts back.
In the week since our brunch together, I’ve committed myself to being friends with Dorian. I’m going to try to be Cullen’s friend too, but I think that might be more of a challenge. If I can just tolerate him, that will be a win.
“So… what are you three doing tonight?” I ask.
“Three?” he laughs. “There are four of us here… Mia was the guest of honor at our dinner party this evening.”
I laugh.
“How old is she again?” I ask.
“She’s like 2?” He doesn’t sound sure.
“When we have kids, I hope you keep track of their ages better…” I blurt.
The expression that washes over his face is halfway between elation and horror. That’s sort of how I feel about kids too.
“Do you think about that a lot?” he asks. He’s speaking really quietly now. I wonder if he’s afraid Dorian is still listening.
I nod. “I do, actually.”
“Me too…”
We smile. Although facetime isn’t a perfect approximation of what he looks like, I can see how adorably happy he is—that’s good enough for me.
“Anyway… I better get going… I need to check in with the gang—they’re at the Hanged Man waiting for me.”
Alistair grimaces.
“Is Hawke going to be there?” he asks.
I bite my bottom lip. “Yeah… he is.”
“Love… he apologized, you know… he didn’t mean for things to go that way…”
“It doesn’t matter,” Alistair argues. “It means he has that lurking inside, somewhere deep.”
“No it doesn’t. He was just drunk and confused.” I don’t really believe it, though. When I think about that night, I know something wasn’t right. I’m just not sure what. In fact, I’m not sure how much of it was me. That’s the really scary part.
“Fine… just… call me when you get home, okay?” he asks.
I raise an eyebrow. I’m not about to let him make me feel guilty about hanging out with my friends.
“Okay… that was stupid and possessive,” he amends. “Just call me because you love me and because you miss me… not because you have to.”
“Sounds good. Bye, Love.” I hang up.
When I get to the Hanged Man, I’m met by someone I don’t expect. Merrill is waiting for me outside. She’s hiding in the shadows, arms wound around her waist. She’s so thin that she could probably make a complete circle with her forearms. I know she’s always been thin, but in this scenario, she seems skeletal—it scares me.
“Hi, Andy,” she says. Her voice is high and pinched.
“Hi…” I rush up to her and put my hands on her shoulders. “How are you?”
She starts to smile, but it’s forced. She eventually settles on a shrug.
“When did you get back?” I ask.
“Just this morning,” she answers. “I thought about going to the house straight away, but I kept stopping myself…”
I nod, but I actually don’t know what she means. I haven’t heard any of this from her side, after all. It gives me an idea.
“Hey, Merrill… let’s not go in there…”
She squints at me.
“...not yet. Let’s go have dinner at that Chinese place around the corner and try to sort through this… before…”
She nods. “Okay, let’s go.”
We don’t say anything else until we’re seated with piping hot cups of tea in our hands. She inhales the steam and sighs with effort. It looks like every breath hurts her. I remember that feeling—possibly even more clearly than I remember the things Hawke has been going through.
“So… start at the beginning,” I prompt.
She clears her throat and looks up at me through her eyelashes. Her eyes are ridiculously big—were they always like that?
“I have been unhappy for a long time,” she begins.
“Really?” I blurt. I don’t mean for it to come out like an accusation, but it sort of sounds like one. I’m just really surprised. I never saw any signs.
“Yeah… I need to do more and less,” she says.
She laughs bitterly. “That doesn’t make any sense… let me begin again: I want to do more with my life. I’m not happy teaching anymore. I want to work for some kind of a foundation or nonprofit organization.”
“Oh… that sounds wonderful,” I interrupt. “What kind of a nonprofit?”
She smiles. “Something for LGBT youth, maybe… or homeless children… maybe the intersection of those two groups…”
I nod. “Sorry to interrupt.”
She shakes her head and swallows. “It’s okay. So anyway… I’ve been thinking about that lately… and I want to do something big like that…”
I nod.
“...and I tried to tell Garrett that…” she pauses, “And he says it’s great—that he thinks I’d be great at that—but he hasn’t done anything to help me achieve that idea… I mean… it isn’t as if I’ve asked for much: just a little support; maybe some name-dropping with some of his mother’s friends…”
I purse my lips. I’m trying to reserve judgement until she’s had a chance to explain the whole thing.
“...but he isn’t really behind me. He’s too wrapped up in his own stupid things: taking care of his family business; doing favors for people he barely knows…” she says. “He can’t even keep the house together when I’m not there.”
“But, Merrill… he would never stand in your way—” I start to interrupt.
She shakes her head vehemently. “That’s just it… he won’t stand in my way, but he won’t stand beside me, either.”
I don’t have a good argument for that. Hawke, despite all his great qualities, isn’t much of a trailblazer. I’ve often thought that life just happens to him… I’ve even been instrumental in that; we all have. We make choices that change our collective lives and he rolls with the punches. In some ways, it’s his best quality… just not right now—not when Merrill needs him.
“He isn’t ready, Andy…not for this,” says Merrill sadly. “Maybe he never will be…”
I feel my head shake without my express consent. It hurts to hear her say that—like every relationship in the world is just doomed to irreconcilable differences.
“Don’t, Andy…” She reaches her hand across the table to touch the back of my forearm. “Don’t worry… this doesn’t mean we can’t be friends anymore.”
“So you’ve decided already, then?” I ask.
She nods. “I wasn’t sure until right now…”
The rest of the night passes painfully. As soon as Hawke sees Merrill at the Hanged Man, his whole face lights up, which makes me want to die a little—I know what’s coming. They go back to their place together to sort things out, but I can imagine what happens. I think Isabela can too, once she catches of glimpse of my face. I’m terrible at poker.
“So it’s over?” she asks, once they’re gone.
I shrug, but we both already know. This is the end of an era.
Fenris shows up a few minutes later. He sits between us and kisses Isabela’s head. At least their relationship seems to be functioning.
“How are you, Andy?” asks Fenris. “I haven’t seen you in an age.”
“I’m okay… this whole thing with Merrill was pretty shocking…” I sigh. “But other than that, I’m great. How are you?”
Fenris smiles. “I’m great… I’m about to start construction on a really cool new house…”
He tells me all about it—it’s ultramodern, situated right off the Boston Commons. It’s estimated to cost over five million when it’s done. Who has that much money and why are they spending it on houses?
We all laugh and drink and—for a moment—manage to forget that our two other best friends are having the worst night of their adult lives. Eventually, we have to go home, though, and reality settles back in on the sidewalk.
“Andy?” says Isabela. She wraps her hand around my waist and pulls me into a side hug. “I love you and no matter what happens with them, they’re both going to keep loving you too.”
Fenris nods. It’s the closest he’ll ever come to saying something like that and it means a lot to me. Each one of his gestures has more weight because he uses so few words. Stoicism has its perks, I guess.
“I love you guys, too.”
Back inside my apartment, I look at my phone for the first time all night. The group text has two new additions.
Hawke: We wanted to tell you that we’re not getting back together. Merrill is moving out. Don’t be sad—we’re okay. We want to give each other time to grow and change… and it doesn’t make our relationship mean any less just because it didn’t last. We were really important for each other. Now we’re moving on.
Merrill: I’m going out to San Fran for a while. I hope that all of you will come visit me… and I’m not giving up the group text. I love all of you more than you’ll ever know.
Wow. This is the most mature breakup I’ve ever heard of. Of course, it’s going to hurt—I’m sure they’re already hurting like crazy. But still… they’re thanking each other for the time. They’re moving into the future.
I set my coat on the back of a chair and type.
Anders: I love both of you so much. I’m in awe of how well you’re handling this. Please let me know if there’s any way I can help you.
Merrill: I need help packing…
Isabela: oh… I think I’m going to be out of town… whenever that happens. ;)
Fenris: I’ll be there… I’ll bring Bela too…
I laugh.
Anders: I’ll help Fen wrangle her.
I’m super exhausted, but there’s one more person I need to contact. I get into bed and facetime Alistair.
“Hello?” he croaks. It’s really late; he must have been sleeping.
“Hi? Sorry to wake you.”
He shifts and moves the camera so I can see his face. He looks so sleepy.
“Is everything okay?” he asks. He blinks and manages to seem slightly more alert.
“Yeah… totally…. I just wanted to tell you how much I love you.”
He smiles. “That’s nice.”
“And…” I swallow hard. “Hawke and Merrill broke up—for real.”
His eyes widen. “Wow. really?”
“Yeah… but it wasn’t bad—in fact, I think it might be good… they might need this,” I say. “They became different people and needed to move on.”
He nods. “I’m sorry, though… it’s always hard to see things change.”
I nod. “Yeah, it is.”
He looks at me expectantly. “What else did you want to say?”
I laugh. “You know me way too well…”
“Come on, tell me.”
“I just want to make sure this doesn’t happen to us. I want us to be solid…” I say.
He shrugs. “I mean… we’ve talked about this before: there are no guarantees…. But I’ll tell you this, Andy… I love you and I think that we are learning to grow and change together.” He pauses for emphasis, “...and that’s the key.”
I nod. “I love you, Alistair… just two weeks left.”
“Yup…” He sighs. “Speaking of which, I think I’m going to be able to sleep there in 13 days… I won’t have all my stuff yet, but I’ll have you and a bed, so…”
“Perfect. I’m going to make a paper chain link countdown.”
He laughs. “Goodnight, Andy.”
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likedbuzz-blog · 7 years
Celebrity IQs That Will Shock You!
Celebrity IQs That Will Shock You!
Never judge a book by its cover because you’ll be surprised by its contents. Celebrities are stereotyped as people who are just all about looks. We often think celebrities give up their education to just make money off their physical skills or talents. But what we don’t know is that some celebrities actually have an IQ which can earn them high-payed corporate jobs! Doesn’t matter if they’re from an Ivy League University or any other academic institution, let’s take a look at the celebrities you can rather refer to as, “Celebrity Geniuses”.
Presidential IQ estimation is based on Dr. Simonton’s study, which measures their intellectual brilliance, personality traits, achievements and openness to experience.
You Won’t Believe How High Their IQ Is!
Click Next And Find Out
Ashton Kutcher at 160
Known for his numerous “dumb” or “not-so-bright” roles, Ashton Kutcher gained popularity when he played Michael Kelso on That 70’s Show. What people didn’t know is that this actor who played so much “foolish” or “stupid” roles, is actually a pretty smart guy! He has an IQ of 160. – We guess it takes a smart guy to be good at acting stupid!
Bill Clinton at 148
IQ score is estimated by American psychologist Dean Simonton
A graduate of the prestigious Yale Law School, Bill Clinton has an IQ of 148. He had a very great political journey that led to him becoming the 42nd President of the United States of America. Hillary Clinton, his wife, recently lost to Donald Trump for the Presidency. If ever his wife won, he would’ve been the first ever “First Gentleman”.
Cindy Crawford at 154
Cindy Crawford is a very well-rounded woman, and we don’t mean it in the physical sense. She was one of the first supermodels in the world, and a very accomplished actress and movie star. On top of that, Cindy proved that she has the brains that come with her beauty; with an IQ of 154 this amazing woman seems to good to be true!
Aisha Tyler at 156
Well known for her role as one of Ross’ and Joey’s girlfriends on the hit show Friends, Aisha Tyler’s is a very smart woman with an IQ of 156. Her career as an actress ever since Friends. She also appeared on shows like The Talk, Whose Line Is It Anyway? and more recently, Criminal Minds.
Conan O’Brien at 160
Being a successful comedian or “funny guy” is not easy. The smarter you are, the more funny jokes you get to make actually. Conan O’ Brien was known for his talk show. But what viewers didn’t know is that he was actually a graduate from the prestigious university, Harvard. He has an IQ of 160 making him a comedic genius.
Alicia Keys at 154
Famous singer, songwriter, and judge on the hit show The Voice, Alicia Keys has an IQ of 154. She is definitely one of the most beautiful women in the world and it is just the icing on top that she has the brains to go with her awesome talent. With her beautiful face, she could’ve stepped into modeling. But no, we’re thankful she chose to serenade us with her loving voice.
Bill Gates at 180
This guy is in known around the world for he is the Co-Founder of Microsoft. Microsoft is a software almost everyone uses on their computers. He is said to be so smart that he is even smarter than a scientist. He has an IQ of 180. His IQ is said to be even higher than Stephen Hawkings who is an expert in science.
Arnold Schwarzenegger at 135
Known for his role in The Terminator, Arnold Schwarzenegger was known for his unique physique. Being a former Mr. Universe, he surely knew how to take care of his body. But looks are not the only thing great about this guy. Schwarzenegger is also a very smart guy. He has an IQ of 135. He also became the Governor of California.
Kesha at 140
At a very young age, Kesha became one of the hottest and most famous recording artists ever. People often judge her bizarre fashion or makeup choices and come up with a conclusion that she’s just all that. But what man people don’t know is that aside from being talented she was also blessed with some intellect. Kesha’s IQ is 140.
Meryl Streep at 143
Meryl Streep is dubbed as the “Best Actress of Her Generation”. Her talents, may it be on stage or on screen, are definitely remarkable. It seems like as she grows older, she just keeps getting better and better. With that being said, we think it’s pretty obvious that she is an intelligent woman. She has an IQ of 143.
Natalie Portman at 140
There are a million reasons why men will go head-over-heels for this girl. Natalie Portman is one of the dreamiest girls to ever share her acting talent with us. From her face down to her toes, she just seems so perfect. But to top it all of, she matches her looks with a bright mind. With her IQ of 140, she is an activist and she can speak 6 languages. – her husband is definitely one lucky guy!
Stephen Hawking at 160
You all may know this guy as that “scientist guy in the wheelchair with a robot voice”. Stephen Hawking is a famous theoretical physicist and we don’t think anyone will doubt his intelligence. With an IQ of 160, he is said to be one of the Greatest Minds of All Time and he has made countless contributions to the field of science.
Asia Carrera at 156
Maybe not everyone knows Asia Carrera, but people who are fond of adult entertainment will surely know this girl. Adult actresses are always labeled as bums or dumb people who result to stooping down to the lowest of lows. But for Asia, that wasn’t the case. She is a very smart girl with an IQ of 156.
Ben Stein at 150
Ben Stein has an IQ of 150. He is an actor most popular for his role in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. He is also a speechwriter for two past American Presidents, Richard Nixon, and Gerald Ford. He is known for writing and speaking about topics involving politics and economics.
Colin Firth at 160
Playing the role of King George VI in 2010’s The King’s Speech gained him notoriety for he was multi-awarded for it. Colin Firth isn’t just any other cutie we see on the big screen. He is a very smart guy with an IQ of 160. He is also known for his roles in Bridget Jones Diary and Kingsman: The Secret Service.
Dolph Lundgren at 160
Dolph Lundgren is a known action star. He was most popular for his fight scene in the movie, Rocki IV. For action movies, it’s a given they’d cast people based on brawn rather than brains. Well Dolph is not just a muscle
You probably know Dolph Lundgren from his fight with Rocky in Rocky IV. He’s an action star, so it’s only natural that he plays roles that prefer muscleheads that prefer brawn over brain, but the surprising thing is that Dolph actually has an IQ of 160. We’re sure that shocked you (as it did us) but Dolph is quite intelligent.
Emma Watson at 138
Emma Watson first enchanted our hearts when she first played Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter Series. Since then, with her awesome acting skills, she’s made a ton of movies. But Emma isn’t just a pretty face with great acting skills; she’s also really intelligent with an IQ of 138. She’s also a speaker for women’s rights.
Garry Kasparov at 190
You have to be quite smart to play chess, what more if you want to actually compete in tournaments. Garry Kasparov was a former “World Chess Champion. We don’t think anyone would doubt his intelligence since he is said to be the greatest chess player of all time. He has a crazy high IQ of 190 which is the highest on this list.
Geena Davis at 140
Geena Davis is known for her roles in movies like Beetle Juice and Stuart Little. When you first look at her all you see is a gorgeous beautiful woman. What is not obvious is that Geena is actually intelligent. She has an IQ of 140. She really redefines the modern woman by showing that having brains makes a woman more attractive.
George H.W. Bush at 130
IQ score is estimated by American psychologist Dean Simonton
Known as the 41st President of the United States of America and the Director of the CIA, George H.W. Bush was said to be very intellectual with an IQ of 130. He is the father of George W. Bush who followed in his footsteps by also becoming president. His son became the 43rd President of the United States of America.
Hillary Clinton at 140
IQ score is estimated by American psychologist Dean Simonton
Hillary Clinton was very smart with an IQ of 140. After all, she studied in the prestigious, Yale Law School. She is the wife of the 42nd President of the United States of America, Bill Clinton. Clinton has been into politics her whole entire life. Just recently, she was so close to becoming the first female president of the United States.
James Franco at 130
This guy does a very good job in convincing his viewers into thinking that he may be as stupid as he is in his movies. James Franco was known for his very foolish and comedic roles. But what surprised us is that he is actually a very smart guy with an IQ of 130. He’s definitely smart enough to not care if people think he’s stupid in real life.
James Woods at 180
Starting out as a broadway star then later becoming a renowned actor, James woods has a very successful career. He has appeared in over 130 films and TV shows. Just when we thought we knew everything about him, turns out that James is actually blessed with great intellect. His IQ of 180 beats the IQ of some notable scientists.
Jodie Foster at 132
Being dubbed as one of the Best Actresses of Her Generation, Jodie Foster had a pretty long and successful career. From being a child model to a teen star, then later on a remarkable actress, she surely deserves the applause. But behind her success, she’s not just all talent and beauty. She is very intelligent with an IQ of 132.
Jordana Brewster at 130
Made popular by her role as Mia Toretto in the hit franchise The Fast and The Furious, Jordana Brewster is one of the hottest women to appear on the big screen. Aside from her killer bikini bod, she also has another attribute to drool on; her keen mind. She has an IQ of 130. Today, she appears on shows such as Lethal Weapon and Secrets and Lies. 
Kate Beckinsale at 160
Known for her very action-packed role in the Underworld movies, Kate Beckinsale is definitely a man’s dream come true. She is like a complete package and is very well rounded with an IQ of 160, which is actually one of the highest IQs on this list. – Would you be willing to get bitten by this gorgeous vampire?
Ken Jeong at 130
This man definitely knows how to make all of us laugh since he is one of the funniest comedians today. Ken Jeong or also known as Mr. Chow in the Hangover films, is not just all for gags. What will take us by surprise is the fact that he is actually a licensed physician with an IQ of 130. – we wonder, how do his patients take him seriously?
Kevin Spacey at 137
Kevin Spacey, throughout his career, has achieved countless things. He is said to be very smart and has an IQ of 137. With that being said, we guess you can say it’s easier for him to achieve a lot of things. From winning countless awards to venturing out into becoming a director/screenwriter/singer, he definitely knew how to maximize his capabilities.
Lisa Kudrow at 154
Another comedian who will shock us with an unpredictable mental capacity is Lisa Kudrow. This funny actress has a high IQ of 154. Lisa Kudrow is most popularly known for her role as Phoebe Buffay in one of the most legendary sitcoms of all time, Friends. She did a good job playing a typical blonde air head. – bet you guys didn’t expect her to be on this list!
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